Not that we're out of ideas or anything, but I recently read a report that we should implement a requests section on KoopaTV. So here it is.
Have any ideas for new articles, investigations, features to implement, or stuff to do? We're servicing you, so if you would like anything on our part, just tell us here in the comments section. You may also e-mail an author via the Contact Us page if you don't want the rest of the world to know of your request.
Request anything about anything. Preferably game-related in some way, given the nature of the site. Creative requests are cool too. Particularly if they're exciting, although what excites us might be different from what excites a "normal" person. Restrictions basically include that if it involves spending money, we won't do it unless we would spend that money anyway, or you give us that money. So no reviewing the latest PlayStation 4 game none of us have. We would be happy to live-react to its cutscenes, though!
Ludwig also absolutely hates giving any legitimacy to rumours, so he will decline anything that involves reacting to one. KoopaTV will not do any request that involves doing something illegal. Read here for more information on things KoopaTV won't write about.
We're like your intellectual mercenaries. Except we don't get paid by you. Unless you want to pay us. That'd be cool. Intellectual in the sense that if we don't already have an opinion on something, we'll be glad to research it and get an opinion.
Check the comments section to see which articles exist because of requests.
This page has the most number of comments of any page on the site, so as a result, the comments section now has two pages.
Click here for Page 1 (comments 1–200)
Click here for Page 2 (comments 201–present)
AS OF 2022, WE HAVE RETIRED THIS REQUESTS PAGE AND BROUGHT IT TO A NEW, CLEANER REQUESTS PAGE. Access the 2022 requests page here. We have turned off comments on this page as a result.
Feel free to request something from a specific staff member, and remember the best place to do it is in the comments section of this article! Although we look at the comments to every article on the site equally.
Writing requests is a rewarded activity through the KoopaTV Loyalty Rewards Program!
Swearing in video games. Some find it offensive. Some find it necessary for realism. Some only dislike certain words, e.g. the f-word. Some respond to the question of, "How bad is the language in this game?" with "Go back and play with your toys, you big baby!" (some choose to insult Nintendo in the same breath).
ReplyDeleteMy request: take this topic and do whatever you please with it.
DeleteSo, swearing from in-game (the writers), not swearing by players to one another, right?
Thanks for the request. I'll consider it.
(Just know that it's E3 month, so normal articles and functions are de-facto on hold.)
Maybe do a story about video games, and how it influences our food choices? Yknow, when you're playing video games, and you're more likely to eat little snacks than big ones?
ReplyDelete(I wonder what a "big snack" is...)
DeleteWell, actually, that's not a bad idea. I like it.
(I probably just shouldn't speak from my own experience though. Time to do some sleuthing.)
DeleteI took it into a bit of a different direction, but...!
Request for Ludwig:
ReplyDeletePosts that brentalfloss gif in an article you write.
Request for Ludwig:
ReplyDeleteMake a whole article as if you were on crack or high.
Done already.
One that is done after I posted that request, porfavor.
Delete"As if you were"
DeleteSo I don't... actually have to be?
You can smoke a kush if you want too.
ReplyDeleteJust an article simulating what you'd be like if you were high or on crack.
But, for extra oomph, you can smoke a kush or sniff it.
I... clearly don't want to.
DeleteRequest complete.
ReplyDeleteBut, that's my request.
DeleteRequest for Ludwig:
ReplyDeleteWrite a parody of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (the song) and the lyrics must be about Ludwig (as a character).
Fun fact: I've written a Fresh Prince of Bel-Air parody snuck into an English essay for The Scarlet Letter.
DeleteFinally done.
Request for Ludwig:
ReplyDeleteWrite a synopsis about Mike Tyson's various crimes and write about your views on the crimes, where he did bad in the crime, and where he did good.
Oh crap I still need to do your previous request.
DeleteUh, thanks for your request! I guess it's... relevant to videogames, especially this site's relationship with the Punch-Out!! series.
Nigga, step up your request game.
DeleteYeah, sorry.
DeleteIt's just like, well, it's tax day right now so...
DeleteScrew your taxes, you won't have any taxes to do if you don't fill the requests!
ReplyDeleteSo if I don't do the requests I won't have taxes?
Delete...Why the hell would I ever fill the request then?
Because you want taxes.
ReplyDeleteLies. See today's article.
DeletePerhaps you should do an article about Smash Smash Bros. 4's Stage Builder?
DeleteThat could be fun.
Request for Ludwig:
ReplyDeleteWrite about your bondage fetish.
Jesus Christ think of the children that read this. <.<
DeleteKukuku. Ringabel's such a bully.
DeleteIt's okay, Luddy, I like bondage too.
Aw. ^_^
Delete...Oh, is this the only request on the page I haven't done yet?
...oh yeah I haven't done Emilia's.
DeleteI've got another request. What about Nintendo's amiibo shortage or how amiibos behave or something in Super Smash Bros.?
ReplyDeleteI'm always up for another excuse to write about amiibo, since everyone loves clicking on amiibo articles.
DeleteBy the way, haven't forgotten about your stage builder request.
Also, I need a reliable way of contacting you because pretty good chances that you'll finish in the top 3 for round 1 of the Loyalty Reward Program.
This should qualify?
What about the new cards?
DeleteMy thoughts on the amiibo cards are the same as they are in this article:
So I have nothin' more to add to that topic, I think.
Write an article on the Japanese arcade game pop'n music. Give us your insights on the main characters and gameplay, and tell us whether or not you'd like to see it come to the US in its pure form. (It actually did come to the US at one point as a Wii game, but it was TERRIBLE.)
ReplyDeleteOh, so you want me to actually know what the hell you're talking about 90% of the time?
DeleteI still don't know what you're talking about 90% of the time.
Sorry, this article sucks.
More Zelda articles in my opinion.
ReplyDelete...Uh, okay.
Delete(No you don't get request points for this because this isn't specific.)
The continuous oppression that us MOTHER fans go under in terms of recognition by Nintendo?
ReplyDeleteAnd the conspiracy that it's all puppeteered by Reggie?
Sounds like a good article to me.
Good idea!
DeleteWell, I took a different approach due to... recent events.
Make an article about how shitty EA's sports games are because they change literally nothing from year to year smh
ReplyDeleteWe literally have a bunch of articles on this already. :p
Um Ludwig could you make me a smash bros tutorial? I need to beat Sammy one of these days...:P
ReplyDeleteI've thought about writing a guide to a certain element of Smash 4 that people don't really understand, but it has nothing to do with being able to beat other people.
DeleteFor that, there is a wealth of information out there that is a lot better than what a satirist can write. I advise checking out Smashboards.
Quit being a nerd, and make an article about your opinion on Zelda U thus far.
ReplyDeleteThere hasn't been any news on Zelda U since this article was written.
Inspired by my predicament of drawing my Miiverse posts while on Team Science the the Splatfest and someone telling me that is art, how about a topic about how at the end one topic cannot avoid the other. Like yeah I drew something but you are using the technology to draw in the first place created by science. Design theory is a science used for art. There is the science of perspective and making those pigments in paint, etc.
ReplyDeleteWe were gonna write on the Splatfest anyway.
Write about
ReplyDeleteDeez nuts
Deletewrite about ringabel brave and influence of him (and the rest of your fans) on koopatv over the years
ReplyDeleteSingling out one dude is sorta creepy so I won't do that.
DeleteThough this is basically an excuse for "make the readers feel good" filler which I'll totally accept.
Ringabel just got bodied by me, Mizuki Cruz, and now I am cemented in ktv history.
DeleteGood work.
DeleteTwo words:
ReplyDeleteMystery dungeon.
.........I've been meaning to be more inclusive of at least Pokémon Mystery Dungeon in my articles.
DeleteObviously, this isn't really enough.
Those results don't include the kiiiinda important role Temporal Tower plays in this article, but yeah, I'm sorry I've failed in the Mystery Dungeon front. I've been really meaning to fix that.
How about this?
This one is very directly related to Mystery Dungeon. All about it.
My request is for you to write about your opinion of the Monster Hunter series.
ReplyDeleteUh... Does this count? http://www.koopatv.org/2013/09/operation-exploit-monster-hunter-as.html
Delete(Jeez, you can tell I wrote that early on because it uses NeoGAF as a source.)
An article on your thoughts on Undertale.
ReplyDeleteFun fact: I tried to get Samantha Lienhard to do that exact same request. She still hasn't done it.
DeleteSo I'm not going until she does it!
At this point the site is filled with passive-aggressive anti-Undertale sentiment.
DeleteMost notably:
Hi! I have an idea for the next post: Roy and Larry will be in Mario And Sonic Olympic Games Rio 2016, you can write about that n.n
ReplyDeleteI like this blog~
Hi! Thanks for liking the website. It means a lot to us.
I'm sure you've already seen that article. The thing about your request is that... I wouldn't really have anything to add to that for Roy and Larry.
I think the only circumstance where I'd mention it is that I said I'd be doing training, and maybe give an update article on how's that going.
(Which would require more news/a lot more footage for screenies.)
Okay, thank you so much~ ;)
DeleteYou're welcome.
Delete(...Are you Gumiya?)
Who is Gumiya? xD
DeleteNo, I'm not Gumiya, my name is Kat ^^ I will comment in the blog, I love the blog! But I will comment as a anonymous because I haven't blogger T^T Sorry xD
Oh, you can at least pick Name/URL. ^_^;
DeleteGumiya is a Miiverse user who kinda types like you and I gave her the url to this and she's also a Koopa fan. ^_^;
Nintendo is shutting down wii u and 3ds servers the 12th of january, but no one knows why, you should write something about that
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean, no one knows why?
They literally say it's scheduled maintenance, which they do occasionally. Every company that has a server undergoes scheduled maintenance, to make sure there aren't problems in the server and it's running smoothly.
Obviously they can't have people on the server while they're fixing it.
oh... .-. sorry... then how about something about sakurai's team confirming that they have moved on to a new game already?
DeleteI generally don't like to do articles of pure speculation ("OOH WHAT COULD THEY BE WORKING ON NEEXXXT") unless I feel like I'm going to be 100% right.
DeleteOtherwise I end up writing apology articles for being wrong, which I've done a few times before and it doesn't feel good. I take being wrong very seriously.
so no speculations.... so how about something like: "top 10 things we want from zelda wii u"
DeleteWeeeelll you can kinda read what I already think about Zelda Wii U in past articles. ...
Hm, I'll consider wot you've suggested and see wot happens.
im sorry for being really bad at this ;-;
DeleteYou're not really bad at it!
DeleteI just suggest reading some of the vast KoopaTV backlog a bit first.
Maybe even use our search bar and put what you think we should cover into that. We might have already covered it. :)
Have you ever made an article on the view people have about Japanese players being better than the rest of the world? I see that view a lot on Squidboards. I think it may make a good article if you have not done so yet.
ReplyDeleteI like that idea.
Delete(I also share it.)
The Japanese Splatfests may give some good data if you look at the the wins rate discrepancy between some of the teams.
DeleteFiguring out Japan's player skill compared to the rest of the world from results that come out of Japan vs. Japan things doesn't seem like a sound idea, but I do have other ideas on how to tackle your request!
DeleteHere's a request (because, like, I haven't done one of those in like, never): Activision's acquisition of MLG for $46 million, and how the future of gaming will look like at this rate.
ReplyDeleteSource: http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2016/01/01/what-it-means-if-activision-blizzard-is-really-buying-mlg-for-46m/#2715e4857a0b7138dab4c367
There's a weird empty space between the link and the source, hence two comments in the same minute. I just realized what it is, but I wouldn't want another "This comment has been removed by the author" statement.
DeleteI was gonnnnnaaa write about it when the story broke on Gamasutra, but those updates didn't happen yet for clarification.
Now they're there, so yeah, definitely gonna cover this.
Oh woops didn't link to this.
Another idea I have is your opinion on the NA trend of Splatfests with the less popular having a current win streak. The current theory is skilled players flock to the less popular side to not be mixed in with less experienced kids, have a higher chance to be macthed with other higher skilled players, not waste time on fighting the same side that does not add to the total skill score and match up is much faster. I read somewhere that this theory started with the Roller Coasters win because of the major roller coasters having the "you must be this tall to ride" rule which usually would limit younger amusement park goers. Then it moved on to Decepticons win which was theorized that children are more innocent about life and will pick the heroes' side while cynical adults will have less enthusiasm about the goodness of life and therefore pick the Decepticons' side. Those two winners were the less popular sides but I don't think it most players who considered themselves skilled chose that on purpose then due to thinking it necessarily will have more skill. I think what really started the trend of purposely avoiding the side that is popular with kids is the results from Cars vs Planes. Like the first two examples I have given, I don't think skilled players purposely sided with cars to avoid the kids. Kids normally would not have access to driving a car or piloting a plane anyway. But after the most dramatic win by Cars in Splatfest history so far back then which still only had the 4x multiplier, people really started to take the theory seriously. I remember on a site I sometimes go to I read people were already piling on for Team Pirates.
ReplyDeleteIt's amusing how far the fanbase come from the complaining about Popularity carrying for Team Dogs in NA. Now they want skills to be nerfed but if nerfed too much that would only encourage bandwagoning to the popular side and who will care about actually playing well?
Since I wrote all that why would I not write a guest post? Well I have no idea what to say that wasn't already said by another. Maybe the idea about Cars vs Planes results catapulting people to purposely chose the less popular side is mine but I am sure someone also came up with it. Maybe you will come up with interesting observations not many thought of yet as well as ideas about how to fix the issue.
“Since I wrote all that why would I not write a guest post?”
DeleteWell, good job predicting my thoughts.
You'd think I'd have original thoughts on this, but as of now... I don't!
We'll see!
ReplyDeleteyou know with beyonetta being in smash and all,
1.might this increase the sales of bayonetta 2?
2. Will no 1. Potentially create enough sales for a NX exclusive sequel?
3(optional request) and most imporant.... since Nintendo and platinum games(and sega) are buddy buddy... do you think its possible that they could buy the series?
I'll look into it.
Delete(Won't do it before Bayonetta's DLC is released. Please understand.)
DeleteOh, yeah:
Have another request: Paper Mario on the Wii U COULD be coming. Talk about your thoughts on their decision to release it on the Wii U,since Nintendo is moving on to their NeXt console, how rumors, with as much evidence to back them up, could still be even the slightest fake, how things are over-hyped (actually, I think you already talked about that), and most importantly, if this rumor is the real deal, how this game shouldn't be Sticker Star.
And I forgot the space before "since". Great...
DeleteI've said it before and I'll say it again: Rumours and leaks are awful things to base articles off of.
Deletehttp://www.koopatv.org/2014/10/smash-wii-u-this-november-those-leaks.html Maybe I should plainly state this in the article body for the Requests page because lots of people want me to react to rumours.
If I wrote an article for every rumour, well, one is KoopaTV would have nothing but that. Two, we'd basically turn into a trashy tabloid. We have no way of verifying these things! At least if KoopaTV DOES make something up (our own "rumours") it's for parody and you really shouldn't take it seriously.
But yeah, writing stuff on judging Nintendo's decisions for something that doesn't even officially exist seems... presumptuous.
Right, KoopaTV stands for "Truth and Levity".
DeleteInstead of taking something that hasn't even begin (or exist, for that matter) yet, how about discussing the end of additional content support for both Smash and Splatoon (yay, transitions)? Describe how developers can't continue supporting games, how Splatoon gave us so much content for free, while Smash gave us so many user-requested characters, and how beneficial it will be for the developers and the players! No more balancing patches, no more updating teir lists and adapting to characters or weapons, and how this gives Nintendo the flexibility to work on new projects!
Splatoon: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/01/talking_point_splatoon_began_with_an_early_access_approach_and_has_provided_a_valuable_lesson
Smash (pretty obvious): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j1JERhUoQoU
I mean... did you read this from last night?
This is more of a request for wednesday.... since the last characters will be out, dont you think you should make a tier list to celebrate that... the "final" one
ReplyDeleteAs a sequel to this?
DeleteHERE YA GO http://www.koopatv.org/2016/02/ssb4-DLC-fighters-opinion-tiers.html
DeleteLet me make a spin on my last request. NA Splatfest current running streak of the less popular teams winning is a lesson for how minority views do matter. A bonus is if JP or EU has a third Splatfest in a row where the less popular team wins then you can add on to a previous article of yours that had discussed how the US influences other countries: http://www.koopatv.org/2015/10/europe-cats-vs-dogs-splatfest-american-leadership.html
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean I ought to wait for that trend to happen first?
DeleteWell it is a bonus after all.
DeleteHey guess what. JP and EU regions Pokémon Splatfests won with the less popular teams winning. That's three in a row for both JP and EU now. It looks like NA really did influence the other regions after all. Now go write that article!
DeleteAlso JP results had the most lolworthy skill differences results.
Believe it or not, I'm actually more inspired to finally tackle the request about Japanese players after that Splatfest.
And then how Splatfest teaches that minority opinions are just as important as those of the majority?
Delete(That is a good lesson...)
DeleteThis also applies to your request here.
Thoughts on Magiana? And potential 7th gen?
ReplyDeleteim getting pretty hyped up for this ^-^
It looks like a robotic Diancie.
Delete...yeah probably not gonna write anymore about that because that's all I got.
Robotic Diance.... well I GUESS thats all we can derive from magiana herself.... but oh well, hoping for 7th gen "."
DeleteNot much you gotta hope for. It's an inevitability, and a matter of when.
DeleteI'm not in a rush.
Let's talk about conserving money on the eShop (or anywhere for that matter).
ReplyDeleteExample: A guy who doesn't go to the stores frequently nor has a bank account gets a $20 eShop code to save for the inevitable Mother 3. Meanwhile, Nintendo just released the original Pokèmon games for $10! Mother 3 just can't be at the same price as the original Earthbound ($10)! How can the person fight the temptation? Or is it actually best to give in?
Give your thoughts on keeping a budget, what's best to get on the eShop, and how to resist! It should be very insightful!
This is hard for me, because I have a debit card and I just put money into my eShop account when I need it. >.>
DeleteBut I see it's an issue you and others may struggle with, so I'll try my best. ♪
DeleteTalk about memes that Treehouse likes to force in games.
DeleteWell, there's that... and a whole article about memes in games. Focused around Undertale, but basically you want me to turn this comments discussion into an article?
Hi Ludwig! :)
ReplyDeleteNintendo is trying to bring Undertale to Wii U:
Thoughts on this? Do you think The fandom will be bigger and bigger?
(That is nooooooooot a url you should be giving. Don't send a Google search result — send the actual source.
DeleteTry giving: http://gamingbolt.com/nintendo-looking-at-bringing-undertale-to-wii-u
Also dat Spanish Google url. :p)
See, there's that rumour thing I was talking about. That story wasn't "Nintendo is trying to bring Undertale to Wii U". That's the headline to get you to look at it.
All the information really was is that Nintendo contacted Toby Fox about something.
Heck, Toby said it best: “It’s surreal that it’s newsworthy that a Nintendo rep tweeted at me.”
As in, just the act of a Nintendo employee tweeting at Toby does not mean that OMG UNDERTALE IS COMING TO WII U. It could be regarding any number of things, and many of those could even be non-work-related.
In general, I think numerically, yeah, Undertale's total fanbase is going to keep getting bigger. I think in terms of fanbase activity, it's already lower than it was at the end of 2015.
^ It peaked, and then dropped, if you think Google web searches is a good proxy for fan activity.
A certain plumber and cherry chasing dot muncher made an appearance at the Rio Olympics 2016 closing ceremony: http://www.theverge.com/2016/8/21/12580456/watch-mario-olympics-japan-tokyo-prime-minster
ReplyDeleteTime to write about it if you have not started. I am not sure you were stilll paying attention to the olympics.
We're about to publish our Closing Ceremonies log momentarily.
DeleteCan you write about nba 2k17? playable for ps4 and all consoles. I can submit my article if you possible
DeleteDo you want us to write about it, or do you want you to write about it if you'll submit something?
If you want to submit something, go see the Guest Posts tab.
I have an already the article can u please check it for editorial review? where can i send it?
Delete...The fact that I just linked you information about guest articles and you're still asking me here about where to send it, coupled with your sub-standard English skills — and you say you already wrote an article — forces me to conclude that whatever you wrote will probably be undesirable for this website.
DeleteIt's people like this why Trump wants to build the wall.
Delete...And shut down the Internet in certain countries/areas.
DeleteLol. Speaking of shutting down, did you see the article that Huffington Post deleted? http://archive.is/V5Mkj
DeleteThe author was also terminated as a result. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHhNr5jeTIw&feature=youtu.be&t=1s
I just want to say that I've always wanted to put the Huffington Post on KoopaTV's media blacklist, but Rawk insisted not to.
Delete...But no, I didn't see it. As an article, it's kinda crummily-written, to be honest. Doesn't mean it should go WOOSH.
I've seen people liking or disliking the 8-bit looking indie games. Indie platformers if they want to make a retro looking game may try to make their games in the style of 8-bit or 16-bit (I am not a tech person so I don't know if games like Freedom Planet fully stick to the guidelines of 16-bit but to the untrained eye it does look like a game from the 16-bit era. There are modern 3D indie platformers like Yooka Laylee but would an indie game that mimics the stle of 32-bit or 64-bit 3d games as in developers purposely making low resolution polygons possibly sell well?
ReplyDeleteYou're asking me if a 3D indie game that stylistically looks like a first-generation Nintendo 64 game could sell well?
DeleteYeah, I am asking if you have an opinion on that.
Delete...Okay. Sure. I'll take that on sometime.
DeleteHere are my thoughts on the subject matter/question brought up in your request. http://www.koopatv.org/2016/10/no-nostalgia-for-fifth-generation-polygons.html
DeleteHere's something worth considering: YouTube is telling us that opinions are bad on the Internet.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't just concerned with YouTube Gaming, but the entirety of YouTube. All of this qualifies as "Contriversial Topics," so my request is: What is your stance on this, and why do you support said stance? What are the beneficial and discouraging elements of YouTube's new monetization policy?
Done. http://www.koopatv.org/2016/09/controversial-youtube-advertiser-friendly-policies.html
DeleteLet me make it official. I request a review of Color Splash. xD
ReplyDeleteI support this request. After all, this site is no strangers to reviews. It's even its own category!
DeleteOkay, okay, it's going to happen. You don't have to keep seconding it.
DeleteSooo does this count?
You are probably going to do this anyway but I suggest an article on the "advertising" in Nintendo of America's Twitter comparing Splatoon to Paper Mario: Color Splash. People hated the "LOL" part and comparing Squid Sisters to a paint can when Nintendo talked about memorable characters. Never knew a character saying silly comments and a character reacting sarcastically to silly comments with some occasional mix up in the formula in Splatfest dialogue is the pinnacle of writing that it is offensive to compare to Huey.
ReplyDeleteI actually wasn't going to do that anyway.
DeleteBut I suppose I must.
Here you go. My response.
DeleteHow about a non biased Zelda article for once in /your/ life?
We're actually going to feature a Zelda article pretty soon.
DeleteNot written by me, though.
By non-biased, do you mean "favourable"?
Here is that article I foreshadowed.
Is it better for the Pokémon company to release fewer new Pokémon with each generation as to not run to nearly 1000 overall in the next few generations (and maybe focus in quality over quantity/less is more) and at the same time mix the generations of Pokémon in the regional Pokédex, or try to have at least 100+ each gen and try to focus on newer Pokémon like gen 5?
ReplyDeleteAnnnnd here's the long-awaited article to satisfy this.
Swapnote is back as Swapdoodle. But it has paywalls. It looks like lessons can be bought like some sort of Art Academy light but with all the payments it will be even more than an Art Academy game in the long run.
ReplyDeleteWrite about how older games/apps were superior and had far more for free, only to be killed off and turned to be a money grabbing machine.
Well, I knew I was writing about Swapdoodle tonight regardless of a request, and it'll touch on some of the themes here.
DeleteAs for rants about microtransactions, see here (pay-to-win rant), a modern game rebuking the trend of microtransactions, free-to-play over here for what used to be stuff you paid for when you bought the game, and Electronic Arts nickel-and-diming.
Don't forget me shaming Sony for having a whole division on free-to-play.
Well Nintendo apparently shut down two games. Maybe an article about fangames vs games inspired by said games would make a good article. Freedom Planet started as a Sonic fangame and then formed its own identity and became well known enough in its own right without being forgotten as yet another Sonic clone.
ReplyDelete"Nintendo apparently shut down two games."
DeleteCare to be more specific? >_>
Delete...oh noooooooooooooooooo I forgot The Game Awards existed and my life was so much better.
DeleteThis might not have been the direction you totally wanted, but here you go. http://www.koopatv.org/2016/12/nintendo-laying-down-law-on-fan-games.html
DeleteDo an article on the first GTA 4 update in 6 years. :]
ReplyDeleteHere you go. "Grand Theft Auto IV Just Got Patched"
DeleteWhat are your thoughts on video games considered for a console but then cancelled and moved on to the successor console. Inspiration is Yooka-Laylee being cancelled on Wii U to Switch. Shouldn't the developers care about the backers who thought it would be on Wii U as there were backers who contributed because they were told there will be a Wii U version?
ReplyDeleteAlso not a kickstarted game but Nintendo did the same thing with Starfox 2 being cancelled for SNES to make it Starfox 64 for N64, Earthbound 64 becoming a game for the GBA, and probably many other examples like this.
DeleteWhile this is definitely inevitable, I'd like to see a "Stay Safe" guide for the fellow midnighters/Day Oners.
ReplyDeleteThis guide could also include how it isn't always a good idea to be a Day Oner, showing the Wii U as a great example, and the Nintendo 3DS's eventual price-cut.
There would be a ton of information available, even if you've never camped for a console!
I was not gonna inevitably write a Stay Safe guide. That only happened for Pokémon GO because safety tips were already provided by TPCi and I found it laughable.
DeleteBut I will obviously dedicate this Friday to the Nintendo Switch's launch, and I will provide reasons why I'm not being a Day Oner.
I guess I'll throw in a safety tip or two.
...Here you go.
With an official Metroid remake coming and the fanmake one cancelled, how about an article on the pros and cons of a fan remake versus an official remake. Like a pro is fans know what most fans like but con is they might not take risks that would anger the fans while an official remake might upset the fans if it is not like the original with shinier new graphics, they remove loved glitches and not getting rid of certain things that annoyed the fans in the original game.
ReplyDeleteMy analysis on pros and cons may or may not be bare-bones and unthoughtful, but here you go.
DeleteApparently SJWs are angry about the Mexican depiction in Super Mario odyssey. My request is what would make them upset at this but never an outrage with any of the Punch-Out! titles?
ReplyDeleteAs written, I'm going to decline the request because SJWs were angry about the Punch-Out!! titles, but they just didn't have as big a platform as they do now when they released (last title was 2009), so it was less noticeable.
DeleteSJWs are outraged by whatever is trending at the moment (because that's what gets them the most attention), so they aren't reflective unless something old is trendy again. That leaves dedicated videogame sites to muse about these matters.
1UP.com apparently called Punch-Out!! one of the 5 most racist videogames. It's in a bunch of other "Top XX" listicles on the Internet on gaming sites, though a lot of those are also broken links now 'cause they're old.
Honestly, I can't tell if a lot of these older published articles on the subject are by proto-SJWs or if they're just satirical pieces. Because this kind of thinking used to be just satire or on the fringiest of places but now it's more mainstream... (Well, still fringe. Let's keep it there.)
Obvious request that you probably are typing about as we speak about Star Fox 2 on SNES Classic being the only legit way to play it and you have to spend $300+ for it (ahahahaha getting it at retail price).
ReplyDeleteHah, you thought I was typing about it as you spoke, but I was actually taking a longer nap than I planned time for!
Write the merits of having the final Splatfest determine Splatoon 2's story mode if it did so (have to wait until the game comes out).
ReplyDeleteThere's a new TestPunch coming soon. Now Ludwig can finally test it for himself.
ReplyDeleteAre you requesting I play it or do you want me to write about it, too?
DeleteY-Y-You really want to see more ARMS plaguing our poor website? :(
DeleteIt is always entertaining to see ARMS insulted.
At least I got points for suggesting it.
DeleteI researched a bit on Sonic Mania and it seems to be a promoted fan game by Sega. A very different approach to Nintendo shutting down fan games. Would a comparison of these two approaches make a good article?
ReplyDeleteDo a video where you guys try to break the games with as many cheat codes and glitches as possible! I'd like to see you guys try to crash any GBA games!
ReplyDeleteRequest for Ludwig ♥
ReplyDeletePlease write about Donald Trumps visit to Puerto Rico.
Request for Ludwig ♥
ReplyDeletePlease write about your experiences in Salmon Run (Splatoon 2)
Like what ticks you off, most annoying salmonid, least favorite type of weapon to have, etc.
Request for Ludwig ♥
ReplyDeleteA man who hates Rosalina & Luma bought over 100 of the amiibos, just so fans could not.
Write about your opinions/thoughts on this.
Do you think he went a bit too far? You as a Mario hater, would you do the same to keep fans "unhappy"?
I already addressed this subject in this article called amiibo Purchase Limits.
DeleteShould children who are finally capable of playing a video game start from the early age of video games (NES days) or start from their gen first?
ReplyDeleteI think one of my favourite perennially underrated articles, What's OUR Goodnight Moon?, answers this.
DeleteI would LIKE game developers to continually make simple, addicting-to-the-medium games in every generation so we won't keep having to go back far.