You might be reading existing KoopaTV articles and think to yourself, “I'd like to experience the KoopaTV opinion or creative spirit on THIS topic!” And then if you go through our site's search bar and can't find anything about it, maybe you'll wait a few weeks... and nope, we're just not talking about it. It's possible that we never will discuss the topic you devised through organic means.
In that case, comment on this page with your request and we'll consider it! We used to have an existing Requests page from 2014–2021, and there have been many articles that only exist because people spoke up and said they wanted to hear about something. (...And if we haven't already taken you up on anything from the old 2014 Requests page, we're just never going to get around to it. It's a clean slate now!) In that article, I likened KoopaTV to your “intellectual mercenaries”, which is a pretty cool line that I think still applies. And if you're not just purely interested in our thoughts, you should also note that besides just outright producing your own guest article (which you're always welcome to do), requests are a very direct way of influencing the narratives and plot lines that go on at KoopaTV.
But with this 2022 and 2023 requests page, I'd like to be more transparent about the status of requests. Rather than leaving you to scour through the comments section for things, I plan to edit in the status of requests into this article.
Oh, but there are some things we won't cover. We won't cover anything illegal. We won't write about “leaks” or “rumours” unless it's to denounce them. (But we'd rather not call attention to those.) We'd rather not comment on the meme of the day or other very passing fan works no one will care about a week later. If we have to spend money in order to complete your request, we probably won't do it. (Unless you fund it for us.) ...And we won't accept your request if we already covered the topic, or if we're about to cover it anyway. (Not that you know if we're about to do something we haven't done yet, but...)
So let us know in the comments section below what you want! ...It's free!
Note that KoopaTV stopped production of new content after July 3, 2023, so you're best looking elsewhere for requests for new content—assuming one of our existing thousands of articles doesn't fit your needs.
List of Active (but will never be completed) Requests in 2022 and 2023
- Can we get something about NFTs?
- Requester: Insider
- Date Requested: January 18, 2022
- Assigned KoopaTV author: Kamek
- Nintendo franchise sales on Switch vs. previous systems
- Requester: Captain Stitch
- Date Requested: June 12, 2022
- Assigned KoopaTV Author: Ludwig Von Koopa
List of Completed Requests in 2022
- I request that you finally write an article that involves pictures of Samus surrounded by spherical objects to finally get her to smile.
- Requester: ShinyGirafarig
- Date Requested: January 5, 2022
- Assigned KoopaTV author: Ludwig Von Koopa
- Outcome: Samus Will Smile in the Presence of Round Things
- Date Published: March 30, 2022 (~85 days)
- Take a look at mariokart 7 multiplayer and how sweaty it is?
- Requester: Okipullup
- Date Requested: September 3, 2022
- Assigned KoopaTV Author: Ludwig Von Koopa
- Outcome: About Mario Kart 7 Multiplayer and How “Sweaty” It Is
- Date Published: December 29, 2022 (~118 days)
Did you know that you can get points in the KoopaTV Loyalty Rewards Program for submitting an accepted request? Check the page for details on how that works. The article title implies that KoopaTV will make another one of these at the start of 2023 (assuming the website is around), but it continued into 2023. However, KoopaTV ceased content production midway through 2023.
I request that you finally write an article that involves pictures of Samus surrounded by spherical objects to finally get her to smile.
ReplyDeleteM-Multiple pictures?! ...Well, it'll probably be easier to take those pictures if I can have things spread across multiple snapshots instead of trying to fit everything into one.
DeleteY-Yes ma'am! Smile not guaranteed though.
This article is up now and the Requests page itself was updated to state such.
DeletePersonally I think you should write more articles about why Miyamoto is extremely handsome. (not as handsome as myself, Satoru Iwata)
ReplyDeleteDepending on your feelings about people with eating disorders and thinner = better looking, this article might suffice.
DeleteAlso, long time no see.
I suffered with bullimia for a number of years. Promoting a healthy lifestyle of eating and exercise is something we at Nintendo support wholeheartedly.
DeleteHow's that bile duct going dude?
DeleteOnly today, I discovered it trending on Twitter that Mario Kart 9 is in development. Do you believe this is Fake News? Either way I'd like an article to cover it.
DeleteThe article specifically says "We won't write about “leaks” or “rumours” unless it's to denounce them. (But we'd rather not call attention to those.)"
There's nothing to cover at this time because nothing exists.
Can we get something about NFTs?
ReplyDelete"..And we won't accept your request if we already covered the topic, or if we're about to cover it anyway. (Not that you know if we're about to do something we haven't done yet, but...)"
DeleteThis request falls under that guideline, as in, we do have plans on covering this already.
Kamek is actually our resident cryptobro. But I'll try to speed him up. Might take a couple of months.
...Alright, Kamek gave me a reaction like "I didn't know I was really doing this" so I guess I'll add it to the main post and give you credit for submitting the request. ^_^
DeleteA lot of Nintendo franchises have seen their best sales ever on the switch. I don't know if it already exists but I'd like to see an article comparing exactly how much better each individual current Nintendo franchise's switch game/s compares to the previous best selling iteration. I also think it may be helpful to have something like this on hand for future reference. I'm sure some more critical analysis could be brought too.
ReplyDeleteThat's... a lot of franchises to cover. *gulp*
DeleteI'll see wot I can do, though the Switch numbers are always going up.
This isn't being done because the best time to do it is after the Switch is done with, otherwise it's out-of-date the moment it's published. >.>
DeleteCan I get a code plz
ReplyDeleteHow would you like me to send you it?
DeleteMaybe you could take a look at mariokart 7 multiplayer and how sweaty it is? And let's not talk about the snaking in DS
ReplyDeleteWell, we'll certainly take a look, though none of the staff who has played MK7 (and I'm not among them) are familiar with the competitive scene, so that'll take some research.
DeleteI'm sure snaking will come up though. :x
Alright, I wrote the Mario Kart 7 article: https://www.koopatv.org/2022/12/about-mario-kart-7-multiplayer-and-how.html
DeleteYou should write an article about your preferred portrayal in the Super Mario Bros movie. Or if the koopalings will even feature at all. Alternatively, a few other people online have noticed that there are no goombas in the movie trailer. That's certainly something odd.
ReplyDeleteRejecting the request, since my preferred portrayal is not being in it to begin with.
DeleteI don't care what a few other people online have noticed. Seems like they should wait for another trailer or for the movie to come out to begin with.
I think it'd be nice to have a "staff picks" article. Detailing the favorite games and whatnot of the KoopaTV staff, if you don't already have a current one that is. Good way to connect to the every growing audience. Also appeals to general curiosity.
ReplyDeleteThen, a full playthrough, commentary, and article series of that weird underwear game we talked about a week or so ago.
I dunnooo I think a "staff picks" article is KINDA CHEATING. But the staffers have had intro articles and this https://www.koopatv.org/2014/12/the-new-about-page.html#staffers and, at least relevant to myself and Kamek, this: https://www.koopatv.org/2015/03/removing-lid-off-retro-nostalgia.html
DeleteThat's a big no on the underwear game.
Shigeru Miyamoto has turned 70! Obviously, KoopaTV needs to do a whole article dedicated to this and all about the love here for Miyamoto.
ReplyDeleteUs calling him incoherent around his birthday suffices.
DeleteHey Ludwig, are you still taking comments about team Kirby clash deluxe? If so, I have 3questions
ReplyDelete1. How do I get platinum on pyribbit 1, without beam mages?
2.How does the adventurer system work?
3. Can I have your team Kirby clash deluxe friend code
Pls answer this tmw.
Yeah, though I would expect you to comment on: https://www.koopatv.org/2017/05/efficient-team-kirby-clash-deluxe.html
Delete1. Without Beam, your best bet is to use the strongest Hammer you have and charge a Hammer Flip while knowing where Pyribbit is going to land once it becomes attackable. (And be charging it in an area where you won't get hit by it when it does land.) In its first phase, it'll basically stand vulnerable for a Hammer Flip after it slurps up a Kirby (hopefully not you but a teammate). You'll need to beat it in under a minute. It's not trivial to do, even with Platinum Hammers.
2. People on your friend list (and when those are exhausted, random people over the Internet) who have recently played Team Kirby Clash Deluxe will appear as computer-controlled players that you can have join you in your Team Quests for up to three battles. This is useful for people just starting, because the people you can bring in as adventurers may have vastly better equipment than you do and can pull their weight, even if they're dumb CPUs.
3. 3351-5164-3598