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Thursday, January 13, 2022

Applying to Capcom Creators, and their unique terms and definitions

By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - Want to help my application? Let's see how welcome they are...

Last week, game publisher CAPCOM (maker of fantastic videogames like The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, which is currently on sale and was KoopaTV's Game of THAT Year 2021) announced a new programme: Capcom Creators. It's designed to help foster CAPCOM's fan community with support and resources, including beta access, merchandise, and other things. Well, I make CAPCOM content fairly often, especially for Ace Attorney. So let's look into this...

They have a multi-page Code of Conduct, with the pages all being variations and elaborations of this theme:

Capcom is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, parental status (including pregnancy), marital status, national origin, age, disability (physical or mental), genetic information, political affiliation, socioeconomic status or background, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, computing experience, or clothing. Consider that calling attention to differences or making jokes about them can feel alienating.

Compare this to the Xbox Ambassadors Terms of Use:
Examples of behavior that could lead to an immediate removal from the Xbox Ambassadors include, but are not limited to:
1. Negative speech (such as hate speech or threats of harm) directed at a group of people based on race, ethnicity, nationality, language, gender, sexual orientation/expression, age, disability, veteran status, social/economic status, or religion
2. Threats of violence or incitement to violence against another person (including a fellow Ambassador or staff)
3. Repeatedly violating XA guidelines after receiving warnings from moderators

CAPCOM's list of protected classes is significantly longer than Xbox's, notably including things like “political affiliation” and even... clothing. That's very rare (notice the lack of that in Xbox's), because usually these (leftist) game communities enjoy excluding people because they are of a political affiliation that they dislike. Normally you're to be ostracised just for holding views that about half of your countrymen hold. But it seems like CAPCOM is genuinely interested in not discriminating against anyone. Why? I don't know, but I like the idea of actually being diverse instead of just saying it for virtue-signaling points. If I had to guess what's in it for CAPCOM, it's connected to the POWERED BY GAMESIGHT badge at the bottom of the Creators site, which claims to be able to track CAPCOM's marketing spend and provide insights on influencers.

It doesn't really matter to you what I wrote in the application, because I can't send it through their website anyway due to this screen:

Capcom Creators Program Application submission Twitch YouTube verification authorization
Clearly CAPCOM's idea of content creators is based around audiovisual Twitch/YouTube content.

I do have a Twitch account, and of course I have a YouTube account. But you won't find... compelling content on there, especially not for CAPCOM stuff. (Though it seems like the Ace Attorney fanbase loves this clip of Barok van Zieks drinking wine.) I'm a content creator based on this website. Based on writing things. Not videos. But it seems like the whole industry thinks the only valid content is audiovisual. That's what The Game Awards insists, that only people screaming into the mic while playing a videogame are content creators. And according to Gainsight's website, they feel the same way. You can filter through “millions” and “every” content creator/influencer, but their screenshots clearly show that your two filters to play with are Twitch and YouTube. (So if they claim to have stats to every content creator out there, but they're looking at only Twitch and YouTube, that means if you aren't on there, you aren't a content creator.) It's a very narrow view of the world. But that's the future (or present) of media, as we discussed just yesterday.

There is the option at the bottom of the application saying that if I don't have a Twitch or YouTube account, that I can just email CAPCOM directly. And I'm sure I can try that. I doubt they'll want me around because the influencer tracking platform they use is built around streamers, BUT the company is also making a big deal about inclusivity. Maybe article-based content can be included with the video-based content? I mean... we're not totally obsolete in the eyes of the world... right...? If they want a diverse community—and more diverse than their peers who claim to already be at the forefront of diversity—then diverse ways of delivering that content ought to also be considered...?

...Or maybe I should accept my destiny of always being an unaccepted outsider...

Should Ludwig apply KoopaTV into the Capcom Creators? That would probably mean there'd be a lot of affiliate links and plugging CAPCOM products everywhere... though Ludwig already does that for free without any special recognition, because you should buy and get into the Ace Attorney franchise. But if you'd like to stop KoopaTV from going in the direction of becoming an “official Capcom Creators member”, let the site know in the comments section below.

Ludwig went into some detail about why he believes the written medium is superior to the audiovisual one in his Books vs. Films Splatfest write-up. (Emphasis on the WRITE-up.)


  1. Dang, that's some kind of irony there. Determined to discriminate against nobody...except you. (Plays a sad tune on a violin that's not quite the world's smallest)

    1. Yeah, thanks for catching that underlying irony.

      I dunno how many other people are in my situation. Hopefully more than just me, r-right? >_>

    2. I wonder if the name "KoopaTV" would fool them into thinking we make video essays, though.

  2. I looked at the Capcom Creators announcement and thought, "I wonder if they count writing fanfiction," and then I decided no, they probably don't.

    1. I really wanted to know your thoughts on this, because we're in the same boat here. So thanks for commenting.

      I suppose we won't know unless we email them directly and try!
      (Still not sure if I want to do that...)

    2. I feel like I'd lose either way with the fanfic question, because either they'd say "no" or they'd ask to see examples and then I'd be stuck thinking, "Oh no, am I actually going to show this madness to someone from CAPCOM?"


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