If you can get through our paltry coverage of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on the Nintendo Treehouse Live stream for E3 2017 Day 1, there is a very important game announcement in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions. You can guess which game a website called KoopaTV cares about more.
(But Xenoblades Chronicles 2 has a giraffe god.)
Keep track of all of E3 2017 using our E3 Weeks 2017 Schedule here, and enjoy our reaction log.
(2:54:29 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Monolith Soft.
(2:54:33 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Xenoblade 2.
(2:54:41 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
(2:55:53 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So the girl's class is Blade
(2:55:57 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Powering up the dude's sword.
(2:56:00 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: She's not literally a sword.
(2:56:19 PM) (rawkhawk2010) o
(2:56:45 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Something's up with this sound effect.
(2:56:47 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: When the sword hits.
(2:56:49 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Very static-y.
(2:57:57 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Asking
(2:58:02 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Why is this Xenoblade Chronicles 2
(2:58:08 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: and not a follow-up to Xenoblade Chronicles X
(2:58:12 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "or some other suffix?"
(2:58:21 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Important question.
(2:58:34 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Answer
(2:58:50 PM) (rawkhawk2010) huh
(2:59:01 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "When we were developing XCX, game driven through exploration and open world. XC story-driven. This time we wanted story-driven game, so we opted with Xenoblade Chronicles 2."
(2:59:20 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Recall there is Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X.
(2:59:24 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: They're not really related.
(2:59:38 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So this is Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
(2:59:45 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Which is going off Xenoblade Chronicles, I guess.
(2:59:47 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: And not X.
(2:59:52 PM) (rawkhawk2010) X sucked.
(2:59:55 PM) (rawkhawk2010) That's why.
(3:00:05 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: off-screen coin collection
(3:00:07 PM) (rawkhawk2010) They're forgetting it exists.
(3:00:29 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Exploring on the backs of titans, like the original Xenoblade Chronicles. (Bionis and Mechonis)
(3:00:31 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: For 2
(3:00:36 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: how did you go about building this world?
(3:00:42 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Oh.
(3:00:45 PM) (rawkhawk2010) You're quoting.
(3:00:48 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: yes
(3:00:53 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I thought this whole time you were talking.
(3:01:00 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: *I* don't know what I'm talking about.
(3:01:04 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: But the Treehousers do.
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Pyra and Fudor are blades, and Rex is a driver. I totally didn't pay attention to what that's supposed to mean. |
(3:01:04 PM) (rawkhawk2010) lol
(3:01:16 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: And I know there are people who actually want answers to these questions.
(3:01:20 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I thought that was all your own commentary.
(3:01:38 PM) (rawkhawk2010) And you were asking me shit.
(3:02:20 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Um, you think as you notice, the titans play an even more core role in the game and story. This is a giraffe-like titan, but there are humanoid titans and whale titans and all sorts. Each titan has a different landscape on their back. Other titans might have a snowfield or be water-based. All distinct existence in the world and it'll be fun exploring, and a big part of the story."
(3:02:36 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So dude has more than one blade.
(3:03:07 PM) (rawkhawk2010) https://youtu.be/FqLZ1yPM7xg
(3:03:09 PM) (rawkhawk2010) uploaded
(3:03:26 PM) (rawkhawk2010) so share that when you wanna share the song
(3:03:29 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: k
(3:04:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: There's an enemy called Clap Bunnit
(3:04:17 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: MORE BUNNIES
(3:04:19 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: OR RABBITS
(3:04:27 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Has Nintendo had a single bear?
(3:08:32 PM) (rawkhawk2010) lololololol
(3:08:33 PM) (rawkhawk2010) dudes
(3:08:37 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: wot
(3:08:40 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I totally forgot Jeff Sessions was testifying today.
(3:08:43 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ya
(3:08:48 PM) (rawkhawk2010) For once politics doesn't even matter.
(3:09:12 PM) (rawkhawk2010) The government can fall to Russia and meh, really.
(3:09:14 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Is that a TV Troopa?
(3:09:19 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: no it's an armadillo
(3:11:14 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "What does the world Xeno mean to you?"
(3:12:16 PM) (rawkhawk2010) btw
(3:12:28 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Xeno means... something different, or not familiar. In life when you're living, people have different backgrounds, and it's the interactions between those different people that creates the drama of life, so I wanted to put that drama into videogames, so I put the word Xeno into my videogames."
(3:12:34 PM) (rawkhawk2010) In that Treehouse discussion they mentioned Pauline didn't wrest control of Big Donk City from DK
(3:12:40 PM) (rawkhawk2010) meaning they may be on friendly terms.
(3:12:47 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Will that freak out GamerGaters?
(3:12:48 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: uhhhh
(3:12:51 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: *shrug*
(3:12:58 PM) (rawkhawk2010) cuz wouldn't they have to be if Pauline named all those street names after his friends?
(3:13:13 PM) (rawkhawk2010) What, a woman being a mayor?
(3:13:14 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Or renaming streets is bad for city planning?
(3:13:16 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: no
(3:13:18 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: The Xeno drama.
(3:13:29 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Because it's adding political themes into gaming.
(3:13:29 PM) (rawkhawk2010) oh
(3:13:30 PM) (rawkhawk2010) lol
(3:13:35 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Which GamerGaters are against.
(3:14:12 PM) (rawkhawk2010) btw KoopaTV went from wanting politics out of games during #Miiquality to wanting politics in games during #GamerGate.
(3:14:27 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Must've evolved.
(3:15:21 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: uhhhhh I wouldn't call that characterisation accurate.
(3:15:33 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Regarding #Miiquality.
(3:15:37 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: http://www.koopatv.org/2017/06/nintendo-treehouse-live-2017-rabbids-warriors.html
(3:17:08 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Are we just against all movements in general?
(3:17:26 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ya
(3:17:32 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I like that.
(3:17:43 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ShinyGirafarig will like that this is the giraffe titan.
(3:18:14 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: The lifestyles of the dudes on the giraffe titan are laidback.
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This is apparently part of a giraffe part. (Giraffes keep showing up in more and more fiction, aren't they?) |
(3:18:23 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Other titans' inhabitants are more uptight and jerks.
(3:18:30 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Sea of Clouds
(3:18:54 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: THE TIDES
(3:19:59 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: wtf dude just whacked an NPC
(3:20:25 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Apparently the characters are criminals.
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The guy who is staring at their mugshots is about to get WHACKED. |
(3:20:46 PM) (rawkhawk2010) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCOV9iiU0AEqRMD.jpg
(3:25:31 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: The locals are being invaded by another titans' dudes.
(3:26:13 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: No loading or transitions.
(3:26:17 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: At least in the airship.
(3:27:22 PM) (rawkhawk2010) "We can now confirm, without a doubt, that Pauline not only lives in New Donk City, but is its mayor. That in turn prompted the question – did Pauline wrestle power away from Donkey Kong in Donk City and proclaim herself the mayor and rename it New Donk City? “[Laughs] Well, that’s not the setting that we’ve come up with,” said Kenta Motokura, director of Super Mario Odyssey.
In order to simplify the questions we simple asked, will Donkey Kong make an appearance in Super Mario Odyssey? “Well I can’t say exactly right now," Yoshiaki Koizumi, Odyssey's producer, "But Pauline is there and you know… some interesting things might happen.”
(3:28:47 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: brb
(3:31:52 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: back
(3:31:58 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Kinda wanna listen to Jeff Sessions
(3:32:12 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Why is there no music playing in this game?
(3:32:18 PM) (rawkhawk2010) there will be reruns of sessions
(3:32:19 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: They said the soundtrack is beautiful.
(3:32:24 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Can we hear it? >_<
(3:32:42 PM) (rawkhawk2010) ludwig need opinion
(3:32:47 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: hi
(3:33:21 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is built on X's engine.
(3:33:29 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: That's why they're able to launch and release it faster.
(3:33:49 PM) (rawkhawk2010) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8gXNab8cbMaQTEtMlpCc3dFOU0
(3:33:56 PM) (rawkhawk2010) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8gXNab8cbMaQ3pvSzNIYVBxMmM
(3:33:59 PM) (rawkhawk2010) what version is better
(3:34:22 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
(3:34:22 PM) (rawkhawk2010) What the fuck?!
(3:34:35 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) ...Did I hear that right?
(3:34:35 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Mario & Luigi?
(3:34:39 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ya
(3:34:47 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Or am I half asleep?
(3:34:58 PM) (rawkhawk2010) quick which version is better before it comes back
(3:35:09 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: uhhh
(3:35:18 PM) (rawkhawk2010) the second one is five times the size of the first
(3:35:23 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Probably the .flac
(3:35:26 PM) (rawkhawk2010) k
(3:35:33 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: but
(3:35:37 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I dunno <_<
(3:36:50 PM) (rawkhawk2010) k
(3:36:58 PM) (rawkhawk2010) im just keeping what i have uploaded
(3:36:59 PM) (rawkhawk2010) fuck it
(3:37:27 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Well Xenoblade doesn't get to be its own log
(3:37:36 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: so it gets to share with what I'm pretty sure we'll pay close attention to.
(3:38:04 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I think he screwed up saying "Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga: Bowser's Minions"
(3:38:14 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Superstar Saga probably wasn't supposed to be in there.
(3:38:25 PM) (rawkhawk2010) What if this stars the Koopalings?
(3:38:30 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: uhh
(3:38:35 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: or Kamek
(3:38:38 PM) (rawkhawk2010) brb
(3:38:43 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: NOW?!
(3:39:05 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Yeah, I was thinking maybe the guy just misspoke.
(3:39:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: WELCOME BACK
(3:39:22 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) NOPE
(3:39:29 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) What is this?!
(3:39:31 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Which I believe we're announcing now"
(3:39:32 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: TRAILER
(3:39:34 PM) (rawkhawk2010) back
(3:39:38 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "You ahven't
(3:39:39 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "oho'd"
(3:39:41 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "teehee'd"
(3:39:44 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Like this in 14 years"
(3:39:46 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Is that Banjo laughing?
(3:39:46 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: YOSHI THEATRE
(3:39:49 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Yoshi theatre.
(3:39:59 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: FAWFUL
(3:40:02 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: CACKLETTA
(3:40:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So it's Superstar Saga
(3:40:16 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: with
(3:40:18 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: AHH TOADSWORTH
(3:40:22 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: With updated graphics
(3:40:37 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, it's clearly a remake.
(3:40:37 PM) (rawkhawk2010) i remember the airport vividly
(3:40:39 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: UNTOLD STORY
(3:40:48 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) :O
(3:40:48 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: GOOMBA SQUAD
(3:40:58 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: GOOMBAS FIGHTING
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(3:41:04 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) PLAYING AS BOWSER'S MINIONS
(3:41:10 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: FAWFUL IS KIDNAPPING MY DAD
(3:41:25 PM) (rawkhawk2010) well uh............
(3:41:38 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) So it's a bit more than just a remake.
(3:41:42 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I think I like the original graphics better.
(3:41:51 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: probably yeah
(3:41:54 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: dem outlines
(3:42:11 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Hoohooros.
(3:42:20 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I remember this very well.
(3:42:27 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Did Dreamworks just decide they couldn't top Superstar Saga and gave up?
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The title card. |
(3:42:45 PM) (rawkhawk2010) And does this have remixed music?
(3:42:57 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Well it's clearly not GBA-quality.
(3:43:08 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: dat bottom screen
(3:43:16 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So is the 3DS just going to get remakes of older games?
(3:43:30 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: 3D Lighting added to the pixel art.
(3:43:35 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Animations from the original.
(3:44:00 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I miss original Bros. attacks.
(3:44:13 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: They added Emergency Guards from the recent games.
(3:44:26 PM) (rawkhawk2010) This is making me realize that I never once paid attention to the bros' actual stats in the original.
(3:44:37 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Greenie always was the more defensive guy.
(3:44:43 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I just made sure I wore the thing that doubled their attack against Cackletta's ghost.
(3:44:44 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: With Red Plumber being the offense guy.
(3:45:10 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Super Bounce Bros"
(3:45:13 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: or "Bounce Bros"
(3:45:16 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: that's new?
(3:45:19 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Living on the edge with dat no heal.
(3:45:26 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Don't pull a Teresa!
(3:45:31 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Hoohooros down.
(3:45:56 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I don't remember this part of the game.
(3:46:00 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: There's the dialogue skip from the recent games.
(3:46:04 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Is this near the desert?
(3:46:05 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Blaggadon is at the top.
(3:46:07 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: no
(3:46:13 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: The mountain, where they get their hammers forged.
(3:46:19 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: With the flying dinosaur.
(3:46:20 PM) (rawkhawk2010) oh
(3:46:28 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: And the water spitting.
(3:46:40 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: And the spin jumps into tornados.
(3:46:47 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) And the village inhabited by Gyroid-looking things.
(3:47:01 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Updated user interface and maps.
(3:47:06 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: (more pins, like Metroid)
(3:47:11 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: MINION QUEST
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Minion Quest: The Search for Bowser. |
(3:47:13 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: BRAND NEW MODE
(3:47:29 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Minion Quest expands on characters and locations
(3:47:31 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: and story
(3:47:33 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: parallel store
(3:47:35 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: story
(3:47:47 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Superstar Saga epilogue
(3:47:58 PM) (rawkhawk2010) awesome
(3:47:58 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: huge
(3:48:03 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: not throwaway
(3:48:05 PM) (rawkhawk2010) cuz the game never covered how Bowser escaped
(3:48:08 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Captain Goomba hero of the story.
(3:48:09 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Yeah.
(3:48:12 PM) (rawkhawk2010) from that rope he was tied to
(3:48:14 PM) (rawkhawk2010) or whatever
(3:48:24 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Choosing units.
(3:48:27 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Deploy.
(3:48:38 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Special save data created for Treehouse Live.
(3:48:45 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: AHH
(3:48:48 PM) (rawkhawk2010) This reminds me of TTYD's Punis.
(3:49:01 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: WITH THE SPROUTS
(3:49:10 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Koopeas?
(3:49:13 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ya
(3:49:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I hate those guys.
(3:49:17 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Those punks!
(3:49:41 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Dude confused Koopas for Yoshis
(3:49:47 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) I wonder if Popple and the amnesiac "Rookie" will be bosses.
(3:50:14 PM) (rawkhawk2010) iggy
(3:50:17 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) IGGY
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There's Iggy. |
(3:50:20 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: wait
(3:50:21 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I didn't see
(3:50:22 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: fuck
(3:50:30 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) In his new look.
(3:50:30 PM) (rawkhawk2010) ludwig you're in this
(3:50:39 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: well I'm in the original game too >_>
(3:50:43 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: HIS NEW LOOK?
(3:50:44 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: shit
(3:50:53 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: wot about the regular game
(3:51:38 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: THERE'S CUTSCENES
(3:51:50 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: MASTER IGGY
(3:51:55 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: in dialogue
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Captain Goomba's Melee Squad, with its own weapon triangle. |
(3:52:07 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) CHUCK GUYS
(3:52:24 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: turnip
(3:52:56 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: FOCUS! FOR LORD BOWSER!
(3:53:40 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) lol, there's a 'play dead' command.
(3:53:43 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "They'll be okay, it's all in the name of Lord Bowser~" - Audrey
(3:53:46 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: okay I like Audrey again
(3:53:53 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: <_<
(3:53:59 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: wait wot
(3:54:02 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: uhhh
(3:54:06 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: The Koopalings are
(3:54:07 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: uh
(3:54:09 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: enemies? <_<
(3:54:21 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ...So Captain Goomba is doing a MUTINY?
(3:54:30 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Maybe they lost their memories too.
(3:54:37 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) And they need some sense beaten into them first.
(3:54:47 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
(3:54:48 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: *ahem*
(3:55:24 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Every Goomba's life is precious."
(3:55:32 PM) (rawkhawk2010) #GoombaLivesMatter
(3:55:38 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) "Those who can't work with others are doomed to mediocrity!"
(3:55:38 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Recruiting the enemy Sergeant Guy.
(3:56:04 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "we're gonna turn off cutscenes" :(
(3:56:09 PM) (rawkhawk2010) But I want cutscenes. :(
(3:56:16 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: You earn cutscenes to buff stats.
(3:56:16 PM) (rawkhawk2010) What's wrong with Audrey?
(3:56:23 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: IGGY
(3:56:44 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: omg it's buffering for the first time
(3:56:59 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Can't handle the awesomeness.
(3:57:16 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: YES
(3:57:18 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: AUDREY HATES MARI0 TOO
(3:57:21 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ...oh
(3:57:23 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: she's just kidding
(3:57:24 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
(3:57:24 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ;_;
(3:57:42 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) I like how they even have Superstar Saga-specific enemies in this, like those Fuzzie Bush things.
(3:57:44 PM) (rawkhawk2010) "I was being sarcastic...but not that sarcastic to be honest with you."
(3:58:19 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) I want to play this more than I want to replay Superstar Saga itself.
(3:58:23 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Me too.
(3:59:06 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I don't have a tremendous amount of interest in either.
(3:59:19 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Especially I can't understand how this is being played.
(3:59:25 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Especially cuz*
(3:59:28 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Characters from other Mari0 RPGs will show up too.
(3:59:32 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: IGGY KOOPA AT THE BOTTOM
(3:59:38 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Forest Fight" in Chucklehuck Woods"
(3:59:46 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Was Ice Bro in Superstar Saga?
(3:59:47 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: But they're gonna play "Ice Guys Finish Last"
(3:59:49 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: no
(3:59:54 PM) (rawkhawk2010) "Climate Change!"
(4:00:03 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Good Color Splash line.
(4:00:26 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Is the player controlling a character here in terms of movement?
(4:00:26 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) "Denied!"
(4:00:30 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: No
(4:00:36 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: This is automatic except for captain abilities
(4:00:38 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I think
(4:00:38 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: but
(4:00:40 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: she also said
(4:00:47 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: you need to help the minions in terms of commands.
(4:00:49 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: erm
(4:00:55 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: action commands
(4:00:57 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I dunno
(4:00:58 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: or aiming
(4:01:10 PM) (rawkhawk2010) i see
(4:01:27 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: There's a weapon triangle that actually matters here.
(4:01:34 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: (as opposed to Fire Emblem Warriors)
(4:01:54 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Yeah so you see there Hammer Bro. was doing a special hammer throw ability
(4:02:03 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: and you needed to mash A.
(4:02:10 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) FIGHT ON
(4:02:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: YOU CAN DO IT
(4:02:16 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) DON'T GIVE IN
(4:02:30 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Boo sucks.
(4:02:41 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Boo is weak in the weapon triangle.
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Game over. |
(4:03:04 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Captain Goomba vs. Iggy
(4:03:08 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Last battle.
(4:03:11 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Going into Iggy battle.
(4:03:17 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Iggy is... kind of ... a jerk in this game."
(4:03:18 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Is "Chucklehuck" a reference to "Chucklefuck" or was the latter not a word in 2003?
(4:03:31 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: or Audrey is just mean
(4:03:38 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Both are perfectly possible. >_>
(4:04:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So CP are Confidence Points?
(4:04:17 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I'd get this if it went on the eShop by itself ala Kirby Warriors.
(4:04:20 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I thought they'd be... Captain Points.
(4:04:25 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Hey, it might be.
(4:04:27 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: One day.
(4:04:56 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So these guys aren't BeanBean versions of enemies.
(4:04:57 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Bob-ombs, the suicide bombers of the Koopa forces.
(4:05:07 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: They're standard Bowser's army Fire Bros. and stuff.
(4:05:16 PM) (rawkhawk2010) so they're Koopa rebels?
(4:05:17 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: So why are they fighting?
(4:05:23 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: hmmm
(4:05:31 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "I really wanna be mean to Iggy~" - Audrey
(4:05:36 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Because they're obeying Iggy's orders?
(4:05:46 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: But what are Iggy's orders?
(4:05:54 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "You're Outnumbered Guy!"
(4:05:58 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Iggy wants to usurp the throne.
(4:06:00 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: (Outnumbered on Fox News?)
(4:06:01 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) IDK. They turned off cutscenes!
(4:06:03 PM) (rawkhawk2010) And become the new King of Koopas.
(4:06:10 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: IGGY
(4:06:18 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Audrey keeps using the word "showboat."
(4:06:19 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Iggy is also a showboat.
(4:06:28 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Why is Iggy dark?
(4:06:29 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Would she be using that if not for the Comey saga?
(4:06:29 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Iggy using his wand.
(4:06:44 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Something's wrong with him.
(4:06:46 PM) (rawkhawk2010) cuz that word wasn't used last E3
(4:06:51 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) He's not in his right mind.
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Is Iggy Koopa in some bad lighting or what? |
(4:07:14 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: uhhh
(4:07:17 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Should I root for Iggy?
(4:07:36 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Iggy lost.
(4:07:38 PM) (rawkhawk2010) maybe the cutscenes are off for spoiler reasons
(4:07:44 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "something pretty special"
(4:07:46 PM) (rawkhawk2010) MORE AMIIBO
(4:07:46 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: AMIIBO
(4:07:49 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Audrey is laughing
(4:07:54 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Goomba and Koopa Troopa
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What a lucky little Troopa. |
(4:08:19 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I WANT THE KOOPA TROOPA
(4:08:20 PM) (rawkhawk2010) ARMS. :(
(4:08:54 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) I'm hungry. -.-
(4:09:07 PM) (breezinabout@msn.com) Time for a food break.
(4:09:10 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: k
Ludwig is jealous that his brother gets to go to E3, but he's stuck sitting on a chair outside like a homeless person. It's not fair. Anyway, ARMS is up next, and it'll be paired up with something else. Stay tuned.
The log before this were on two games no one should like.
The log after this is on... Super Mario Odyssey! ...Oh, and ARMS.
Xenoblade Chronicles X didn't suck, it was great!
ReplyDeleteI want both of these games.
(Also, I found it entertaining that Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions was leaked/rumored but never officially confirmed... until that guy so casually said it was coming up next.)
They also didn't forget that Xenoblade Chronicles X existed since they kept mentioning it throughout the segment, so Rawk's...wrong there.
DeleteThough I do agree with him that I'd rather pay $7 for Bowser's Minions to be released as a "Deluxe" thing on its own than re-buy Superstar Saga made easier.