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Friday, August 23, 2019

Minecraft's Popularity and Staying Power

By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - To the point where there's a whole generation of early Minecraft players that have nostalgia.

Once upon a time, it was January 2016, and I wrote this in an article about Minecraft: Education Edition:
“With any luck, children will associate Minecraft with school and stop playing it at home because it's not cool to do school stuff in your free personal time. Could we finally see the tight grip that Minecraft has on our nation's impressionable youth loosen up? Kids can stop being really annoying Minecraft fans (and will probably obsess over something else that hopefully isn't ugly to view in a social media feed), and videogames get the esteem of being versatile educational tools.

Seems like a win-win to me.”

Put that on the mental list of things I've written that haven't aged well, though arguably I predicted the Fortnite obsession. (Unfortunately, Fortnite is also ugly to view.) According to the kids these days, Minecraft is more popular than ever in a great resurgence, with a whole dedicated retail shelf in game stores. I don't really know when it ever dropped in popularity. It was popular enough in 2018 to shut down several school systems. It was popular enough in 2015 to be used as a Japanese meme against ISIS. Since its 2011 release, it's been ported everywhere and has only been accumulating more and more fans. Minecraft is even either the most-sold game of all time or the second-most.

It bothers me. Especially when the fans go and have multiple generations of people. That's a testament to its longevity and non-stop existence.

There is this extremely irritating Minecraft meme going around that's located where kids hang out, including Discord and other chatrooms, where they try to spam the chat with the correct lyrics to this 2011 Minecraft parody song “Revenge” that I've never heard before; made by this Minecraft YouTuber named CaptainSparklez that I've never heard of. The song has almost 200 million views on YouTube and the guy has almost 10.5 million subscribers, but whatever, that's just a symbol of how many braindead Minecraft fans there are. Apparently the song was popular back then and now a bunch of people got nostalgic for it. Who knows.

I hyperlinked to the song but didn't embed it, since it's rather terrible and not worth listening to or reading the lyrics of. (Whether in complete form or dumb kids with attention deficit disorder badly attempting to complete the whole thing in pieces.) I listened to it solely as research for this article, and I regretted it immediately. But since I subjected myself to that aural poison, there's no way I'm not gonna try and do something productive with that experience (write an article).  Here it is. You got me to write an article about your meme even though this site supposedly has a policy against that.

Please stop it. You can even keep playing Minecraft. Just stop the damn “Creeper aw man” crap.

Revenge CaptainSparklez Minecraft Creeper Aw Man 200 million views YouTube meme
Unfortunately for you, while I didn't embed the song, I do need a picture in this article for it to be popular.
...And according to the kids, anything and everything with Minecraft becomes popular. So here we go!

This article exists because Ludwig remembered he wrote that paragraph about Minecraft: Education Edition while he was reading Microsoft's letter to the Office of the United States Trade Representative which mentioned it as an example of how games are good for America. And he is really annoyed by that forced meme. He's almost 100% sure that this article will backfire and make kids continue it instead of stop it, which he will view as a commentary on how easily reverse-psychologically manipulable children can be.


  1. Well, now I know why these posts appeared in Squid Game 2 all of a sudden:

    Well, I'll still take it over any Kingdom Hearts related posts.

    1. ur-mum-big-gay 3 points 1 month ago

      Oh my god, the pickaxe swinging from is me!!! That’s actually me!!

      Name checks out.


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