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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Nintendo Treehouse Live E3 2017 Day 2: Splatoon 2 Salmon Run

By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - Man, that 80% difficulty is tough.

We're back! Last night's long Splatoon 2 World Inkling Invitational wasn't enough. This time, Nintendo Treehouse Live and the Squid Research Lab are giving us an opportunity to watch Salmon Run, the team vs. computer cooperative mode.

For some background on Splatoon 2's Salmon Run mode, see the April 12 2017 Nintendo Direct here.

Oh, and of course, follow E3 Weeks 2017 with the Schedule

(3:26:23 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Salmon Run

(3:26:39 PM) ( Is this-- Oh yeah, Splatoon 2.

(3:26:47 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Mr. Scientists"

(3:26:55 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "HI! HI!"

Splatoon 2 Salmon Run lobby menu players ready
This is what the lobby menu looks like.

(3:27:38 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Hired by corporation to fight off salmonid creatures.

(3:28:02 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: There's a time limit.

(3:28:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I guess you're paid for only a limited amount of time.

(3:28:25 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Need to collect golden eggs from boss salmonids.

(3:28:32 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Take it back to egg basket.

(3:28:35 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Quotas.

(3:28:41 PM) (rawkhawk2010) boo time limits

(3:28:50 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Real life has time limits.

(3:29:04 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Two versions

(3:29:05 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Local play

(3:29:07 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: or online play.

(3:29:08 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ooh

(3:29:23 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So online non-fighting mode.

(3:29:37 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Online features timed events.

(3:30:04 PM) (rawkhawk2010) ludwig you can take care of the pics for this

(3:30:05 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Does that mean you can't play it whenever you want or...

(3:30:06 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ya

(3:30:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Grizzco Industries loans you weapons to use.

Splatoon 2 Salmon Run Raspy Voice get me some Golden Eggs
You're commanded by the Raspy Voice.

(3:30:23 PM) (rawkhawk2010) i'll be on the lookout but i kinda feel like all the screens will be...the same.

(3:30:34 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: But offline you can choose

(3:30:43 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "offline which you can play whenever you want"

(3:30:49 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So you can only play online at select times?

(3:30:56 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: infrequently as Splatfest, or...

(3:31:00 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Is this a daily thing?

(3:31:29 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Remember that they're treating the Switch like a portable.

(3:31:45 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: How's that affect this?

(3:31:49 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Meaning you'll only have access to a router at "select times"

(3:32:07 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: aka when you're at home?

(3:32:10 PM) (rawkhawk2010) yes

(3:32:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: After work?

(3:32:17 PM) (rawkhawk2010) yes

(3:32:32 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Does that mean we'll have regional matchmaking instead of worldwide?

(3:32:50 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: wot is that a Wiggler

(3:33:21 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Reggie won't have the pleasure of online capabilities while he's tanning on that barren beach, for example.

(3:33:37 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Unless he uses his phone as a hotspot.

(3:33:41 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: He claims to work 16 hours a day.

(3:33:49 PM) (rawkhawk2010) lol

Splatoon 2 Salmon Run clear screen victory win posing Inklings
Good job, you delinquents had a real day of part-time work!

(3:34:31 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I know someone in New York who says that but eight of those hours is just them keeping their phone on in case someone from work calls them.

(3:34:48 PM) (rawkhawk2010) They treat that as working an additional eight hours.

(3:34:53 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Reggie always considers playing games as work.

(3:35:14 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: But it's also possible he doesn't play games much since he's not very good.

(3:35:17 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Do you treat logs as work?

(3:35:28 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I consider it a hobby.

(3:35:40 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: (that can range from boring to fun)

(3:35:59 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Reggie consideres it a FEATURE!

(3:36:19 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Random events in salmon run like fog.

(3:36:25 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So you should like that.

(3:36:44 PM) (rawkhawk2010) uhhhhhhh

(3:36:54 PM) (rawkhawk2010) as long as the fog isn't there the entire time

(3:36:55 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Because you like random events.

(3:37:04 PM) (rawkhawk2010) i like random events

(3:37:09 PM) (rawkhawk2010) i don't like random permanence

(3:37:22 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Fog is gone

(3:37:37 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: It was there for the whole wave but there are three waves.

(3:37:37 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I wouldn't like an entire seven minutes of City Trial in fog.

(3:37:45 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Or three minutes.

(3:37:48 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I mean

(3:37:54 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ...the music is really good though.

(3:37:55 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: >_>

(3:38:01 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I couldn't hear it.

(3:38:07 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I meant Dense Fog Today.

(3:38:12 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Oh.

(3:38:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: (In Kirby Air Ride)

(3:38:16 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I thought you meant here, lol.

(3:38:24 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: No I can't hear it.

(3:38:58 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: They describe normal Splatoon modes as a zero-sum game so for the sequel they wanted a cooperation mode.

(3:40:02 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: You get better rewards for surpassing the quota.

(3:40:29 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: In the online mode you can win special gear you can take to multiplayer.

(3:40:48 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ala story mode in Splatoon 1.

(3:41:20 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: DEFEAT

(3:41:24 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Only got 8/9

(3:42:30 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "I think it was a little too easy last time"

(3:42:33 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: They got game over at 30%

(3:42:37 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: now they're going to 80%

(3:42:45 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Pumpa-uppo"

(3:42:49 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: *Pumpa-uppu

(3:43:01 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: As a translation of "pump up the difficulty"

(3:43:06 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "It's all about that pumpa-uppu."

(3:43:30 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: 30% was "Part-Timer" difficulty, 80% is "Profreshional"

(3:43:43 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: The Salmonids is another species ala Inklings and Octarians.

(3:44:06 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Can swim freely on water as well as on land.

(3:44:12 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: GAME OVER

(3:44:19 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: The Griller

(3:44:48 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Try again?" options are "Never give up!" and "Give up"

(3:44:54 PM) ( Mmmm, grilled squid...

Salmon Run Splatoon 2 Grillers Salmonid bosses
Barbecue? BBC the work crew?

(3:45:17 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Salmonids collect resources for their society.

(3:46:09 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Golden eggs are akin to petroleum.

(3:46:50 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Game Over

(3:47:07 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: 60 fps 1080p

(3:48:36 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Clearing your current difficulty unlocks a 5% increment

(3:48:50 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So you can apparently get to 200%

(3:49:00 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: if you start at 100% and clear it 20 times in a row.

(3:49:16 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: But even the Squid Research Lab has "great difficulties" clearing 200%.

(3:51:34 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Only get 2 specials per player for all 3 waves

(3:52:07 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: GAME OVEr

(3:52:28 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "I think I'm going to short-circuit this system with my hand sweat, to be honest. IT's disgusting."

(3:54:23 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Trying 80% again.

(3:54:56 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "This is an event called salmon rush"

(3:55:02 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Huge zerg rush of small salmon.

(3:55:06 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: With goldies.

(3:55:29 PM) (rawkhawk2010) what'd i miss

Right after that, they got a game over again. Next log will be Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (boo) and more Super Mario Odyssey (yay!).

Be sure to see the log before this, being Yoshi on the Nintendo Switch!
Here's that next log!


  1. I'm glad that Salmon Run has offline play. I think that this may turn out to be one of my favorite modes even though I do not expect to ever finish a stage over the 100% difficulty if they had trouble with just 80% difficulty.


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