Today we get to sit in on an approximately 28-minute presentation delivered by The Pokémon Company!
The Pokémon Company's Chief Operating Officer, Takato Utsunomiya (where's Ishihara?!) gave us a presentation covering mobile crap first, and then important updates on Pokémon Shining Pearl, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, and Pokémon Legends: Arceus. We last got real updates on those when they were revealed in a Pokémon Presents from half a year ago. Now I'm enthusiastically back to live-react, and to try to pushback on my Sinnoh enthusiasm, HeavyLobster is here too. Follow along with our live reactions:
[8:47 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdja9m4YlT4
[8:47 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: 12 minutes!
[8:57 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: 10 minutes later...
[8:59 AM] HeavyLobster: I'm here.
[8:59 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But is Pokémon here?
[9:00 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're late already.
[9:00 AM] HeavyLobster: I have Jigglypuff with me.
[9:00 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Late by over 30 seconds.
[9:00 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now they have a countdown thing with a"2"
[9:00 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But it's just "2" and not actually a countdown.
[9:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now a 60-second countdown.
[9:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Does this go into the 28 minutes?
[9:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or is it fake countdown + 28 minutes?
[9:02 AM] HeavyLobster: Can't wait for everyone to complain.
[9:02 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...I can wait for that.
[9:02 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[9:02 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Nevermind, I'll complain.
[9:03 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're starting with Pokémon UNITE.
[9:03 AM] HeavyLobster: China spyware alert.
[9:04 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We hope you'll all pre-register [with a goal of 5,000,000] and look forward to the mobile release [on September 21]"
[9:04 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're adding Mamoswine and Sylveon... uh...
[9:04 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "I'd like to share some news about a few of our other games."
[9:05 AM] HeavyLobster: Yay, Pokemon Cafe Mix.
[9:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Including Pokémon Cafe Mix, now being called Pokémon Cafe Remix because it's being revamped because no one cared about it the first time?
[9:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With new dress-up options.
[9:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The character designs are actually enjoyable.
[9:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Nothing about the game itself is.
[9:05 AM] HeavyLobster: I still don't care about it.
[9:06 AM] HeavyLobster: Pokemon Master SEX
[9:06 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And...uh... they're spoiling the plot of Pokémon Sword/Shield with Pokémon Masters EX with a two-year anniversary event thing.
[9:06 AM] HeavyLobster: What plot?
[9:06 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So we've had three mobile crap in a row. ...I dunno.
[9:07 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Pokémon GO with Galar Wooloo falling out of portals.
[9:07 AM] HeavyLobster: This is what the Pokemon franchise has become.
[9:07 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Those portals are caused by Hoopa.
[9:08 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (From what I've seen, a lot of people are angry about Niantic.)
[9:08 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: OKAY, TIME FOR THE REAL PART.
[9:08 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Wholesome Piplup, Turtwig, and Chimchar.
[9:08 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And Nintendo Switch snap.
[9:08 AM] HeavyLobster: Other Nintendo franchises use mobileshit to advertise their console entries, Pokemon uses console entries to advertise mobileshit.
[9:09 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Why is this trailer zooming in weirdly to Rowan's character model/dialogue?
[9:09 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They got Pokémon following you.
[9:09 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WHY DO THEY KEEP ZOOMING IN
[9:10 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: YAY Stickers are back on Poké Balls.
[9:10 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: AND brand-new character model clothing stores.
[9:10 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Which WASN'T in the original.
[9:10 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The Underground base-building and mining minigames are back.
[9:10 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WAIT WOT
[9:11 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Team Galactic" segment.
I was really waiting for Team Galactic Commander Mars to make an appearance, but she didn't. Just Team Galactic Grunts and Cyrus, and they look exactly the same as they should. |
[9:11 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With new music?
[9:12 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, that's not... 100% faithful.
[9:12 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Hm.
[9:12 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Trailer over, now they're called "revitalised"
[9:13 AM] HeavyLobster: How much is actually new?
[9:13 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well they're about to talk about that, probably.
[9:13 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh, yeah, I guess Barry isn't named Barry in-game but "your rival".
[9:14 AM] HeavyLobster: We all know who Cynthia is, Gamefreak.
[9:14 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Pokémon Hideaways is wot they call the Underground Pokémon areas.
[9:14 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Some Pokémon, like Houndoom, can only be found there.
[9:15 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Depending on your secret base.
[9:15 AM] HeavyLobster: That's something I guess.
[9:15 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Super Contests return. ^.^
[9:15 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And with much revamped graphics.
[9:16 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Union Room has both local and online communication.
[9:16 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "You can walk around with any of the Pokémon" you own.
[9:16 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Which is new for Sinnoh.
[9:16 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "But that's not all."
[9:17 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're selling a Nintendo Switch Lite with Dialga and Palkia in November.
[9:17 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (I forgot Nintendo Switch Lite existed.)
[9:17 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NEXT: Pokémon Legends Arceus.
[9:18 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Vast empty plains with some Pokémon walking.
[9:19 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now some humans walking.
[9:19 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And... a Growlithe that doesn't look like Growlithe.
Perhaps in Hisui there aren't Pokémon barbers to help Growlithe out. How can he see? |
[9:19 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: 'cause I guess it has very shaggy hair.
[9:19 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Uh...
[9:19 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: A very shaggy Stantler.
[9:19 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: A bulky Basculin.
[9:20 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: A Braviary that helps you fly that also looks different.
[9:20 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WHOA
[9:20 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're showing you being mauled by an Ursaring.
[9:21 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Like, Pokémon actually wrecking humans up.
[9:21 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Still available January 28, 2022.
[9:22 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Trailer is over and now some narration to explain wot we just saw.
[9:22 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "The Hisui Region"
[9:22 AM] HeavyLobster: It actually kind of looks fun.
[9:22 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: yo that ain't "Sinnoh"
[9:22 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But still has Mt. Coronet.
[9:22 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (They just showed an explicitly female Heracross.)
[9:23 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: There's a Jubilife Village and the Galaxy Expedition Team (with a suspiciously similar logo to Team Galactic and a proto-Cyrus).
[9:23 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Captain Cyllene" PROTO-CYRUS IS A WOMAN
[9:23 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I guess he has to have a mom.
[9:24 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The expedition team does surveys where they catch Pokémon outside of the village, where you prepare at a base camp or craft new ones.
[9:24 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...so wot is this Monster Hunter?
[9:24 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: When Pokémon attack you, you'll black out after enough.
[9:24 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Requests from villagers include investigating if Wurmple can evolve.
[9:25 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Pokémon species react differently. Some are docile and some are aggressive and they have different patterns, so it's trying to be Monster Hunter.
[9:25 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Though it's still turn-based.
[9:26 AM] HeavyLobster: They're at least trying to make things interesting.
[9:26 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: You can have different styles based on Strong (OHKOs) and Agile for different strategies.
[9:26 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The proto-Pokédex wants you to complete missions per investigating individual Pokémon.
[9:26 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Wyrdeer" ISN'T STANTLER
I actually thought this was, like, some kind of Arceus child at first. But it's Wyrdeer. |
[9:27 AM] HeavyLobster: Stantler needed some love.
[9:27 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Basculegion" is evolved form of Basculin who are powered up with the restless souls of departed Basculin in the stream.
[9:27 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Hisuian Braviary.
[9:27 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And Hisuian Growlithe.
[9:28 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Seems to have Rock attacks.
[9:28 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: OKAY SO it's not an "open world" game.
[9:29 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (Which a lot of people have been claiming but that was never supported by anything they ever said)
[9:29 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's Monster Hunter (Stories).
[9:29 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Apparently Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, and somehow Legends Arceus are compatible with HOME.
[9:29 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ANNNND "ranked battles" will continue in Sword/Shield.
[9:29 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Shining Pearl, Brilliant Diamond, and Legends Arceus are NOT for competitive play.
[9:29 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And it's over.
[9:29 AM] HeavyLobster: I don't think it really has to be open-world, just more interactive than usual.
[9:30 AM] HeavyLobster: I liked Legends Arceus, don't care about the other crap.
[9:31 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I LOOOOOOOVE Shining Pearl.
[9:31 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ^_^
[9:31 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And I'm interested in Legends Arceus.
[9:32 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Everyone who bullied these is wrong.
[9:32 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: >:(
[9:33 AM] HeavyLobster: I'll still bully BDSP but Arceus is good.
[9:33 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...meaniehead.
Will YOU bully the Sinnoh faithful remakes, or are you happy about them like Ludwig? How about Pokémon Legends: Arceus? Let KoopaTV know in the comments section below!
Ludwig's thoughts after this presentation were actually about Mamoswine and Pokémon UNITE instead of something... more important.
The Team Galactic Commanders basically get their own trailer, and their designs are the same.
Underground confirmed, woo!
ReplyDeleteDistortion World status unclear, but I'm intrigued by BDSP for sure. Although I feel bad getting new Pokemon games when I haven't even bought Sword/Shield or played Ultra Sun/Moon.
Arceus not full open world, yay! Team Galactic connection obviously not a coincidence anymore, interesting!
I'm on board with both right now.
Well, the Underground was always confirmed since it was in the first trailer. Just walkin' around in it without knowing the mechanics, though.
DeleteThe last mainline Pokémon game I've played is regular Sun/Moon and I don't feel bad about it at all, though other Pokémon fans think I'm weird for not buying a Pokémon game for the past five years.
That mining game is the main thing I remember from the Underground. I always wished that would come back in later games.
DeleteI mainly feel bad because I bought one of the Ultras and just ignored it. I kept intending to get Sword/Shield on sale, except... do they go on sale?
No, they don't go on sale.
Delete1. Oh wow, they put in a side-story that you play after the main story! (looks at most pokemon remakes) WHERE HAVE I SEEN THAT BEFORE?
ReplyDelete2.Wow, you can customize the pokeballs! how kind of them to put in a thing you'll barely see in game!
3. wait, the hisui region? didn't the description of the original Legends:Arceus trailer say it was still in sinnoh?
I know that most of these aren't big deals, It's just fun to joke about stuff.
Deletebut they didn't announce an hd remake of pokemon rumble world. 2/10, this franchise is dead
The official site says...
Delete"Your adventure is set in the expansive natural majesty of the Hisui region, in an age long ago when it was rare for people and Pokémon to live in close harmony. In time, this land of Hisui will come to be called Sinnoh—a region you may know well."
Customising the Poké Balls was a very nice feature in the DS games but exclusive to Sinnoh. They were very noticeable in that, so they should be noticeable when transitioning to 3D as well.
ok i guess i'm stupid
Deletehowever, my idea of rumble world hd would be cool, I still really like that game, it would be cool to see that game remade
...I was... addicted to it, so it's better to keep it out.
Deletemaybe they could let you get more poke diamonds for things, or they could make everything buyable using P, since it's far easier to get than diamonds, kinda like how in smash 3ds, you can buy trophies using play coins instead of the game's money.
DeleteWell, they did release a retail version of it on the 3DS later, which Wikipedia says "remove support for in-game purchases, and instead grant the player access to all content from the start. "
DeleteI wish I got that version. I guess my character will just sit there with his hydreigon, groudon, and suicune being broke, which I can't change, because I'm saving my money for a switch oled, and when I get it, I'll just be broke again, and it's just an endless cycle of not having cash.
DeleteThe cycle will end when you can get a job.
DeleteBut then you'll start a new cycle of not having the time to play the games you now have the money to buy.