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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Not Much Nintendo Stuff For Prime Day

By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - I guess there's no supply for Metroid Prime since you can buy Metroid Prime: Trilogy digital on the Wii U!

It's Prime Day! That means, go to Amazon and buy stuff! Big deals on tens of thousands of items that you won't get to encounter any other time of the year! Those that won the KoopaTV Loyalty Rewards Program Round 8 get to put their Amazon gift cards to special use!

(Round 9's prizes still aren't announced — this is because I announce them after I already have something bought, and I haven't been to a gift card-selling establishment in over two months. This should answer a certain shit-poster's question that he submitted in KoopaTV Feedback Form Part V. YOU all reading this can fill it out too, and get points to WIN Round 9!)

There's a problem, though... 

...There's nothing particularly exciting or interesting, especially if you want Nintendo stuff. (There was an Xbox One for 10% off, but if you watched Microsoft's E3 2016 Conference or read our reaction log for it, you'd know you should wait for the hardware revision/revolutionary new Project Scorpio thing.)

Amazon Prime Day Mega Man Legacy Collection Lightning Deal 3DS gold amiibo
This is about the peak of it, and it was a totally-claimed Lightning Deal. (Vs. Elec Man?)

Prime Day is basically functioning as Amazon saying, “let's get markdown and try to get rid of all of the stuff you normally wouldn't want because it's sitting in our warehouse, but we'll repackage it with HYPE instead of lameness while selling more Amazon Prime subscriptions.”

What can you get right now as an Amazon Prime deal? Well, Just Dance 2016. ...For the Wii.

Prime Day Amazon Just Dance 2016 Wii Lightning Deal
You should wait for Just Dance 2017 coming out on the NX.

There is an upside to this: If it's not being offered right now, then that means Amazon thinks it will sell (or it already is selling) during normal times of the year. That's not really good for you, specifically, but it's good for the companies selling these things!

Ludwig hasn't and won't buy anything for Prime Day 2016. Did you pick anything up?

If you wanted legitimate, amazing deals, you should've bought stuff while Nintendo was offering it after E3 2016.
Ludwig has nothing but praise for Amazon, so don't take this as an anti-Amazon rant.
Prime Day 2017 is even more lacklustre.


  1. Greatest KoopaTV article to ever exist.

    1. Yeah, it's nice and short and filler-y.

    2. Similar to my article but it didn't get published.
      Rest in piece Charssie 1885-2016

    3. It could still get published.

      It's just yours doesn't make sense. My nice, short, and filler-y article isn't self-contradictory!

    4. I know, but you'd use the same avatar no matter what you write.

    5. Please see the criteria you need to fill out for that to happen here.

      ...Also, could you make your article, um, good?

    6. My article is amazing.
      Everyone would agree but you won't publish it.

    7. Can I use this as a point to not hire you?

      I tell you what you need to improve on/I give you feedback, and you just keep repeating your irrelevant statements and ignore me. Can't work with that.

    8. How the hell am I supposed to publish something without a title?

    9. You know that would show up as "KoopaTV: KoopaTV".

      That's not happening.

    10. Fine.
      Name it Dank Charssie 2k16

    11. You should figure this out over e-mail.

    12. No, you should just publish it.
      Your fans would love it.

    13. Yo, I reject guest posts from people all the time. I don't just publish everything.

      I reread yours again and it's worse than I remember. Doesn't even deserve points.

    14. Yo my article is lit.
      It has truth, levity, references, pictures, and a sexy avatar.

    15. It is the truth.
      You already admitted to stealing things.

  2. No I did not buy anything on Prime Day and I am watching my spending for a bit. I was almost fired from my job due to my irritability at things. Thankfully I saved myself because I said they never got proper supervion. I also finally brought up to them that I was pregnant. They said I saved it because I said they never properly supervised me. My doctor says it is illegal to fire me even if they said I was poor in some aspects of my job.

    1. Yeah, if you wouldn't buy any of this stuff anyway, even though you're "saving" money you're still losing it.

      I don't like the idea of pregnancy being a termination shield. >_>

    2. Hey I did not ask for it to be one.

    3. So it wasn't a pre-conceived scheme?!?

      But yeah, we need more of at-will employment. I wouldn't consider your doctor to be a lawyer.
      It's not illegal, but it would be difficult.

    4. WHatever their reason, I am working on myself to improve myself at my social skills especially the phone skills. I started to go for counseling. I refuse to make myself a liability for them.

      They said I am amazing at paperwork. They let go of anohter who has the same position as me today and I am picking up the ex-employee's slack. Also a third employee in the same position went on vacation for three weeks just now. Up until now there were only three of us with this position in the company. How were they expecting any work done this month if two were fired (hypothetically I would be fired right away had I not defended myself) and this person on vacation?

    5. ...Good.

      So they needed to fire someone, and it was gonna be you, but it ended up being another dude?
      You...survived! Thank them and be good!

  3. There were a few DS and 3DS games on sale, too, but nothing I wanted. I didn't get anything from Prime Day.

    1. No suckers to give you money through affiliate links this time?

  4. Prime Day is like Black Friday in July. So many sales but so little discounts.

    1. Can you, uh, expand on that second sentence?

    2. As you stated in the article, most of the merchandise brought to the frontpage are things you would not consider purchasing already. The products that you do want are usually the ones that are not discounted, or in this instance, Nintendo games. However, despite that fact, it still one of Amazon's most busiest days.

    3. "most busiest" eh...
      So there's a lot of discounts, just not desirable ones.


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