It is time to put recess aside and get to real fitness action in this week's Ring Fit Adventure-themed KoopaTV Fitness Friday. And, hey, when this is published, I can put 2021 aside, too. ...Mostly. We'll have some Game of THAT Year 2021 nominations and awards going on, so be sure to stick around the site next week. (And every week afterwards for the foreseeable future.)
Anyway, on Sunday we're back as usual—except for those weeks I took off because I'm in hip pain, which I still have troubling remnants of—to a new world, being World 57: Fitness Master Lv. 323. That's a sizable increase from last world's 316. This world is based on World 34: Extra Fitness Lv. 217, where I made my log themed around Fire Emblem: Three Houses because three of the Four Masters appear in the world and want you to choose among them—Allegra, Armando, and Abdonis. Of course, you don't actually get to make that choice, because this game isn't structured like that. As for how World 57 actually starts, it's just Ring saying variety is the spice of life and if I feel like I'm plateauing, then I should switch up my favourite Fit Skills. Gee, thanks, Ring. Unfortunately, there are a lot of Fit Skills (exercises) that I'm actively avoiding because they would greatly strain my left hip, like Warrior III Pose and many Fit Skills that require you to lay on the floor and do things with your legs, such as Boat Pose, Knee-to-Chest, and Leg Scissors.
That's relevant because the first level is Rumbling Road, which definitely wanted me to bring those kinds of Yoga Fit Skills with its green enemy composition. And I'd love to, but I'm just not able to now with my physical ailment. Of course, in this game's combat, you can do whatever you want, really. It just might take an extra turn, or you might have to drink a smoothie, but maybe I shouldn't hoard those anyway. As for the level design, it's full of spiked logs to manoeuvre around. An enemy group at the end gave me a Citrine stone, and I thought we were so over those, though I'm happy to sell them. A Treasure Chest had one Dragon Fruit. Before reaching Town to sell my Citrine and buy things, I cleared the Dreadmill (Advanced) Game Gym for another 500 coin reward—wearing the Sunset Runner outfit to make jogging easier, because otherwise I can't run in real life. I got a perfect score (7500 points), because I exploited a trick where if you're jumping on the Dreadmill, you stay at the same X-coordinate and aren't being moved backwards. That saves effort on your legs that would otherwise need to jog in place to maintain the same position.
Not being able to run in real life also posed a problem for the next level, Sunset Road. It might sound like based on that name that most of the level would just be running (and despite the name and that assumption, I didn't wear the Sunset Runner again). ...And while that's true, there is also the one-minute Slinkbug segment, where you need to hold a Tree Pose for 60 seconds (on difficulty level 30, which I'm on) to cause Slinkbugs to scatter. It's a good thing that had me stand on my right leg, because I'm not able to stand on just my left leg for 60 seconds. Can't put all that weight on it! Sunset Road also has an unprecedented (or very rare) THREE enemy waves, when the vast majority of levels only have two. But the third group was not anything special... just a Yellow Megaphauna and a Belldog.