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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Reggie Retires, Makes @Reggie Twitter

By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - Post-retirement suggestions and possibilities included.

As far as I can tell, now-former President of Nintendo of America Reggie Fils-Aime (notably spelling his own name without an accent mark) is a masochist. He had a fantastic time working at Nintendo for over a decade with his only social media presence being an underused LinkedIn account.

Yesterday he retired, and that same day he makes a Twitter account (handle @Reggie—which must have existed beforehand but I guess he negotiated with Twitter to have it transferred to him) in order to start “enjoying” his retirement.

Pro-tip: Twitter—and much of social media in general—sucks. If it weren't for KoopaTV, I wouldn't have a Twitter account. (Follow @TheREALKoopaTV) It's a cesspool of negativity and/or virtue-signaling, and “viral” content. (Usually stolen from original content creators like me.) There's nothing to enjoy and no happiness to be found. Reggie is looking forward to misery and I hope he quits Twitter soon.

In the one day Reggie's Twitter has existed, it's following a similar path to another Twitter account that started making activity after its owner departed ways with their high-profile job...

Twitter Reggie Fils-Aime James Comey following New York Times Associated Press
Same energy. Both of their first thoughts upon getting Twitter was to follow The New York Times.

...James Comey, disgraced former director of the FBI before getting fired by President Donald John Trump in early 2017. All he does is write stuff against Trump, provide photographs of himself staring at national landmarks, and talking about talks he gives about ethics and leadership since he's so much better than everyone else.

Reggie could easily turn out the same way. Now that he's retired, he can use all of his free time to do nothing but troll President Donald John Trump's Twitter posts.

Reggie could also spend his time as an “active business provocateur” by, like Comey, writing a book about his experiences and giving talks/lectures. Maybe he'll be an adjunct professor somewhere. I'm sure he'll love talking about his Blue Ocean strategy that Nintendo used with incredible success with the Wii and DS. (And he won't talk about his failed endeavours like Nintendo TVii.)

Perhaps Reggie could become a political activist or political candidate. Governor of Washington state? Presidential candidate for a political party? Political Action Committee founder for a cause he cares about? (Then he can become a PAC man!)

Alternatively, he can follow in fellow former Nintendo of America executive Scott Moffitt's foot-steps and be an investor/board member for start-ups and/or other companies needing funding. Mr. Moffitt is a board member and adviser for Vice Cream, which he unironically describes as a “disruptive high growth Ice Cream start up” on his LinkedIn profile.

Unlikely but not impossible is that Reggie could now take the 16 hours a day he was running a company and train to become a competent eSports athlete in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I recommend he changes his main from Ryu to fellow CAPCOM character Phoenix Wright.

There's another possibility for Reggie that involves this website. You know, KoopaTV is always looking for competent people we can hire...

If Reggie does turn out to be an anti-Trump communist, Ludwig won't dislike the former Nintendo of America president because of it, and he won't hold it against Nintendo in any way. In fact, KoopaTV would still be open to hiring Reggie as a staffer! KoopaTV would also be open to a guest post from Reggie. ...Not only from Reggie, but from possibly you as well, if you can communicate coherently. Ludwig didn't really want to write this article because he's wondering at what point this ends up being considered stalking someone. Does KoopaTV now have an obligation to scan Reggie's Twitter feed forever? Will KoopaTV get blocked by Reggie? Does anyone reading this care about what Reggie does with his life after?

Less than four months later, Reggie uses his Twitter account to make political statements about guns. Of course, against the President's position.


  1. Social Media really does suck and is a cesspool of negativity. The real life Lash, Katie Bouman, who helped make an algorithm to take a picture of her faction's emblem, the Black Hole, was bullied off social media because of the bias against women and science and people making conspiracy theories that she leeched off a man's work and got all the credit to promote that women are good at STEM when secretly they are not. Katie and Lash are probably are even the same person because Lash's Japanese name is キャット which transliterates to Cat and because it is a name and does not have to be the word for Felis catus and people can make alternate spellings to names and can be "Kat" which resembles "Katie."

    I think Reggie will keep making Mother 3 jokes.

    1. I wish Katie had Lash's hair and sense of style... :o

      My understanding is that she worked on a team for that black hole photo, so her getting "all the credit" for the purpose of promoting a women-in-STEM message is considered bad in the eyes of the (male) bullies, because it diminishes the role of her male teammates and they're trying to represent the situation as something that it's... not.

      Don't think that is a valid reason for bullying her. You'd think the whole team agreed beforehand for that message. Like, they coordinated the women-in-STEM angle.

      I wonder how many meme-ful E3s and Nintendo Directs will pass until Nintendo fans no longer pay attention to Reggie. It's not like he'll be legally able to divulge secret information.

    2. You know, my social media experience seems to have been WILDLY different from both of yours. To the point where I only have a vague idea where the whole "cesspool of negativity" thing comes from. I mean, sure I've had times where I need to take a break from my Facebook feed for a few days, but otherwise I definitely derive enjoyment out of both Facebook AND Twitter. (In the case of Twitter it helps that I mainly follow content creators who alert their Twitter followers when they've created content.) Really, it's all about the company you keep--you stay the HELL away from setting your posts to Public in Facebook, and steer clear of friending or following people you can already tell you wouldn't be friends with if you had met them irl.

    3. Speaking for myself, the difference may come from two things.
      1. I'm a content creator, as opposed to just a consumer. Creators open themselves to all kinds of negativity on social media. (Of course, you all know the content I create is the stuff on this website.) Katie Bouman would also qualify as a creator, making that black hole picture.
      2. I read the comments on my stuff and other people's stuff. While generally has a sweet comments section as shown in the monthly newsletters, most comments sections are a bit more toxic, especially on social media. Just look at any comment section in @realDonaldTrump's tweets.
      (I guess my feeds being partly politically-oriented influences a lot of negativity, but gaming stuff and people's personal lives tend to have drama.)

    4. Fresh example in a social media comments section:
      You could argue my original comment to the Pokémon Twitter is toxic, but I don't consider Corrections Corner stuff to be bad. This Monarch guy is clearly toxic though. AND he's wrong, but he's so convinced that he's right that he's all "Do your research next time before talking." even though he's contradicting himself.

    5. Another, just-gaming example that could easily happen to you.

      My Switch name is my Discord tag to try to encourage people I play with online to send me a Discord friend request so we can have nice conversations and I can try to get them to be KoopaTV fans.
      On more than one occasion, I've accepted friend requests from Smash players that give me Koopaling pornography art, or most recently, someone sent me a friend request just to tell me "RAPED".


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