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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Nintendo Treehouse Live E3 2017 Day 2: Miitopia

By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - How can anyone be excited about this?

Let's admit this upfront: Miitopia won't be a game any of us will buy, and none of us were interested in it for a second.

That said, we have a duty to live-react with attention, so we gave it some kind of chance. There's a lot of Nintendo Treehouse lore in this Nintendo Treehouse Live session to pay attention to. If you'd rather read something else, there's a ton of other reaction logs you can access by browsing the site, or the E3 Weeks 2017 Schedule!

(5:04:27 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: We're back

(5:04:30 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: With Miitopia!

(5:04:34 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: A personalised Mii adventure.

(5:04:37 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Kindra, Sam, and Rich.

(5:04:42 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Rich reminds me of Kurt Eichenwald.

(5:04:53 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Team mebers: Reggie, Rich, Sam.

(5:04:55 PM) (rawkhawk2010)

(5:04:59 PM) (rawkhawk2010) ^ there's your koopa

(5:05:08 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: OMG IT'S AUDREY

(5:05:17 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Rambling Old Man Bill

(5:05:23 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: (Trinen)

(5:05:34 PM) (rawkhawk2010) koopa confirmed for odyssey

(5:05:36 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Great Sage Miyamoto

(5:06:18 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: This is stupid.

(5:06:27 PM) ( *end log*?

(5:06:29 PM) ( lol

(5:06:38 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Should I have waited for this before making Mii Party?

(5:06:39 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Nintendo Fan Bihldorff

(5:06:41 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I'm thinkin' no.

(5:06:46 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: in a Princess Peach outfit.

(5:06:56 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Tapping in amiibo

(5:07:03 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Advertising amiibo

(5:07:14 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Is this from the Captain Rainbow devs?

(5:07:17 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Samantha Lienhard claimed to be "excited" about this.

(5:07:20 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I dunno.

(5:07:45 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Sam: I love it I look so weird!

(5:07:49 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Reggie is terrifying.

(5:07:59 PM) ( dat chin

(5:08:02 PM) (rawkhawk2010) The way he walks.

(5:08:33 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Battle vs. Man Mural and Lady Mural

(5:08:48 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Attack

(5:08:49 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Reggie healed himself with cooking food.

(5:08:51 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Skills/Magic

(5:09:00 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Snacks

(5:09:19 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Dat MP

(5:09:22 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Reggie assists

(5:09:25 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Lend a Hand

(5:09:31 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Develop relationships with your Miis

(5:09:34 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Relationship chart

(5:09:46 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't feel like taking screenshots of this shit. >_>

(5:10:34 PM) (rawkhawk2010) If this didn't have Miis it'd be the most glaring shovelware ever at a Treehouse Live.

(5:10:40 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: lol

(5:10:49 PM) (rawkhawk2010) LOL

(5:10:51 PM) (rawkhawk2010) WHAT WAS THAT

(5:11:03 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: .........>.>

(5:11:03 PM) (rawkhawk2010) REGGIE WAS IN BED WITH A DUDE

(5:11:13 PM) ( lol wat

(5:11:20 PM) ( Screen that.

(5:11:29 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Can add friends from Mii Maker, Tomodachi Life, and Friends

(5:11:50 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Can I add Ross?

(5:12:27 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Kindra is an energetic imp.

Miitopia Nintendo Treehouse Live Kindra Mii personality energetic
Kindra was ultimately Energetic. Your personality may affect your Mii's performance in battle.

(5:12:30 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Inn

(5:12:44 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I keep hearing Kindra as Kingdra.

(5:12:55 PM) (rawkhawk2010) LOL

(5:13:00 PM) (rawkhawk2010) THERE IT IS AGAIN

(5:13:10 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: They're awake.

(5:13:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: But Reggie is sharing a memory.

(5:13:41 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Food system

(5:13:58 PM) (rawkhawk2010) You're not gonna know if someone likes it until they [waste] it.

(5:14:47 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Reggie wants a Frilly Uniform.

(5:14:50 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Reggie wants a Frilly Unioform

(5:14:53 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: (got screen)

(5:14:55 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: AHH

(5:15:02 PM) (rawkhawk2010) ...I think they have Reggie classified as a woman in the Mii Channel.

Miitopia Nintendo Treehouse Live Reggie Fils-Aime Frilly Uniform
...I wonder what Chef Gordon Ramsay would think about how effeminate they're making this Chef class.

(5:15:54 PM) (rawkhawk2010) "seeing a faceless mii character is kind of distressing."

(5:16:15 PM) (rawkhawk2010) What even is the goal of this game?

(5:16:25 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Is there, like, a final boss?

(5:16:58 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: uhhh

(5:17:26 PM) (rawkhawk2010) this is the antithesis of Beefcake Reggie

(5:17:31 PM) (rawkhawk2010) from the Tomodachi Life trailer

(5:17:54 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ya

(5:17:57 PM) (rawkhawk2010) These battles look awful.

(5:18:17 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: The music in this game is really good"

(5:18:19 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: *"

(5:19:08 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Naughty Pitchfork and Butt Jab

(5:19:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: new skills for Imp.

(5:19:17 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: MIYAMOTO

(5:19:25 PM) ( He looks... evil.

(5:19:30 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: eek

(5:19:52 PM) (rawkhawk2010) miyamoto wants to use the evil containment wave

(5:20:09 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: They just kept walking past Miyamoto I guess.

(5:20:15 PM) ( If we chant Miyamoto's name over and over, will it seal HIM in the lamp?

(5:20:24 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Can we try it?

(5:20:29 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Can we try it with the KoopaTV mug?

(5:20:31 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Miyamoto

(5:20:33 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Miyamoto

(5:20:34 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Miyamoto

(5:20:36 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Miyamoto

(5:20:37 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Miyamoto

(5:20:43 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: ahhh sleeping

(5:20:45 PM) (rawkhawk2010) We just need a lid.

(5:22:21 PM) (rawkhawk2010) The sound effects sound like they're from TTYD.

(5:22:33 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: In-game screenshot button.

Miitopia Nintendo Treehouse Live inn sleeping Reggie Fils-Aime gay
Reggie is sleeping very close to Rich, while Kindra and Sam are sleeping in clearly distinct beds.

(5:24:09 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Goblin used Taunt.

(5:24:15 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "Angry became angry!"

(5:25:56 PM) (rawkhawk2010) can this end

(5:26:04 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: >_>

(5:27:20 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Reggie used Slack Off!

(5:28:19 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: "We're gonna keep playing!"

(5:28:36 PM) (rawkhawk2010) what happened to "in the interest of time" from twenty minutes ago?

(5:29:29 PM) (rawkhawk2010) If I was forced to play this I would keep all of my Miis in separate rooms.

(5:29:35 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I wouldn't want them interacting. >.>

(5:29:45 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Not like this.

(5:31:50 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Wait.

(5:31:58 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Nintendo EAD is developing this?!

(5:32:07 PM) (rawkhawk2010) The fuck?

(5:32:23 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Oh wait.

(5:32:32 PM) (rawkhawk2010) "Nintendo EPD"

(5:32:50 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: _______ Police Department?

(5:33:12 PM) (rawkhawk2010) I'm gonna pretend that's the case.

(5:33:22 PM) (rawkhawk2010) Then maybe all the Miis will escape.

(5:33:26 PM) (rawkhawk2010) And be free of this madness.

(5:33:41 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: News to share.

(5:33:49 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Demo for this game coming out later today.

(5:33:58 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: The full game comes out later this month.

(5:34:02 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Dat Nintendo eShop.

(5:34:21 PM) Ludwig Von Koopa: Next: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC Pack 1.

Ludwig might try out the demo on his Nintendo 3DS. It should already be out as of publishing this article, since this article is being published five hours after it actually happened.

Compare Reggie's portrayal here to his portrayal in Tomodachi Life.
The Treehouse log before this was on Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Super Mario Odyssey.
Here's the next log.


  1. Replies
    1. I finished the demo and grinded everyone to level 11 and it's surely not exciting.

    2. I didn't grind, because that sounds like it would get boring, but I had fun with the demo and still intend to get the full game.

    3. It IS boring. That's why there's auto-battle so you don't have to do anything.
      The game encourages grinding by you getting rewarded for beating up enemies based on quantity (multiples of 50), and it teases you to do this.
      So it dangles that in front of you even if the actual experience requirements are a slog. Plus it's sort of easy to grind for relationship levels.

      Miitopia is going to cost $40, and I don't think the game has enough THOUGHTFUL, tight game design to warrant that price. You see in the ending demo movie that they stuffed it with fluffy content like costumes and zoomed out on the world, but it plays like someone's first-ever RPG.

    4. But the goofy Mii interactions are fun! (Remember, I loved Tomodachi Life.)

    5. They got old quick when you see them repeat over and over.

    6. The same could be said about Tomodachi Life.

      Besides, I was still seeing my Miis do weird things in the demo, although I didn't spend as much time grinding as you did.

    7. The game's instruction manual also tells you that you should grind, so if it's boring, then that's what the whole game is like.

      Tomodachi Life at least has more and differing scenarios and permutations. Miitopia has one.

    8. Well, I had fun with the demo and I'm getting the game. :P


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