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Monday, June 10, 2013

KoopaTV's Live Reactions to Ubisoft's E3 2013 Press Conference

By KAMEK - Ubisoft's Blackout Night

Welcome to KoopaTV's live thoughts on Ubisoft's side of E3 as they happened. Ludwig Von Koopa as nintendork1313, Rawk as rawkhawk2010, YoshiRider as masteryoshirider, MarioSun90, a member of Koopa Keep, as ryudragon, and yours truly as Ultralink1000. Let's watch the fun. 

[Koopa Keep] 6:00pm
(rawkhawk2010) thirty seconds

[Koopa Keep] 6:00pm
(masteryoshirider) kink

[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(nintendork1313) y

[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(nintendork1313) ?

[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(masteryoshirider) link

[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(nintendork1313) ...REAL applause?

Ultralink1000 6:01pm

Ultralink1000 6:01pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) ahhhhh

[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) its girl wood

[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(masteryoshirider) why is everything dark

Ultralink1000 6:01pm
I like his sunglasses in the dark

[Koopa Keep] 6:01pm
(nintendork1313) Ubisoft lost the lighting.

Ultralink1000 6:02pm

Ultralink1000 6:02pm
Is rawk going to be here?

[Koopa Keep] 6:02pm
(nintendork1313) ...He already is?

[Koopa Keep] 6:02pm
(rawkhawk2010) what the fuck

[Koopa Keep] 6:02pm
(rawkhawk2010) What is the context of this?

[Koopa Keep] 6:02pm
(nintendork1313) Doesn't matter.

[Koopa Keep] 6:02pm
(nintendork1313) Better than Microsoft's conference already.

[Koopa Keep] 6:03pm
(nintendork1313) Wii Music 2?

[Koopa Keep] 6:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) am i on the right channel

[Koopa Keep] 6:03pm
(nintendork1313) change instrument 4

[Koopa Keep] 6:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) I thought these Rock Band games ended years ago.

Ultralink1000 6:03pm
me too

[Koopa Keep] 6:03pm
(nintendork1313) me three

[Koopa Keep] 6:04pm
(nintendork1313) is that real

[Koopa Keep] 6:04pm
(nintendork1313) or a plastic accessory

Ultralink1000 6:04pm
not sure

Ultralink1000 6:04pm
Looks really

Ultralink1000 6:04pm

Ultralink1000 6:04pm
it has to be real if it's that thick

Ultralink1000 6:04pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(nintendork1313) ...

[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(nintendork1313) Rocksmith 2014

[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(nintendork1313) The fattest way to learn guitar.

[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(rawkhawk2010) girl wood

[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(nintendork1313) #girlwood

Ultralink1000 6:05pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(ryudragon29) nice shirt

[Koopa Keep] 6:05pm
(masteryoshirider) what happened to her hair

Ultralink1000 6:05pm
Legitimate questions

[Koopa Keep] 6:06pm
(nintendork1313) rocksmith 2014

[Koopa Keep] 6:06pm
(nintendork1313) coming out 2013

Ultralink1000 6:06pm

Ultralink1000 6:06pm
it's like the cars

Ultralink1000 6:06pm
they come out earlier

[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(nintendork1313) Will cars appear on stage again?

Ultralink1000 6:07pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(rawkhawk2010) WTF

Ultralink1000 6:07pm
she seems happy to be here

[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(masteryoshirider) kwanzaa

[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(nintendork1313) Rawk seems to relate to her.

[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(rawkhawk2010) uh

[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(rawkhawk2010) i do?

[Koopa Keep] 6:07pm
(nintendork1313) You didn't sleep either.

[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(rawkhawk2010) oh

Ultralink1000 6:08pm
xD she sounds like a person in a chat room

[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(rawkhawk2010) frickin

[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(rawkhawk2010) She sounds like SammyClassicSonicFan.

[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(masteryoshirider) lol

[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(nintendork1313) Ubisoft integrating social media.

Ultralink1000 6:08pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(masteryoshirider) no stupid questions

[Koopa Keep] 6:08pm
(nintendork1313) "what happened to your hair" = stupid question

Ultralink1000 6:09pm
that's a legit question

[Koopa Keep] 6:09pm
(rawkhawk2010) economics

[Koopa Keep] 6:09pm
(nintendork1313) Poor economics.

[Koopa Keep] 6:09pm
(masteryoshirider) heard that as

[Koopa Keep] 6:09pm
(rawkhawk2010) americuh

[Koopa Keep] 6:10pm
(masteryoshirider) splintercell: black lips

[Koopa Keep] 6:10pm
(rawkhawk2010) XD

[Koopa Keep] 6:10pm
(nintendork1313) lol

Ultralink1000 6:10pm

Ultralink1000 6:11pm
This all sounds like an episode of 24

[Koopa Keep] 6:11pm
(nintendork1313) My exact thoughts.

[Koopa Keep] 6:11pm
(nintendork1313) THE BLACK LIPS

[Koopa Keep] 6:11pm
(nintendork1313) BENGHAZI CAMEO

[Koopa Keep] 6:11pm
(masteryoshirider) black lips

Ultralink1000 6:11pm
"Building a Dispenser!"

[Koopa Keep] 6:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) Well.

[Koopa Keep] 6:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) This certainly isn't beginning well.

[Koopa Keep] 6:12pm
(nintendork1313) I liked the guitar.

Ultralink1000 6:12pm
I really want to full sceen this stuff

Ultralink1000 6:12pm
The different camera angles from IGN are messing with me

[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(nintendork1313) "Yeeeeees"

[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(rawkhawk2010) michelle obama

Ultralink1000 6:13pm bed

[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(nintendork1313) "Nothing more fun than a giant black lady screaming at ya. ...Especially in bed."

Ultralink1000 6:13pm

Ultralink1000 6:13pm
there was a rayman iPhone game?

[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(nintendork1313) (It IS gorgeous)

[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(rawkhawk2010) This game should be out.

[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(nintendork1313) Yeah.

[Koopa Keep] 6:13pm
(nintendork1313) It should.

[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) So

[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) Feels dumb to be watching trailers of it still.

[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) Hell, we've basically played the entire game!

[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) With those Challenge Apps.

[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(nintendork1313) nuh uh

[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(nintendork1313) There are like

[Koopa Keep] 6:14pm
(nintendork1313) a ton more music levels

Ultralink1000 6:14pm
her boobs catch me off guard

[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) RAYMAN PAWNCH

Ultralink1000 6:15pm

Ultralink1000 6:15pm
that threw me off guard...

Ultralink1000 6:15pm
She's way too intense

Ultralink1000 6:15pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) I've seen that intro

[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) a lot of times

Ultralink1000 6:15pm
better than most of these guys

[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) wait

[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) is this another rayman

[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) no

Ultralink1000 6:15pm
John leguizamo?

[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) it's the same one

Ultralink1000 6:15pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) Oh

[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) oh hey it's the music

[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(nintendork1313) that I favourited

[Koopa Keep] 6:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) By "new" I thought they meant

Ultralink1000 6:16pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:16pm
(rawkhawk2010) "new"

[Koopa Keep] 6:16pm
(nintendork1313) From Endless Tower.

Ultralink1000 6:16pm
Origens is getting more levels?

Ultralink1000 6:16pm

Ultralink1000 6:16pm
ugh ><

[Koopa Keep] 6:16pm
(nintendork1313) No this is still Legends.

Ultralink1000 6:16pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(rawkhawk2010) meeeeeeeeeeeeeh

[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(rawkhawk2010) lol

Ultralink1000 6:17pm
This chick xD

[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(rawkhawk2010) okay that line was good

Ultralink1000 6:17pm
She's something else

[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(nintendork1313) ya

[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(nintendork1313) oooh

[Koopa Keep] 6:17pm
(nintendork1313) CAPITALISM

Ultralink1000 6:17pm

Ultralink1000 6:18pm
French people :D finally

[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(rawkhawk2010) Is that the NRA president?

[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(nintendork1313) he sounds funny

[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(masteryoshirider) wtf

[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(masteryoshirider) dat name

[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(nintendork1313) Stealing from other people

[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(nintendork1313) isn't capitalism

[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(nintendork1313) <.<;

Ultralink1000 6:18pm
dude he's gotta be canadian

Ultralink1000 6:18pm
add "eh" to anything he says

[Koopa Keep] 6:18pm
(nintendork1313) eeros

[Koopa Keep] 6:19pm
(nintendork1313) Loot and proteck

[Koopa Keep] 6:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) "deh"

[Koopa Keep] 6:19pm
(nintendork1313) He's turning Irish.

Ultralink1000 6:19pm
haha xD

[Koopa Keep] 6:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) AHHH

Ultralink1000 6:19pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) ZACH BRANNIGAN

[Koopa Keep] 6:20pm
(rawkhawk2010) good lord

[Koopa Keep] 6:20pm
(rawkhawk2010) This is some hideous character design.

[Koopa Keep] 6:20pm
(nintendork1313) I think that's the point.

Ultralink1000 6:20pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:20pm
(rawkhawk2010) I like the frog.

Ultralink1000 6:20pm

Ultralink1000 6:20pm
did he really say that

Ultralink1000 6:21pm
can they do that?

[Koopa Keep] 6:21pm
(masteryoshirider) dat censor

[Koopa Keep] 6:21pm
(nintendork1313) The swearing? no

[Koopa Keep] 6:21pm
(masteryoshirider) wtf

Ultralink1000 6:21pm
alphabet soup

[Koopa Keep] 6:21pm
(nintendork1313) yes

[Koopa Keep] 6:21pm
(nintendork1313) too much

Ultralink1000 6:21pm
I like the tital

Ultralink1000 6:21pm
title ><

[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm
(nintendork1313) digital crack

Ultralink1000 6:22pm
xD "Digital Crack"

[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm
(rawkhawk2010) I thought this game got canceled.

[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm
(masteryoshirider) I thought that game got

[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm
(masteryoshirider) yeah

[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:22pm
(nintendork1313) new publisher

[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(nintendork1313) Probably how it got uncanceled.

[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(rawkhawk2010) Who the fuck was the publisher before?

[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(nintendork1313) dunno

Ultralink1000 6:23pm

Ultralink1000 6:23pm
That's how you do that

[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(nintendork1313) Hashtag Nagasaki fart

[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(nintendork1313) next gen time

Ultralink1000 6:23pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:23pm
(nintendork1313) pissy Internet

Ultralink1000 6:23pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:24pm
(masteryoshirider) frickin happy

Ultralink1000 6:24pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:24pm
(nintendork1313) Ubisoft CEO

Ultralink1000 6:24pm
how bloody tall is she

Ultralink1000 6:24pm

Ultralink1000 6:24pm
And she knows it

[Koopa Keep] 6:24pm
(nintendork1313) Cubisoft

[Koopa Keep] 6:24pm
(rawkhawk2010) vrery

[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(rawkhawk2010) the cru?

Ultralink1000 6:25pm
lol she's trying so hard to make him interesting

[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(nintendork1313) I guess.

[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(nintendork1313) dat wheel

Ultralink1000 6:25pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(nintendork1313) dem wheels

Ultralink1000 6:25pm
Tire for Smash 4

[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(rawkhawk2010) lol

Ultralink1000 6:25pm
okay that looked reall

[Koopa Keep] 6:25pm
(rawkhawk2010) Carz: The Game

[Koopa Keep] 6:26pm
(nintendork1313) Obligatory police

Ultralink1000 6:26pm
this is actually pretty intense

Ultralink1000 6:26pm
...random pickup

[Koopa Keep] 6:26pm
(nintendork1313) I like the strings instrument.

[Koopa Keep] 6:26pm
(rawkhawk2010) I still have no idea what the context is.

[Koopa Keep] 6:26pm
(nintendork1313) Or what the actual title is.

Ultralink1000 6:26pm
what the...

[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) Is this the whole game?

[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) Just hauling ass from police dudes?

Ultralink1000 6:27pm
offroad $100,000 cars?

[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) Cuz I'm pretty sure this has been done before.

[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(nintendork1313) You're harassing trucks too.

Ultralink1000 6:27pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) that license plate

[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) GET ITS NUMBER

[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(nintendork1313) Was it done with FERGUS?

[Koopa Keep] 6:27pm
(rawkhawk2010) A racing MMO?

Ultralink1000 6:27pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(nintendork1313) THE CREW

Ultralink1000 6:28pm

Ultralink1000 6:28pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(nintendork1313) early 2014

Ultralink1000 6:28pm

Ultralink1000 6:28pm
did anyone see Wii-U

[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(nintendork1313) I didn't look for it

[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(nintendork1313) I was wondering the same thing.

Ultralink1000 6:28pm
gah ><

[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(masteryoshirider) girlwood

Ultralink1000 6:28pm
I didn't see it

[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(nintendork1313) Eliwood

[Koopa Keep] 6:28pm
(rawkhawk2010) It definitely won't be.

[Koopa Keep] 6:29pm
(nintendork1313) wtf

Ultralink1000 6:29pm
If I may say, you too look particularly rad

[Koopa Keep] 6:29pm
(nintendork1313) change the status quo

Ultralink1000 6:29pm
variety...of USA?

Ultralink1000 6:29pm
ALL the adventures of driving

[Koopa Keep] 6:29pm
(nintendork1313) Take over a criminal organization.

Ultralink1000 6:29pm
seems legit

[Koopa Keep] 6:29pm
(nintendork1313) Complete customization.

[Koopa Keep] 6:30pm
(rawkhawk2010) "I like to"

[Koopa Keep] 6:30pm
(nintendork1313) online persistent world

[Koopa Keep] 6:30pm
(nintendork1313) finger circles

Ultralink1000 6:30pm
*finger spin*

[Koopa Keep] 6:30pm
(rawkhawk2010) #alwayson

Ultralink1000 6:30pm

Ultralink1000 6:30pm

Ultralink1000 6:30pm
Needs to trend

[Koopa Keep] 6:31pm
(nintendork1313) Rawk

[Koopa Keep] 6:31pm
(nintendork1313) found your sub-titles

[Koopa Keep] 6:31pm
(rawkhawk2010) guh

[Koopa Keep] 6:31pm
(rawkhawk2010) huh

Ultralink1000 6:31pm
What's that controller

[Koopa Keep] 6:31pm
(nintendork1313) FERGUS

Ultralink1000 6:32pm

Ultralink1000 6:32pm
you can driver there!

[Koopa Keep] 6:32pm
(nintendork1313) SLY

Ultralink1000 6:32pm
You can drive your cake

Ultralink1000 6:32pm
and eat it too

[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(nintendork1313) So The Crew is stuck with ghosts

[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(nintendork1313) While Forza 5 has that human AI.

Ultralink1000 6:33pm
Forza is supposed to be more advanced

[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(rawkhawk2010) so can i

[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(rawkhawk2010) go to my town
[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(rawkhawk2010) in the game

[Koopa Keep] 6:33pm
(nintendork1313) probably

[Koopa Keep] 6:34pm
(nintendork1313) There will be a Southern rural city

[Koopa Keep] 6:34pm
(masteryoshirider) with gosha

[Koopa Keep] 6:34pm
(nintendork1313) (unless they count Miami as "obligatory Southern city")

[Koopa Keep] 6:34pm
(rawkhawk2010) nuts and bolts

Ultralink1000 6:34pm
reminds me of Nuts and Bolts

Ultralink1000 6:34pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:34pm
(rawkhawk2010) can these cars fly

Ultralink1000 6:35pm
They should

[Koopa Keep] 6:35pm
(nintendork1313) Maybe you unlock flying.

Ultralink1000 6:35pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:35pm
(nintendork1313) You can clearly go on water.

Ultralink1000 6:35pm

Ultralink1000 6:35pm
This game....

Ultralink1000 6:35pm
what does it feel like?

Ultralink1000 6:36pm
It feels like something

[Koopa Keep] 6:36pm
(nintendork1313) GTA + Nuts and Bolts

Ultralink1000 6:36pm

Ultralink1000 6:36pm
the way the cars turn seem odd...

Ultralink1000 6:36pm
Or is that just me

[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(rawkhawk2010) Yeah.

[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(rawkhawk2010) The physics remind me of Nuts & Bolts

[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(rawkhawk2010) a uh

[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(rawkhawk2010) ...bad way?

Ultralink1000 6:37pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(nintendork1313) friendly fire

Ultralink1000 6:37pm

Ultralink1000 6:37pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(masteryoshirider) wtfv

[Koopa Keep] 6:37pm
(nintendork1313) "comfort points"

Ultralink1000 6:38pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(rawkhawk2010) eh

[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(rawkhawk2010) looked alright

[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(nintendork1313) better than EA

Ultralink1000 6:38pm
FERGUS unlocked something

[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(rawkhawk2010) yah

[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(rawkhawk2010) plants aside

[Koopa Keep] 6:38pm
(nintendork1313) ya

Ultralink1000 6:38pm

Ultralink1000 6:38pm

Ultralink1000 6:39pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(rawkhawk2010) That iPad looks ugly as fuck.

Ultralink1000 6:39pm
...did she cut him off?

Ultralink1000 6:39pm
I think she cut him off

[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(nintendork1313) wot about my GamePad

[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(rawkhawk2010) Kinect!

[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(rawkhawk2010) ROFL

[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(rawkhawk2010) She just fucking referenced NSA.

[Koopa Keep] 6:39pm
(nintendork1313) ya

[Koopa Keep] 6:40pm
(rawkhawk2010) dominique gay

[Koopa Keep] 6:40pm
(masteryoshirider) lol

[Koopa Keep] 6:40pm
(nintendork1313) lol

[Koopa Keep] 6:40pm
(rawkhawk2010) dominique GoshAY

[Koopa Keep] 6:40pm
(nintendork1313) kinected

Ultralink1000 6:40pm
He looks like dolph lungrund

[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(nintendork1313) oh

[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(nintendork1313) thought that was

[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(nintendork1313) MY phone

[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) kramer

Ultralink1000 6:41pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(nintendork1313) lol

Ultralink1000 6:41pm
They're watching me jerry!!!

[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(nintendork1313) AHH

[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) I feel like I've watched this exact same conference before.

[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) Rayman

[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) Watch Dogs

[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) It's the same exact shit!

[Koopa Keep] 6:41pm
(rawkhawk2010) From 2012!

Ultralink1000 6:42pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:42pm
(rawkhawk2010) pretty much

Ultralink1000 6:42pm
lamest security ever

[Koopa Keep] 6:42pm
(nintendork1313) stalking women

Ultralink1000 6:42pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:42pm
(rawkhawk2010) who does that remind us of

[Koopa Keep] 6:42pm
(nintendork1313) bynum

[Koopa Keep] 6:42pm
(nintendork1313) ?

Ultralink1000 6:42pm
I feel like he should be rorshach

[Koopa Keep] 6:43pm
(rawkhawk2010) Did a sprinkler just kill a dude?

Ultralink1000 6:43pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:43pm
(nintendork1313) lol

Ultralink1000 6:43pm
sure looked like it though

[Koopa Keep] 6:43pm
(nintendork1313) laughing yhystericlally

Ultralink1000 6:44pm
She's still bloody tall

[Koopa Keep] 6:45pm
(nintendork1313) just dance 2014

Ultralink1000 6:45pm
so many colors

[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(nintendork1313) ...

[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(rawkhawk2010) oh

[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(rawkhawk2010) a wii u

[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(masteryoshirider) wii u

Ultralink1000 6:46pm

Ultralink1000 6:46pm
it is

[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(rawkhawk2010) A Wii U during an E3 conference!

Ultralink1000 6:46pm
I completely missed that

[Koopa Keep] 6:46pm
(rawkhawk2010) Crazy!

[Koopa Keep] 6:47pm
(nintendork1313) Rabbids Invasion

[Koopa Keep] 6:47pm
(nintendork1313) Ubisoft is actually making its movies

[Koopa Keep] 6:47pm
(nintendork1313) unlike another company we know

Ultralink1000 6:47pm
oh yeah....

[Koopa Keep] 6:47pm
(rawkhawk2010) I can't believe the Rabbids are still around.

Ultralink1000 6:47pm
I thought I heard about that

Ultralink1000 6:47pm
me too

[Koopa Keep] 6:47pm
(masteryoshirider) rabbids tv show

Ultralink1000 6:48pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:48pm
(rawkhawk2010) um

[Koopa Keep] 6:48pm
(rawkhawk2010) what was it doing to that chicken

[Koopa Keep] 6:48pm
(nintendork1313) wot would Gosha think about the Rabbids

[Koopa Keep] 6:48pm
(rawkhawk2010) Well that looked terrifying.

[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(masteryoshirider) reverse abortion

[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(nintendork1313) ADORABLEEE

[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(rawkhawk2010) "interactive tv show"

[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(nintendork1313) giantess

[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(rawkhawk2010) hello eee-threeeEEEEee

Ultralink1000 6:49pm
get off those 9 inch heels

[Koopa Keep] 6:49pm
(nintendork1313) RUN YOU FOOL

Ultralink1000 6:50pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:50pm
(rawkhawk2010) who done it

[Koopa Keep] 6:50pm
(nintendork1313) lol Microsoft

[Koopa Keep] 6:50pm
(nintendork1313) Xbox One

[Koopa Keep] 6:50pm
(nintendork1313) TV invade living room with Kinect

Ultralink1000 6:51pm
how does this work with tv

[Koopa Keep] 6:51pm
(nintendork1313) so is this like

[Koopa Keep] 6:51pm
(nintendork1313) Blue's Clues?

[Koopa Keep] 6:51pm
(rawkhawk2010) This is like those old-ass PC games that retsupurae retsupurae'd.

[Koopa Keep] 6:52pm
(rawkhawk2010) That are just old western movies where you click to kill dudes

[Koopa Keep] 6:52pm
(nintendork1313) moo

[Koopa Keep] 6:52pm
(rawkhawk2010) If I played this as a kid I'd be fucked up.

Ultralink1000 6:52pm
I still need to know what the mooing is about

[Koopa Keep] 6:52pm
(nintendork1313) core gamer goodness

[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(rawkhawk2010) uuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(nintendork1313) Assassin's Creed 4

[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(rawkhawk2010) FUCK

[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(masteryoshirider) asscreed4

Ultralink1000 6:53pm
finishing on the high note

[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(nintendork1313) token black dude

[Koopa Keep] 6:53pm
(rawkhawk2010) Is the laughter coming from the E3 audience or the game?

Ultralink1000 6:54pm
I don't think he's going to die first though

[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(nintendork1313) no idea

[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(nintendork1313) game

[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(nintendork1313) uh

[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(nintendork1313) yeah

[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(nintendork1313) black dude just fell to the ground first

[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(rawkhawk2010) I thought the audience got bored.

Ultralink1000 6:54pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:54pm
(rawkhawk2010) And just started conversing amongst eachother

Ultralink1000 6:55pm
Shoot the rope

Ultralink1000 6:55pm
even though

Ultralink1000 6:56pm
he always has a blade

[Koopa Keep] 6:56pm
(nintendork1313) so I guess you do more than just kill animals in this one

[Koopa Keep] 6:56pm
(rawkhawk2010) I haven't paid attention to any of this.

[Koopa Keep] 6:56pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:56pm
(rawkhawk2010) Assassin's Creed IV: Black Lips

Ultralink1000 6:56pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(rawkhawk2010) "all of the fun"?!

[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(nintendork1313) She seems more excited than we are.

Ultralink1000 6:57pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(rawkhawk2010) Nothing even fucking happened!

Ultralink1000 6:57pm
was his name?

[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(rawkhawk2010) John the Dog?

[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(nintendork1313) lol

[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(masteryoshirider) These guys have the gayest names.

Ultralink1000 6:57pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:57pm
(nintendork1313) BRUTAL pirate experience

Ultralink1000 6:57pm
a France French guy

Ultralink1000 6:58pm

[Koopa Keep] 6:58pm
(nintendork1313) So is this guy the tallest white male Ubisoft has brought out so far?

Ultralink1000 6:58pm

Ultralink1000 6:59pm
She's still wearing heels though so he's taller than her

Ultralink1000 6:59pm
Does anyone hear his lipsmacking noises

[Koopa Keep] 6:59pm
(nintendork1313) ...

[Koopa Keep] 6:59pm
(nintendork1313) in-game footage

[Koopa Keep] 6:59pm
(rawkhawk2010) Did someone just boo?

[Koopa Keep] 6:59pm
(rawkhawk2010) Or was that the girl orgasming?

[Koopa Keep] 6:59pm
(nintendork1313) girl orgasming

[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(rawkhawk2010) I like how direct in-game footage has to be specified now.

Ultralink1000 7:00pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(rawkhawk2010) Given how rare it is.

[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(ryudragon29) that last guy wasn't France

Ultralink1000 7:00pm
>.> then what was he

[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(masteryoshirider) pudwig look at my draft

[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(ryudragon29) From here

[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(nintendork1313) after the trailer

Ultralink1000 7:00pm
What's with his accent then

[Koopa Keep] 7:00pm
(rawkhawk2010) French Canadia?

[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) French Cananda.

Ultralink1000 7:01pm
Nah the beard guy was french canadian

Ultralink1000 7:01pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(nintendork1313) This isn't gameplay footage.

[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) I dunno, I prefer not to deal with French people. 

Ultralink1000 7:01pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) French people are mean.

Ultralink1000 7:01pm
that was really meh

[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(nintendork1313) wtf

[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) I've been to France. 

[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(nintendork1313) MORE TITLES?

Ultralink1000 7:01pm
there's more?

[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm

Ultralink1000 7:01pm
Are they running overtime?

[Koopa Keep] 7:01pm
(rawkhawk2010) this was supposed to be fucking oooooover

[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) MOTORCYCLE

Ultralink1000 7:02pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) "ahhhhhhhh"

Ultralink1000 7:02pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) TRIALS FUSION

Ultralink1000 7:02pm
haha neatt

Ultralink1000 7:02pm

Ultralink1000 7:02pm
Haha xD

[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) "failed landing"

[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(rawkhawk2010) fuck

[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(rawkhawk2010) I thought that was a gamepad.

[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) TRIALS FRONTIER

[Koopa Keep] 7:02pm
(nintendork1313) I wanted that to be a Gamepad.

Ultralink1000 7:03pm
me too

[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) This looks pretty fun.

Ultralink1000 7:03pm

Ultralink1000 7:03pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(ryudragon29) everything except Nintendo

[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) Never played Trials Evolution.

[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(nintendork1313) The guy needs to hang onto the motorcycle handles

Ultralink1000 7:03pm
It's way better multiplayer

Ultralink1000 7:03pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(nintendork1313) yeah

[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) Fuck you!

[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(nintendork1313) even mobile

[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) 360 but not Wii U?

[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(nintendork1313) but not Wii U

[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) Fuck Ubisoft.

[Koopa Keep] 7:03pm
(rawkhawk2010) Boycotting them.

[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(ryudragon29) French people don't eat poutine, silly Aisha

Ultralink1000 7:04pm
how is ubisoft singling out Wii U like this?

[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(nintendork1313) At least there was a Wii U in the conference.

[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(nintendork1313) Unlike EA.

[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(rawkhawk2010) Basically, I'm boycotting anyone who could easily develop for Wii U but doesn't.

[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(rawkhawk2010) Due to being bought out by Microsoft.

[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(rawkhawk2010) Like Notch.

[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(rawkhawk2010) Who just said a year ago he'd never be bought out.

[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(rawkhawk2010) What a bitch!

[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(nintendork1313) wtf

[Koopa Keep] 7:04pm
(nintendork1313) MORE?

Ultralink1000 7:04pm
Ubisoft is taking all the times

Ultralink1000 7:05pm
Sankyu :3

[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm
(rawkhawk2010) Resident Evil

[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm
(nintendork1313) wrong game

Ultralink1000 7:05pm
feels like it but no

[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm
(rawkhawk2010) THIS

[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm
(rawkhawk2010) WAS HERE LAST YEAR

[Koopa Keep] 7:05pm
(nintendork1313) ...

Ultralink1000 7:06pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) It was the one that led to the anti-government articles/

[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) I swear

[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) yeah

[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) this is it

[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(nintendork1313) Black Friday

[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) Black List

[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) Black Flag

[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(rawkhawk2010) Black Friday

[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(masteryoshirider) Black Lips

Ultralink1000 7:06pm

Ultralink1000 7:06pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:06pm
(nintendork1313) Black people

Ultralink1000 7:07pm
oh joy

Ultralink1000 7:07pm
thanks obama

[Koopa Keep] 7:07pm
(nintendork1313) This trailer

[Koopa Keep] 7:07pm
(nintendork1313) DOES seem familiar

Ultralink1000 7:07pm
never seen it

[Koopa Keep] 7:07pm
(rawkhawk2010) Will ‏@RawkHawk2010now#blacklist #blackflag #blackfriday #blackbitch

Ultralink1000 7:07pm
Then we all swarm the amish

[Koopa Keep] 7:07pm
(nintendork1313) lol

[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(nintendork1313) Directive 51

Ultralink1000 7:08pm
ugh xD.....

[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(rawkhawk2010) good fucking lord

[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(nintendork1313) the narrators

[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(rawkhawk2010) Is this a game or a book?

[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(nintendork1313) are talking to each other

Ultralink1000 7:08pm
I can't hear directive without thinking WALL-E

[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm

Ultralink1000 7:08pm
hello, you're on borrowed time

[Koopa Keep] 7:08pm
(nintendork1313) wot's the game title

Ultralink1000 7:09pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(nintendork1313) ya

[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(nintendork1313) Heard the Division.

[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(nintendork1313) PlayStation Wii heard was in bad shape?

[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(rawkhawk2010) that's it

Ultralink1000 7:09pm
uh oh

[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(rawkhawk2010) what if it was

Ultralink1000 7:09pm
got scared for a second

[Koopa Keep] 7:09pm
(rawkhawk2010) and the conference just ended

Ultralink1000 7:10pm
I want there to be a Really Good studios

Ultralink1000 7:10pm
A Really Good Production

Ultralink1000 7:10pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:10pm
(nintendork1313) Dark Zone

Ultralink1000 7:10pm
That's interesting...

Ultralink1000 7:11pm
now trying opening that map with all that garbage there

[Koopa Keep] 7:11pm
(masteryoshirider) ps4 controller

Ultralink1000 7:11pm
I like the yellow light

Ultralink1000 7:11pm
Would get annoying at night though

[Koopa Keep] 7:11pm
(nintendork1313) Megan looks butch

Ultralink1000 7:12pm
Is this real in-game dialog

[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(nintendork1313) I can't tell

[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) Google Glass?

Ultralink1000 7:12pm
Because they sound like what I would imagine PC gamers would sound like

[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) um

[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) That guy just jumped THROUGH the police car.

[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(rawkhawk2010) Dunno if you guys saw.

[Koopa Keep] 7:12pm
(nintendork1313) didn't

Ultralink1000 7:12pm
I didn't see it

Ultralink1000 7:13pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(rawkhawk2010) How do the characters sound this bored while getting shot at?

[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(nintendork1313) "oh what's up Chris?"

[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(nintendork1313) 'cause they're players

[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(nintendork1313) not characters

[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(nintendork1313) I think

Ultralink1000 7:13pm
It's gotta be players

Ultralink1000 7:13pm
or the weirdest voice acting for a game ever

[Koopa Keep] 7:13pm
(rawkhawk2010) I think it's in-game.

[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) "I need to hop out"

[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) "see ya dude"

Ultralink1000 7:14pm
*hops out*

[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) you sure that's in-game?

[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) If it is in-game

[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) It's like

[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) the exact opposite of Dead Rising 3's.

Ultralink1000 7:14pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) The NPC is in-game

[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) <.<;

Ultralink1000 7:14pm

Ultralink1000 7:14pm
it's definitely players

[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(rawkhawk2010) They're responding to the NPC.

[Koopa Keep] 7:14pm
(nintendork1313) ya

[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(nintendork1313) only way it's in-game

[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(nintendork1313) is if the entire game is scripted

[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(nintendork1313) "that gun is sick"

[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) It's funnier to think it's in-game.

[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) For reasons like the above.

[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(nintendork1313) 15 minutes above

[Koopa Keep] 7:15pm
(rawkhawk2010) "Check out Manhaaaaaaatten."

[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) "another group of players"

Ultralink1000 7:16pm
Yeah it's players

[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(rawkhawk2010) fuck

[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(rawkhawk2010) the game is ruined for me

Ultralink1000 7:16pm

Ultralink1000 7:16pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) TOM CLANCY'S THE DIVISION

[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) EPIC TITLE

[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(rawkhawk2010) rofl

Ultralink1000 7:16pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) GAME REDEEMED

[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) GAME REDEEMED

Ultralink1000 7:16pm
Best part of e3 yet

Ultralink1000 7:16pm
i'm literally laughing out loud here

[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(rawkhawk2010) Better than Plants?

[Koopa Keep] 7:16pm
(nintendork1313) Ubisoft > EA > Microsoft

Ultralink1000 7:16pm
haha xD

Ultralink1000 7:17pm

Ultralink1000 7:17pm
it could happen to you

[Koopa Keep] 7:17pm
(nintendork1313) obligatory confetti

Ultralink1000 7:17pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:17pm
(nintendork1313) put on some pants

Ultralink1000 7:17pm
Make me >_>

Ultralink1000 7:17pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:17pm
(nintendork1313) wtf how did she know I'm only in underwear

[Koopa Keep] 7:17pm
(rawkhawk2010) do that shit

[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(nintendork1313) okay

[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(nintendork1313) THEY'RE DONE

Ultralink1000 7:18pm

Ultralink1000 7:18pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(nintendork1313) Thoughts?

Ultralink1000 7:18pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(masteryoshirider) booooring

Ultralink1000 7:18pm
The black chick sold me

[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(masteryoshirider) Worst than last year's

[Koopa Keep] 7:18pm
(nintendork1313) The Division though

Ultralink1000 7:19pm
Yeeeah....DIVISION with Tom Clancy was the best

[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) yah it'll never be the same

[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) Ubisoft's last year was the best cuz it was unexpected.

[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(nintendork1313) Hopefully all the games will have come out already

[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(rawkhawk2010) So now they're just riding the wave of expectation

[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(nintendork1313) Okay so

[Koopa Keep] 7:19pm
(nintendork1313) uh

[Koopa Keep] 7:20pm
(nintendork1313) Just Dance 4 on Wii U

[Koopa Keep] 7:20pm
(nintendork1313) anything else?

Ultralink1000 7:20pm

[Koopa Keep] 7:20pm
(masteryoshirider) mudwig look at my draft

Ultralink1000 7:20pm
I can't remember anything

[Koopa Keep] 7:20pm
(nintendork1313) looking

[Koopa Keep] 7:21pm
(masteryoshirider) I know I messed up the heading

Ultralink1000 7:21pm
Oh yeah!

[Koopa Keep] 7:21pm
(nintendork1313) yeah

Ultralink1000 7:21pm
the car game

[Koopa Keep] 7:21pm
(masteryoshirider) i don't remember how to do it

[Koopa Keep] 7:21pm
(nintendork1313) what the fuck happened with

Ultralink1000 7:21pm
The car game looked interesting

Ultralink1000 7:21pm

Ultralink1000 7:22pm
digital crack

Ultralink1000 7:22pm

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