By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - Just a quick update on the site.
Did you like KoopaTV this March? If you don't, that'd suck. Anyway, as usual, we had great content this month. So great, that I decided to publish this newsletter talking about how great we were a day before you'd expect it.
It was so great, I could not wait.
You were great too. Take a look at the final standings of the one-month-long Round 7 of the KoopaTV Loyalty Rewards Program:
ShinyGirafarig is our GRAND (and only) PRIZE WINNER! You get a $10 Nintendo eShop code! Just... not right away. ...I'm still in Brazil, and those aren't widely available here. Please understand.
Did you like KoopaTV this March? If you don't, that'd suck. Anyway, as usual, we had great content this month. So great, that I decided to publish this newsletter talking about how great we were a day before you'd expect it.
It was so great, I could not wait.
You were great too. Take a look at the final standings of the one-month-long Round 7 of the KoopaTV Loyalty Rewards Program:
- ShinyGirafarig — 57 points
- Samantha Lienhard — 32 points
- Nandin Lopez — 29 points
ShinyGirafarig is our GRAND (and only) PRIZE WINNER! You get a $10 Nintendo eShop code! Just... not right away. ...I'm still in Brazil, and those aren't widely available here. Please understand.
Okay, back to how great we are. Let's check out my top five most recommended articles from March 2016, in chronological order:
- Interactive User Interfaces... Helping You LEARN!
- Paper Mario: The Series' First Trailers
- Nintendo NY's Grand Reopening
- Smash Ain't No Joke — But Little Mac Became One
- The Media's Misreporting of the Wii U's Production Into Next Year
Stay tuned to KoopaTV. Whatever happens tomorrow will surely be awesome, right? Every day is awesome on KoopaTV! (Except Saturdays and Sundays.)
...Ugh, that optimism is making me sick.
While Ludwig is only pretending to be an optimist, if you actually are one, you should share KoopaTV's awesomeness to everyone you know! Spread the greatness.
The optimism wasn't making Ludwig sick, but something else...
Ludwig finally got to escape Brazil and get the eShop code for ShinyGirafarig.
Last month's newsletter is accessible here. It was published on the first of March.
Eventually, Ludwig got better and the rest of April happened. Here is its review newsletter.
For last year's March newsletter, click here.
For next year's March newsletter, click here.