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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Rawk's Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All Experience

By RAWKHAWK2010 - Colon Cancer.

Do you ever get tired of typing "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All"? I do. That's why I almost said fuck "Rawk's Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All Experience" and was gonna opt for "Rawk's Gyakuten Saiban 2 Experience" instead. Ludwig proceeded to call me a weeb for that, but would a weeb play Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for over 400 hours with English VA enabled and not bitch? Didn't think so. (And yes, there are people playing in Japanese who bitch constantly about how their gameplay experience is ruined because they can't understand the flow of combat due to the fact that spontaneous battle cries and taunts aren't subtitled as if that's a thing that ever happens. I say they've made their futon and can lay in it.)

Oh, and Ludwig also claimed subtitles > numbers because the former are easier to remember, but I assure you I'd have a far easier time processing the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series if the numbers hadn't ended at Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis. Since then we've had Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again!, 
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move (which sounds like a gastrointestinal problem), and Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars. I can't tell you which of those are mainline games and which aren't. They might all be but I can't tell you that either. The whole thing's a maelstrom of confusion.

Oh yeah, so about Gyakuten Saiban 2 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All. Funimation's English dub for the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All anime is officially released today (I'm not sure if it's called "Season 2" or "Part 2" since either a "Season 2" or a "Part 2" refers to the recently-announced Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations anime which means Ludwig may have a point), and to celebrate I have some pics from my Miiverse-ing of the game. Warning: They're not as good as last time (likely because I was rushing to get to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations since I had been told Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All was the weakest in the series), but here you go anyway:

(Warning: Spoilers for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All ahead.)

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Judge nightmare cutscene

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All racist against black people nig

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Richard Wellington graduated from trashy university

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All religion Christianity Atheist

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Maggey Byrde string of disasters Europe

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Lotta Hart heart of the heartland

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Morgan Fey Byakugan leave this area to me white eyes

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Mr. arm clench Franziska von Karma

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Franziska von Karma punishment will come

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All excuse me princess

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Ini Miney patients dying testimony

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All whipped reaction expression

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All 2-3 Turnabout Big Top Max Galactica cutscene

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All don't want to steal one of Max Galactica's hearts gay homosexual

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All two women with whips Franziska

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Ben Woodman snicker

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All 3DS Judge typo court accept this into evidence

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Maya Fey on celebrities on their minds

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Max Galactica's bust kills Russell Berry

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Steel Samurai cutscene

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All this is a kidnapping phone

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Trilogy 3DS exactly what happen typo

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All better if you never came back from the dead Miles Edgeworth

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Wedy Oldbag fake news is not truth

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Miles Edgeworth wax philosophical power hour

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Mia Fey friend or foe I just don't know

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Hotti Clinic patient standing in the same spot

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All de Killer very good sir radio

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All a miracle will occur

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All 3DS Trilogy miracle never happened happen typo fixed

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Matt Engarde guilty scratching his face breakdown

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All Franziska von Karma lobby after final case

Again, could be better. I got action shots from dialogue-unraveling and cutscenes that would take the average person days of save-scumming to capture, but not a single one of non-Maya Fey-inhabited Pearl. I assume I was also rushing through the game so that I could encounter my first-ever actual experience with the trilogy, The Miracle Never Happen.

Please note that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All were Miiversed not knowing there was an option to save three screenshots while offline to be captioned and uploaded more at your leisure. That's why Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All got ~50 and ~30 Miiverse posts respectively, while Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations got ~90 and with additional minutes for good captions to come into my head.

Assuming KoopaTV is still around when the dub of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations anime airs (and assuming there IS a dub of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations anime), you should be impressed with that one.

KoopaTV will be around as long as Ace Attorney is spirit. Now let's all go discover what an English-voiced Shelly de Killer actually sounds like.

Rawk didn't show him here, but Moe the Clown is a bad dude.
KoopaTV is still around when Season 2 of the anime is released, so Rawk's Experience for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations is one click away!
Click for Rawk's final experience, for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney–Spirit of Justice.


  1. The original European version cart fixed the infamous line of the bad ending so the trilogy release is probably based off that.

    1. HOLD IT!

      CAPCOM went ahead before the release of Ace Attorney Trilogy on the 3DS and announced various script tweaks as a feature.

      TAKE THAT!

    2. Not sure how that is a contradiction to what I said. They could have taken some tweaks from the EU cart as well and then added more tweaks.

    3. That sounds absurd, though.
      It's more effort than it's worth to not just work off the American script, unless you can prove that the EU version did nothing more than fix typos.

      If you have any instance of localisation going on that could, say, make a dialogue box extend, you're going to cause more trouble than it's worth.

      Logistically, it'd make more sense for CAPCOM USA to work off their USA translation.

  2. Rawk, out of curiosity, have you been to Europe?

    1. I've been to Scotland. I bought a sword and took pictures of sheep.

      I've been to England. I threw citrus at a woman swimming in the River Thames past curfew from my hotel room window. (So her fault.)

      I've been to France. I tried to get a good look at the Eiffel Tower but my field of view was obscured by nymphomanic French people syncing their public intercourse with the passing of river boats.

      Standard across all of Western Europe was shopkeepers locking their doors at the sight of American youth. Can't imagine why!


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