Traditionally, Sony has been making appearances at E3 as the egotistical, undisputed market leader. But with the resurgence of other console manufacturers in recent years and at this very E3 conference, what does Sony have in store for us for PlayStation 4? (And PlayStation VR?) Well, they decided to revolutionise their presentation method. Need to keep innovating to remain in first place, right?
Ready to end this night are myself, RawkHawk2010, non-staffer Ryu (we call him Mariosun90, but he wants us to stop that), and Kamek finally pops in for a log today! He's filled with valuable behind-the-scenes wizardry and insight for how much Sony's tech team really screwed up this conference. (Minor spoilers on how we perceived this conference.)
After this conference, the rest of KoopaTV's E3 coverage will feature on one company and their many events. Check out what those are in KoopaTV's E3 2018 Schedule!
[8:56 PM] RawkHawk2010: NBC just showed Kim Jong Un walking into the hotel.
[8:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: Trump hasn't arrived yet.
[8:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: Or if he has, it's been since I just walked up the stairs.
[8:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: uhh
[8:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Twitch people say
[8:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sony conference starts early.
[8:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...But they cut to "PLAYSTATION 2018 MEDIA SHOWCASE WILL BEGIN SHORTLY"
[8:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So it hasn't started.
[8:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sick of FAKE NEWS.
[8:58 PM] RawkHawk2010: Their begin shortly screen is efforted.
[8:58 PM] RawkHawk2010: That's how all the primaries debates were.
[8:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: "Begins" was the "pre-show"
[8:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: aka when news people just talked about what they thought would happen for an hour.
[8:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: Donald J. Trump
Verified account
24m24 minutes ago
Our Great Larry Kudlow, who has been working so hard on trade and the economy, has just suffered a heart attack. He is now in Walter Reed Medical Center.
[8:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Cancelled?
[9:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's 9.
[9:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Trump should start.
[9:00 PM] RawkHawk2010: :dawn_scream:
[9:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sony should start.
[9:00 PM] RawkHawk2010: There's too much shit happening at once.
[9:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: SONY START
[9:00 PM] RawkHawk2010: Can't keep up.
[9:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Pay attention to Sony.
[9:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: We'll get the news on Trump after E3.
[9:00 PM] RawkHawk2010: True.
[9:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (We'll know if the Earth is nuked or not)
[9:00 PM] Kamek: Kamek is here
[9:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Shawn Layden.
[9:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ABOUT TIME KAMEK.
[9:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: Chuch-themed Sony conference.
[9:01 PM] Ryu: The audio is kind of weird
[9:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Layden keeps referring to this as a church.
[9:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The audio quality is poor.
[9:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: Layden is the pastor.
[9:01 PM] Kamek: Technical director is losing his mind from bad audio
[9:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: He's stuttering like Obama.
[9:01 PM] Kamek: Their audio source is wrong
[9:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Kamek you would've HATED the production directors in Ubisoft.
[9:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: I heard birds chirping.
[9:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: You missed a lot.
[9:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: Are there birds here
[9:02 PM] Ryu: I don't get it
[9:02 PM] RawkHawk2010: This is already bad.
[9:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're doing the conference from within a Sony movie studio.
[9:02 PM] Ryu: why are they in a tent with bad audio pretending it's a church?(edited)
[9:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "This tent... this church tent..."
[9:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Start this journey with us... for the next HOUR OR SO...."
[9:02 PM] RawkHawk2010: This is laughable.
[9:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: Someone in the audience looked like Tyrus.
[9:03 PM] Kamek: Banjo
[9:03 PM] Kamek: There you go rawk
[9:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They have a homeless man on a banjo.
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[9:03 PM] Ryu: Banjo!
[9:03 PM] Kamek: Banjo confirmed for Sony
[9:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: Someone yelled"Banjo!" in the audience.
[9:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Where's his tip jar?
[9:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: I should take this and put the Banjo theme over it later.
[9:03 PM] Kamek: Anyway
[9:04 PM] Kamek: It's a "The Last of Us 2" trailer
[9:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: You sure?
[9:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: They're not saving it for...
[9:04 PM] Ryu: Sounds like it
[9:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: ...Last? :cammy_meele:
[9:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: There's no trailer though.
[9:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The screen isn't on.
[9:04 PM] Kamek: String instruments are a theme for the game
[9:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: Maybe it's supposed to be and someone fucked up.
[9:04 PM] Kamek: Especially guitar and the like
[9:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Why is there a banjo when the tent has bad audio feed?
[9:05 PM] RawkHawk2010: Maybe the screen just doesn't work and they're improvising last-minute.
[9:05 PM] RawkHawk2010: Maybe it's a church concert now.
[9:05 PM] Kamek: Lol
[9:05 PM] Kamek: So many people with phones
[9:05 PM] Ryu: And there I said I hoped The Last of Us 2 wouldn't take too long
[9:05 PM] Kamek: Watching banjo man
[9:05 PM] RawkHawk2010: This is retarded.
[9:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I just want to make it clear that there is a WORLD of difference between Ubisoft's Just Dance musical performances
[9:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: and whatever the hell this is.
[9:05 PM] Kamek: TD is raging on this loser with the iPhone X
[9:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (He's still playing the banjo)
[9:05 PM] Ryu: Where is the dancing crew?
[9:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (He's done)
[9:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: Maybe the bad audio is supposed to be a crackling bonfire.
[9:06 PM] Kamek: There it is
[9:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: For ambiance.
[9:06 PM] Kamek: Kamek was right
[9:06 PM] Kamek: For reference
[9:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is that girl older
[9:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: ?
[9:06 PM] Ryu: yes
[9:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Does The Last Of Us 2 take place in a church tent?
[9:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: "I hate these things."
[9:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: E3 conferences?
[9:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So will they take the audience to a Death Stranding setting later?
[9:07 PM] Ryu: Audio is still bad
[9:07 PM] Kamek: Lol yeah audio still sucks
[9:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: Voices are echoing.
[9:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Reminder that the audio sucked for Sony last year too.
[9:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Do you think Twitch is biased against Sony?
[9:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or Sony just sucks?
[9:08 PM] Kamek: I forgot they made her homosexual
[9:08 PM] Ryu: She's a lesbian btw
[9:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Wait what?
[9:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WHAAAAAAAT
[9:08 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah Ludwig we knew that.
[9:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: EEEEEEEK
[9:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: THIS IS UNCANNY VALLEY
[9:08 PM] Ryu: They made a side-story just to tell that
[9:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: AND LESBIANISM
[9:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: AT THE SAME TIME
[9:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: All I know from The Last Of Us is what we watched that movie of.
[9:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: So The Ballad of Gay Tony but literal?
[9:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or all the cutscenes of it put together as a movie.
[9:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: This would be awkward no matter what the sexuality.
[9:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NOO
[9:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: LESBIAN PORN
[9:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: EWWW
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Ludwig obviously misses Ellie when she was hanging out with Joel and not kissing women. |
[9:09 PM] Ryu: this has gone dark quickly
[9:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: uhh
[9:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: EW TO THIS TOO
[9:10 PM] Ryu: The Lesbian of Us
[9:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: She's lesbianing to killing some guy in the woods?
[9:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The audience is whistling.
[9:10 PM] Ryu: It's Femdom again
[9:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: True female empowerment
[9:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: Kissing who she wants
[9:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: Killing who she wants
[9:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: Who could ask for more?
[9:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Dammit, and here I was about to become a feminist.
[9:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NOW I KNOW WHAT THAT LEADS TO.
[9:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: FORGET IT.
[9:11 PM] Kamek: Erm...
[9:11 PM] Kamek: Not exactly
[9:11 PM] Kamek: Oh never mind
[9:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: Where is Tom?
[9:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: Or Brook?
[9:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...Tom?
[9:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Brook?
[9:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Who?
[9:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: The adult male?
[9:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: Did he die?
[9:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Uh...it's what's-his-name...
[9:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: @Kamek knows I'm sure.
[9:11 PM] Ryu: /v/ is litterally filled with pics of that lesbian kiss lol
[9:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: If you say the name I'll remember it.
[9:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I screenshotted the lesbian kiss too.
[9:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: Tom Booker
[9:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Not for my enjoyment but for a historical record.
[9:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: <_<
[9:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah that's a first.
[9:12 PM] Kamek: Sigh
[9:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: I think.
[9:12 PM] Kamek: Joel
[9:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: At E3.
[9:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: YEAH
[9:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: JOEL
[9:12 PM] Kamek: Was his name
[9:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: THAT'S HIS NAME.
[9:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is he dead?
[9:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The audio hurts my headphones.
[9:12 PM] Ryu: My worst nightmare is happening
[9:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: My morality is in pain and so are my ears.
[9:12 PM] Ryu: 12 minutes in and we're still on the last of us 2
[9:13 PM] RawkHawk2010: I wanna see her kiss more people.
[9:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: wtf
[9:13 PM] Ryu: So what happened to her buddy Joel?(edited)
[9:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: She's being shot at and there's HUD blood.
[9:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But it's third-person.
[9:13 PM] RawkHawk2010: So is Joel dead or not.
[9:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I thought HUD blood only works in first person.
[9:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Why is the HUD covered with blood? Are you actually playing as a second-person camera man?
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Not the best screenshot Ludwig could've gotten of the HUD being covered in blood for no reason, but he's not going back and getting another. |
[9:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: @Kamek
[9:14 PM] Kamek: ?
[9:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WHERE IS JOEL?
[9:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: is joel dead
[9:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: "MOTHERFUCKER"
[9:14 PM] Kamek: No idew
[9:14 PM] Kamek: We'll find our
[9:14 PM] Kamek: They mentioned "your old man" at the beginning
[9:14 PM] Kamek: So
[9:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: What's this girl's name again?
[9:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Can we put Sony below EA?
[9:14 PM] Kamek: I. Imagine he's back at camp
[9:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Ellie.
[9:14 PM] Kamek: About to rescue her
[9:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: That's not very feminist.
[9:15 PM] Kamek: You'll see Joel at the end of the trailer
[9:15 PM] Ryu: in a motorcycle?
[9:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: Sony is already above EA Ludwig.
[9:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: How?
[9:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: This has been a compelling trailer.
[9:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: EA just sucks, but Sony is in negative.
[9:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NEGATIVE.
[9:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: It's gripped our interest.
[9:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: Clearly.
[9:15 PM] Kamek: This trailer gave Ludwig significant emotional arousal
[9:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NOT AROUSAL
[9:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ABUSE
[9:16 PM] RawkHawk2010: :ludwig_blush:
[9:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: How come Ellie doesn't have blood over her HUD for being thrown into a bunch of glass shards?
[9:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Pretty sure that's bleed-worthy.
[9:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: I like Ellie's swearing cadence.
[9:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: LOL
[9:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: How come she's bleeding more than the people she's killing?
[9:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Are they rob-..
[9:17 PM] Kamek: Oops
[9:17 PM] Kamek: Never mind
[9:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "The Last of Us Part II"
[9:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: Well.
[9:17 PM] Kamek: Okay. I'm wrong on one count
[9:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: Got our attention.
[9:17 PM] Ryu: lesbian kiss "He should be terrified"
[9:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Back in the tent.
[9:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: Well at the audience.
[9:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: They're in shock.
[9:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: There's no applause, just "Wow"ing.
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're just now calling it a PlayStation E3 2018 Showcase.
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: FLESH MICROPHONE
[9:18 PM] Ryu: 18 minutes of the last of us 2
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: From "Shid Shuman"
[9:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: Another flesh-colored mic.
[9:18 PM] Ryu: and an intermission
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The hell kind of name is that?
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "quick intermission"
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The hell is this?
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The other conferences don't have intermissions.
[9:18 PM] Ryu: It's litterally 1/4 of the show
[9:18 PM] Kamek: Oh
[9:18 PM] Ryu: ugh
[9:18 PM] Kamek: Wait
[9:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Intermissions are for Nintendo Treehouse Lives.
[9:18 PM] Kamek: They're fixing the audio
[9:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Shawn Layden ran away from the tent to this mysterious studio.
[9:19 PM] Ryu: At least, the audio is better now
[9:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: Shawn Layden
[9:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: Wasn't he at the PC Show?
[9:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: Or Bethesda?
[9:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: We just saw him.
[9:19 PM] Kamek: I dunno
[9:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: He was in the tent 19 minutes ago stuttering.
[9:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: Oh.
[9:20 PM] Kamek: During this recap we can recap for me
[9:20 PM] Kamek: Everything I missed
[9:20 PM] RawkHawk2010: You missed Fox.
[9:20 PM] RawkHawk2010: Fox is in Starlink.
[9:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Read our reaction logs indexes in our E3 Weeks 2018 Schedule. :smiley:
[9:20 PM] RawkHawk2010: Fox as in Star Fox.
[9:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And yeah Star Fox is in Ubisoft games now.
[9:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Along with Donkey Kong.
[9:20 PM] Kamek: ...
[9:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Also, The DIVISION 2 is great!
[9:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And Square Enix's conference was completely pointless.
[9:21 PM] RawkHawk2010: Intermissions by the main three during conferences isn't a bad idea to be honest.
[9:21 PM] Kamek: Why
[9:21 PM] Kamek: Is
[9:21 PM] Kamek: DIVISIÓN great
[9:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because there wasn't a stage or presenter and it was a series of trailers we already saw before.
[9:22 PM] Kamek: That sounds
[9:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're promoting the PlayStation blog.
[9:22 PM] Kamek: Not great
[9:22 PM] RawkHawk2010: I'm surprised Kamek didn't react to Fox.
[9:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (Check out the KoopaTV blog!)
[9:22 PM] Kamek: I'm reserving judgment
[9:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This intermission is a large minority of the conference so far.
[9:23 PM] RawkHawk2010: Bomberman's character designer just died.
[9:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Just in time for Little Rocket Man's summit?
[9:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Bomberman's original character designer, or the redesigned realistic one?
[9:23 PM] RawkHawk2010:
[9:23 PM] Ryu: "We're gonna see a lot of Spider-Man tonight"
[9:23 PM] Ryu: Meh
[9:23 PM] RawkHawk2010: ^ @Kamek
[9:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're continuing
[9:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: CALL OF DUTY
[9:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Rawk you were like
[9:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Hah we didn't see Call of Duty at all.
[9:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And I'm like
[9:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It'll be on Sony.
[9:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: AND LOOK IT'S ON SONY.
[9:24 PM] Kamek: I'm reserving judgment
[9:24 PM] RawkHawk2010: Not exactly good news.
[9:24 PM] RawkHawk2010: Time for Call of Duty to die.
[9:24 PM] Kamek: This is just silly
[9:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: That was just an ad?
[9:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Back in Black Maps"
[9:25 PM] Kamek: Bullet camera for transitions doesn't work
[9:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: ROFL
[9:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: "Welcome back!"
[9:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We're in a short intermission period"
[9:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: That was literally a twenty second commercial.
[9:25 PM] Kamek: His smiling face is annoying
[9:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: We've been in this for 7 minutes for a 25 minute conference.
[9:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And we had a freaking commercial.
[9:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Which might as well have been a Twitch ad.
[9:25 PM] Ryu: This is a bad start
[9:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Rawk go take back "hmm intermissions aren't a bad idea"
[9:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: "YAS"
[9:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: Why not just bring the twiter.com chat people back to chat?
[9:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: twitch*
[9:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: Well do remember
[9:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: Sony said they'd have a "non-traditional" conference this year.
[9:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Here's a zombie.
[9:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Zombie commercial.
[9:27 PM] RawkHawk2010: I saw something about Tetris.
[9:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Days Gone"
[9:27 PM] RawkHawk2010: LOL
[9:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They fixed the audio, and in return, broke the conference.
[9:27 PM] RawkHawk2010: This is like Japanese TV where the commercials are literally all ten seconds long.
[9:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "COUNTDOWN TO E3 2018"
[9:28 PM] Kamek: How disorienting
[9:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: I'm laughing out loud.
[9:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE E3 2018 ALREADY
[9:28 PM] Kamek: VR looks cool
[9:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: "When we say a few minutes we mean...ahahahahAHAH!"
[9:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We're a few minutes away from E3 2018"
[9:28 PM] Kamek: "Let's squeeze it in."
[9:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This effeminate loser wants to "squeeze" in something more during this intermission.
[9:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: These flesh-colored mics are really pissing me the fuck off.
[9:28 PM] Kamek: Why
[9:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This past half hour has pissed me off.
[9:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: Makes it look like people have something wrong with their faces
[9:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Flesh-coloured mics look like tumours.
[9:29 PM] Ryu: Destiny 2 is still a thing
[9:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: The purpose of a flesh-colored mic is apparently to help hide it.
[9:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiu8Ad1EDh69m4geFhJry8ESZqB8vXIU70zHfx2CBnqVwZRJc4RKJs2V2uARtuloLnPsOHaCs0proKOxjQefNAzqAjyjL1Uwanp4jbWtIGFXq_xl8ffSoffI3I8Y6t2W6VfL9k8gj7DMtVJ/s640/Pel%25C3%25A9-microphone-growth-cancer.png
[9:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: Make it look like it's not there
[9:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: Doesn't work.
[9:29 PM] Kamek: Lol
[9:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: That's the epitome of what's wrong with the flesh-coloured mics.
[9:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is that Rhodes?
[9:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: When Pelé had one.
[9:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: Tony Stark's best friend?
[9:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (From https://www.koopatv.org/2015/06/electronic-arts-e3-2015-live-reactions.html )
[9:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: Oh yeah.
[9:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: Oh a Destiny 2 trailer
[9:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: Didn't pay attention to that at all.
[9:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Destiny 2 trailer featuring "NOT ACTUAL GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE"
[9:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So effeminate man wanted to "squeeze" in Destiny 2.
[9:30 PM] Kamek: @RawkHawk2010 thats Don Cheadle
[9:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We're about to get to the showcase"
[9:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We are seconds away"
[9:30 PM] Kamek: And that's not him
[9:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I KNEW IT
[9:31 PM] RawkHawk2010: So this is a completely different environment.
[9:31 PM] Kamek: Omg
[9:31 PM] Kamek: Audio is still bad?
[9:31 PM] RawkHawk2010: With more music.
[9:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And they got some Japanese peasant fluteman.
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The Japanese peasant flute player isn't actually Japanese. |
[9:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So homeless Banjo player to Japanese peasant farmer flutist.
[9:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is this conference so bad it's good?
[9:32 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's so bad it's bad.
[9:32 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Don't give this crap silver lining.
[9:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: I'm laughing more than I've laughed all E3.
[9:32 PM] Ryu: I feel like it's Sekiro, but I don't know
[9:32 PM] Ryu: Will they play an instrument for all of their games?
[9:32 PM] Kamek: Dude isn't even Japanese
[9:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: Probably
[9:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: And it feels like filler while someone gets set-up.
[9:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sony has thousands of Japanese employees.
[9:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And they pick this guy.
[9:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: That was supposed to be the commentary people.
[9:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Show audience person on their phone.
[9:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Looking frantic.
[9:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: Actual game...maybe.
[9:33 PM] Kamek: I agree it's probably seikiro
[9:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sony Interactive Entertainment presents...
[9:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: in b4 spiderman
[9:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...presents...........
[9:34 PM] Kamek: That's pretty
[9:34 PM] Kamek: I like the atmosphere
[9:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WHAT ARE YOU PRESENTING
[9:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: I like the wind.
[9:34 PM] Kamek: .... Canadian maple leaf?
[9:34 PM] Ryu: Sekiro
[9:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: The wind is an excuse for the bad audio.
[9:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Mongol Invasion Day Nine.
[9:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (Oh, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a game)
[9:34 PM] Kamek: But the mongols didn't invade japan
[9:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: Dunno if the music is the conference guy still playing in the background or...
[9:34 PM] Kamek: Did they?
[9:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (I thought you're trying to tell me it's the name of the musical instrument)
[9:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: Well must be the game because here it sounds 10x better.(edited)
[9:35 PM] Kamek: Why is he speaking English
[9:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because he's a special peasant.
[9:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: I do like this atmosphere.
[9:36 PM] Kamek: This is very breath of the wild
[9:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This gives me Breath of the Wild vibes.
[9:36 PM] RawkHawk2010: I don't like this running.
[9:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Except the playable character talks.
[9:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Instead of being mute.
[9:36 PM] RawkHawk2010: I don't think I like the camera having a guy to the side.
[9:36 PM] RawkHawk2010: ala Last of Us.
[9:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Angry shogun.
[9:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...Dead angry Shogun.
[9:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: These might as well be Bokoblins.
[9:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: Jin
[9:37 PM] Kamek: His style is super traditional bushido
[9:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: Second dude named Jin of the E3
[9:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Maybe I would like Breath of the Wild better if I turned the UI off.
[9:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: Third Jin may be tomorrow
[9:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: aka XC2 Jin
[9:37 PM] Ryu: maybe it's not Sekiro after all
[9:38 PM] Ryu: even if it shares his theme
[9:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: @Ludwig Von Koopa My UI has been off since I started the game.(edited)
[9:38 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This guy is trying to be primitive Snake.
[9:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is this in Japan or what?
[9:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: Or Han China?
[9:38 PM] Kamek: Surprise ! It's métal gear solid bushido
[9:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Please... I do not understand."
[9:39 PM] Ryu: wait, it might be Sekiro
[9:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NPCs talking foreign language.
[9:39 PM] Kamek: All of this is Japanese
[9:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: He just did a Tennis Aces Trick Shot.
[9:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And tortured guy who doesn't understand speaking English.
[9:40 PM] RawkHawk2010: That's a woman?
[9:40 PM] Ryu: You betrayed my family. Prepare to die
[9:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Masako is mad at tortured guy.
[9:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We fight... Mongols win!"
[9:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "They already won."
[9:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Canadian maple leaves.
[9:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The only leaves you're allowed to have are cherry blossoms.
[9:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now they're fighting one another.
[9:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because they can't resolve problems via NEGOTIATION. (Like someone else is doing right now.)
[9:41 PM] Kamek: This is soul caliber now
[9:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Fire arrows in the background.
[9:41 PM] Ryu: Seppuku
[9:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With the most dreadful accuracy.
[9:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: GHOST OF TSUSHIMA
[9:42 PM] Ryu: ok, that wasn't Sekiro
[9:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: From Sucker Punch.
[9:42 PM] Kamek: Ooooo
[9:42 PM] Ryu: screw you sony for mindf'ing me
[9:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yo don't spread FAKE NEWS to me. <_<
[9:42 PM] RawkHawk2010: I wonder if we'll see Dead Stranding gamepllay.
[9:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now guitar.
[9:42 PM] RawkHawk2010: Or whatevber it's called
[9:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This is by a banana.
[9:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Intermission time?
[9:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or cutscene?
[9:42 PM] Kamek: ....
[9:43 PM] Kamek: Are they naked?
[9:43 PM] RawkHawk2010: Kiss incoming.
[9:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Floating people.
[9:44 PM] RawkHawk2010: Mewtwo throw: The Game?
[9:44 PM] Kamek: I always did like telekinesis as a game mechanic
[9:44 PM] Kamek: LOL
[9:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "CONTROL"
[9:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Femdom?
[9:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The game?
[9:44 PM] Kamek: TD just made a mistake
[9:44 PM] Ryu: cough cough
[9:44 PM] RawkHawk2010: Who is TD
[9:44 PM] Kamek: Cut to the studio during the trailer
[9:44 PM] RawkHawk2010: The Donald?
[9:44 PM] Kamek: Technical Director
[9:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: Oh
[9:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: Pizza
[9:45 PM] Ryu: This pizza makes me hungry
[9:45 PM] Kamek: The one who controls what camera we see
[9:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: Was that a 360 controller?
[9:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Cereal.
[9:45 PM] Kamek: Playstation controllers and a Playstation
[9:45 PM] Kamek: Are we à rat
[9:45 PM] Ryu: Ant-Man: The game
[9:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: Must be Ted Cruz
[9:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: Has a lot of soup.
[9:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: RAT
[9:46 PM] Ryu: ok
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This is why Ludwig doesn't play scary games. |
[9:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: Did that count as a kiss?
[9:46 PM] Ryu: Resident Evil
[9:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is that Leon?
[9:46 PM] Ryu: "Jesus Christ"
[9:46 PM] Kamek: LEÓN HEEEEELP
[9:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: Must be a RE4 prequel.
[9:46 PM] Ryu: It's the RE2 remake
[9:46 PM] Kamek: They're redoing RE again?
[9:47 PM] Ryu: don't think they remade RE2
[9:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Survival is your responsibility. "goddammit"
[9:47 PM] RawkHawk2010: Wonder if this'll be on Switch.
[9:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So do we get this instead of Ace Attorney?
[9:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: January 25, 2019.
[9:47 PM] RawkHawk2010: TOO
[9:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Resident Evil 2.
[9:47 PM] RawkHawk2010: MANY
[9:47 PM] RawkHawk2010: CAPCOM GAMES
[9:48 PM] Ryu: Next, they'll follow with MH
[9:48 PM] Kamek: If made the audience happy
[9:48 PM] RawkHawk2010: "Don't tell me what to do!" - audience member
[9:48 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" - random audience member
[9:48 PM] Ryu: Or that
[9:48 PM] RawkHawk2010: Well at least we both heard it.
[9:48 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Trombone player.
[9:48 PM] Kamek: ... Sigh
[9:48 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sorta.
[9:48 PM] Ryu: Rick and Morty? Uh oh
[9:48 PM] RawkHawk2010: Still don't know what Rick and Morty is.
[9:48 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh no, from the co-creator of Rick and Morty.
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Rick and Morty have no love on this website. Neither does this bathtub dude. |
[9:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: These characters need eyelids.
[9:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is this what Rick and Morty is like?
[9:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is that Slime in that guy's eyes.
[9:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: The Slime Ludwig likes?
[9:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Trover Saves the Universe"
[9:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Exclusively on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR"
[9:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Good, you can keep it.
[9:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: KINGDOM HEARTS III
[9:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: Kingdom Hearts
[9:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: A THIRD TIME
[9:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IT'S A NEW TRAILER
[9:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WHAT THE HELL
[9:50 PM] RawkHawk2010: Pirates of the Carribean?
[9:50 PM] RawkHawk2010: Didn't know that was Disney.
[9:50 PM] Ryu: Orlando Bloom is now in KH3
[9:50 PM] Ryu: again
[9:50 PM] RawkHawk2010: Grind rails
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Those coloured gas clouds don't seem solid enough to grind on. |
[9:50 PM] Kamek: That movie is old. Why are they recreating it
[9:51 PM] RawkHawk2010: Either it's the stream or this framerate sucks.
[9:51 PM] Kamek: Oh dear
[9:51 PM] Ryu: I'm tired of this song already
[9:51 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ELSA IS BACK
[9:51 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: AGAIN, AGAIN
[9:51 PM] Kamek: They actually had Johnny Depp voice himself
[9:52 PM] Ryu: 7 macguffins
[9:52 PM] RawkHawk2010: Where's WALL-E
[9:52 PM] RawkHawk2010: I don't like this theme btw.
[9:52 PM] Ryu: I thought Axel was deadddd
[9:52 PM] Ryu: I don't understand KH
[9:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I like how they scrubbed the Xbox One logo from the platform availability logos.
[9:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: wtf
[9:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Kingdom Hearts super-compilation exclusive to PS4.
[9:53 PM] RawkHawk2010: New trailer wasn't great.
[9:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Tikiz?
[9:53 PM] Kamek: ...
[9:53 PM] RawkHawk2010: Caribbean will get people excited.
[9:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: oh no
[9:53 PM] RawkHawk2010: Oh
[9:53 PM] Ryu: Death Stranding is back
[9:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Death Stranding.
[9:53 PM] RawkHawk2010: It's this.
[9:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: THE BABY
[9:53 PM] RawkHawk2010: Death or Dead
[9:53 PM] RawkHawk2010: ?
[9:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Death.
[9:53 PM] Kamek: Oh great
[9:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: Norman
[9:54 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Will we ever see gameplay of this?
[9:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: Remind me to go to Norman's restaurant after this.
[9:54 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or is watching it the gameplay?
[9:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: My mom said the food is garbage btw.
[9:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: She ate it.
[9:54 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Did she get sick?
[9:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: Dunno
[9:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: She said the wine was good though.
[9:54 PM] Kamek: This is nothing like the other trailer
[9:55 PM] RawkHawk2010: Just the food is horrible.
[9:55 PM] RawkHawk2010: Also
[9:55 PM] RawkHawk2010: I think this is gameplay.
[9:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is Norman walking in a lake gameplay?
[9:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or is this a cutscene?
[9:55 PM] RawkHawk2010: wtf
[9:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is his taking a shower gameplay?
[9:55 PM] RawkHawk2010: Bondage.
[9:55 PM] Kamek: He looks like Sean Bean
[9:55 PM] Ryu: Delivery game
[9:55 PM] RawkHawk2010: If this is the gameplay...
[9:56 PM] Kamek: Does no one else agree
[9:56 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ladders?
[9:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, isn't it?
[9:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Just walking around in empty environments up mountains and stuff.
[9:56 PM] RawkHawk2010: Looks like it.
[9:56 PM] Ryu: Nice
[9:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But with creepy baby cutscenes.
[9:56 PM] Kamek: AAAAHHHHH
[9:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With guns or something.
[9:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: Oh hey it's the same trailer.
[9:57 PM] Kamek: There's an invisible creature
[9:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: Nah anh anhhhhhh.
[9:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[9:57 PM] Kamek: Who wants to eat sean bean
[9:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ..............................................................................
[9:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: Kamek wants to.
![]() |
Eat me... |
[9:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This random woman is crying.
[9:58 PM] Kamek: That was a continued thought
[9:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Her jacket says "fragile".
[9:58 PM] Kamek: Lol
[9:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "GIVE ME YOUR HAND IN DEATH"
[9:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: She has a high-tech parasol.
[9:58 PM] Kamek: She's Mary Poppins Y'all
[9:58 PM] RawkHawk2010: This game never changes.
[9:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Norman Reedus looks disturbed.
[9:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "GIVE ME YOUR HAND IN FLESH"
[9:58 PM] RawkHawk2010: It's as un-understandable every time.
[9:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: His name is apparently Sam.
[9:59 PM] Kamek: His name is Sean Bean
[9:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is this a cutscene?
[9:59 PM] Kamek: And he has an idea
[9:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: BABY
[9:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is this a fetish too?
[9:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Does THE BABY count as a flashlight?
[10:00 PM] Kamek: It's more like a fetus...
[10:00 PM] Kamek: It's kinda gross
[10:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't think THE BABY is the most gross thing on-screen right now???
[10:00 PM] RawkHawk2010: The flashlight forum would be going gaga right now.
[10:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Guess he died.
[10:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Cool, we know how the game ends.
[10:00 PM] RawkHawk2010: Did she just eat a baby.
[10:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[10:00 PM] Kamek: Yeah he lost
[10:01 PM] Kamek: ....
[10:01 PM] Kamek: What
[10:01 PM] Kamek: WHAAAAT
[10:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Too late. You still don't know who I am."
[10:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "REMEMBER ME?"
[10:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: What real-life human is that?
[10:01 PM] Kamek: Kristen bell?
[10:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yup still don't want this.
[10:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: Wait
[10:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: They're moving on?
[10:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Koei Tecmo.
[10:01 PM] Kamek: Still freaking creepy
[10:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: Not even talking about it?
[10:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Talking is only for intermissions.
[10:02 PM] Ryu: Team Ninja...?
[10:02 PM] Kamek: Oh
[10:02 PM] Ryu: Nioh 2?
[10:02 PM] RawkHawk2010: Warriors game?
[10:02 PM] Kamek: This is sekrei
[10:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Ninja Gaiden?
[10:02 PM] RawkHawk2010: Does Team Ninja to Warriors?
[10:02 PM] Kamek: Or whare ER
[10:02 PM] RawkHawk2010: do*
[10:02 PM] Kamek: Whatever
[10:02 PM] Ryu: Called it
[10:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NIOH 2
[10:02 PM] Kamek: Oh
[10:02 PM] Kamek: Nvm
[10:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (Wot's Nioh?)
[10:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Audience crowd shot.
[10:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: I dunno the difference between Nioh and Nier.
[10:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Computer-generated piano.
[10:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: wtf
[10:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: That lasted about two seconds.
[10:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: I thought that was a real guy at first.
[10:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Spiderman time?
[10:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: yes
[10:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: You got it.
[10:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh hey it's Spiderman.
[10:03 PM] Kamek: How much longer do we have
[10:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: Too long
[10:03 PM] Ryu: around 30 minutes
[10:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Shawn Layden said "an hour" but he probably didn't count the intermission.
[10:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is the same Spiderman from the current MCU?
[10:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is this*
[10:04 PM] Ryu: I doubt it
[10:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: What, is he gay there too?
[10:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: Arguable.
[10:04 PM] Kamek: ....
[10:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Spiderman is doing dialogue
[10:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: while he's doing grunts
[10:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: so he has two mouths, I guess.
[10:05 PM] Kamek: This is very Spiderman 2 for the GCN
[10:05 PM] RawkHawk2010: "Like fish in a barrel!"
[10:05 PM] Kamek: Which is a great thing
[10:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Surprise?! What is he talking about?"
[10:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I dunno, what do you think?
[10:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Electro, Rhino, Scorpion are colluding.
[10:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: As are nameless normal prisoners.
[10:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: >collusion
[10:06 PM] Kamek: Rhino is Russian
[10:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: I prefer Static Shock.
[10:06 PM] Kamek: Collusion for sure
10:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: This is all just QTEs isn't it.
[10:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Vulture.
[10:07 PM] Kamek: This
[10:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: Vulture looked just like Bayne.
[10:07 PM] Kamek: Is a little stiff
[10:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yuri Watanabe isn't helpful.
[10:07 PM] Kamek: Nah
[10:07 PM] Kamek: Only if you mean his bald head
[10:07 PM] RawkHawk2010: And his mask thing.
[10:08 PM] Kamek: Hopefully it's as free form as Spiderman 2
[10:08 PM] RawkHawk2010: There was a Mario Party minigame doing this.
[10:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Does this, uh, look free form?
[10:08 PM] RawkHawk2010: With electricity and everything.
[10:08 PM] Kamek: Nah
[10:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now it's a cutscene instead.
[10:08 PM] Kamek: It's structured out too much
[10:08 PM] RawkHawk2010: Inversion Man
[10:09 PM] Kamek: Who the
[10:09 PM] Kamek: That's really an enemy
[10:09 PM] Kamek: Inversión man?
[10:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Game Over.
![]() |
Spider-Man having a bad time from Inversion Man, Rhino, Vulture, Scorpion, and Electro. |
[10:09 PM] Kamek: *poke
[10:10 PM] Kamek: Ugh
[10:10 PM] Kamek: Cliffhanger
[10:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Trailer over.
[10:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Conference over?
[10:10 PM] Kamek: Good looking game
[10:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: No, back to Ellie.
[10:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ellie's back.
[10:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: Or was.
[10:10 PM] Kamek: Game play looked fun
[10:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: No, montage.
[10:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: That looked like Kirby.
[10:10 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Kirby wannabe.
[10:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: Even had the cheeks.
[10:11 PM] Kamek: I don't understand the music theme
[10:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is there a "one more thing?"
[10:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: Oh
[10:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...Intermission desk.
[10:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: Thought that was a game.
[10:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "That was the PlayStation E3 showcase."
[10:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We got a little more to show here."
[10:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Are they trying to do a Treehouse Live at 10 PM?
[10:11 PM] Kamek: This is ridiculous
[10:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is the conference over?
[10:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: no
[10:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: When does this end?
[10:11 PM] Kamek: I love how they give their names
[10:12 PM] Kamek: But don't introduce what they do
[10:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't care who these people are.
[10:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: They implied they have a lot more.
[10:12 PM] Kamek: Like
[10:12 PM] Kamek: They know they don't matter
[10:12 PM] Kamek: So they're hiding them
[10:12 PM] Kamek: Sigh
[10:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Ryan Clements" is the effeminate man.
[10:12 PM] Ryu: I'm disappointed
[10:12 PM] Kamek: I'm disappow
[10:12 PM] Ryu: That Samurai game and Nioh 2 were cool though
[10:12 PM] Kamek: Disappointed
[10:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "BABIES continue to be a theme."
[10:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Can we put this under EA?
[10:13 PM] Kamek: Which samurai gsme
[10:13 PM] Kamek: There's like 3
[10:13 PM] Ryu: Ghost of something
[10:13 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ryan Clements would have been at home helping narrate the royal wedding.
[10:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: LOL
[10:13 PM] Kamek: Spiderman looks good
[10:13 PM] RawkHawk2010: They get effeminate men for that, I think.
[10:13 PM] Kamek: Spiderman and ghost samurai with the mongols
[10:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Take this moment to announce a new game."
[10:13 PM] Kamek: Those are my favorites
[10:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: From Software.
[10:13 PM] RawkHawk2010: What is From doing again?
[10:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "First footage"
[10:14 PM] Kamek: Yay more VR
[10:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Aren't you excited? You get to be a fairy? Live in a world where time stands still." - trailer
[10:14 PM] Kamek: Meh
[10:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: Sony wishes time stood still.
[10:15 PM] Ryu: This is a departure from Dark Souls
[10:15 PM] Kamek: That kitchen looked exactly like the one from Kung-fu Panda 2
[10:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Reminder that tomorrow it's Nintendo day.
[10:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: #smash
[10:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: Won't be a port.
[10:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh my gosh Nintendo day is gonna be soooooooooooooooooooooo good.
[10:15 PM] Kamek: What
[10:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Desacine"?
[10:16 PM] Ryu: French word
[10:16 PM] Kamek: Déraciné
[10:16 PM] Ryu: Déraciné
[10:16 PM] Kamek: French
[10:16 PM] RawkHawk2010: Hesitated before saying "compelling"
[10:16 PM] RawkHawk2010: Can't even compliment their own games.
[10:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They warped in Insomniac people.
[10:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sony's show has ended with Spiderman two E3s in a row now.
[10:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Can we play the open world?"
[10:16 PM] Kamek: Déraciné translated to "uprooted" in English
[10:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Let's get in there!"
[10:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: .........
[10:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: wtf is that sound
[10:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: what the fuck was that
[10:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IT'S STILL GOING
[10:17 PM] Kamek: Omg
[10:17 PM] Ryu: hacked by russians
[10:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: Was that third guy even awake?
[10:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Kamek what happened to the sound director?
[10:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: Did y'all see him?
[10:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: He was frozen solid.
[10:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: RUSSIAN IS STILL GOING
[10:18 PM] Kamek: Tech director is yelling at the audio guy right now to get his nonsense in gear
[10:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And the yelling is happening on-mic?
[10:18 PM] Kamek: They were probably investigating the audio and found the source
[10:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: This is Treehouse Live now.
[10:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I didn't sign up for Treehouse Live at night.
[10:19 PM] Kamek: This LOOKS good
[10:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "These animations are just blowing my mind."
[10:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: No fall damage.
[10:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: No fall damage is bad.
[10:19 PM] Kamek: Lol I was expecting the fall damage
[10:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: Threat of fall damage should be the whole point of mastering strings.
[10:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: Dumb.
[10:19 PM] Kamek: Something....
[10:20 PM] Kamek: Doesn't feel right
[10:20 PM] RawkHawk2010: Now there's no point.
[10:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The city is lifeless.
[10:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is that the problem?
[10:20 PM] Kamek: No
[10:20 PM] Kamek: The movement
[10:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But they just said the animations and stuff are amazing.
[10:20 PM] Ryu: Spider-Man threw someone out of the roof. That's against his moral code
[10:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And how natural it is.
[10:21 PM] Kamek: Something is ofd
[10:21 PM] Kamek: Off
[10:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Why is Spiderman attacking random dudes?
[10:22 PM] Kamek: We're assuming they're bad guys
[10:22 PM] Kamek: Whoa
[10:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They were literally just having a roof party.
[10:22 PM] Kamek: RPG?
[10:22 PM] Kamek: What's with the screen
[10:22 PM] Kamek: That flashing
[10:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Bullet time?
[10:23 PM] Kamek: Omg
[10:23 PM] Kamek: The TD is on break
[10:23 PM] Kamek: They have someone else calling the shots
[10:23 PM] Kamek: That's the only reason they keep going to the wrong cameras
[10:24 PM] RawkHawk2010: No fall damage poisons the mind of youth more than gun violence.
[10:24 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ludwig disagrees.
[10:24 PM] Kamek: Maybe it wasn't enough height
[10:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Wot'd I do?
[10:24 PM] Kamek: He is spiderman
[10:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: As a kid, I never grew up hoping I'd work on a Spiderman game.
[10:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: What
[10:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: is with that third guy
[10:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Spiderman is so awesome it broke my mic." - Ryan Clement
[10:25 PM] Kamek: He's the guy playing
[10:25 PM] Kamek: Omg
[10:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah but he looks scared.
[10:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "I know her~"
[10:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: Creepy lol.
[10:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: I wonder if she knows him.
[10:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: There's a HELICOPTER?
![]() |
This camera view is a mere distraction. |
[10:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: wtf they just warped in more dudes
[10:26 PM] Kamek: Wait what
[10:26 PM] Kamek: Where did they. Come from
[10:26 PM] Kamek: Can we close out
[10:27 PM] RawkHawk2010: I wish
[10:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't know, now I want to know what happens next.
[10:27 PM] Kamek: I feel like we're at the Olympics again
[10:27 PM] Kamek: Omg
[10:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They're implying the footage is playing itself.
[10:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So they're talking over it.
[10:27 PM] RawkHawk2010: I think they forgot to consider what time zone they're in.
[10:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: ...So...
[10:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: ...What about Call of Duty?
[10:28 PM] Kamek: Lame
[10:28 PM] Kamek: They presented DLC
[10:28 PM] Kamek: With no video
[10:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We got a lot of multidisciplinary awesome people working on it."
[10:29 PM] Ryu: They presented Call of Duty Black Ops 3 being free
[10:29 PM] Ryu: which was a good thing for me
[10:29 PM] Kamek: Basically this guy plays like mitsurugi
[10:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (FYI, it's not a good thing if we watch this and want it to end already)
[10:29 PM] Kamek: In soûl calibur
[10:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: Someone mentioned Nintendo.
[10:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Eh?
[10:30 PM] Kamek: My bad. It was Kendo
[10:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: I heard Nintendo.
[10:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: Oh.
[10:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: Must've heard Kendo.
[10:30 PM] Kamek: Omg
[10:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The guy's voice keeps cutting out.
[10:30 PM] Kamek: The audio
[10:30 PM] Ryu: Ghost of Tsushima
[10:30 PM] Ryu: Now I know the name
[10:30 PM] Kamek: Sushi
[10:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is that in Japan?
[10:30 PM] Kamek: Ghosts of sushi
[10:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: Or China?
[10:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Camera cut to walking people.
[10:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "I know some of these people!"
[10:31 PM] Kamek: Omg rawk it's japan
[10:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WHAT A CREEP
[10:31 PM] RawkHawk2010: Someone mentioned Mongolia.
[10:31 PM] RawkHawk2010: That's why I didn't know.
[10:31 PM] Kamek: Mongolians
[10:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They want 10 million people to come to their tent.
[10:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They warped in more people.
[10:31 PM] RawkHawk2010: Little Big Planet people.
[10:32 PM] Kamek: I'm so tired of these people
[10:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is this better than EA?
[10:32 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: No.
[10:32 PM] Kamek: THESE PEOPLE get titles
[10:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: With the exception of Ubisoft these may just be getting worse and worse.
[10:32 PM] Kamek: I'm taking a break
[10:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: I think Sony's is charmingly-awful though.
[10:33 PM] Kamek: Getting waffles
[10:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: EA's was just bad.
[10:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Waffles for dinner?
[10:33 PM] Kamek: Snack
[10:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: To be fair I just ate half a tub of ice cream.
[10:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...erm, frozen yogurt.
[10:33 PM] Kamek: Just anything to pass the time
[10:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: This looks dumb.
[10:34 PM] Kamek: It's like that world création game
[10:34 PM] Kamek: That rare was sponsoring
[10:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: Reminds me of Kodu Game Labs or whatever.
[10:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: Project Spark
[10:34 PM] Kamek: Yeah that
[10:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ludwig this looks like Pokemon Quest in terms of controls.
[10:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: With the cursor.
[10:35 PM] Kamek: Wait a minute
[10:36 PM] Kamek: There isn't even a beta for this yet
[10:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I want to say...
[10:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...I don't want to discourage game publishers from experimenting.
[10:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And trying to be innovative with their formats.
[10:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: Pocket Card Jockey
[10:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I was supportive of when Nintendo changed their presentation format.
[10:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (Not in 2013 because the video kept crashing)
[10:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sony tried something new with this format.
[10:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's a complete disaster.
[10:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So hopefully they won't do this again.
[10:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: How long was this supposed to be?
[10:37 PM] Kamek: VR GAMES
[10:38 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because this is bad in principle.
[10:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: Punch-Out!!
[10:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: LARRY BUTZ
![]() |
This is allegedly a Virtual Reality Punch-Out!! game with Virtual Reality called CREED Rise to Glory. Featuring Larry Butz. |
[10:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: I know y'all saw that.
[10:38 PM] Kamek: Punch out VR sounds amazing
[10:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: Larry Butz was the Glass Joe of Punch-Out!! VR.
[10:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[10:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: lol there he was again
[10:39 PM] Kamek: Super hot is a great game by the way
[10:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: He's still talking.
[10:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: HE'S TALKING ABOUT TALKING.
[10:41 PM] RawkHawk2010:
[10:41 PM] Kamek: I'm getting waffles
[10:41 PM] RawkHawk2010: ^ trump rn
[10:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Twitch chat just cut them out.
[10:41 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: YES.
[10:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IT'S OVER
[10:42 PM] RawkHawk2010: Oh shit
[10:42 PM] RawkHawk2010: I was just listening and thought it was Sony talking again.
[10:42 PM] Kamek: I'm. Confused
[10:42 PM] Kamek: Wait
[10:42 PM] Kamek: What
[10:42 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The Effeminate man was talking mid-sentence.
[10:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: After their stupid tent-build video.
[10:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And Twitch guys were like
[10:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: HI GUYS
[10:43 PM] Kamek: Twitch says they're done
[10:43 PM] Kamek: ?
[10:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, Twitch cut them off.
[10:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So...
[10:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...That's done by default.
[10:43 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Like, the Twitch talk show employees.
[10:44 PM] RawkHawk2010: So thoughts?
[10:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Awful.
[10:44 PM] Kamek: Good games
[10:44 PM] Kamek: Really bad conference
[10:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The games disgusted me.
[10:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The conference was an embarrassment.
[10:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: I liked Last of Us II kinda.
[10:45 PM] RawkHawk2010: I'd rather play as Ellie than Joel.
[10:46 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: For so-called "deep dives" into a few games, almost everything was incoherent.
[10:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: (aka Nathan Drake)
[10:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: Are we moving away from Nathan Drakes?
[10:46 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yeah, now everyone is a woman.
[10:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: Oh yeah no Uncharted.
[10:46 PM] Kamek: Sony is firing someone over their camera work on this session
[10:46 PM] RawkHawk2010: No Uncharted and barely any Call of Duty.
[10:47 PM] Kamek: Uncharted is Naughty Dog
[10:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Barely any Call of Duty" when you could count the number of games in the conference on two hands isn't really fair.
[10:47 PM] Kamek: Naughty Dog is working on The Last of Us
[10:47 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (Two Koopa hands)
[10:48 PM] Kamek: So
[10:48 PM] Kamek: Where are we grading the conferences so far?
[10:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: All F's except for Microsoft
[10:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: We have different grades, but mine is...
Microsoft > Ubisoft > Bethesda > Square Enix > EA
[10:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: Well
[10:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: Ubisoft's not an F
[10:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Ubisoft isn't an F.
[10:49 PM] RawkHawk2010: PC?
[10:49 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (Devolver Digital isn't a conference and neither is the PC Gaming Show)
[10:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (But if I had to they're both sub-EA)
[10:50 PM] RawkHawk2010: PC is.
[10:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: PC Gaming Show is a "show".
[10:50 PM] Kamek: Where is sony on the list for us
[10:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Hosted by a magazine.
[10:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Uhhhhh
[10:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sony...
[10:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sony is below Bethesda.
[10:50 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Probably below SE and EA, too.
[10:50 PM] RawkHawk2010: "Microsoft > Ubisoft > Bethesda > Square Enix > EA"
[10:50 PM] RawkHawk2010: Agree with that
[10:51 PM] RawkHawk2010: Sony below Square
[10:51 PM] RawkHawk2010: Like was said, Square respected our time.
[10:51 PM] Kamek: Yeah Sony just went off the rails
[10:51 PM] RawkHawk2010: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Kg1BWTw75I
[10:51 PM] Kamek: No structure
[10:52 PM] RawkHawk2010: Un brought his own toilet to Singapore apparently.
[10:52 PM] Ryu: Good games, bad conference
[10:52 PM] Kamek: Ryu agrees with me
[10:52 PM] Ryu: Agreed
[10:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NINTENDO DAY IN 13 HOURS
[10:53 PM] Ryu: Not enough games though
[10:53 PM] Kamek: Are we really going to post this log?
[10:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yes.
[10:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Up to when this ends.
[10:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Which could be any moment now!
[10:53 PM] Ryu: Looks like 2019 will the year of the samurai for me
[10:53 PM] Kamek: I feel like it's just as bad as Sony's show
[10:53 PM] Kamek: But because of Sony
[10:54 PM] Ryu: Nintendo won by default
[10:54 PM] Ryu: They have Smash
[10:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: Could be bad though.
[10:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: Could have Rabbids in it.
[10:54 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Smash could be an unchanged port and they'd win.
[10:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: Naaaaaah
[10:54 PM] Kamek: With inkling?
[10:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: Bad things could happen.
[10:54 PM] RawkHawk2010: Inkling could be a pre-order bonus for all we know.
[10:54 PM] Kamek: Nothing could be worse than Sony show
[10:55 PM] RawkHawk2010: I'm not pessimistic about Smash though.
[10:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Unless there's a power outage during the Smash finals...
[10:55 PM] RawkHawk2010: Nintendo's done too much to hype it.
[10:55 PM] Kamek: Twitch presenters are arguing who is more trustworthy "Todd Howard or Hideo Kojima"
[10:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...Yeah let's end this log I wanna go to bed.
[10:56 PM] Kamek: I ate my waffles. I'm good
Kamek may be good from eating waffles, but KoopaTV and the entire industry was worse off because of that disgraceful conference. Fortunately, as alluded to all over this log, the predicted winner of E3 is tomorrow. No pressure, right? Well, no, there's pressure: YOU need to stay tuned right to KoopaTV!
The PC Gaming Show was before this. Not even a real conference.
Sony's E3 2017 Conference was also plagued with many audio issues and all around badness. They're not good at learning.
Here's how the Kim Jong Un summit ended.
"I thought Axel was deadddd"
ReplyDeleteDo I sense someone who skipped the games leading up to KH3?
He admits to have not played the series, but he's watched something before where Axel is killed.
DeleteYeah, Axel dies in KH2, but when a person's Nobody and Heartless are both destroyed, they come back as a human. So Lea (Axel as a human) returned in Dream Drop Distance.
Delete...Sounds... convenient.
DeleteOkay, question from Ludwig. Who is this Aqua person everyone is fangirling over?
Aqua is a Keyblade Master and one of the main characters of Birth By Sleep: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/f/f7/Aqua_KHBBS.png/revision/latest?cb=20160924113116
DeleteThe E3 trailer revealed at the end that... things have gone badly for her. XD
Oh, is she the one talking to dark-void Mickey? Wot's with the golden eyes?
DeleteYep, that's her. The golden eyes mean she's been possessed by Xehanort (or she might just have fallen to darkness, but usually in the series golden eyes = Xehanort). If you've seen any comments about her being "norted," that's why. Mickey went to rescue her, hence the "you're too late" comment.
DeleteWell, that explains this.