For a business nerd like I am, this is an exciting time to be had. Yesterday on April 27, 2017, Nintendo released their Fiscal Year 2017 information! (That's the beginning of April 2016 to the end of March 2017, to you.) And it has all sorts of hidden goodie information below big headlining numbers. But I guess we need to get those headlines out of the way:
- The Nintendo Switch has sold 2.74 million units
- Nintendo projects to sell 10,000,000 more by the end of March 2018
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sold 2.76 million units on the Switch, while 2.7 million non-Zelda Switch games have also been sold. That means The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has an insane attach rate of over 100%.
- The Nintendo 3DS family sold a combined 7.27 million units
- Nintendo projects to sell 6 million more 3DS family units by the end of March 2018
- The Nintendo 2DS sold 2.49 million, while the New Nintendo 3DS XL sold 4.02 million
- The Nintendo 2DS seems the most popular in Europe/Australia for some reason
- Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, combined, are the #2 best-selling 3DS games ever at 15.44 million units, only behind Pokémon X and Pokémon Y at lifelong 16.11 million. Mario Kart 7 drives in third at a lifelong 15.22 million. (Compare to a few months ago.)
- They announced the New Nintendo 2DS XL, which will get its own KoopaTV article later.
- If you want a Wii U, you might have to get one off the second-hand market.
- Nintendo's operating profit was less than last year (profit relating to business operations), but their net profit was much higher because of that whole Seattle Mariners sale.
Despite that last bullet point, Nintendo beat their own projections. That's always a welcome thing. Clearly, it was advantageous for Nintendo to launch the Switch in March as opposed to arbitrarily delaying it, despite people's claims that the Nintendo Switch launch was somehow “rushed.”
But there's some really interesting numbers regarding said Nintendo Switch launch.