By RAWKHAWK2010 - Enjoy my hawk swan song.
I decided early on in the year that this would be my final article on KoopaTV. I've also chosen to compile this days before Tokyo Game Show 2019 so that it can be published following one of two scenarios: One being the announcement of a new
Ace Attorney in which case hey, perfect timing! The other (aka the one which will actually happen) being a
Capcom TGS showing that was even more
missable than their last, where thereafter I will resign to the fact that the next non-port
Ace Attorney will release long after we're all dead. And what's that you say? That I might should stick around at least until after it's confirmed Phoenix Wright won't round off the five
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Challenger Pack fighters? Well, I don't think that'll be happening. Even when we start getting into the additional (presumably still third-party) DLC fighters who weren't originally promised, it's being made clearer by the day that one's importance to
Nintendo's history really,
really doesn't matter. If you're more likely to get onto
Ultimate's roster just by being an ambassador for a company who had their own console, despite the fact that your name is "Terry Bogard" which the vast majority of Nintendo fans had never heard uttered in their lives, then
Ys's Adol Christin (who would represent one of the oldest Action JRPG developers/publishers still in existence today) may have less obstacles to overcome than I originally thought. (Hell, after the last Direct I'll be surprised if Phoenix makes it into
Ultimate before
Deadly Premonition's Agent Francis York Morgan. And it says a lot when I'm only
slightly kidding.)
I suppose Capcom could be planning an anime adaptation of the second trilogy to precede a second port collection, but for all we know they've scheduled it with Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney's seven-year timeskip in mind so that in-universe game and real-world anime dates can once again approximately overlap. Well I'm not waiting for that shit!
As for why I'd choose this to be my parting article as opposed to something else, it's simultaneously the conclusion and crescendo of my
Ace Attorney Experience, spanning across 200
Miiverse posts (while the
first three entries included 38, 32, and 87 respectively), meaning there's pretty much a nonexistent chance that anything both this ambitious and relevant to the site's interests would ever be published by me again. As a bonus, I'm also uploading my
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Experience -- technically both my first and last time documenting an
Ace Attorney game on
Miiverse, due to me starting and abandoning the game earlier in the decade and then later salvaging my playthrough following 2017's mainline marathon. (I was probably motivated both by the fact that I actually cared about Maya Fey unlike before and because
Miiverse was set to go offline in a little over a month.) Think of it as both a prelude and a postscript.
Now then...let the finale commence.
Ed: This hasn't been used in a future article. |
Rawk's Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Experience
Wait...did I truly finish Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney if I only made it to the second "Special Episode" of which there are 12...? Oh well, no Miiversing them now! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You will never see a Rawk's Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Experience, as it was Experienced by him before Miiverse
was compatible with the 3DS. Nor will you see a Rawk's Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Experience, as it was Experienced by him on Android plus the 3DS version didn't come out until Miiverse
was discontinued anyway. The closest thing you will see to a Rawk's Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Experience is "miles eggplant", a video made for no reason whatsoever that you can watch embedded here. And now the curtain falls.
I am currently in the middle of a Dual Destinies playthrough, so I unfortunately had to skip the first half of the article for now. I will say that I enjoyed the crossover despite its shortcomings as it was my first experience with the Ace Attorney franchise. The Professor Layton series has always been one of my favorites, and after playing through the original Phoenix Wright trilogy, I can say that the Ace Attorney games are just as much fun and engaging in their own ways.
ReplyDeleteP.S. While this may be your last article, Rawk, will you still appear in the live reactions?
This article is frustratingly hard to get to the comments section since all of the pictures have to load first.
DeleteRawk says that, for live reactions, he discovered that (unlike me) he's incapable of multitasking. (Watching and typing simultaneously.)
That's why he made no appearance in the September 2019 Direct log.
Hey, looks like nick's "Narrow minded cultural assumptions" ended up saving the day after all.
ReplyDeleteIn which way? Apollo's the real hero here.
DeleteWell true, I guess nick was more of a catalyst.
DeleteWould you mind elaborating a bit more?
DeleteAight then, Nick's narrow-minded cultural assumptions (Defending in spite of the culpability act) ended up catalyzing Dhurke's revolution kicking off, and thus Apollo taking down queen Ga'ran.
DeleteI could be completely wrong on this though, I really want to replay spirit of justice again.
Hm, that... is certainly an interesting waterfall of events.
DeleteI wonder what Dhurke would've done, if anything, if Ahlbi were simply convicted and killed off without any representation.
Just best this part in thousand year door. But putting that aside, Will he ever come back...?