We cover the Olympics on Earth because of the disturbing intersection of Earth and our world that has been going on, and the Olympics are the most high-profile event the entire world takes place in. It's attracted the attention of our nemeses, Mario and Cappy, in the past. That makes watching the Opening and Closing ceremonies of the Olympics a very value-added activity for KoopaTV.
Part of what is great about our reaction logs is that you get to see the immediate and oftentimes brilliant analysis from your favourite KoopaTV staff members (and all five of us appear in this log) on-the-fly with no filter, and probably in a way you would not have thought of by yourself.
The log includes our geography knowledge, the frustrating ordeal of having to watch this via NBC (versus the BBC and the CBC), geopolitical analysis between South and North Korea, the creepiness of targeted advertising, our opinion on female athletes' looks... and... well, you'll have to get through the whole thing to see if Cappy got involved. Plus, a lot of videogame references. A lot.
[7:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: HEY FOLKS
[7:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IT'S OPENING CEREMONY TIME
[8:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: http://stream.nbcolympics.com/2018-winter-olympics-primetime-show-feb-9
[8:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: If you don't have a cable provider
[8:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: then I dunno wot you can do.
[8:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Actually I dunno how to log-in.
[8:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: >_>
[8:00 PM] RawkHawk2010: Your access to LIVE streams and full replays will expire in
[8:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: fuck it's asking me for a security question
[8:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: answer
[8:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...Oh, sorry, I swore.
[8:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Your temporary access to LIVE streams and full replays has expired. Authenticate now to continue watching or "
[8:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: BUT I'M SIGNED INTO MY VERIZON
[8:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: I signed into Xfinity.
[8:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: I'm gud.
[8:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IT SAYS VERIFYING
[8:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'M IN AN ENDLESS LOOP
[8:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: https://forums.verizon.com/t5/Fios-TV-Technical-Assistance/Streaming-TV-online-is-not-working-Constant-loop/td-p/806642
[8:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: Gonna act like that happened in the past 12 hours.
[8:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Trying private browsing
[8:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: "You might hear the word "Korea" and......not know what to think."
[8:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: shows Kim Jong Un
[8:08 PM] RawkHawk2010: They're beginning.
[8:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: shit
[8:08 PM] RawkHawk2010: @Vortex @Kamek @Wendy O. Koopa where y'all at
[8:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I can't tell if this is Verizon's fault or NBC's.
[8:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: Should I stream it on YouTube?
[8:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Does it exist there?
[8:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: No.
[8:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Then no, you shouldn't.
[8:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: lol
[8:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: They keep referencing Un.
[8:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Dammit that's the most important part.
[8:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: Mike Pence wearing some huge-ass jacket.
[8:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: Now they're talking about Otto Warmbeier or whoever.
[8:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: They're talking more about fucking North Korea than South.
[8:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: That's all they've talked about!
[8:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ludwig try to sign in on your phone.
[8:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: oh shit
[8:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I disabled Ghostery
[8:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: and it works
[8:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: but it's COMMERCIAL BREAK IN PROGRESS
[8:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yo you didn't @Kamek correctly
[8:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah Ghostery would be a problem.
[8:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yay now the log isn't just one dude.
[8:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: @Kamek GET YOUR ASS IN HERE
[8:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh I guess Vortex in BBC land wouldn't have it now.
[8:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't remember wot he did last year to watch it with us.
[8:13 PM] RawkHawk2010: Vortex is probably playing Breath of the Wild.
[8:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I think BBC had it on-demand and he just tried to watch alongside us.
[8:13 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah
[8:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Wendy and friend-of-KoopaTV wouldn't have NBC either.
[8:13 PM] RawkHawk2010: and passed out not long after we stopped.
[8:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: pizza
[8:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: Pizza and hijabs.
[8:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: Exciting combination.
[8:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: K end of commercials.
[8:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh.
[8:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: There's a dude.
[8:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're checking in with Sean White.
[8:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Uh...are we in totally different places?
[8:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: The narrator is like a plumper Lester Holt.
[8:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because I thought the opening ceremonies started.
[8:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is Sean White that guy from E3 2009?
[8:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or 2008?
[8:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah Shaun White got a Wii game.
[8:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Lindsey Vonn Koopa?
[8:16 PM] RawkHawk2010: This dude's hair looks like a Koopaling's.
[8:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: wot hair
[8:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Are we even at the same place?
[8:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: There's no Opening Ceremony.
[8:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's just this NBC dude talking now with a bunch of crap on the sidebar.
[8:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: Now there's two women.
[8:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "I have a 22 daughter"
[8:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "who doesn't want to be in the same zipcode as me"
[8:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Mikaela Shiffrin.
[8:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So where the hell are the opening ceremonies?
[8:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is this like The Game Awards where they had a pre-pre-show, a pre-show, and then the show?
[8:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: This is like the election debates where they "start" at 8:00 but the first hour is recapping.
[8:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: so yes
[8:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: Though this could be worse.
[8:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It could?
[8:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'd rather watch Coca-Cola commercials.
[8:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm not paying any attention to these people talking.
[8:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: It could just be a camera fixated on an empty stage.
[8:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Katie Couric is a fraud.
[8:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: I though you liked alliteration tho.
[8:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...It doesn't make up for being a crappy journalist.
[8:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: BBC's Katty Kay just sounds made-up tho.
[8:20 PM] RawkHawk2010: And stupid.
[8:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Shouldn't Vortex know about the BBC's people?
[8:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Wot do you know?
[8:20 PM] RawkHawk2010: This would actually be better with Matt Lauer. >.>
[8:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: 23andme.com commercial.
[8:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Wot if we got a KoopaTV commercial during the Olympics?
[8:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is that a Virtual Reality headset?
[8:21 PM] RawkHawk2010: We're getting different ads based on location.
[8:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh.
[8:21 PM] RawkHawk2010: Wait.
[8:22 PM] RawkHawk2010: Did you see a hamburger?
[8:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yes, Big Mac.
[8:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Then Toyota.
[8:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Then Intel True VR.
[8:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I keep getting VR ads because I was talking about VR in here?
[8:22 PM] RawkHawk2010: rofl
[8:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So is Discord desktop app collecting cookies or something?
[8:22 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah I'm not getting those.
[8:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And giving those to NBC?
[8:22 PM] RawkHawk2010: That's scary.
[8:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Got Coca-Cola commercials about tacos.
[8:23 PM] RawkHawk2010: I got everything you got except VR ones.
[8:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Miracle on the Han"
[8:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're trying to talk about the Olympics in terms of the future of the world.
[8:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So are these people talking live
[8:24 PM] RawkHawk2010: Katie Couric is obsessed with national tension.
[8:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: or at 6 AM?
[8:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This morning?
[8:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We'll be watching this as the night goes on."
[8:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So..the Olympic Opening Ceremonies already happened then.
[8:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So why are they expecting surprises? <_<
[8:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: Maame Biney is a maame.
[8:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or are they going to do the Opening Ceremonies twice?
[8:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sounds like an Ace Attorney plot.
[8:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: By night they meant their night.
[8:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: Not ours.
[8:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: One Opening Ceremony is an alibi
[8:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: and the other is where a murder happens.
[8:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's morning in Korea.
[8:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: If they're faking then they'll break the fourth wall eventually.
[8:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: Oh.
[8:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: That's not normal is it?
[8:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: In Rio it was at night.
[8:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Rio was only one hour away from America.
[8:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: yes and it was at night.
[8:27 PM] RawkHawk2010: I thought all olympic ceremonies were at night.
[8:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: In Pyeongchang it's 10:27 AM right now.
[8:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So they are 14 hours ahead of EST.
[8:27 PM] RawkHawk2010: But it was night for them when it aired right?
[8:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So when the Opening Ceremonies ACTUALLY HAPPENED here at 6 AM EST, it was 8 PM Korean time.
[8:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Got another VR app commercial.
[8:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: Then what the NBC dudes said made sense if it was live.
[8:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So this was filmed 14 hours ago?
[8:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: yes probably
[8:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: They'd be up 24/7 both watching the olympics and reporting it over 10 hours later.
[8:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's starting.
[8:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: 5 elementary school kids as "the designated tour guides"
[8:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ala Ahlbi Ur'gaid?
[8:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, I hate them already.
[8:31 PM] RawkHawk2010: the hell is this
[8:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is THIS the opening ceremony?
![]() |
The five children are named Haenarae, Ara, Puri, Bichae, and Nuri. ...But we call them five kids. |
[8:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: tiger
[8:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: DROMARCH
[8:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Apparently Korea looks like a tiger?
[8:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: FLORA HEALS AN ACHING SOUL(edited)
[8:33 PM] Kamek: Home
[8:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: HEYA.
[8:33 PM] Kamek: Link me
[8:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Uh...
[8:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: http://stream.nbcolympics.com/2018-winter-olympics-primetime-show-feb-9
[8:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: You need to log into your cable provider.
[8:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And have any ad-blocking off.
[8:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Apparently in Asian cultures, everything "comes from the same energy source" so everyone should live in harmony together.
[8:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (Hence South Korea appeasing?)
[8:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: lol
[8:35 PM] Kamek: ... Does that have anything to do with ad blocking?
[8:35 PM] Kamek: Or was that a coincidence
[8:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...nothing to do with ad blocking.
[8:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I was just saying what the NBC talking head was saying.
[8:36 PM] RawkHawk2010: 1200 performers
[8:36 PM] RawkHawk2010: They look like Mienshao.
[8:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This reminds me of the Gothitelle woman from Rio.
[8:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Who you made a .gif of.
[8:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Guy says phoenixes don't rise from the ashes, but they appear in moments of peace and hope.
[8:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: I just now put together "Phoenix" and "Rise from the Ashes" regarding Phoenix Wright.
[8:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: wtf
[8:37 PM] Kamek: just got my computer up and running
[8:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ludwig we keep referencing the same franchises right after each other.
[8:38 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well the only other thing I could reference is Ho-Oh/Sacred Ash.
[8:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: "Augmented Reality"
[8:38 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're using Augmented Reality for the stuff on stage.
[8:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: I hear Uprising music.
[8:38 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Good to know.
[8:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Only 91 nations are showing up this time.
[8:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is that Hillary?
[8:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: How many showed up last time?
[8:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...too many.
[8:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: They were probably scared of nukes.
[8:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (That's not Hillary, she's just a blonde Korean)
[8:40 PM] RawkHawk2010: People should have been scared of sewage.
[8:40 PM] RawkHawk2010: In Rio.
[8:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or they didn't qualify.
[8:40 PM] RawkHawk2010: I do like the idea of there being an objective evil villain here.
![]() |
Is this as villainous as the log is going to get, or will there be even greater evils as the hours progress? |
[8:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NBC people talking about collectivism in Asia.
[8:41 PM] Kamek: I like the info
[8:41 PM] Kamek: on the side bar
[8:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Dude's name is "President Moon Jae-In"
[8:41 PM] Kamek: yeah
[8:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Not sure what that's supposed to be a pun of.
[8:42 PM] Kamek: the other chick was ousted out
[8:42 PM] Kamek: it was pretty hostile
[8:42 PM] Kamek: apparently there was a huge amount of corruption
[8:42 PM] Kamek: so they put moon in
[8:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Are you supposed to pronounce it "yong"?
[8:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I thought it was "yang", saying the letter 'a'.
[8:42 PM] RawkHawk2010: The theme is Circles.
[8:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Like, "yay-ng"
[8:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The theme in Rio was climate change.
[8:43 PM] RawkHawk2010: Does KoopaTV have anything to do with circles?
[8:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...The Koopa shells?
[8:43 PM] RawkHawk2010: Those are oblonged.
[8:43 PM] Kamek: The circle of our people leaving and coming back
[8:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: wtf pepsi
[8:43 PM] Kamek: that's not pepsi
[8:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: oh
[8:43 PM] Kamek: lol
[8:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well Yin-Yang isn't red and blue.
[8:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's white and black.
[8:44 PM] Kamek: Stop putting your westernisms into asian philosophy boss
[8:44 PM] Kamek: you're being closed minded
[8:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: No, I'm PRETTY SURE it's white and black.
[8:44 PM] RawkHawk2010: My commercial said the same sentence five times in a row and I thought it was someone being creative but nah
[8:44 PM] Kamek: It's an alternative color
[8:44 PM] Kamek: like alternative facts
[8:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Stop putting YOUR Westernisms into Asian philosophy.
[8:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh, Rawk.
[8:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Switch your name to RawkHawk2010.
[8:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: OH
[8:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: BECAUSE THE KOREAN FLAG
[8:45 PM] Kamek: Is there anyway to pin discord to the BACK
[8:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: Forgot how.
[8:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IS RED AND WHITE
[8:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: erm
[8:45 PM] Kamek: Yeah boss, you didnt get that?
[8:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: BLUE
[8:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...no.
[8:45 PM] Kamek: ...
[8:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: Got it.
[8:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't know what the Korean flag looks like. <_<
![]() |
This is the South Korean flag, not the Pepsi logo. |
[8:45 PM] Kamek: ....
[8:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The sidebar had to tell me.
[8:45 PM] Kamek: sigh
[8:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: I didn't know either.
[8:46 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I only know Japan's flag. <_<
[8:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: Could've gotten it via multiple choice.
[8:46 PM] Kamek: Also i'm pretty sure those trigrams are the same ones of the famous Fifth Element movie
[8:46 PM] Kamek: FRENCH!
[8:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: I don't know France's flag.
[8:46 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: If Korea's is circle-themed, wot will they do in Tokyo 2020 with its circle in the flag?
[8:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: I know Greece's.
[8:46 PM] Kamek: Children's choir?
[8:46 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Time for the National Anthem of Korea.
[8:47 PM] RawkHawk2010: KNEEL
[8:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Aegukga"
[8:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: If I remember correctly, Brazil's anthem sucked.
[8:47 PM] RawkHawk2010: yeah
[8:47 PM] Kamek: Auld lang syne was the tune of the korean national anthem?
[8:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Was somehow worse than the Star-Spangled Banner.
[8:47 PM] Kamek: that's awful
[8:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So let's hope Korea is better.
[8:47 PM] Kamek: my stream froze
[8:47 PM] Kamek: i'm debating on using a television
[8:48 PM] RawkHawk2010: why is there a black kid singing among the koreans?
[8:48 PM] RawkHawk2010: GREECE FIRST
[8:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: How'd I guess.
[8:49 PM] Kamek: Greece first because olympics
[8:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Greece" "Official name is the Hellenic Republic"
[8:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: That happens every time?
[8:49 PM] Kamek: Ooooooo
[8:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: Mimikyu.
[8:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: USA marching with the "M" countries.
[8:49 PM] Kamek: Korean music!
[8:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is Sierra Leone even in this?
[8:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: K-Pop?
[8:49 PM] Kamek: ....probably not
[8:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: Well they just said there'd be Korean Pop.
[8:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Sierra Leone has sent athletes to every Summer Olympic Games since 1968 with the exception of 1972 and 1976, but the nation has yet to win an Olympic medal. No athletes from Sierra Leone have competed in any Winter Olympic Games."
[8:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: crap
[8:49 PM] Kamek: wow
[8:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (source: Wikipedia)
[8:50 PM] RawkHawk2010: This current music is good.
[8:50 PM] Kamek: what about reston virginia?
[8:50 PM] RawkHawk2010: The anthem sucked.
[8:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So no Sierra Leone. :frowning:
[8:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: All of these other African countries are no substitute. <_<
[8:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I do really like the music.
[8:51 PM] Kamek: We're going to have to find out the athletes who compete for sierra leone
[8:51 PM] Kamek: and endorse them
[8:51 PM] Kamek: Also this harmonic sounds super familiar
[8:51 PM] Kamek: like from a mario golf game
[8:52 PM] RawkHawk2010: Norway.
[8:52 PM] RawkHawk2010: The country Trump wants more immigrants from.
[8:52 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Norway's shape on the map is a disaster.
[8:52 PM] Kamek: that's a running joke
[8:52 PM] Kamek: @Vortex
[8:52 PM] Kamek: are you still awake?
[8:53 PM] RawkHawk2010: Nascar on Ice
[8:53 PM] Kamek: excuse me?
[8:53 PM] Kamek: NASCAR on ice?
[8:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: That's apparently a future sport.
[8:54 PM] Kamek: Can america get in on that?
[8:54 PM] Kamek: Why does germany get so many competitors?
[8:54 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: wtf commercial
[8:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: wtf
[8:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: Sierra Leone's probably marching out as we speak.
[8:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Didn't you read my copy-paste?
[8:55 PM] Kamek: they're not competiting rawk
[8:55 PM] Kamek: >>
[8:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sierra Leone doesn't compete in Winter Games.
[8:55 PM] Kamek: I imagine it would be cool though
[8:55 PM] RawkHawk2010: Does Africa at all?
[8:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yes.
[8:55 PM] Kamek: Like the jamaican bobsled team
[8:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They intro'd the march of nations with South Africa and Nigeria.
[8:55 PM] Kamek: ....I FORGOT ABOUT THEM
[8:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And some other African country.
[8:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Probably more right now but they're getting commercial'd.
[8:56 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is the politics why a Mario and Sonic at SK doesn't exist?
[8:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Unless when it comes back they'll cut right back to Germany finishing their walk.
[8:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I've written extensively on that topic!
[8:56 PM] RawkHawk2010: I mean officially though.
[8:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Excuse me?
[8:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: https://www.koopatv.org/2018/02/mario-sonic-not-at-pyeongchang-2018.html
[8:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Everything I write is official.
[8:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Timor-Leste.
[8:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So yeah they didn't skip anything.
[8:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: I don't know who this is.
[8:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: "Timor"?
[8:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Since Timor-Leste is right after Germany.
[8:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: Never heard of them.
[8:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Lativia" - announcer
[8:57 PM] Kamek: .....
[8:58 PM] Kamek: skeletons?
[8:58 PM] RawkHawk2010: I didn't know Latvia existed until last week.
[8:58 PM] Kamek: did she say skeletons?
[8:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yes.
[8:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Skeleton" is a sport.
[8:58 PM] Kamek: oh...
[8:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't know what it actually involves.
[8:58 PM] Kamek: Yo! Is curling an olympic sport?
[8:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yes.
[8:58 PM] Kamek: I forgot
[8:58 PM] Kamek: Sweet
[8:58 PM] RawkHawk2010: Curling is in Sonic.
[8:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Curling is in this Olympics.
[8:58 PM] RawkHawk2010: VORTEX
[8:58 PM] Kamek: I'm excited for that
[8:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: Vortex was typing.
[8:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: Twice.
[8:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: Now he's gone.
[8:59 PM] Vortex: @Kamek I am awake but I don't have access to this stream apparently, even with ad-blocker turned off. :mario_shrug:
[8:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Uh...
[8:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: You have the BBC.
[8:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: Romania's flag looks like LEGO.
[8:59 PM] Kamek: @Vortex needs his own link
[8:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The Olympics streams are region-locked.
[8:59 PM] Kamek: Luxembourg is uber tiny country
[9:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...Wait, you're not expecting ME to find a BBC link, are you? >_>
[9:00 PM] RawkHawk2010: Liechtenstein.
[9:01 PM] Kamek: I forgot how painful this is
[9:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Madagascarrrrrrrrr" - announcer
[9:01 PM] Kamek: henry fjflajsdflhjagnkuahngkusnfdk
[9:01 PM] Vortex: The BBC's just showing snowboarding. <_<
[9:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: How is there such a shortage of people tripping and falling?
[9:01 PM] Kamek: long freaking name
[9:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The BBC probably has it on-demand.
[9:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: When they're looking in so many directions?
[9:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because they're highly-skilled coordinated athletes?
[9:02 PM] Kamek: Should we make this a little more fun
[9:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: MEXICO
[9:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: SOMBRERO
[9:02 PM] Kamek: lol
[9:02 PM] Kamek: dude
[9:02 PM] Kamek: epic sombrero
[9:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm looking for Cappy eyes on these people.
[9:02 PM] RawkHawk2010: He's culturally appropriating himself!
[9:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I got a screenshot of him.
![]() |
The guy has an awesome sombrero, but why is he named German if he's from Mexico? |
[9:02 PM] Vortex: Good grief, they do as well...
[9:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Dude's name is "German Madrazo"
[9:03 PM] Kamek: Mexico has quite a few competitors
[9:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Commercial break.
[9:03 PM] Vortex: Okay, you guy's are at Mexico?
[9:03 PM] Kamek: freaking commericals
[9:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Monaco now.
[9:03 PM] Kamek: I'm sick of this
[9:03 PM] Kamek: i'm going to the tv
[9:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: What country are we waiting for?
[9:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...Won't the TV have commercials, too?
[9:04 PM] Vortex: Okay, I think I have it.
[9:04 PM] Kamek: yeah but the stream is awful
[9:04 PM] Vortex: Morocco just entered.
[9:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yo pause.
[9:04 PM] Vortex: For reference.
[9:04 PM] Vortex: 'K.
[9:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: We've been in commercials the entire time.
[9:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They just put them in with absolutely no segue.
[9:05 PM] Kamek: I think we should judge everyone on attractiveness
[9:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WE
[9:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WE'RE BACK
[9:05 PM] RawkHawk2010: I agree with Kamek.
[9:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "They're almost here, Team USA is awaiting arrival"
[9:05 PM] RawkHawk2010: I'm still in ads.
[9:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: wtf they're not showing the people
[9:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're advertising Team USA.
[9:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Instead of doing the actual other nations.
[9:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: 134 men, 108 women.
[9:05 PM] Kamek: 7 sets of siblings
[9:06 PM] Kamek: Lots of newcomers
[9:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So we're not gonna see Morocco?
[9:06 PM] Kamek: Probably not
[9:06 PM] Vortex: :mario_face_palm:
[9:06 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: I had sushi
[9:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Just got 7 sets of siblings.
[9:06 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: k
[9:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: hey wendy
[9:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So online stream is way behind TV.
[9:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or I should refresh.
[9:06 PM] Kamek: There's the American flag!
[9:06 PM] Kamek: Omg
[9:06 PM] Kamek: Another commercial
[9:07 PM] Vortex: dat Gangnam Style.
[9:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: How could they skip Malta?
[9:07 PM] Vortex: And Moldova!
[9:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Team USA about to enter"
[9:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We'll have it for you"
[9:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: commercial
[9:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: It's hilarious how frequently we have all five people in a chat compared to AIM.
[9:07 PM] Kamek: I'm a solid like 20 seconds ahead of you
[9:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: Also I'm still in ads.
[9:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: refresh
[9:07 PM] Vortex: Imma pause the moment Team USA are announced.
[9:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: I've been in ads for two minutes straight.
[9:08 PM] Vortex: There's Mongolia.
[9:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm at "Live 02:20:38"
[9:08 PM] RawkHawk2010: Or more.
[9:08 PM] Kamek: I think this speaks for us
[9:08 PM] Kamek: Commercials for everyone else
[9:08 PM] Kamek: Except México and the Norwegians
[9:08 PM] Vortex: Pauses
[9:08 PM] RawkHawk2010: I'm at "You can make my heart go on" in a phone commercial
[9:08 PM] Vortex: TAPS FINGERS
[9:08 PM] Kamek: ...
[9:09 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: olympics?
[9:09 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: oh
[9:09 PM] Kamek: Look man I'm in a visa commercial it's not my fault
[9:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: Now Ritz crackers with their Depression-era sensibilities.
[9:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm not even getting a commercial. :frowning:
[9:09 PM] Vortex: Checking the timeline thumbnails to see what I missed.
[9:09 PM] Vortex: I see a white tiger.
[9:09 PM] Kamek: Vortex I'm at Morocco
[9:09 PM] Vortex: And people dancing.
[9:09 PM] Kamek: Wow are you serious
[9:09 PM] Vortex: lol
[9:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: I think this log experience just fell through the floor.
[9:09 PM] Kamek: They paused everything?
[9:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WE'RE BACK
[9:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Morocco
[9:10 PM] Kamek: I think they are just post commentating
[9:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: I hear Gangnam Style.
[9:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: EW
[9:10 PM] Vortex: Imma rewind now then.
[9:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: Someone turn it off.
[9:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Gangnam Style.
[9:10 PM] Kamek: I can't believe they're post commentating
[9:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Montenegro
[9:10 PM] Vortex: If THAT'S how you want to play it, American broadcasters.
[9:10 PM] Kamek: This is ridiculous
[9:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NBC is awful, yes.
[9:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Moldova.
[9:11 PM] Kamek: I'm super disappointed no one is doing the gang names style dance
[9:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: I hope they play Girls' Generation
[9:11 PM] Kamek: Oh
[9:11 PM] Kamek: Malta did it
[9:11 PM] Kamek: Kinda
[9:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Malta just entering.
[9:11 PM] Kamek: Whoa
[9:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: Hey woman, you can't do Gangnam Style while holding a giant flag.
[9:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "'EEEEEY SEXY LADY"
[9:11 PM] Kamek: Weird circle of dancers
[9:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: While zoomed into Malta girl.
[9:11 PM] Kamek: Whoa huge USA applause
[9:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: Mongoloids.
[9:12 PM] Kamek: Can't tell if it's fabricated applause or not
[9:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "The United States will be next"
[9:12 PM] Vortex: I love how the British commentators are so blase towards Gangnam Style. Discussing it like it's not super silly.
[9:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "and here they come"
[9:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Cheers.
[9:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: America
[9:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Mike Pence.
[9:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: I wonder what Mike Pence thinks of Gangnam Style.
[9:12 PM] Kamek: Kim Jung un's sister isn't happy at all
[9:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Got screenshot of Mike Pence.
![]() |
Mike Pence clapping with his wife. |
[9:13 PM] Vortex: BERMUDA
[9:13 PM] Kamek: CONCENTRATE
[9:13 PM] RawkHawk2010: You can tell Mike is struggling to keep from being stimulated.(edited)
[9:13 PM] Vortex: Ahem.
[9:13 PM] Kamek: Lol we're still concentrating on USA
[9:13 PM] Vortex: <_<
[9:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Belgium"
[9:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They skipped Bermuda on this stream.
[9:14 PM] Kamek: Camera still on USA
[9:14 PM] Vortex: CENSORSHIP
[9:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're still showing USA.
[9:14 PM] Kamek: Vortex did you hear the crazy applause?
[9:14 PM] Kamek: For the USA
[9:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: The only thing anyone knows about Bermuda is the triangle.
[9:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But the "NEXT" at the bottom of the screen still says "NEXT BERMUDA"
[9:14 PM] Kamek: @Vortex
[9:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: Including Funky Kong.
[9:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So maybe they'll go back in time to Bermuda.
[9:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With the camera.
[9:14 PM] Vortex: @Kamek yAH.
[9:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: yAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
[9:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Bosnia and Herzegovina" - narrator
[9:15 PM] Kamek: Those are NOTE 8's
[9:15 PM] Kamek: $950 cell phones
[9:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Bolivia"
[9:15 PM] Kamek: Someone has an iPhone
[9:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Camera still on obnoxious Americans.
[9:15 PM] Kamek: I'm still watching the USA team
[9:15 PM] Kamek: Lol
[9:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Why does NBC think that Americans only want to see Team USA?
[9:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Arrogant American assholes!
[9:15 PM] Kamek: Because it's true
[9:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: ^
[9:16 PM] Kamek: I love their outfits though
[9:16 PM] Vortex: To be fair, same thing happens here with Team GB.
[9:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Brazil"
[9:16 PM] Kamek: Alot of white people in the USA winter Olympics
[9:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Black people don't like winter sports.
[9:16 PM] Kamek: She has an iPhone 8
[9:16 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is Trump watching this?
[9:16 PM] Kamek: Commercial
[9:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "San Marino"
[9:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: NO
[9:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: KENDRICK LAMAR
[9:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Commercial
[9:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: TURN IT OFF
[9:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: For "HomePod"
[9:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With awful music.
[9:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: :dawn_scream:
[9:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah, that was Kendrick Lamar with his shitty DNA shit.
[9:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: He sang that at the football championship game or whatever.
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: wtf Koch Industries got a commercial.
[9:18 PM] Kamek: Wow nice commercial for peanut butter jelly sandwich
[9:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: With Georgia and Alabama I think.
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I didn't know they did commercials.
[9:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: Me neither.
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Here's a black guy snowboarding.
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: In a commercial.
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But he doesn't seem very happy.
[9:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: A commercial for stargazing.
[9:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: In a commercial for diamonds.
[9:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: Paying to go on a boat and stargaze.
[9:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: Well, can't be that terrible.
[9:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Diet Coke Twisted Mango commercial.
[9:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WE'RE BACK
[9:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: That sounds taboo.
[9:19 PM] Kamek: Wow they're definitely post commentating
[9:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: BERMUDA
[9:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WHAT
[9:20 PM] Kamek: @Vortex were at Belgium
[9:20 PM] Vortex: wait
[9:20 PM] Vortex: what
[9:20 PM] Vortex: whaaat
[9:20 PM] RawkHawk2010: What percentage are we at?
[9:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: There are no percents when they went back in time.
[9:20 PM] Kamek: probably less than half way
[9:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They showed Team USA via camera up to San Marino.
[9:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But now after commercial, they went all the way back to Bermuda.
[9:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (With San Marino 6 countries ahead)
[9:21 PM] Kamek: Yo I feel bad for these circle dancers
[9:21 PM] Kamek: Always dancing
[9:21 PM] Vortex: Judging by my timeline, the whole parade is about an hour, and we're about 20 minutes in.
[9:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ":14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So maybe they'll go back in time to Bermuda.
[9:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With the camera." - me
[9:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I called it!
[9:22 PM] RawkHawk2010: Bulgaria
[9:22 PM] RawkHawk2010: Not to be confused with Bavaria.
[9:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Rawk do you mention NBC/Olympics in the TIME article?
[9:22 PM] Kamek: Oh dear...
[9:22 PM] RawkHawk2010: Hell nah I'm done with that thing.
[9:22 PM] Kamek: San marino is cool
[9:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But this is EGREGIOUS.
[9:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "SAN MARIO"?
[9:23 PM] Kamek: Yeah I heard that too
[9:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But no hats.
![]() |
The local Korean announcer said “SAN MARIO” but no one here is Mario in disguise, not even the guy with his face behind the flag. |
[9:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So... false alarm.
[9:23 PM] RawkHawk2010: SEREBII
[9:23 PM] Kamek: Commercial
[9:24 PM] Kamek: Ugh
[9:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: COMMERCIAL
[9:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: We'd be done by now if NBC didn't screw time and didn't do commercials.
[9:25 PM] Kamek: I LOVE YOU BIG MAC
[9:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: My stream is in 144p now.
[9:25 PM] Kamek: stupid commercial
[9:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: oh crap
[9:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: There is a 2x speed option.
[9:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: On the stream.
[9:25 PM] Kamek: ...
[9:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: If I put that on will I catch up?
[9:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: With who?
[9:26 PM] Kamek: It'll stop at the commercials I'm sure
[9:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well Kamek is many seconds ahead of us.
[9:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: No, it's 2x-speeding the commercials.
[9:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: My stream is broke.
[9:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...but now it stopped.
[9:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: At Comcast.
[9:26 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: blame comcast
[9:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: At 2:29:53
[9:27 PM] RawkHawk2010: I'm at 2:39:55
[9:27 PM] Kamek: Swiss dudes are beard bros
[9:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: oh crap I can skip ahead to 2:40:22
[9:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Switzerland.
[9:27 PM] Vortex: what do you mean switzerland
[9:28 PM] Vortex: what about sweden
[9:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now at 2:41:00
[9:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Spain.
[9:28 PM] Kamek: Yo Spain dude is young
[9:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: swiss girls are hut
[9:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Slovakia.
[9:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is that a midget walking behind Spain?
[9:28 PM] Kamek: Everyone's outfits are awesome!
[9:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: I disagree.
[9:28 PM] Kamek: Random USA
[9:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NBC commentator talking about people skiing off course.
[9:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: Red and gray on Spain looked pretty terrible.
[9:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Reminds me of the Nintendo World Championships.
[9:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: Red and gray isn't gonna look good ever.
[9:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild shield-surfing minigame.
[9:29 PM] Kamek: Slovenia vs. usa
[9:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: That was hilarious.
[9:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Singapore has 1 athlete.
[9:29 PM] Kamek: Singapore is very uncomfortable
[9:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Her mouth looks Photoshopped on.
[9:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: I thought Singapore was a city in Malaysia.
[9:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[9:30 PM] Kamek: Sigh
[9:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, Singapore IS a city.
[9:30 PM] Vortex: It was at one point.
[9:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's a city-state.
[9:30 PM] Vortex: Then it broke away.
[9:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah I wanted to move to it once.
[9:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Ireland wearing green jackets.
[9:31 PM] RawkHawk2010: More red and gray with Iceland.
[9:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Seamus O'Connor"
[9:31 PM] Kamek: Omg
[9:31 PM] Kamek: They won't stop showing USA
[9:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Dude's a Leprechaun.
[9:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't know about Azerbaijan.
[9:32 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NBC people say the Azerbaijan team hung their flag upside down at Olympic Village.
[9:32 PM] Kamek: We had a foreign exchange student from there once
[9:32 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because they're not actually from Azerbaijan.
[9:32 PM] Kamek: She was cute
[9:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: Andorra's Box
[9:33 PM] Kamek: Look rawk
[9:33 PM] Kamek: More from Africa
[9:33 PM] Kamek: Never mind
[9:33 PM] Kamek: Commercial instead
[9:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Eritrea is a terrible country even though the name sounds cool.
[9:33 PM] Kamek: This is awful
[9:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: I read that as "Move from Africa"
[9:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: At least Great Britain is after the commercial.
[9:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: Like it was an insult, lol.
[9:33 PM] Kamek: Pretty sure ERITREA is in fire Emblem
[9:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: That's Akaenea.
[9:33 PM] Kamek: I dunno
[9:34 PM] Kamek: I think it's in there somewhere
[9:34 PM] Kamek: Can we agree that this is a horrible showing
[9:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because of NBC?
[9:34 PM] Kamek: Or at least quite unfair
[9:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: I liked the song that played right after the anthem.
[9:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WE'RE BACK
[9:34 PM] Kamek: Oh
[9:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Estonia.
[9:34 PM] Kamek: That was way too fast
[9:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Hey, fast commercials are good.
[9:35 PM] Kamek: Oh look
[9:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Ecuador.
[9:35 PM] Kamek: Russia is coming up
[9:35 PM] Kamek: Well certain athletes
[9:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: All the commercials in Japan are fast as fuck.
[9:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Great Britain is coming up, that's more important.
[9:35 PM] Kamek: @Vortex
[9:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: GREAT BRITAIN IS UP
[9:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxjFb8YBd7g
[9:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're #Brexiting out on stage.
[9:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: The commercials in Japan are all like that.
[9:35 PM] Vortex: Woooooooo!
[9:36 PM] Kamek: Australia lol
[9:36 PM] Vortex: TEAM GB!
[9:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They got some black dudes.
[9:36 PM] Kamek: I'm pretty sure that was racist
[9:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're showing some USA girl.
[9:36 PM] Kamek: OZZY OZZY OZZY
[9:36 PM] RawkHawk2010: Vortex likes his home country?
[9:36 PM] RawkHawk2010: In 2018?
[9:36 PM] Vortex: When we win medals, yes.
[9:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Did I just hear them say "Cappy"?
[9:36 PM] Kamek: Austria is gorgeous
[9:36 PM] Kamek: >>
[9:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: <_<
[9:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: USA show
[9:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: commercial break.
[9:37 PM] Kamek: <_<
[9:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're using move-camera-to-USA as a commercial segue?
[9:37 PM] Kamek: >_>
[9:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: Anna Veith is hot.
![]() |
Anna Veith of Austria holding up the flag. |
[9:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (Say that out loud.)
[9:37 PM] Kamek: Who
[9:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: The Austrian.
[9:37 PM] Kamek: Yeah
[9:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I agree.
[9:37 PM] Kamek: See rawk gets it
[9:37 PM] Kamek: So
[9:37 PM] Kamek: Austria wins
[9:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I like that Kamek was staring at her without reading her name.
[9:38 PM] Kamek: Most attractive
[9:38 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Very misogynist.
[9:38 PM] Kamek: Hey I'm on mobile!
[9:38 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I thought you said you switched to TV.
[9:38 PM] Kamek: Don't accusé me of being misogynistic
[9:38 PM] Kamek: Yeah my laptop died
[9:38 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well when did mobile get into the picture?
[9:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ludwig almost had to watch on mobile.
[9:38 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I did NOT.
[9:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...oh right you need to type in mobile.
[9:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...But that doesn't explain why you didn't pay attention to her name.
[9:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: Note that there's gonna come a day when we have the first-ever mobile log.
[9:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'll do non-live logs before a mobile one.
[9:39 PM] Kamek: Russians!
[9:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Olympic Athletes From Russia" to be exact.
[9:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Holding the Olympic flag.
[9:40 PM] Kamek: ...
[9:40 PM] Kamek: Shush
[9:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "The Russian athletes are allowed to have Russian flags in their bedrooms if they are not publicly visible." - sidebar.
[9:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sounds like 1984.
[9:40 PM] Kamek: So they're basically individuals competing for themselves
[9:40 PM] RawkHawk2010: Russia is more stigmatized here than North Korea?
[9:41 PM] Kamek: State sponsored doping
[9:41 PM] Kamek: Big deal
[9:41 PM] Kamek: JAPAN coming up
[9:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: That's an International Olympic Committee decision, not a South Korean one.
[9:41 PM] Kamek: Irán is happy
[9:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Iran is crying.
[9:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Hijab.
[9:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Would a hijab block Cappy?
[9:42 PM] Kamek: Italians are best dressed?
[9:42 PM] Kamek: Nah
[9:42 PM] Vortex: Is a hijab a hat?
[9:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sexy Israelis coming up.
[9:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Though when I said that in 2016, they were wearing some hideous outfit.
[9:42 PM] Kamek: ?
[9:42 PM] Kamek: Meh
[9:42 PM] Kamek: They are okay
[9:43 PM] Kamek: Oh
[9:43 PM] RawkHawk2010: Israel has good outfits.
[9:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This India guy is a goofball.
[9:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Shiva Keshavan"
[9:43 PM] RawkHawk2010: blue/gray >>> red/gray
[9:43 PM] Kamek: Oooo
[9:43 PM] Kamek: Shinzo
[9:43 PM] Kamek: Abe
[9:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: JAPAN
[9:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: OH SHIT THAT'S NOT GOOD
[9:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WHAT'S HE DOING THERE?
![]() |
...No Cappy...so far... |
[9:44 PM] RawkHawk2010: lol
[9:44 PM] Kamek: Who's the blonde
[9:44 PM] Kamek: Omg
[9:44 PM] Kamek: Jamaica
[9:44 PM] Kamek: They're so funny
[9:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: Did Shinzo really say he wouldn't be here?
[9:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yes.
[9:45 PM] Kamek: The Jamaicans dance like Piantas
[9:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: :phoenix_thinking:
[9:45 PM] Kamek: Whoa the Chinese are wearing bright clothes
[9:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/01/16/national/politics-diplomacy/japan-send-two-ministers-not-abe-opening-ceremony-pyeongchang-games-sources/
[9:45 PM] Kamek: Yo Canada coming up
[9:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: This means Cappy is here somewhere.
[9:46 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This was sourced by "sources"
[9:46 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...So maybe it was FAKE NEWS?
[9:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: Otherwise Shinzo has no business here.
[9:46 PM] Kamek: USA again
[9:46 PM] Kamek: SHINZO does what he wants
[9:46 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Not if Cappy is controlling him.
[9:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: Maybe it has something to do with the Toad head/hat news.
[9:46 PM] Kamek: Lol czechs
[9:46 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But he didn't have a hat.
[9:46 PM] Kamek: Did a sweet move
[9:47 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: oh
[9:47 PM] Kamek: After Canada I'm getting a drink
[9:47 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: balls
[9:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Czechs were cute.
[9:47 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: dammit CBC
[9:47 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: you guys got al ink
[9:47 PM] Kamek: ^ agreement
[9:47 PM] Vortex: Chile's flag looks a lot like Texas'.
[9:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't have a link to the CBC.
[9:47 PM] Kamek: CBC ?
[9:47 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: Hm
[9:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Canada's BBC.
[9:47 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: it's an add for me right now
[9:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Commercial.
[9:47 PM] Kamek: Commercial time
[9:47 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: oj
[9:47 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: ok
[9:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Right before Canada.
[9:47 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: now I don't fee lbad
[9:48 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: CBC does commercials too?
[9:48 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So how come BBC doesn't?
[9:48 PM] Vortex: Because the BBC is funded by a licence fee.
[9:48 PM] Vortex: At least for now.
[9:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "The financial structure and the nature of the CBC differs from other national broadcasters, such as the British broadcaster BBC, as the CBC employs commercial advertising to supplement its federal funding on its television broadcasts." - Wikipedia
[9:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: oh well okay
[9:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I have a Google Pixel 2 commercial.
[9:49 PM] Kamek: Big black nurse man
[9:50 PM] RawkHawk2010: I'm still in 144p.
[9:50 PM] Kamek: Uh do. Emoji show up on
[9:50 PM] Kamek: Post
[9:50 PM] Kamek: Woooo Oooo!
[9:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: On KoopaTV? No.
[9:50 PM] Kamek: Canada
[9:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: CANADA
[9:50 PM] Kamek: Canada is cute
[9:51 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now Kenya.
[9:51 PM] Kamek: USA V. CANADA "best rivalry in Olympic games"
[9:51 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (There's another African country, Rawk.)
[9:51 PM] Kamek: Women's hockey
[9:52 PM] Kamek: This is very American centric commentary
[9:52 PM] Kamek: Columbia has a weird hat
[9:52 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: huh
[9:52 PM] RawkHawk2010: Kosovo's flag sucks.
[9:52 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: must be behind
[9:52 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: COLOMBIA HATS
[9:52 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: I'm seeing Greece now
[9:52 PM] Kamek: ...
[9:52 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Greece is the first one.
[9:52 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: oh
[9:52 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: lol
[9:52 PM] Kamek: Fast forward lol
[9:52 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The first country.
[9:52 PM] Kamek: Croatia
[9:52 PM] Kamek: Has a hat for 50's diners
[9:52 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: I dunno
[9:53 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: CBC does their shit differently
[9:53 PM] RawkHawk2010: When I hear Croatia I think of Croagunk.
[9:53 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: rip
[9:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Kyrgyzstan is the most complicated country to spell.
[9:53 PM] Wendy O. Koopa: I'll be watching while I mash monsters then
[9:53 PM] Kamek: KYRGYZSTAN
[9:53 PM] Vortex: I like those hats.
[9:53 PM] Kamek: NBC man digs his hat
[9:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Hats make me nervous...
[9:53 PM] RawkHawk2010: They look like something from Bleach.
[9:53 PM] Kamek: Taiwan is called Chinese Taipei?
[9:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Taiwan!
[9:54 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Thailand.
[9:54 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Thailand's team is a family affair.
[9:54 PM] Kamek: Thailand had long hair <3
[9:54 PM] Kamek: Circle dancers are still going at it
[9:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Togo dude.
[9:55 PM] Kamek: More Africans rawk
[9:55 PM] Kamek: Omg
[9:55 PM] Kamek: Wut
[9:55 PM] Vortex: ...
[9:55 PM] Kamek: ....
[9:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Apparently Pita Taufatofua was in Rio.
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It's a good thing I didn't get a high-resolution picture of his front side! |
[9:55 PM] Vortex: That's not appropriate winter attire, sir.
[9:55 PM] Kamek: Tonga
[9:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But...I guess we slept beforehand.
[9:55 PM] Kamek: ?
[9:56 PM] Kamek: The NBC female is drooling
[9:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: 'cause I don't remember this guy.
[9:56 PM] RawkHawk2010: Donkey Tonga
[9:56 PM] Kamek: Puerto Rico is okay enough to send athletes
[9:56 PM] RawkHawk2010: (I can't rhyme Coconut Oil with anything to fit the DK Rap.)
[9:56 PM] Kamek: That's good
[9:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: COMMERCIAL
[9:57 PM] Kamek: Are any of you familiar with Poland ball?
[9:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...no.
[9:57 PM] Kamek: It's... Interesting
[9:58 PM] Kamek: A good internet contribution I think
[9:58 PM] Kamek: France is coming up
[9:58 PM] Kamek: I'm excited
[9:59 PM] Kamek: Ooo
[9:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: crap my stream died
[10:00 PM] Kamek: France is so excited
[10:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I just got to France.
[10:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NBCers are talking about Puerto Rico
[10:00 PM] Kamek: France is dressed modestly
[10:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ignoring France.
[10:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is it the growing Muslim influence on France?
[10:00 PM] Kamek: Paris is going to be the second city to host the summer games
[10:00 PM] Kamek: 3 times
[10:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Wait, why the hell does Puerto Rico have their own team?
[10:01 PM] Kamek: Macedonia is very
[10:01 PM] Kamek: Calm
[10:01 PM] Kamek: Puerto Rico has one person competing
[10:01 PM] Kamek: They're a territory like Taiwan
[10:01 PM] Kamek: And Hong Kong
[10:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: uhhh
[10:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Taiwan claims to be their own country.
[10:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (And they are)
[10:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Puerto Rico isn't claiming that.
[10:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh hey we're almost done.
[10:02 PM] Kamek: Whoa
[10:02 PM] Kamek: @RawkHawk2010 @Vortex @Wendy O. Koopa
[10:02 PM] Kamek: We're almost done
[10:02 PM] RawkHawk2010: http://i.imgur.com/8v6RkN5.gif
[10:02 PM] Kamek: Hungary looks awful
[10:02 PM] RawkHawk2010: Has there been anything gifable ala this yet?
[10:02 PM] Kamek: Yeah
[10:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Shirtless guy.
[10:02 PM] RawkHawk2010: ehhhhhhhhhhh
[10:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Hong Kong.
[10:02 PM] Kamek: And czech
[10:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And Jamaica.
[10:03 PM] Kamek: Czech was good
[10:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: Shirtless guy was lame.
[10:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: COMMERCIAL BREAK probably
[10:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: for Korea.
[10:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: and not a two-frame kind of dude
[10:03 PM] Kamek: China using huawei
[10:03 PM] Kamek: Phones
[10:03 PM] Kamek: Here we go
[10:03 PM] Kamek: Korean time
[10:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh no commercial?
[10:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: THE KOREA.
[10:03 PM] Kamek: Wow
[10:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Loudest applause.
[10:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: Look for Cappy.
[10:04 PM] Kamek: They're sharing the flag
[10:04 PM] Vortex: Wow, a unified team.
[10:04 PM] Kamek: Awkward
[10:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: Are a North and South one joint-holding the flag?
[10:04 PM] Kamek: Pretty flag
[10:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yes.
[10:05 PM] Kamek: Everyone is so excited
[10:05 PM] Kamek: Also weird clapping
[10:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm surprised NBC isn't cutting to Americans.
[10:05 PM] Vortex: People are apparently sobbing.
[10:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: omg there's a dude with a Kim Jong Un haircut.
[10:05 PM] Kamek: Sobbing?
[10:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: No, an athlete.
[10:05 PM] Kamek: White and blue
[10:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: This is so Fake.
[10:06 PM] Kamek: Is pretty
[10:06 PM] Kamek: South and North Korea are trying to form a hockey team together
[10:06 PM] Kamek: Female flag bearer was north
[10:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But they have language problems.
[10:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So will the North Koreans try to avoid coming home after this?
[10:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or is Kim Jong Un holding their families hostage back home?
[10:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah.
[10:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Circle dancers done now.
[10:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're taking their seats.
[10:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: And they'll get sent to the death camps.
[10:07 PM] Kamek: Korea is good at waiving flags in unison
[10:08 PM] Kamek: Fireworks are appropriate
[10:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I didn't see Cappy.
[10:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I think the Olympics are safe.
[10:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...For now.
[10:08 PM] Kamek: Korea ad
[10:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...oh I thought the opening ceremonies ended.
[10:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I wanted that to be the end of the log.
[10:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But we get some time-lapse video with a 77 year old singer.
[10:09 PM] Kamek: ......
[10:09 PM] Vortex: Isn't there, like, another hour?
[10:09 PM] Kamek: Uh
[10:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This guy looks like he belongs in a Breath of the Wild shrine.
![]() |
A Sheikah monk in South Korea singing Arirang. |
[10:09 PM] Vortex: lol
[10:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: lolol
[10:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is this worse than our anthem?
[10:10 PM] Vortex: "May the Goddess Hylia smile upon you."
[10:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I skipped those cutscenes around the 20th shrine.
[10:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: This sounds like the song that played in that one Pokemon Black/White town.
[10:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: With the bridge.
[10:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: Y'all remember?
[10:11 PM] Kamek: Very abstract presentation
[10:11 PM] Kamek: I like it
[10:11 PM] Vortex: What are they sailing through?
[10:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anfHYdvYqRY
[10:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: commercial
[10:12 PM] Kamek: Commercial
[10:12 PM] Kamek: Kamek is sleepy
[10:14 PM] Kamek: Children are using a VR
[10:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But they were using augmented reality before.
[10:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: The protagonists
[10:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now it's Virtual Reality?
[10:14 PM] Kamek: ROBOTA
[10:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: Dude just VR'd into a doctor.
[10:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Due to time constraints some portions of the opening ceremony are not included"
[10:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But we can watch the opening ceremony WITHOUT COMMENTARY on their app tomorrow morning.
[10:16 PM] Kamek: Korean big idea is hope
[10:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I thought the theme was circles.
[10:16 PM] Kamek: And.... Doors.... Apparently
[10:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: What's with all these rectangles?
[10:16 PM] RawkHawk2010: Circle of Hope
[10:16 PM] RawkHawk2010: Which is a thing in Naruto.
[10:16 PM] RawkHawk2010: ...well that's the Circle of Hate.
[10:16 PM] RawkHawk2010: But the idea is to avoid it.
[10:16 PM] Kamek: .... Whaaaaaaaat
[10:16 PM] Kamek: Did you hear that?!
[10:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: wtf
[10:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: South Korea has banned videogame playing from 12 AM to 6 AM
[10:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: and they have VIDEOGAME ADDICT REHAB CENTRES
[10:17 PM] Kamek: That's nuts
[10:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: That'd screw me over.
[10:17 PM] Vortex: It's all dat StarCraft.
[10:17 PM] Vortex: They're obsessed.
[10:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: https://www.koopatv.org/2018/01/world-health-organisation-gaming-disorder.html
[10:17 PM] Kamek: But the Koreans are the best at Overwatch
[10:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Guess we'll see more of that to come.
[10:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: North Korea sentences people to WoW gold mining in casual prison.
[10:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: dat casual prison
[10:18 PM] Kamek: What....
[10:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: There's a circle.
[10:18 PM] Kamek: Random hoop
[10:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: There have been as many rectangles/cubes in this as circles.
[10:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're communicating to the aliens or something.
[10:19 PM] Kamek: Rêve means dream in French
[10:19 PM] Vortex: Not sure where I am. What are you guys seeing?
[10:19 PM] Kamek: Don't know why the word future was in there
[10:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm not sure what I'm seeing.
[10:19 PM] Kamek: Fireworks!!!
[10:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: Hoop light.
[10:19 PM] Kamek: Omg
[10:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: Spirit Bomb
[10:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Hoop light just ended to fireworks.
[10:19 PM] Kamek: Official opening of the games
[10:19 PM] Kamek: Coming up
[10:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: PYEONGCHANG2018
[10:19 PM] Kamek: Eventually
[10:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "A little glimpse into the future"
[10:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "It's the official opening of the games and that's coming up next."
[10:20 PM] Kamek: My body is slowly getting to that "kill me please" feeling
[10:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Like The Game Awards?
[10:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: refresh
[10:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: at 03:33:47
[10:21 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ludwig you should thank me for making us watch The Game Awards last year.
[10:21 PM] RawkHawk2010: Was basically a second E3.
[10:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[10:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: All I remember from that was that prison game guy swearing.
[10:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And refusing to get off the stage.
[10:22 PM] RawkHawk2010: I remember the Champions' Ballad reveal and live 1-Up Girl.
[10:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And Bill Nye the Science Guy is Death Stranding.
[10:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...yeah I wouldn't have remembered those if you didn't just mention them.
[10:22 PM] RawkHawk2010: It was good.
[10:22 PM] Kamek: Opening statements
[10:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Miles Edgeworth?
[10:23 PM] RawkHawk2010: Does Ace Attorney have any Koreans?
[10:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...not that we can tell.
[10:23 PM] RawkHawk2010: I keep wanting to call the Spirit of Justice prosecutor Netanyahu.
[10:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: International Olympic Committee president.
[10:24 PM] RawkHawk2010: But his name is Nahyuta.
[10:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Thomas Bach.
[10:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah I can understand the association.
[10:25 PM] Kamek: everyone is freezing cold
[10:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "In sport we are all equal" - Thomas Bach
[10:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Um, what?
[10:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: lol
[10:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The whole point in the Olympics is that the athletes aren't equal.
[10:25 PM] Kamek: Main camera man is frozen tío
[10:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: The whole point of the olympics is to disprove that.
[10:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: That's why they get different medals.
[10:26 PM] Kamek: He can't hold the camera straight
[10:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: I guess equal as in "popportunity"
[10:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: opportunity*
[10:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "United in our diversity, we are stronger than all of the forces that try to divide us"
[10:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: (dammit Poppi)
[10:26 PM] Kamek: Wooo
[10:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now he's referencing The Refugee Team from Rio.
[10:27 PM] Kamek: Pokémon Moon is coming up
[10:27 PM] Kamek: To declare the games open
[10:27 PM] Kamek: He has cool hair
[10:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It looks like the dudes behind him are a green screen.
[10:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: wait wtf the audio is reporting
[10:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: *repeating
[10:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With Bach talking instead of Moon.
[10:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: fireworx
[10:28 PM] Kamek: Cool fireworks
[10:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: refresh
[10:28 PM] Kamek: Omg 5 more children
[10:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[10:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: Who invented fireworks?
[10:28 PM] Kamek: The Chinese I believe
[10:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The five children are back.
[10:29 PM] Kamek: Oooo
[10:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With candles.
[10:29 PM] Kamek: Pretty doves
[10:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: They're almost colored like the Color Splash Rescue V.
[10:29 PM] Kamek: Korean Rock Singer wants to battle!
![]() |
What will Korean Rock Singer do? |
[10:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: sexy guitar
[10:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: OH SHIT
[10:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: AHHH
[10:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: Korean Imagine cover
[10:29 PM] Kamek: Korean Rock Singer sent out
[10:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: What if both Lennon and Cain walk out on stage mid-way?
[10:30 PM] Kamek: Herman Cain?
[10:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: yes
[10:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: Of Imagine There's No Pizza fame.
[10:30 PM] Kamek: Large bird
[10:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Isn't Lennon dead?
[10:31 PM] RawkHawk2010: yes
[10:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...'kay just checking. <.<
[10:31 PM] RawkHawk2010: But Cain isn't.
[10:31 PM] Kamek: Why are they singing in English
[10:31 PM] Kamek: The display is pretty
[10:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Maybe it's the NBC producers doing post-singing over them.
[10:31 PM] RawkHawk2010: This isn't a very good cover but it's better than what they might've done otherwise.
[10:31 PM] RawkHawk2010: Unless it hasn't started yet.
[10:32 PM] Kamek: I have no idea what this song is
[10:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: Really?
[10:32 PM] Kamek: These string instruments are amazing
[10:32 PM] Vortex: Is that supposed to be a dove?
[10:32 PM] Vortex: Like, for peace?
[10:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: yea
[10:32 PM] Kamek: I can't understand the words they're saying unfortunately
[10:32 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's the sand phoenix from Sunshine.
[10:33 PM] Kamek: Sand Phoenix song is stuck in my head
[10:33 PM] Kamek: I hate you
[10:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't even remember it. >.>
[10:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: New song.
[10:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...oh it's doves nevermind.
[10:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: NBC put a hard g on "genre"
[10:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: "Not doves, but drones"
[10:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: LOL
[10:34 PM] Kamek: Wait are those seriously real RC copters
[10:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We see... not doves... but DRONES...and technology... bridging the gap...with imagery of the winter games." - NBC
[10:34 PM] Kamek: Yo
[10:34 PM] Kamek: I want that light vest
[10:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're playing a pre-recorded video from December.
[10:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: So no one's gonna fall I take it.
[10:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They look like the Chozo Spirits from Metroid Prime.
[10:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: I kept waiting for JEB! to trip during the debates.
[10:35 PM] Kamek: Oh please no
[10:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: COMMERCIAL
[10:36 PM] RawkHawk2010: "The lighting of the cauldron, as we c-"
[10:36 PM] RawkHawk2010: Nice commercial placement.
[10:36 PM] Kamek: I'm going to fall asleep
[10:36 PM] RawkHawk2010: Pretend we're doing a log.
[10:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Pretend?
[10:38 PM] Kamek: IOC copyrighted their stufd
[10:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: Why do people want hamburgers that height-wise won't even fit in your mouth?
[10:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: I don't get it.
[10:38 PM] Kamek: More food
[10:38 PM] Kamek: It's impressive
[10:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: But you can just get two small ones.
[10:39 PM] Kamek: AMERICA
[10:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is this log violating copyright?
[10:39 PM] Kamek: you can also take the groceries in two bags at a time
[10:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: What if it really was?
[10:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: What if the plot of the olympics is copywrit?
[10:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: THE SCRIPT.
[10:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: #rigged
[10:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Please stand for the Olympic anthem.
[10:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: THEY get an anthem too?
[10:40 PM] RawkHawk2010: I didn't know that existed.
[10:40 PM] RawkHawk2010: Too many anthems.
[10:40 PM] Kamek: Oh dear
[10:40 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is there a world one?
[10:40 PM] Kamek: Olympics anthem can be said to be a world anthem
[10:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well the world sucks at making anthems.
[10:40 PM] Vortex: Those flag-carriers look like they're wearing bathrobes.
[10:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This is why we shouldn't have a New World Anthem.
[10:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: You'll be forcing one crappy anthem on every country.
[10:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: *New World Order
[10:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They won't be able to escape.
[10:41 PM] RawkHawk2010: They're like the Society of Light in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, which I think I'm mentioning in the second log this year.
[10:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And you'll be destroying culture.
[10:41 PM] Kamek: Did someone jack up the Olympic flag
[10:42 PM] Kamek: Nope there it is
[10:42 PM] Kamek: Is there significance to the lights going up
[10:42 PM] Kamek: On the ramp over there
[10:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It looks cool.
[10:42 PM] Kamek: She has no hands
[10:43 PM] Kamek: Lighting the thing of the torch!
[10:43 PM] RawkHawk2010: Row! Row! Fight the Powah
[10:43 PM] Kamek: Oh god
[10:43 PM] Kamek: I thought it went out
[10:43 PM] Kamek: Jeez that was scary
[10:44 PM] RawkHawk2010: Didn't Hitler come up with the running of the torch?
[10:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I associate it with Ash Ketchum.
[10:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Since he kept doing it in the anime.
[10:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: For the Pokémon League.
[10:44 PM] Kamek: Wow
[10:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is that a sickle?
[10:44 PM] Kamek: They're really pushing it
[10:45 PM] Kamek: How many more people are they going to pass it to
[10:45 PM] Kamek: Oh
[10:45 PM] Kamek: Here we go
[10:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: The current music is good.
[10:45 PM] Kamek: Right Korea is cute
[10:46 PM] Kamek: Well now she's left Korea
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Kamek, please, we don't need a Right Korea and Left Korea on top of North Korea and South Korea. (The girl on the right is Park Jong-Ah.) |
[10:46 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Park Jong-Ah.
[10:46 PM] Kamek: Oh god
[10:46 PM] Kamek: Please don't trip
[10:46 PM] Kamek: Please don't trip
[10:46 PM] Kamek: Please don't trip
[10:47 PM] Kamek: Left Korea is lagging
[10:47 PM] RawkHawk2010: This happened in Pokemon 2000.
[10:47 PM] RawkHawk2010: I mean Pokemon 3.
[10:47 PM] RawkHawk2010: The stairs in the Entei world.
[10:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With Entei and Unown?
[10:47 PM] Kamek: What's happening
[10:47 PM] RawkHawk2010: yeah
[10:47 PM] Kamek: Dude she's figure skating way too close to the edge
[10:48 PM] Kamek: Omg
[10:48 PM] Kamek: She's doing it now I guess
[10:48 PM] Kamek: Neither Korea knew what to do
[10:48 PM] Kamek: What the heck!
[10:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yuna Kim will be lighting it I guess.
[10:49 PM] Kamek: Whoa
[10:49 PM] Kamek: Très dramatique
[10:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: I wish I could have met my figure-skating uncle before he died of YIDS.
[10:49 PM] Kamek: More fireworks
[10:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: Giant torch.
[10:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: I'm behind.
[10:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Kamek is ahead of the stream.
[10:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With his TV power.
[10:50 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ah
[10:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: He's been ahead the whole time if you haven't noticed.
[10:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: <_<
[10:50 PM] Kamek: WHY IS THERE MORE
[10:51 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: These guys are wearing the Flameguard outfits in Breath of the Wild.
[10:51 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ninjas.
[10:51 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "One last artistic portion of this opening ceremony."
[10:51 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're named "Just Jerk"
[10:51 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So I guess they're the Korean Loiter Squad.
[10:52 PM] Kamek: I thought it was Gesture
[10:52 PM] RawkHawk2010: That thing in the middle looks familiar.
[10:53 PM] Kamek: It likes like the wind walker boss
[10:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Firedancers.
[10:53 PM] Kamek: Waker
[10:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Kalle Demos.
[10:53 PM] Kamek: Yes
[10:53 PM] Kamek: Banging on drums with fire!
[10:54 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Korean mythology sounds boring.
[10:54 PM] Kamek: To synchronized fireworks
[10:54 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Music sounds like something from Death Mountain.
[10:54 PM] Kamek: This would be so much more impressive if I wasn't dying
[10:54 PM] Kamek: Dude has spinning fireworks hat
[10:54 PM] Kamek: Please acknowledge
[10:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now it's Bowser's Castle 2 music.
[10:55 PM] Kamek: Random children are back again
[10:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm on Cappy watch.
[10:55 PM] Kamek: Random children are back again
[10:55 PM] Kamek: Phone on three percent
[10:55 PM] Kamek: If it dies I'm leaving
[10:56 PM] Kamek: Just saying
[10:56 PM] RawkHawk2010: Damn you came so close to finishing.
[10:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[10:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Commercial.
[10:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Not sure if the Opening Ceremonies are over now.
[10:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because NBC dudes didn't say "coming up..."
[10:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: Guess we'll see.
[10:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: What if they'll just have hours of commercials now?
[10:57 PM] Vortex: lol, the British commentators are roasting Socci for being more expensive as well as overall forgettable.
[10:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WE'RE BACK
[10:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Opening Ceremony wraps up"
[10:58 PM] Kamek: Oh dear
[10:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's Shrine guy again with a troll from the crowd.
[10:58 PM] Kamek: It's over!
[10:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And then come back with the door segment.
[10:58 PM] Kamek: Troll guy trolls
[10:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Was he wearing a Cappy hat?
[10:58 PM] Kamek: He was wearing a MAGA hat
[10:58 PM] RawkHawk2010: rofl
[10:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: that was him
[10:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: that was cappy
[10:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: rewinds
[11:00 PM] Kamek: Cappy attacks ancient singer
[11:00 PM] Kamek: "Goodnight from the opening ceremonies"
[11:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IF CAPPYU
[11:00 PM] Kamek: Finally
[11:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IF CAPPY IS THERE
[11:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: THEN EARTH IS SCREWED
[11:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WE'LL BE NEXT.
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Don't expect KoopaTV coverage of the actual sporting events during the Olympics. The next time you should hear from KoopaTV about PyeongChang will be the closing ceremony by the end of February! Assuming the world doesn't end before then. (It may end on that day.)
PyeongChang 2018's Closing Ceremony is over here. Did Cappy return? Which country is next?
Check out Rio 2016's Opening Ceremony reaction log here.
Technically this is a sequel to Rio 2016's Closing Ceremony, so be sure to check that one out here.
KoopaTV's Olympic Opening Ceremony coverage continues with Tokyo 2021's!
I was really disappointed that we didn't get to watch the video of the Korean children imagining their future, and their response was something along the lines of being short on time, probably an excuse to get people to download the NBC app.
ReplyDeleteWhile it was very clear from our live reactions that we all think NBC did an absolutely terrible job (as usual) with showing the Olympics, I for one don't miss not having to see the Ahlbi Ur'Gaid turned five even more.
DeleteNBC is owned by Comcast, so of course one'd expect them to be terrible.
DeleteReminder that Comcast also owns Universal's theme parks and Illumination Entertainment, so we should thus expect all of Nintendo's IP-licensing endeavours with them to similarly be terrible.
DeleteI hope a miracle happens, but I doubt it.
DeleteOn Illumination Entertainment, it's said that their mission statement is to have successful animation films on a low budget. Anyway, have fun watching it in theatres, as you may be in it!
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/04/business/media/04illumination.html
As for Universal's Theme Parks, that mainly depends on the directors.
I hope that Miyamoto actually enforces his creative potential, like that of the 80s, and not like that of Sticker Star.
DeleteI was disappointed that when I saw there were two comments, one of them was a word correction...
Delete...But I see wot you did there and appreciate it a lot. Have a Truth and a Levity point. :o
If Nintendo is contributing some budget, perhaps they can increase production values too.
It's long been a position of mine, posted from many KoopaTV articles, that we're better off if Miyamoto is making movies rather than games.
...yeah I hope I'm not in it. <_<
You know if the movie is bad people will blame Universal/Illumination/NBC/Comcast rather than Miyamoto or Nintendo.