After hundreds of articles, KoopaTV has taken strong stances on a number of things. It can be hard to keep track of them all. Since I haven't made a new Index yet, this is something helpful I can do to let you all know who we are and what we stand for, and to find resources quickly.
The way the linked articles are set up, they contain very related links to other articles at the bottom or embedded within the article.
...'kay we're done with this article as of June 13, 2015.
The way the linked articles are set up, they contain very related links to other articles at the bottom or embedded within the article.
...'kay we're done with this article as of June 13, 2015.
Activism Campaigns:
- Getting Nintendo to change their eShop policy
- M-rated games can not be bought by those under 17 even if they have parental permission. This is wrong.
- The temporary fix is to call Nintendo and ask them to change your birth-date.
Marketing Campaigns:
- Promoting the Ace Attorney franchise
- It's fantastic. Everyone on KoopaTV loves it. There's a free demo of Dual Destinies in the eShop.
- The Enlightenment Movement
- Spreading the idea that Koopas are good, and plumbers are evil.
- Getting a reply from Barack Hussein Obama about the debt ceiling
- We still want the man to be transparent, but we got our answer. It just sucked.
- Exposing the fascism in NeoGAF
- Well, we got banned from NeoGAF. Mission accomplished. We were martyrs, but still.
- Become more tolerant
- This was an April Fools joke.
- Figure out what happened with TPCi's Gotta Catch 'Em All contest
- Done. With grace!
- Opposing #Miiquality
- This might not actually be finished. Either way, it's hard to say if this was a success or not.
- Advertising Trayvon Tyson's Punch-Out!!
- Everyone should play Trayvon Tyson's Punch-Out!!. It's free. And won PC Game of that Year 2013.
- Well, it's over a year old now, so we should stop trying so hard.
- Making people more acquainted with the musicians of Super Smash Bros. 4
- Both url-only version and embedded video version.
- This was KoopaTV's original campaign for relevance. Our investigative journalism here has even enabled us to be a citation on Wikipedia. Unfortunately, we still do not have an answer.
- We now have an answer from Pat O'Brien himself. Campaign closed!
- Advertising Defend Anita Sarkeesian
- It's our new game release. Even though we were forced to make it, we'd still like people to play it.
Ludwig will keep this list continually updated. Don't worry about that. It's up to you to check it.
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