For nearly a decade now, I have been in love with the jazzy remix of Ashley's Song as debuted in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. You don't understand how many times I sat there listening to the one-minute clip of Ashley's Song on the Smash Bros. DOJO!!. (Many times, every day, for... a while.)
Ashley's Song, in its original form, first came out with Ashley's debut as a character in WarioWare: Touched! back in 2005. The song got controversy for sounding like Ashley granted kids a ticket to Hell when played backwards using the in-game turntable. Possibly as a result, Ashley's Song never became a leitmotif for her and has not fully re-appeared in any WarioWare game ever again. However, after being in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it was brought back for Super Smash Bros. For 3DS (as one of only two Wario songs) and Super Smash Bros. For Wii U, though not remixed again (except for... in Japan?).
Ever since a certain Miiverse post I made (and a bit before), Ashley's Song has had a resurgence as music I listen to... continuously. I just HAD to ruin it forever so I would stop listening to it and do other things with my life. So, I had an idea: Why not make Ashley go from a cute girl to... a dude? That was sure to ruin the song for me, since I'm some awful social conservative transphobic bigot. So, here are my results of trying to ruin Ashley's Song: