This is it. Game of the year. It's all ending now. Last part (click here for Part 2). Join myself as Nintendork 13 13; and RawkHawk, as RawkHawk2010, as we complete our viewing of Naughty Dog's game-reduced-to-movie masterpiece, The Last Of Us. See our thoughts LIVE as we watch the last hour of the game! Join by watching the embedded video below just as we did.
Nintendork 13 13 9:01 pm
So what happened?
Football discussion.
RawkHawk2010 9:01 pm
dat horse
Nintendork 13 13 9:01 pm
They're going to the Colorado university.
Nathan Drake hates Callus.
The name.
RawkHawk2010 9:01 pm
more gate opening
Nintendork 13 13 9:02 pm
Didn't Ellie say
she's afraid of being alone?
RawkHawk2010 9:02 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:02 pm
So why did she just say she'd want to be an astronaut and be alone?
Random QTE shiv.
QTE door open.
RawkHawk2010 9:03 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:03 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:03 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:04 pm
He didn't stepping stone that time.
RawkHawk2010 9:04 pm
Nathan forgot he could simply jump over stuff?
Nintendork 13 13 9:04 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:05 pm
I thought those were clicker monkeys.
RawkHawk2010 9:05 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:05 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:05 pm
don't tell me I was right AGAIN.
Nintendork 13 13 9:06 pm
Not yet.
RawkHawk2010 9:06 pm
salt lake city
Nintendork 13 13 9:06 pm
(See Pokémon City Mascots article!)
"You're gonna die tonight motherfucker!"
RawkHawk2010 9:06 pm
qte to breath
Nintendork 13 13 9:07 pm
Both fall down
Nathan Drake broke his nose.
RawkHawk2010 9:07 pm
did nathan get impaled?
Nintendork 13 13 9:07 pm
So he succeeded in the QTE
only to fall and get impaled?
RawkHawk2010 9:08 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:08 pm
I guess he DID forget how to jump.
"You're gonna die tonight motherfucker"
RawkHawk2010 9:08 pm
Is this the equivalant of hard mode?
playing as an injured character?
he can't move.
can't jump.
Nintendork 13 13 9:09 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:09 pm
This is
*puts on shades*
a terrible gameplay crutch.
Nintendork 13 13 9:09 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:10 pm
this is why we shouldn't have gun control
or else little girls won't be able to defend themselves from assholes with metal pipes.
RawkHawk2010 9:10 pm
ellie zimmerman
Okay this is getting pathetic.
We're basically playing as a dead character.
Nintendork 13 13 9:12 pm
Time change
Nintendork 13 13 9:12 pm
Winter now.
RawkHawk2010 9:12 pm
20 years?!
Nintendork 13 13 9:12 pm
poor rabbit
RawkHawk2010 9:12 pm
Someone call PETA.
Nintendork 13 13 9:13 pm
So this part is from Assassin's Creed?
That Jeremy reviewed?
RawkHawk2010 9:13 pm
Or Cabella's 2013.
(Not that I've played that shit.)
(I played the 2011 demo and got stuck in a tree.)
Nintendork 13 13 9:14 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:15 pm
How is Nathan not dead?
Nintendork 13 13 9:15 pm
wot if he is
RawkHawk2010 9:15 pm
Isn't the window for antibiotics kind of over?
(Unless they're for her.)
"I don't like company."
It's Nathan!
Nintendork 13 13 9:16 pm
dat gun
RawkHawk2010 9:16 pm
I really thought that was Nathan.
Because it just suddenly stopped.
And looked kind of sentient.
(And was wearing his clothes.)
...okay maybe I just imagined that last part.
Nintendork 13 13 9:17 pm
She fell like Drake.
RawkHawk2010 9:17 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:17 pm
Stepping stone
Random stranger
They OHKO'd the bloater from before.
RawkHawk2010 9:18 pm
The buck's gonna be a clicker.
Nintendork 13 13 9:19 pm
It's dead already.
RawkHawk2010 9:19 pm
"everything happens for a reason"
okay aristotle
Nintendork 13 13 9:19 pm
No, it's true.
RawkHawk2010 9:19 pm
well yeah
cause and effect
We don't need Naughty Dog to teach us that!
Nintendork 13 13 9:21 pm
Nathan Drake is still alive.
RawkHawk2010 9:22 pm
Drake has been in a coma for months.
Nintendork 13 13 9:22 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:22 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:22 pm
I guess the application of the syringe
was gameplay?
RawkHawk2010 9:22 pm
yeah lol
RawkHawk2010 9:24 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:24 pm
Poor horse
RawkHawk2010 9:24 pm
I like the reticule for the bow.
Nintendork 13 13 9:25 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:25 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:27 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:27 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:28 pm
Ellie evaded Stockholm Syndrome.
Nintendork 13 13 9:28 pm
does this count as music
RawkHawk2010 9:28 pm
oscar-worthy dialogue
So that wasn't Drake.
Nintendork 13 13 9:29 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:29 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:30 pm
(I feel like we shouldn't be 30 minutes away from the end of the game.)
Nintendork 13 13 9:30 pm
"you're gonna die tonight motherfucker"
RawkHawk2010 9:30 pm
(But we are.)
Is this guy the final villain or something?
Nintendork 13 13 9:30 pm
GTA V torture
wtf Drake
RawkHawk2010 9:31 pm
Damn Nathan.
Nintendork 13 13 9:31 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:33 pm
This is like that one episode of King of the Hill.
Nintendork 13 13 9:33 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:33 pm
With that one guy who owned a slaughterhouse
and wanted to turn himself and Luanne into meat.
Nintendork 13 13 9:33 pm
Oh yeah.
wtf she's right in front of him
and he missed three shots
RawkHawk2010 9:34 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:34 pm
Nathan is just a giant backpack.
QTE grab
hanging dudes
Nintendork 13 13 9:35 pm
Shiny knife
QTE to crawl?
RawkHawk2010 9:35 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:35 pm
y cant metroid crawl
RawkHawk2010 9:36 pm
These are weak ass kicks.
Nintendork 13 13 9:36 pm
QTE knife
RawkHawk2010 9:36 pm
that put GTAV to shame
*credits roll*
Nintendork 13 13 9:37 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:37 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:37 pm
Salt Lake City sign.
RawkHawk2010 9:37 pm
What if the credits really did just roll then?
Would you be satisfied?
Nintendork 13 13 9:37 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:38 pm
Nathan is so thoughtful now.
Nintendork 13 13 9:38 pm
Stepping stone
RawkHawk2010 9:38 pm
Those antibiotics must have really worked.
Nintendork 13 13 9:38 pm
but no one is stepping
Aren't there like
Nintendork 13 13 9:39 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:39 pm
Are we in Viva Pinata now?
Nintendork 13 13 9:40 pm
(Sub-title typo)
"It's got it's ups and downs"
RawkHawk2010 9:40 pm
cue clickers
RawkHawk2010 9:41 pm
Drake you have twenty minutes left.
Quit your whining.
(Unless he, you know, dies.)
(And for all we know he might.)
Nintendork 13 13 9:42 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:42 pm
"I can't imagine losing someone you love like that."
Nintendork 13 13 9:42 pm
Didn't Ellie say she lost
everything and everyone too?
RawkHawk2010 9:42 pm
But I thought both your parents just died!
Nintendork 13 13 9:42 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:42 pm
Guess Naughty Dog FORGOT.
(Maybe she was lying.)
Nintendork 13 13 9:43 pm
why are they killing shit
stepping stone again
Nintendork 13 13 9:43 pm
Another gate.
RawkHawk2010 9:44 pm
what does ellie have to worry about
Nintendork 13 13 9:44 pm
Being strangled.
Did Nathan just jump backward
RawkHawk2010 9:45 pm
Nathan is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo useless.
Nintendork 13 13 9:45 pm
to not drown
RawkHawk2010 9:45 pm
qte to bang your head
qte to die
Nintendork 13 13 9:45 pm
why the fuck did ellie drown with him
is that Marlene
RawkHawk2010 9:46 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:46 pm
How'd SHE get here?
RawkHawk2010 9:48 pm
Marlene for final boss.
qte incoming
Nintendork 13 13 9:49 pm
So are the Fireflies the villains after all?
RawkHawk2010 9:49 pm
qte to shut door
and yes
(Called it!)
Nintendork 13 13 9:50 pm
Nathan didn't realize that guns make sound.
RawkHawk2010 9:50 pm
I don't think Nathan realizes a lot of things.
Like that we just wasted three hours of our lives watching him cross the country for no reason.
Nintendork 13 13 9:51 pm
"We're going to use Ellie to make a vaccine!"
"Fuck that I'm going to kill the people who are going to save humankind."
RawkHawk2010 9:52 pm
So did the government create the zombies?
To kill the Fireflies?
Nintendork 13 13 9:52 pm
...doubt it
RawkHawk2010 9:52 pm
Or are they a completely neutral entity?
RawkHawk2010 9:52 pm
All these audio logs.
(Optional audio logs were BioShock Infinite's entire story.)
(You literally had to search through trash cans and stuff to find them.)
who is anna
Nintendork 13 13 9:53 pm
Ellie's mom?
...yeah it is
Nintendork 13 13 9:55 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:55 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:55 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:56 pm
is ellie dead
Nintendork 13 13 9:56 pm
if she is then Nathan doomed mankind
RawkHawk2010 9:56 pm
We have FIVE MINUTES to find out
Nintendork 13 13 9:57 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:57 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:57 pm
So did he take her?
RawkHawk2010 9:58 pm
is drake lying
Nintendork 13 13 9:58 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:58 pm
Nintendork 13 13 9:59 pm
Are we supposed to
sympathize with Drake?
Nintendork 13 13 9:59 pm
RawkHawk2010 9:59 pm
what if the player could kill drake right now
since they're playing as ellie
Nintendork 13 13 9:59 pm
Last two minutes
was that the last gate
Riley Tess Sam
Ellie calling Drake out
on lying
Drake swears it's true
Nintendork 13 13 10:01 pm
I don't believe him.
RawkHawk2010 10:01 pm
Nintendork 13 13 10:01 pm
RawkHawk2010 10:02 pm
where's part 4
Nintendork 13 13 10:02 pm
That's it.
RawkHawk2010 10:02 pm
Nintendork 13 13 10:03 pm
RawkHawk2010 10:03 pm
(Time to see how Naughty Dog fucked up.)
Nintendork 13 13 10:03 pm
Nintendork 13 13 10:06 pm
Drake singing back
"You're gonna diiiie toniiiighhhttt motherfuuucckkeeerr ♪"
RawkHawk2010 10:08 pm
RawkHawk2010 10:08 pm
Okay so.
The real ending was trash.
Nintendork 13 13 10:09 pm
RawkHawk2010 10:09 pm
Unless ND is planning a The Last of Us 2.
...which I guess they are.
Nintendork 13 13 10:09 pm
They are?
RawkHawk2010 10:10 pm
RawkHawk2010 10:11 pm
Game director Straley spoke of another The Last of Us ending “where Ellie and Joel were driving completely contented and satisfied with their adventures off into a glorious sunset… but that didn’t feel right.
Nintendork 13 13 10:11 pm
A Redditor asked why the current ending was kept even after it playtested poorly, to which Druckmann responded, “It felt honest. Anything else felt like we were pandering.”
RawkHawk2010 10:11 pm
Isn't "pandering" all a video-game is?
Nintendork 13 13 10:11 pm
Did they playtest the QTEs and gates?
RawkHawk2010 10:12 pm
so what did we get from this.
Nintendork 13 13 10:13 pm
Morally ambiguous games are big hits.
RawkHawk2010 10:14 pm
...and peace of mind knowing we're not missing anything by going Nintendo-only next gen?
Nintendork 13 13 10:14 pm
Oh, yeah.
Since that was just a movie.
We just gotta apply the lesson to our own games.
If they can be reduced to movies
then they're bad.
RawkHawk2010 10:15 pm
Booker Dewitt and Nathan are basically the same guy.
RawkHawk2010 10:15 pm
...just like Elizabeth and Ellie are the same damsel.
Nintendork 13 13 10:15 pm
I can see that.
RawkHawk2010 10:15 pm
That's kind of why I was expecting Ellie to kill Nathan in the end.
So what's next? Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies: The Movie?
Nintendork 13 13 10:17 pm
...The game.
RawkHawk2010 10:17 pm
(I'll go with the movie.)
Don't listen to Rawk at the end. Buy Dual Destinies! Try it before you buy it if you wish!
Did you miss Part 1? Well, here's a link right to it.
Did you miss Part 1? Well, here's a link right to it.
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