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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Ring Fit Adventure Game Gym Minigame Tier List

By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - Ring Fit Adventure's Game Gym minigames have a wide range of bad to fun!

The Game Gyms are a very key feature to the main Ring Fit Adventure adventure mode experience. They broke up sometimes lengthy running and combat segments with sometimes creative and fun fitness applications in a very videogame-y environment. Game Gyms got the most attention in World 10: Grandminion Gauntlet (and later World 33: Extra Fitness Lv. 211 and then World 56: Fitness Master Lv. 316), but they also played that important diversion role in most of the other worlds, often with a cash or item prize for completing them well enough.

Ring Fit Adventure has twelve of these Game Gym minigames, and they each have two difficulties: Novice and Advanced. The Adventure mode occasionally has another variety where they put fog into the game, but we're going to ignore that for this article because anything with fog universally makes the gameplay experience much worse with no added fitness benefit. For this article specifically, I played through each of the minigames on each difficulty via Custom Mode, and fog isn't available in those. (No one sane person would willingly set that on, anyway.) I also have QUITE a lot of experience with the Game Gyms before today, since I've beaten and 100%ed Ring Fit Adventure (except for getting all of the Titles), documenting this experience on KoopaTV's other Fitness Logs.

Unlike when I made a minigame tier list three months ago for No More Heroes 3, for Ring Fit Adventure I'm going to go from worst to best. I am judging these minigames mostly based on their entertainment value, but a minigame's fitness value might also be taken into account if the workout itself physically felt fun... or if it physically felt awful. But this isn't based off what will get your body the most fit.

Core Crushing

Fitness Benefits:
Abs, Waist, Core
Abdominal Press & Twist
In-game Descriptions:
Smash the advancing robots by twisting your upper body to swing the bats!
Smash all the robots you can! Be careful of the robots with shields!
Do as much as you can by the time limit
Novice versus Advanced differences
Advanced introduces blue-painted robots that will change which side they hold shields on; in Novice, the shield position is static.
Core Crushing (Advanced) remains the only Ring Fit Adventure minigame that I've never gotten an S-rank in. As a result, I hate it. Not only are the ranking requirements unreasonable (there are a limitless number of these robots and you just need to be fast enough), but it's physically painful to do with how you need to shove the Ring-Con into your abs and keep twisting it around. In addition, Core Crushing is incredibly inconsistent with its controls and how it wants you to “release the tension” in-between twists. But it seems to be only some of the twists, or it has different opinions about how much tension you need to release. And if it's not enough, you just get an error message while the timer continues to count down.

Ring Fit Adventure Core Crushing Advanced minigame game gym shielded blue robots
The blue shielded robots will alternate which side holds up the shield, which means you must swing to the correct side.
(Think like The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.)

I've ranted about Core Crushing many times, including how it's made my stomach sore days after and comparing its error messages to police brutality. It's truly dreadful. ...Speaking of dread...


Fitness Benefits:
Aerobic, Legs, Stamina
Dash, Jogging, Low Ring Press, Low Ring Press Hold (optional)
In-game Descriptions:
Control your running speed to move left and right on the treadmill and gather tokens.
Collect all the tokens you can! Gold tokens are worth more points!
React to everything that happens during the time provided
Novice versus Advanced differences
Advanced actually has less tokens to collect, and is shorter.
The token-bomb patterns are a little more complicated in Advanced.
Dreadmill involves you running in place in real life to run along a treadmill in the game. It's a stupid physical motion, and the actual minigame feels like it takes forever with how intricate the patterns are and how relatively slow the tokens move down towards you. It needs to be that slow because you need to jog in place (or stop jogging) to get to that area, but the optimal thing to do is to cheat and jump (and hover) to remain in place without running. You can double-jump if you've unlocked it in Adventure mode, which is even better for stalling and perhaps for token collecting, too. I believe that makes Dreadmill the only minigame impacted by your Adventure mode abilities. It's really not fun, though.

Ring Fit Adventure Dreadmill advanced minigame Game Gym bombs token
You need to align your running with where the tokens will be coming, and sometimes jump accordingly.

Fitness Benefits:
Waist, Back, Shoulders
Overhead Side Bend
In-game Descriptions:
Lean left and right to avoid bombs and gather flying tokens.
Collect all the tokens you can! Gold tokens are worth more points!
React to everything that happens during the time provided
Novice versus Advanced differences
Advanced lasts longer and there are more tokens and bombs during that time.
Gluting Gallery is really simple and boring, but sometimes, Overhead Side Bend doesn't register properly if you're not holding the Ring-Con above your head and you're not orienting it correctly. But if you've managed to conquer the controls, you really shouldn't ever fail Gluting Gallery. The bombs and tokens approach you well in advance (unless you're playing in fog in Adventure mode) and you can just react to it. It never changes things up or gets more interesting. Gluting Gallery is just meh all the way. You're either standing straight (and the fitness timer won't count the time you're standing still, by the way—this is really bad) or you're bending left or right.

Ring Fit Adventure Gluting Gallery Game Gym minigame collecting tokens dodge bombs
The bombs and tokens move slow enough that you can easily react to them. And...that's the whole experience.

Squat Goals

Fitness Benefits:
Legs, Glutes, Aerobic
In-game Descriptions:
Jump to collect the tokens as they pass. The lower you squat, the higher you jump!
Collect all the tokens you can! Touch a bomb and you'll lose points!
React to everything that happens during the time provided
Novice versus Advanced differences
Advanced has far more complicated token patterns that require you to carefully moderate your squat arc.
The only thing really neat about Squat Goals is that the Squat Goals (Advanced) expects you to buffer your squat input (while you're in the air, do the squat motion and by the time you land back, you'll instantly be ready on the next frame to jump at that height) in order to get the S-rank, which is a very videogame thing to do. I like the idea of having to squat at different levels to deal with the tokens and bombs coming in at different heights, but... it's hard for me to rate a squat-based Game Gym too high, 'cause I don't find squats fun, and you're doing a bunch of these very quickly and it hurts.

Ring Fit Adventure Squat Goals Advanced minigame Game Gym jumping tokens bombs
Static imagery doesn't demonstrate how the tokens are moving in curves.
You need to anticipate where they'll be when they float in the centre where you are (and avoid bombs).

Squattery Wheel

Fitness Benefits:
Legs, Glute, Chest
Horizontal Ring Press, Squat Hold
In-game Descriptions:
Become a master potter and also a master squatter!
Try to match the example! Don't run out of time before you finish!
Achieve the shape within the time provided... you can also end it early before the time is up.
Novice versus Advanced differences
Advanced's shape is more complicated and takes more effort to achieve.
Squattery Wheel requires a lot of...controlled squatting alongside pressing in with the ring, which actually makes it something of a work out for many muscle groups at once. I actually really hated this minigame until I realised that the designs at the base of your live pottery project correspond with the circles at the base of the left example, and you really should be using that to judge if you should keep pressing into the shape or if you've done enough. If you press into one area, some of that clay will disappear, but some of it will also spread into its surrounding areas, so you'll need to go back and press that. I've come to appreciate the intricacies of Squattery Wheel and I got in the low-90s score for my time playing it on the day of publishing this article, so I've placed it better on this tier list than I would have otherwise.

Ring Fit Adventure Squattery Wheel advanced minigame Game Gym vase shape
This isn't an exact match... but it's good enough for an A-rank.

Bank Balance

Fitness Benefits:
Waist, Back, Abs
Abdominal Press Side Bend, Abdominal Press Hold, Jogging
In-game Descriptions:
Walk forward while extending and tilting the balance bar to collect the tokens on both sides.
Collect all the tokens you can! Gold tokens are worth more points!
Get to the end by the time limit (no time limit for the minigame overall, but each section implicitly has a time limit before its tokens disappear).
Novice versus Advanced differences
Advanced are more tokens to collect, and the tokens move more aggressively.
Advanced has far more bomb obstacles to avoid.
You should never fail Bank Balance. It also is really the same thing every time and doesn't get more intense, but at least the controls are simple and aren't fighting against you. You just keep walking and tilting the Ring-Con appropriately to get tokens, and the balance bar is very responsive to your tilting that you should not have any trouble with it. Bank Balance is pretty mediocre and easy.

Ring Fit Adventure Bank Balance Advanced minigame Game Gym bombs
The segments are split up by those green tape lines.

Crate Crasher

Fitness Benefits:
Chest, Upper Arms
Ring Press
In-game Descriptions:
Fire air blasts to break as many crates as you can before time runs out!
Break as many boxes as you can! The balloon-filled ones explode nearby crates!
Do as much as you can by the time limit.
Novice versus Advanced differences
Novice's crates fall in a 4v4 formation, while Advanced's crates fall in a 6x4 formation.
Crate Crasher is also basic, and its difficulty adjustment seem basic at first glance... but it actually affects gameplay a lot to have six columns of crates to crash rather than four. You need to be making a lot faster and wider angle adjustments on your air blasts, and the mechanic of the balloon crates means that there is an optimal order to shooting the crates that you might not actually do because you want to move fast and your brain isn't processing that quickly. That means that Crate Crasher is basically a puzzle game that works your brain in addition to your arms pressing in the Ring-Con. As the minigame is ending, it spams segments of golden balloons, which clear everything on the screen at once, and then it becomes a matter of aiming for that specific crate as fast as you can. It's a good change-up.

Ring Fit Adventure Crate Crasher Advanced Game Gym minigame
Can you figure out the optimal (fastest) way to clear this? And execute on that?
...And then keep doing that for 45 seconds?


Fitness Benefits:
Posture, Shoulders, Core
Overhead Side Bend Pull
In-game Descriptions:
Pass through as many rings as you can while opening and closing the parachute.
Try to fall through the rings! The center of each ring is worth more points!
Get to the end (no time limit, though you're always moving).
Novice versus Advanced differences
Advanced has more rings.
The gold rings in Advanced move while they're stationary in Novice.
I've gotten lots of comments over the years that Aerochute is really complicated and people don't know how to do it. I'm really not sure why. Aerochute has an interesting risk-reward mechanic of how you could theoretically pull on the parachute the entire time, but it'd probably take ages. You'd be sure to be in full control, though. Hence, you'll want to stop pulling the parachute so you can fast-fall and actually get through the course, but that introduces risk in not reacting fast enough to what's up ahead (more tokens) or if you misjudged your positioning. Advanced making the gold tokens move makes it even more interesting, because you need to choose whether you'll fast-fall to get in position or if you'll try to stall yourself until the token comes to you. The fitness part of the game WANTS you to pull the parachute because that's the actual exercise input, but you can choose in your gameplay style how much of that you actually have to do. That's interesting!

Ring Fit Adventure Aerochute Advanced minigame Game Gym gold tokens move
You can see the band of space the gold token is moving from side-to-side on.
Your choice on how you'll pass into it to get the points.


Fitness Benefits:
Chest, Core, Trapezius
Ring Pull, Ring Press
In-game Descriptions:
Rotate, press, and pull the Ring-Con to hit the robots as they pop out!
Smash all the robots you can! Gold robots are worth more points!
React to everything that happens during the time provided.
Novice versus Advanced differences
More robots appear and in quicker succession in Advanced.
Some robots in Advanced will appear with a protective barrier that you must break before being able to hit the robot, meaning you must push/pull the Ring-Con twice. These barriers don't exist in Novice.
Robo-Wrecker is the very first Game Gym you're introduced to in Adventure mode (in World 2), and fortunately, it's a good minigame! It has a very exciting phase two part of it where the background visuals and the music change, and things go much faster. A lot of the other minigames should've taken after Robo-Wrecker's example so they could be more interesting as well. You really need to be paying attention and can actually enter a flow state during Robo-Wrecker, especially if you're trying to go for the high score. It's great, and because the controls are basic and responsive, you don't feel physically terrible after playing, either. The higher difficulty level only adds to the challenge, and the barrier robots are also a nice change-up.

Ring Fit Adventure Robo-Wrecker Advanced minigame game gym robots shield barrier second part phase changed background
Robo-Wrecker's second phase. (Happens in both Novice and Advanced.)
You can see the robot in the shield at the bottom left, and a stunned robot that just had its barrier broken on the right side.

Smack Back

Fitness Benefits:
Waist, Core, Back
Upper Body Twist
In-game Descriptions:
Knock back the discs flying at you with an oversized fan.
Smack all the discs you can! Hitting discs back to the robots is worth more points!
React to everything that happens during the time provided
Novice versus Advanced differences
While Novice only has white robots who throw red discs and blue robots that throw blue discs, Advanced adds the gold robot that also throws blue discs, but throws multiple discs (thirteen, by my count) at a time you'll need to smack back instead of one disc per robot like the others.
Smack Back is a pseudo-rhythm minigame, in that the robots sort of (or maybe totally—my sense of rhythm isn't the greatest, which is why Rhythm Heaven minigames that lack visual cues like Lockstep give me trouble) throw the discs to the music. (Ring Fit Adventure also has a dedicated Rhythm Game mode.) The blue robots throw at an off-beat compared to the robots who throw red discs, which adds to the rhythm game feel. The gold robot in Advanced difficulty appears twice and really creates a brief but dedicated shift in your mind, which is really cool and I enjoyed it.

Ring Fit Adventure Smack Back Advanced game gym minigame gold golden robot shining blue discs frisbees
Your one-on-one showdown with the gold robot.

Bootstrap Tower

Fitness Benefits:
Chest, Trapezius, Upper Arms
Swing Climber
In-game Descriptions:
Use the Ring-Con to climb the tower and collect as many points as you can!
Collect all the tokens you can! Gold tokens are worth more points!
Get to the end by the time limit.
Novice versus Advanced differences
Longer course and more time to complete it, with more tokens as well.
Advanced has bombs that will subtract points; the design purpose of these is to ensure proper patience and timing, as well as moderate climb strength.
It's not immediately clear what “Swing Climber” means, but basically you push the Ring-Con in front of you and swing it down to launch your character up.

My very high opinion of Bootstrap Tower mostly comes from me figuring out that this minigame also buffers your inputs, and that's also necessary for S-ranking it. S-ranking Bootstrap Tower felt like a whole adventure where I'm conquering this place and looting everything involved, and that's a really cool vibe.

Ring Fit Adventure Bootstrap Tower Advanced game gym minigame gold tokens bombs
I got the three gold tokens that were sitting just under these three bombs... without hitting the bombs.

Thigh Rider

Fitness Benefits:
Legs, Lower Body, Posture
Thigh Squeeze Hold
In-game Descriptions:
Make the vehicle jump for tokens by squeezing your thighs.
Collect all the tokens you can! Gold tokens are worth more points!
Get to the end (no time limit, though you're always moving).
Novice versus Advanced differences
Advanced actually has less tokens to collect, and is shorter.
The platforming is a little more complicated in Advanced.
Advanced has easily avoidable bottomless pits that give you -300 points if you fall into.

Thigh Rider is my favourite minigame in Ring Fit Adventure because the actual sensual feeling of squeezing the Ring-Cons in-between your thighs (while SITTING DOWN—very rare for this game!) is fantastic. And unlike some other thigh-related things in Ring Fit Adventure, you also have your hands holding onto the Ring-Con so it won't fly out from your thighs and break something. Which makes sense, because that's how you'd ride a bike.

The actual minigame design has some particularly interesting jumps that you'd need gamer sense to figure out the platforming for, especially in Advanced. Things like jumping in advance based on something that you see farther ahead but isn't the immediate thing in front of you. Thigh Rider always ends with a big jump off a ramp where you need to squeeze the Ring-Con for as long as you can to hover afloat and fly to the end for the best point value. That also (physically) feels great.

Ring Fit Adventure Thigh Rider Advanced Game Gym minigame
Here's the opening of Thigh Rider (Advanced).
You'll need to jump to that first platform and jump again to get the tokens floating above the bombs.

This article is Ludwig's birthday gift to himself. Ludwig talked himself into and out of various adjustments to the positions on the list as he was constructing it, and your feedback in the comments section would also probably be able to get him to adjust which minigame he likes more. He's fairly flexible (mentally) on things, particularly in the middle of the list, because Core Crusher has to be in the worst position. You can figure out the order Ludwig did the minigames in based on the timer in the bottom left corner of the screenshots.

Ludwig hadn't played Ring Fit Adventure since clearing World 69 on March 25, 2022. He feels bad (and out-of-shape) about that.
Ludwig next plays Ring Fit Adventure a month later, making and exercising through a Custom Fitness List based off a Nintendo of Europe article.
Ludwig's next and final minigame tier list is for Pokémon Stadium.


  1. Happy (belated) Birthday!

    I did not realize how many robots were in this game, I love robots. In any case, does this mean there is more content to be squeezed out of Ring Fit Adventure? I suppose I'll have to think of some more abstract thoughts, those are perfect for Ring Fit Adventure articles.

    On a side note, I've been binge playing the mission mode of Pikmin 3 Deluxe, it is seriously addicting and I hope we get something similar in Pikmin 4. As a tip, you only need blue pikmin for the underwater enemies. Anything that is on top of the water can be killed by flying pikmin or rock pikmin the quickest. Sure they may fall in the water, but a quick whistle dries 'em off right quick!

    1. The only Ring Fit Adventure content I have on my mind that I haven't done yet is a proposal for Trainee + Ring as a Super Smash Bros. character.
      My tendons between my foot and knee have been in enormous pain since I played all of these minigames for ~27 minutes (or over two hours in real-time, broken up by transcribing those in-game descriptions) for these past several days, so clearly I'm very much out of shape.

    2. Well try and rest up somewhat! Feels like i also say that a lot in ring fit articles, but i suppose it is a more physically draining game than 99% of the other video games out there. Seems like Nintendo is the only company that has consistently put a focus on always putting out the 1 to 2 games that focus on improving your health somewhat. I can't think of any other games company that cares about that, to say nothing of those who actually succeed at selling it.

    3. Well, there was Dance Dance Revolution... back when Konami made games. ...To be fair, they're still regularly releasing new installments in the arcades.

    4. Eeeehhhhh I don't think that counts. The focus is on having fun and dancing as i understand it. Yes you can get great exercise from dancing, but that's not the focus, or marketing appeal for the game. You kind of have to already be in shape to successfully play many of those rhythm games, or at the very least have quicker reflexes.

      "American Public Schools Use KONAMI's Game for Physical Education Programs - Dance Dance Revolution"
      "Where exercise gets fun ! ®"


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