Ah hah! I wrote last week (Week 24) that I'd be back on Friday with Week 25, and here we are. Welcome to KoopaTV Fitness Fridays! It's been a bit of a while, so let's recap. I've already beaten the main Adventure Mode... back in April 2020. That unlocked Extra Fitness mode, a pseudo-New Game+/harder difficulty. This repeats the same 23 worlds as Adventure Mode, but it's streamlined and with different dialogue, because you and the antagonists are all friends now. (I'm hoping the different dialogue will make everything worth playing again.) The enemies have all gotten buffed to accommodate that you're carrying over your level, unlocked Fitness Skills, your inventory, and everything else.
Sunday (January 24, 2021) is apparently the 100th day of me playing Ring Fit Adventure's Adventure Mode (the 99th day, again, being in April 2020), which got me the “Consumed by Fitness” Title. Tipp is concerned that I haven't played in a while, so he recommended to lower my difficulty level. I agreed, so now it's gone from 30→28, which means I'll have less repetitions to do on the Fitness Skills. It's time for World 25: Extra Fitness Lv. 182, which is based on World 2: The Land of Night, featured back in Fitness Log Week 1. My own level is 216.
The first level is still Nightcloak Pass, with its swampy terrain you need to knee lift to wade through. The Hoplin generic enemies are one-round-KO pushovers. (Blue) Kennelbell is a scrub, too, though it can only be two-round-KO'd with my strongest Legs Fit Skill (Thigh Press Lv. 3). Still, it can only do a fraction of 1/4 of a heart of damage in retaliation, so nothing in this early game is a threat.
The treasure chest above Nightcloak Pass contained yet another Citrine stone, used for crafting/buying items. The next level is Dashalong Tower, and the first (and only) Hoplin fight there gave a Citrine as a droppable item, so... I'm sure we'll need a bunch of these for the upcoming shops. As a reminder, I only have 33% of the fashion catalogue filled out, meaning there is 2/3 of that still locked, to be more complete in this playthrough.
There's my first Game Gym of the Extra Fitness playthrough: Robo-Wrecker (Novice). Getting an A rank or higher will net me the Royal Green Smoothie recipe, which isn't what the original reward was. The original minimum reward rank was also B rank or higher. Still trivial to achieve. I got the recipe, and the Royal Green Smoothie is brand new. 2 Chard + 2 Basil + 2 Ashitaba = 12 hearts of recovery, and your Fit Skills get recharged, AND negative status effects are cancelled. That's an all-around beneficial clerical drink, and it's a very marginal improvement over the endgame-quality Green Basil Smoothie. ...And it's also way more recovery than what I'll need in this world, and probably most (or all) subsequent worlds.
I'm noticing that there's only two levels left in World 25: Extra Fitness Lv. 182, so... I guess I gotta space this out to be a week's worth of content? How will I do that? Keep reading to find out...