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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

President Donald Trump's Second Year Reflection

By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - Why did I say it's his reflection? It's our reflection about him.

One year ago, I created an article about President Donald Trump's First Year Reflection. The idea is that KoopaTV discussed the President of the United States a lot during his first year from January 2017–January 2018, and it would be interesting to see what sort of coverage we gave him. Positive, neutral, or negative? Were we fair & balanced or not?

I put together a big list of all of the coverage about President Donald John Trump and sorted it by topic and how positive, neutral, or negative it was. Then I put it all in a table at the end, and it turns out that KoopaTV's coverage, spread across 19 articles in a year, was... exactly neutral, with equal amounts of good and bad.

That's a super-interesting result. It made me wonder how KoopaTV's coverage of 2018–2019 was, and if I find that to be an interesting question, surely you do as well. It's time for a similar list for the past year, then! Let's go!

For fun, try guessing what the ratio will be before getting to the end. Last year, we made a mini-contest out of the guessing. This year, I'm not going that far...

All dates on this website (that I can remember) are in dd/mm/yyyy format.

List of KoopaTV's President Donald John Trump Coverage in his Second Year

Article Details:
KoopaTV Live Reactions: SOTU 2018
Topic and Positivity:
General Trump
As long as these mostly involve long bouts of clapping (and for whatever reason, President Donald John Trump insisted on repeatedly clapping INTO THE MICROPHONE itself), this is going to be negative coverage. It's inconsiderate of our time and taking over the airwaves. Very obnoxious. Bad start, as usual. I heard 2019 might not even have one of these thanks to the government shutdown. That'd be greatly appreciated.

Article Details:
Don't Touch (Violent) Videogames, President Trump
Topic and Positivity:
Violent Videogames
I ended this article with, “For now, President Donald John Trump just said something stupid and outdated. We'll keep a very close eye on if something substantive comes out of his statements, or if he's just talking crap as usual.” Essentially, there was a school shooting, and for whatever reason, the president started mentioning videogames in his talking points. Very bad of him to do that, because those kinds of comments terrify the gaming industry. We make enough problems for ourselves.

Article Details:
President Trump and the Roundtable on Videogame Violence
Topic and Positivity:
Violent Videogames
I said we'd keep a close eye on the President's activities, and it turns out it was so close we didn't talk about anything else related to him between the last article and this one. It turns out that the President really doesn't care about the topic and he's just checking a box for some constituency group of social conservative weirdos, but the fact that he has that as a constituency he needs to play to is troubling. Also, even though I used the President not paying attention to his own roundtable as a defence of him, that's not actually a good characteristic on his part to organise a roundtable and then not care about it while it's happening, or have any action items afterwards. Waste of everyone's time. Worst yet, it was closed off to the media and no meeting notes were ever released. I'm not going to defend that, and I didn't, so it's negative coverage. Hope this is the last we hear on this topic.

Article Details:
Experience for yourself the Russian-American MISSILE Arms Race in this FREE BROWSER GAME!
Topic and Positivity:
Foreign Policy
This article exists to promote KoopaTV's awesome videogame from 2017, Soviet Missile Run, using real-time tweets from President Donald John Trump. While the article doesn't specifically bash the president for his tweet content (it takes a very light tone on substance), it's not at all a good thing that I'm writing “Just wait — Russia will be shooting missiles back at the United States in no time, so be prepared!” The implication is that is due to the President's handling of the situation with Russia, which is a very, very bad place to be.

Article Details:
Caught: FAKE NEWS CNN and Fake Tears Schumer!
Topic and Positivity:
Fake News Media
The article was about how FAKE NEWS CNN and the Democrats teamed up to spread disinformation about President Donald John Trump, and I wrote an attack on their alliance, which obviously positively portrays President Donald John Trump. That said, I did disagree with him in a “humans are worse than animals” sense, but I think this is positive overall.

Article Details:
President Donald John Trump Summits With Kim Jong Un
Topic and Positivity:
Foreign Policy
Very glowing article about the summit between President Donald John Trump and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, which was a legitimate accomplishment of his presidency. The fact that we even wrote about this on a gaming site (and immediately after E3 2018 ended) should indicate the great honour we're giving to the President here.

Article Details:
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Future Updates: Trump Pack!
Topic and Positivity:
General Trump
We poke fun at the Baby Trump balloon that existed in the United Kingdom, though not hard enough of a poke that it would deflate it. We portrayed Baby Trump as yet another Baby character in a Mario Kart game. It's filled with Trump references, but it's not positive or negative on him. Just some humour that everyone should appreciate.

Article Details:
Vote Republican For Mid-Terms 2018
Topic and Positivity:
General Trump
On one claw, I outright write an article telling you how to vote. On the other, I admit that President Donald John Trump's administration should be sued and that one-party rule is a bad idea. Voting Republican in this article is more of a “don't let the Democrats win” and I didn't offer anything about why Republicans are good. It balances out to a morass of meh, which isn't an enthusiastic pro-Trump expression.

Article Details:
Your Online Gaming Sessions Are Illegal, Declares Sessions In His Last Session
Topic and Positivity:
Violent Videogames
Well, it's not really about violent videogames, but I did namedrop that in the article. Basically, it's good that President Donald John Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but it's bad that he's doing nothing to rescind a memorandum from his last days heading the Department of Justice that makes state-regulated online gambling illegal. I expressed disappointment in President Donald John Trump and his record on civil liberties in terms of letting people live out their vices. Still a developing story, but the article doesn't paint a happy picture.

Topic Positive Neutral Negative
General Trump 0 2 1
Violent Videogames 0 0 3
Foreign Policy 1 0 1
Fake News Media 1 0 0
Sum 2 2 5

...Well, that was unexpected, in two ways:

  1. We actually had rather negative coverage of President Donald John Trump, driven primarily by his handling of violent videogames—a completely unnecessary exercise on his part that ended up accomplishing nothing but generating bad will. This is a 28.6%:71.4% positive:negative ratio.
  2. We only had 9 Trump-focused articles in the past year compared to 19, a sharp reduction.
If you asked me before I did this article, I'd say that in terms of politics, 2018 was a filler year where nothing happened. All of the accomplishments were front-loaded in 2017, except for North Korea. With nothing happening, that means not much article material. That means not much President Donald John Trump, and more actually game-related articles on this site.

You tell me which scenario you like more, and if you're shocked by any of these results.

Even with the lack of positivity surrounding President Donald John Trump on KoopaTV, KoopaTV is still significantly more fair than the mainstream media is. You should at least appreciate that. Either way, KoopaTV doesn't like being accused of just being an in-the-tank-for-Trump site. This is pretty good proof of that not being the case.

How does the third year differ from the second? Find out in 2020!

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