Welcome to KoopaTV's live thoughts on Ubisoft's side of E3 as they happened. Ludwig Von Koopa as nintendork1313, Rawk as rawkhawk2010, YoshiRider as masteryoshirider, MarioSun90, a member of Koopa Keep, as ryudragon, and yours truly as Ultralink1000. Let's watch the fun.
[Koopa Keep] 6:00pm
(rawkhawk2010) thirty seconds
[Koopa Keep] 6:00pm
(masteryoshirider) kink
[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(nintendork1313) y
[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(nintendork1313) ?
[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(masteryoshirider) link
[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(nintendork1313) http://www.ign.com/events/e3
[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(nintendork1313) ...REAL applause?
Ultralink1000 6:01pm
Ultralink1000 6:01pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) ahhhhh
[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) its girl wood
[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(masteryoshirider) why is everything dark
Ultralink1000 6:01pm
I like his sunglasses in the dark
[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(nintendork1313) Ubisoft lost the lighting.
Ultralink1000 6:02pm
Ultralink1000 6:02pm
Is rawk going to be here?
[Koopa Keep] 6:02pm
(nintendork1313) ...He already is?
[Koopa Keep] 6:02pm
(rawkhawk2010) what the fuck
[Koopa Keep] 6:02pm
(rawkhawk2010) What is the context of this?
[Koopa Keep] 6:02pm
(nintendork1313) Doesn't matter.
[Koopa Keep] 6:02pm
(nintendork1313) Better than Microsoft's conference already.
[Koopa Keep] 6:03pm
(nintendork1313) Wii Music 2?
[Koopa Keep] 6:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) am i on the right channel
[Koopa Keep] 6:03pm
(nintendork1313) change instrument 4
[Koopa Keep] 6:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) I thought these Rock Band games ended years ago.
Ultralink1000 6:03pm
me too
[Koopa Keep] 6:03pm
(nintendork1313) me three
[Koopa Keep] 6:04pm
(nintendork1313) is that real
[Koopa Keep] 6:04pm
(nintendork1313) or a plastic accessory
Ultralink1000 6:04pm
not sure
Ultralink1000 6:04pm
Looks really
Ultralink1000 6:04pm
Ultralink1000 6:04pm
it has to be real if it's that thick
Ultralink1000 6:04pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(nintendork1313) ...
[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(nintendork1313) Rocksmith 2014
[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(nintendork1313) The fattest way to learn guitar.
[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(rawkhawk2010) girl wood
[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(nintendork1313) #girlwood
Ultralink1000 6:05pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(ryudragon29) nice shirt
[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(masteryoshirider) what happened to her hair
Ultralink1000 6:05pm
Legitimate questions
[Koopa Keep] 6:06pm
(nintendork1313) rocksmith 2014
[Koopa Keep] 6:06pm
(nintendork1313) coming out 2013
Ultralink1000 6:06pm
Ultralink1000 6:06pm
it's like the cars
Ultralink1000 6:06pm
they come out earlier
[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(nintendork1313) Will cars appear on stage again?
Ultralink1000 6:07pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(rawkhawk2010) WTF
Ultralink1000 6:07pm
she seems happy to be here
[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(masteryoshirider) kwanzaa
[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(nintendork1313) Rawk seems to relate to her.
[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(rawkhawk2010) uh
[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(rawkhawk2010) i do?
[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(nintendork1313) You didn't sleep either.
[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(rawkhawk2010) oh
Ultralink1000 6:08pm
xD she sounds like a person in a chat room
[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(rawkhawk2010) frickin
[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(rawkhawk2010) She sounds like SammyClassicSonicFan.
[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(masteryoshirider) lol
[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(nintendork1313) Ubisoft integrating social media.
Ultralink1000 6:08pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(masteryoshirider) no stupid questions
[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(nintendork1313) "what happened to your hair" = stupid question
Ultralink1000 6:09pm
that's a legit question
[Koopa Keep] 6:09pm
(rawkhawk2010) economics
[Koopa Keep] 6:09pm
(nintendork1313) Poor economics.
[Koopa Keep] 6:09pm
(masteryoshirider) heard that as
[Koopa Keep] 6:09pm
(rawkhawk2010) americuh
[Koopa Keep] 6:10pm
(masteryoshirider) splintercell: black lips
[Koopa Keep] 6:10pm
(rawkhawk2010) XD
[Koopa Keep] 6:10pm
(nintendork1313) lol
Ultralink1000 6:10pm
Ultralink1000 6:11pm
This all sounds like an episode of 24
[Koopa Keep] 6:11pm
(nintendork1313) My exact thoughts.
[Koopa Keep] 6:11pm
(nintendork1313) THE BLACK LIPS
[Koopa Keep] 6:11pm
(nintendork1313) BENGHAZI CAMEO
[Koopa Keep] 6:11pm
(masteryoshirider) black lips
Ultralink1000 6:11pm
"Building a Dispenser!"
[Koopa Keep] 6:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) Well.
[Koopa Keep] 6:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) This certainly isn't beginning well.
[Koopa Keep] 6:12pm
(nintendork1313) I liked the guitar.
Ultralink1000 6:12pm
I really want to full sceen this stuff
Ultralink1000 6:12pm
The different camera angles from IGN are messing with me
[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(nintendork1313) "Yeeeeees"
[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(rawkhawk2010) michelle obama
Ultralink1000 6:13pm
...in bed
[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(nintendork1313) "Nothing more fun than a giant black lady screaming at ya. ...Especially in bed."
Ultralink1000 6:13pm
Ultralink1000 6:13pm
there was a rayman iPhone game?
[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(nintendork1313) (It IS gorgeous)
[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(rawkhawk2010) This game should be out.
[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(nintendork1313) Yeah.
[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(nintendork1313) It should.
[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) So
[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) Feels dumb to be watching trailers of it still.
[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) Hell, we've basically played the entire game!
[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) With those Challenge Apps.
[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(nintendork1313) nuh uh
[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(nintendork1313) There are like
[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(nintendork1313) a ton more music levels
Ultralink1000 6:14pm
her boobs catch me off guard
[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) RAYMAN PAWNCH
Ultralink1000 6:15pm
Ultralink1000 6:15pm
that threw me off guard...
Ultralink1000 6:15pm
She's way too intense
Ultralink1000 6:15pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) I've seen that intro
[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) a lot of times
Ultralink1000 6:15pm
better than most of these guys
[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) wait
[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) is this another rayman
[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) no
Ultralink1000 6:15pm
John leguizamo?
[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) it's the same one
Ultralink1000 6:15pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) Oh
[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) oh hey it's the music
[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) that I favourited
[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) By "new" I thought they meant
Ultralink1000 6:16pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:16pm
(rawkhawk2010) "new"
[Koopa Keep] 6:16pm
(nintendork1313) From Endless Tower.
Ultralink1000 6:16pm
Origens is getting more levels?
Ultralink1000 6:16pm
Ultralink1000 6:16pm
ugh ><
[Koopa Keep] 6:16pm
(nintendork1313) No this is still Legends.
Ultralink1000 6:16pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(rawkhawk2010) meeeeeeeeeeeeeh
[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(rawkhawk2010) lol
Ultralink1000 6:17pm
This chick xD
[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(rawkhawk2010) okay that line was good
Ultralink1000 6:17pm
She's something else
[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(nintendork1313) ya
[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(nintendork1313) oooh
[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(nintendork1313) CAPITALISM
Ultralink1000 6:17pm
Ultralink1000 6:18pm
French people :D finally
[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(rawkhawk2010) Is that the NRA president?
[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(nintendork1313) he sounds funny
[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(masteryoshirider) wtf
[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(masteryoshirider) dat name
[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(nintendork1313) Stealing from other people
[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(nintendork1313) isn't capitalism
[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(nintendork1313) <.<;
Ultralink1000 6:18pm
dude he's gotta be canadian
Ultralink1000 6:18pm
add "eh" to anything he says
[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(nintendork1313) eeros
[Koopa Keep] 6:19pm
(nintendork1313) Loot and proteck
[Koopa Keep] 6:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) "deh"
[Koopa Keep] 6:19pm
(nintendork1313) He's turning Irish.
Ultralink1000 6:19pm
haha xD
[Koopa Keep] 6:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) AHHH
Ultralink1000 6:19pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) ZACH BRANNIGAN
[Koopa Keep] 6:20pm
(rawkhawk2010) good lord
[Koopa Keep] 6:20pm
(rawkhawk2010) This is some hideous character design.
[Koopa Keep] 6:20pm
(nintendork1313) I think that's the point.
Ultralink1000 6:20pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:20pm
(rawkhawk2010) I like the frog.
Ultralink1000 6:20pm
Ultralink1000 6:20pm
did he really say that
Ultralink1000 6:21pm
can they do that?
[Koopa Keep] 6:21pm
(masteryoshirider) dat censor
[Koopa Keep] 6:21pm
(nintendork1313) The swearing? no
[Koopa Keep] 6:21pm
(masteryoshirider) wtf
Ultralink1000 6:21pm
alphabet soup
[Koopa Keep] 6:21pm
(nintendork1313) yes
[Koopa Keep] 6:21pm
(nintendork1313) too much
Ultralink1000 6:21pm
I like the tital
Ultralink1000 6:21pm
title ><
[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm
(nintendork1313) digital crack
Ultralink1000 6:22pm
xD "Digital Crack"
[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm
(rawkhawk2010) I thought this game got canceled.
[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm
(masteryoshirider) I thought that game got
[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm
(masteryoshirider) yeah
[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm
(nintendork1313) new publisher
[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(nintendork1313) Probably how it got uncanceled.
[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(rawkhawk2010) Who the fuck was the publisher before?
[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(nintendork1313) dunno
Ultralink1000 6:23pm
Ultralink1000 6:23pm
That's how you do that
[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(nintendork1313) Hashtag Nagasaki fart
[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(nintendork1313) next gen time
Ultralink1000 6:23pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(nintendork1313) pissy Internet
Ultralink1000 6:23pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:24pm
(masteryoshirider) frickin happy
Ultralink1000 6:24pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:24pm
(nintendork1313) Ubisoft CEO
Ultralink1000 6:24pm
how bloody tall is she
Ultralink1000 6:24pm
Ultralink1000 6:24pm
And she knows it
[Koopa Keep] 6:24pm
(nintendork1313) Cubisoft
[Koopa Keep] 6:24pm
(rawkhawk2010) vrery
[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(rawkhawk2010) the cru?
Ultralink1000 6:25pm
lol she's trying so hard to make him interesting
[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(nintendork1313) I guess.
[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(nintendork1313) dat wheel
Ultralink1000 6:25pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(nintendork1313) dem wheels
Ultralink1000 6:25pm
Tire for Smash 4
[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(rawkhawk2010) lol
Ultralink1000 6:25pm
okay that looked reall
[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(rawkhawk2010) Carz: The Game
[Koopa Keep] 6:26pm
(nintendork1313) Obligatory police
Ultralink1000 6:26pm
this is actually pretty intense
Ultralink1000 6:26pm
...random pickup
[Koopa Keep] 6:26pm
(nintendork1313) I like the strings instrument.
[Koopa Keep] 6:26pm
(rawkhawk2010) I still have no idea what the context is.
[Koopa Keep] 6:26pm
(nintendork1313) Or what the actual title is.
Ultralink1000 6:26pm
what the...
[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) Is this the whole game?
[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) Just hauling ass from police dudes?
Ultralink1000 6:27pm
offroad $100,000 cars?
[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) Cuz I'm pretty sure this has been done before.
[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(nintendork1313) You're harassing trucks too.
Ultralink1000 6:27pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) that license plate
[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) GET ITS NUMBER
[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(nintendork1313) Was it done with FERGUS?
[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) A racing MMO?
Ultralink1000 6:27pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(nintendork1313) THE CREW
Ultralink1000 6:28pm
Ultralink1000 6:28pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(nintendork1313) early 2014
Ultralink1000 6:28pm
Ultralink1000 6:28pm
did anyone see Wii-U
[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(nintendork1313) I didn't look for it
[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(nintendork1313) I was wondering the same thing.
Ultralink1000 6:28pm
gah ><
[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(masteryoshirider) girlwood
Ultralink1000 6:28pm
I didn't see it
[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(nintendork1313) Eliwood
[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(rawkhawk2010) It definitely won't be.
[Koopa Keep] 6:29pm
(nintendork1313) wtf
Ultralink1000 6:29pm
If I may say, you too look particularly rad
[Koopa Keep] 6:29pm
(nintendork1313) change the status quo
Ultralink1000 6:29pm
variety...of USA?
Ultralink1000 6:29pm
ALL the adventures of driving
[Koopa Keep] 6:29pm
(nintendork1313) Take over a criminal organization.
Ultralink1000 6:29pm
seems legit
[Koopa Keep] 6:29pm
(nintendork1313) Complete customization.
[Koopa Keep] 6:30pm
(rawkhawk2010) "I like to think...fun."
[Koopa Keep] 6:30pm
(nintendork1313) online persistent world
[Koopa Keep] 6:30pm
(nintendork1313) finger circles
Ultralink1000 6:30pm
*finger spin*
[Koopa Keep] 6:30pm
(rawkhawk2010) #alwayson
Ultralink1000 6:30pm
Ultralink1000 6:30pm
Ultralink1000 6:30pm
Needs to trend
[Koopa Keep] 6:31pm
(nintendork1313) Rawk
[Koopa Keep] 6:31pm
(nintendork1313) found your sub-titles
[Koopa Keep] 6:31pm
(rawkhawk2010) guh
[Koopa Keep] 6:31pm
(rawkhawk2010) huh
Ultralink1000 6:31pm
What's that controller
[Koopa Keep] 6:31pm
(nintendork1313) FERGUS
Ultralink1000 6:32pm
Ultralink1000 6:32pm
you can driver there!
[Koopa Keep] 6:32pm
(nintendork1313) SLY
Ultralink1000 6:32pm
You can drive your cake
Ultralink1000 6:32pm
and eat it too
[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(nintendork1313) So The Crew is stuck with ghosts
[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(nintendork1313) While Forza 5 has that human AI.
Ultralink1000 6:33pm
Forza is supposed to be more advanced
[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(rawkhawk2010) so can i
[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(rawkhawk2010) go to my town
[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(rawkhawk2010) in the game
[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(nintendork1313) probably
[Koopa Keep] 6:34pm
(nintendork1313) There will be a Southern rural city
[Koopa Keep] 6:34pm
(masteryoshirider) with gosha
[Koopa Keep] 6:34pm
(nintendork1313) (unless they count Miami as "obligatory Southern city")
[Koopa Keep] 6:34pm
(rawkhawk2010) nuts and bolts
Ultralink1000 6:34pm
reminds me of Nuts and Bolts
Ultralink1000 6:34pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:34pm
(rawkhawk2010) can these cars fly
Ultralink1000 6:35pm
They should
[Koopa Keep] 6:35pm
(nintendork1313) Maybe you unlock flying.
Ultralink1000 6:35pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:35pm
(nintendork1313) You can clearly go on water.
Ultralink1000 6:35pm
Ultralink1000 6:35pm
This game....
Ultralink1000 6:35pm
what does it feel like?
Ultralink1000 6:36pm
It feels like something
[Koopa Keep] 6:36pm
(nintendork1313) GTA + Nuts and Bolts
Ultralink1000 6:36pm
Ultralink1000 6:36pm
the way the cars turn seem odd...
Ultralink1000 6:36pm
Or is that just me
[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(rawkhawk2010) Yeah.
[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(rawkhawk2010) The physics remind me of Nuts & Bolts
[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(rawkhawk2010) ...in a uh
[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(rawkhawk2010) ...bad way?
Ultralink1000 6:37pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(nintendork1313) friendly fire
Ultralink1000 6:37pm
Ultralink1000 6:37pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(masteryoshirider) wtfv
[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(nintendork1313) "comfort points"
Ultralink1000 6:38pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(rawkhawk2010) eh
[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(rawkhawk2010) looked alright
[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(nintendork1313) better than EA
Ultralink1000 6:38pm
FERGUS unlocked something
[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(rawkhawk2010) yah
[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(rawkhawk2010) plants aside
[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(nintendork1313) ya
Ultralink1000 6:38pm
Ultralink1000 6:38pm
Ultralink1000 6:39pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(rawkhawk2010) That iPad looks ugly as fuck.
Ultralink1000 6:39pm
...did she cut him off?
Ultralink1000 6:39pm
I think she cut him off
[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(nintendork1313) wot about my GamePad
[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(rawkhawk2010) Kinect!
[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(rawkhawk2010) ROFL
[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(rawkhawk2010) She just fucking referenced NSA.
[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(nintendork1313) ya
[Koopa Keep] 6:40pm
(rawkhawk2010) dominique gay
[Koopa Keep] 6:40pm
(masteryoshirider) lol
[Koopa Keep] 6:40pm
(nintendork1313) lol
[Koopa Keep] 6:40pm
(rawkhawk2010) dominique GoshAY
[Koopa Keep] 6:40pm
(nintendork1313) kinected
Ultralink1000 6:40pm
He looks like dolph lungrund
[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(nintendork1313) oh
[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(nintendork1313) thought that was
[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(nintendork1313) MY phone
[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) kramer
Ultralink1000 6:41pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(nintendork1313) lol
Ultralink1000 6:41pm
They're watching me jerry!!!
[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(nintendork1313) AHH
[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) I feel like I've watched this exact same conference before.
[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) Rayman
[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) Watch Dogs
[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) It's the same exact shit!
[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) From 2012!
Ultralink1000 6:42pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:42pm
(rawkhawk2010) pretty much
Ultralink1000 6:42pm
lamest security ever
[Koopa Keep] 6:42pm
(nintendork1313) stalking women
Ultralink1000 6:42pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:42pm
(rawkhawk2010) who does that remind us of
[Koopa Keep] 6:42pm
(nintendork1313) bynum
[Koopa Keep] 6:42pm
(nintendork1313) ?
Ultralink1000 6:42pm
I feel like he should be rorshach
[Koopa Keep] 6:43pm
(rawkhawk2010) Did a sprinkler just kill a dude?
Ultralink1000 6:43pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:43pm
(nintendork1313) lol
Ultralink1000 6:43pm
sure looked like it though
[Koopa Keep] 6:43pm
(nintendork1313) laughing yhystericlally
Ultralink1000 6:44pm
She's still bloody tall
[Koopa Keep] 6:45pm
(nintendork1313) just dance 2014
Ultralink1000 6:45pm
so many colors
[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(nintendork1313) ...
[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(rawkhawk2010) oh
[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(rawkhawk2010) a wii u
[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(masteryoshirider) wii u
Ultralink1000 6:46pm
Ultralink1000 6:46pm
it is
[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(rawkhawk2010) A Wii U during an E3 conference!
Ultralink1000 6:46pm
I completely missed that
[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(rawkhawk2010) Crazy!
[Koopa Keep] 6:47pm
(nintendork1313) Rabbids Invasion
[Koopa Keep] 6:47pm
(nintendork1313) Ubisoft is actually making its movies
[Koopa Keep] 6:47pm
(nintendork1313) unlike another company we know
Ultralink1000 6:47pm
oh yeah....
[Koopa Keep] 6:47pm
(rawkhawk2010) I can't believe the Rabbids are still around.
Ultralink1000 6:47pm
I thought I heard about that
Ultralink1000 6:47pm
me too
[Koopa Keep] 6:47pm
(masteryoshirider) rabbids tv show
Ultralink1000 6:48pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:48pm
(rawkhawk2010) um
[Koopa Keep] 6:48pm
(rawkhawk2010) what was it doing to that chicken
[Koopa Keep] 6:48pm
(nintendork1313) wot would Gosha think about the Rabbids
[Koopa Keep] 6:48pm
(rawkhawk2010) Well that looked terrifying.
[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(masteryoshirider) reverse abortion
[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(nintendork1313) ADORABLEEE
[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(rawkhawk2010) "interactive tv show"
[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(nintendork1313) giantess
[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(rawkhawk2010) hello eee-threeeEEEEee
Ultralink1000 6:49pm
get off those 9 inch heels
[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(nintendork1313) RUN YOU FOOL
Ultralink1000 6:50pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:50pm
(rawkhawk2010) who done it
[Koopa Keep] 6:50pm
(nintendork1313) lol Microsoft
[Koopa Keep] 6:50pm
(nintendork1313) Xbox One
[Koopa Keep] 6:50pm
(nintendork1313) TV invade living room with Kinect
Ultralink1000 6:51pm
how does this work with tv
[Koopa Keep] 6:51pm
(nintendork1313) so is this like
[Koopa Keep] 6:51pm
(nintendork1313) Blue's Clues?
[Koopa Keep] 6:51pm
(rawkhawk2010) This is like those old-ass PC games that retsupurae retsupurae'd.
[Koopa Keep] 6:52pm
(rawkhawk2010) That are just old western movies where you click to kill dudes
[Koopa Keep] 6:52pm
(nintendork1313) moo
[Koopa Keep] 6:52pm
(rawkhawk2010) If I played this as a kid I'd be fucked up.
Ultralink1000 6:52pm
I still need to know what the mooing is about
[Koopa Keep] 6:52pm
(nintendork1313) core gamer goodness
[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(rawkhawk2010) uuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(nintendork1313) Assassin's Creed 4
[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(rawkhawk2010) FUCK
[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(masteryoshirider) asscreed4
Ultralink1000 6:53pm
finishing on the high note
[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(nintendork1313) token black dude
[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(rawkhawk2010) Is the laughter coming from the E3 audience or the game?
Ultralink1000 6:54pm
I don't think he's going to die first though
[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(nintendork1313) no idea
[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(nintendork1313) game
[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(nintendork1313) uh
[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(nintendork1313) yeah
[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(nintendork1313) black dude just fell to the ground first
[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(rawkhawk2010) I thought the audience got bored.
Ultralink1000 6:54pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(rawkhawk2010) And just started conversing amongst eachother
Ultralink1000 6:55pm
Shoot the rope
Ultralink1000 6:55pm
even though
Ultralink1000 6:56pm
he always has a blade
[Koopa Keep] 6:56pm
(nintendork1313) so I guess you do more than just kill animals in this one
[Koopa Keep] 6:56pm
(rawkhawk2010) I haven't paid attention to any of this.
[Koopa Keep] 6:56pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:56pm
(rawkhawk2010) Assassin's Creed IV: Black Lips
Ultralink1000 6:56pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(rawkhawk2010) "all of the fun"?!
[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(nintendork1313) She seems more excited than we are.
Ultralink1000 6:57pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(rawkhawk2010) Nothing even fucking happened!
Ultralink1000 6:57pm
was his name?
[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(rawkhawk2010) John the Dog?
[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(nintendork1313) lol
[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(masteryoshirider) These guys have the gayest names.
Ultralink1000 6:57pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(nintendork1313) BRUTAL pirate experience
Ultralink1000 6:57pm
a France French guy
Ultralink1000 6:58pm
[Koopa Keep] 6:58pm
(nintendork1313) So is this guy the tallest white male Ubisoft has brought out so far?
Ultralink1000 6:58pm
Ultralink1000 6:59pm
She's still wearing heels though so he's taller than her
Ultralink1000 6:59pm
Does anyone hear his lipsmacking noises
[Koopa Keep] 6:59pm
(nintendork1313) ...
[Koopa Keep] 6:59pm
(nintendork1313) in-game footage
[Koopa Keep] 6:59pm
(rawkhawk2010) Did someone just boo?
[Koopa Keep] 6:59pm
(rawkhawk2010) Or was that the girl orgasming?
[Koopa Keep] 6:59pm
(nintendork1313) girl orgasming
[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(rawkhawk2010) I like how direct in-game footage has to be specified now.
Ultralink1000 7:00pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(rawkhawk2010) Given how rare it is.
[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(ryudragon29) that last guy wasn't France
Ultralink1000 7:00pm
>.> then what was he
[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(masteryoshirider) pudwig look at my draft
[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(ryudragon29) From here
[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(nintendork1313) after the trailer
Ultralink1000 7:00pm
What's with his accent then
[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(rawkhawk2010) French Canadia?
[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) French Cananda.
Ultralink1000 7:01pm
Nah the beard guy was french canadian
Ultralink1000 7:01pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(nintendork1313) This isn't gameplay footage.
[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) I dunno, I prefer not to deal with French people.
Ultralink1000 7:01pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) French people are mean.
Ultralink1000 7:01pm
that was really meh
[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(nintendork1313) wtf
[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) I've been to France.
[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(nintendork1313) MORE TITLES?
Ultralink1000 7:01pm
there's more?
[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
Ultralink1000 7:01pm
Are they running overtime?
[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) this was supposed to be fucking oooooover
[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) MOTORCYCLE
Ultralink1000 7:02pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) "ahhhhhhhh"
Ultralink1000 7:02pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) TRIALS FUSION
Ultralink1000 7:02pm
haha neatt
Ultralink1000 7:02pm
Ultralink1000 7:02pm
Haha xD
[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) "failed landing"
[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(rawkhawk2010) fuck
[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(rawkhawk2010) I thought that was a gamepad.
[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) TRIALS FRONTIER
[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) I wanted that to be a Gamepad.
Ultralink1000 7:03pm
me too
[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) This looks pretty fun.
Ultralink1000 7:03pm
Ultralink1000 7:03pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(ryudragon29) everything except Nintendo
[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) Never played Trials Evolution.
[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(nintendork1313) The guy needs to hang onto the motorcycle handles
Ultralink1000 7:03pm
It's way better multiplayer
Ultralink1000 7:03pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(nintendork1313) yeah
[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) Fuck you!
[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(nintendork1313) even mobile
[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) 360 but not Wii U?
[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(nintendork1313) but not Wii U
[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) Fuck Ubisoft.
[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) Boycotting them.
[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(ryudragon29) French people don't eat poutine, silly Aisha
Ultralink1000 7:04pm
how is ubisoft singling out Wii U like this?
[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(nintendork1313) At least there was a Wii U in the conference.
[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(nintendork1313) Unlike EA.
[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(rawkhawk2010) Basically, I'm boycotting anyone who could easily develop for Wii U but doesn't.
[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(rawkhawk2010) Due to being bought out by Microsoft.
[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(rawkhawk2010) Like Notch.
[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(rawkhawk2010) Who just said a year ago he'd never be bought out.
[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(rawkhawk2010) What a bitch!
[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(nintendork1313) wtf
[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(nintendork1313) MORE?
Ultralink1000 7:04pm
Ubisoft is taking all the times
Ultralink1000 7:05pm
Sankyu :3
[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm
(rawkhawk2010) Resident Evil
[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm
(nintendork1313) wrong game
Ultralink1000 7:05pm
feels like it but no
[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm
(rawkhawk2010) THIS
[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm
(rawkhawk2010) WAS HERE LAST YEAR
[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm
(nintendork1313) ...
Ultralink1000 7:06pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) It was the one that led to the anti-government articles/
[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) I swear
[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) yeah
[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) this is it
[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(nintendork1313) Black Friday
[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) Black List
[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) Black Flag
[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) Black Friday
[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(masteryoshirider) Black Lips
Ultralink1000 7:06pm
Ultralink1000 7:06pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(nintendork1313) Black people
Ultralink1000 7:07pm
oh joy
Ultralink1000 7:07pm
thanks obama
[Koopa Keep] 7:07pm
(nintendork1313) This trailer
[Koopa Keep] 7:07pm
(nintendork1313) DOES seem familiar
Ultralink1000 7:07pm
never seen it
[Koopa Keep] 7:07pm
(rawkhawk2010) Will @RawkHawk2010now#blacklist #blackflag #blackfriday #blackbitch
Ultralink1000 7:07pm
Then we all swarm the amish
[Koopa Keep] 7:07pm
(nintendork1313) lol
[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(nintendork1313) Directive 51
Ultralink1000 7:08pm
ugh xD.....
[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(rawkhawk2010) good fucking lord
[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(nintendork1313) the narrators
[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(rawkhawk2010) Is this a game or a book?
[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(nintendork1313) are talking to each other
Ultralink1000 7:08pm
I can't hear directive without thinking WALL-E
[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
Ultralink1000 7:08pm
hello, you're on borrowed time
[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(nintendork1313) wot's the game title
Ultralink1000 7:09pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(nintendork1313) ya
[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(nintendork1313) Heard the Division.
[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(nintendork1313) PlayStation Wii heard was in bad shape?
[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(rawkhawk2010) that's it
Ultralink1000 7:09pm
uh oh
[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(rawkhawk2010) what if it was
Ultralink1000 7:09pm
got scared for a second
[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(rawkhawk2010) and the conference just ended
Ultralink1000 7:10pm
I want there to be a Really Good studios
Ultralink1000 7:10pm
A Really Good Production
Ultralink1000 7:10pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:10pm
(nintendork1313) Dark Zone
Ultralink1000 7:10pm
That's interesting...
Ultralink1000 7:11pm
now trying opening that map with all that garbage there
[Koopa Keep] 7:11pm
(masteryoshirider) ps4 controller
Ultralink1000 7:11pm
I like the yellow light
Ultralink1000 7:11pm
Would get annoying at night though
[Koopa Keep] 7:11pm
(nintendork1313) Megan looks butch
Ultralink1000 7:12pm
Is this real in-game dialog
[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(nintendork1313) I can't tell
[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) Google Glass?
Ultralink1000 7:12pm
Because they sound like what I would imagine PC gamers would sound like
[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) um
[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) That guy just jumped THROUGH the police car.
[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) Dunno if you guys saw.
[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(nintendork1313) didn't
Ultralink1000 7:12pm
I didn't see it
Ultralink1000 7:13pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(rawkhawk2010) How do the characters sound this bored while getting shot at?
[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(nintendork1313) "oh what's up Chris?"
[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(nintendork1313) 'cause they're players
[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(nintendork1313) not characters
[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(nintendork1313) I think
Ultralink1000 7:13pm
It's gotta be players
Ultralink1000 7:13pm
or the weirdest voice acting for a game ever
[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(rawkhawk2010) I think it's in-game.
[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) "I need to hop out"
[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) "see ya dude"
Ultralink1000 7:14pm
*hops out*
[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) you sure that's in-game?
[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) If it is in-game
[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) It's like
[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) the exact opposite of Dead Rising 3's.
Ultralink1000 7:14pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) The NPC is in-game
[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) <.<;
Ultralink1000 7:14pm
Ultralink1000 7:14pm
it's definitely players
[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) They're responding to the NPC.
[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) ya
[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(nintendork1313) only way it's in-game
[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(nintendork1313) is if the entire game is scripted
[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(nintendork1313) "that gun is sick"
[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) It's funnier to think it's in-game.
[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) For reasons like the above.
[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(nintendork1313) 15 minutes above
[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) "Check out Manhaaaaaaatten."
[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) "another group of players"
Ultralink1000 7:16pm
Yeah it's players
[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(rawkhawk2010) fuck
[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(rawkhawk2010) the game is ruined for me
Ultralink1000 7:16pm
Ultralink1000 7:16pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) TOM CLANCY'S THE DIVISION
[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) EPIC TITLE
[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(rawkhawk2010) rofl
Ultralink1000 7:16pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) GAME REDEEMED
[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) GAME REDEEMED
Ultralink1000 7:16pm
Best part of e3 yet
Ultralink1000 7:16pm
i'm literally laughing out loud here
[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(rawkhawk2010) Better than Plants?
[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) Ubisoft > EA > Microsoft
Ultralink1000 7:16pm
haha xD
Ultralink1000 7:17pm
Ultralink1000 7:17pm
it could happen to you
[Koopa Keep] 7:17pm
(nintendork1313) obligatory confetti
Ultralink1000 7:17pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:17pm
(nintendork1313) put on some pants
Ultralink1000 7:17pm
Make me >_>
Ultralink1000 7:17pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:17pm
(nintendork1313) wtf how did she know I'm only in underwear
[Koopa Keep] 7:17pm
(rawkhawk2010) do that shit
[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(nintendork1313) okay
[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(nintendork1313) THEY'RE DONE
Ultralink1000 7:18pm
Ultralink1000 7:18pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(nintendork1313) Thoughts?
Ultralink1000 7:18pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(masteryoshirider) booooring
Ultralink1000 7:18pm
The black chick sold me
[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(masteryoshirider) Worst than last year's
[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(nintendork1313) The Division though
Ultralink1000 7:19pm
Yeeeah....DIVISION with Tom Clancy was the best
[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) yah it'll never be the same
[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) Ubisoft's last year was the best cuz it was unexpected.
[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(nintendork1313) Hopefully all the games will have come out already
[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) So now they're just riding the wave of expectation
[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(nintendork1313) Okay so
[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(nintendork1313) uh
[Koopa Keep] 7:20pm
(nintendork1313) Just Dance 4 on Wii U
[Koopa Keep] 7:20pm
(nintendork1313) anything else?
Ultralink1000 7:20pm
[Koopa Keep] 7:20pm
(masteryoshirider) mudwig look at my draft
Ultralink1000 7:20pm
I can't remember anything
[Koopa Keep] 7:20pm
(nintendork1313) looking
[Koopa Keep] 7:21pm
(masteryoshirider) I know I messed up the heading
Ultralink1000 7:21pm
Oh yeah!
[Koopa Keep] 7:21pm
(nintendork1313) yeah
Ultralink1000 7:21pm
the car game
[Koopa Keep] 7:21pm
(masteryoshirider) i don't remember how to do it
[Koopa Keep] 7:21pm
(nintendork1313) what the fuck happened with
Ultralink1000 7:21pm
The car game looked interesting
Ultralink1000 7:21pm
Ultralink1000 7:22pm
digital crack
Ultralink1000 7:22pm
Kamek knows next to nothing about Twitter, but Kamek does know how to abuse a blacktag - he means hashtag. #girlwood is the only E3 rep with a soul.
The previous E3 conference live blog can be found right here.
The next one? Just click this link.
Want to know more about Aisha? Then this article is for you.
This article won KoopaTV's Best Reaction Log of 2013 award!
Want to see Ubisoft's conference in 2014? Here!
The previous E3 conference live blog can be found right here.
The next one? Just click this link.
Want to know more about Aisha? Then this article is for you.
This article won KoopaTV's Best Reaction Log of 2013 award!
Want to see Ubisoft's conference in 2014? Here!
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