I already did much of my introduction to this log within the reaction log below for the Nintendo Direct of February 13, 2019. First Nintendo Direct of the year.
In attendance are myself, Rawk, Wendy, and non-KoopaTV-staffer-but-friend Ryu, or MarioSun90. For a while, the Direct was appealing to his specific tastes... and then it changed.
Please feel free to watch the Nintendo Direct as we live-react to it. Here's the embed, but the optimal thing is to open it in another window and compare our reactions (per the time stamps) with the video's time-stamp.
[4:52 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Howdy folks.
[4:53 PM] RawkHawk2010: folk*
[4:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I've read a lot of Internet comments that people are eagerly awaiting the upcoming (in 7 minutes) Nintendo Direct.
[4:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: We have more than one reader, Rawk!
[4:53 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Anyway, I had to mention Internet comments, because I myself feel no eagerness towards this.
[4:54 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Might as well just wait four months and then it's E3.
[4:54 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I obviously have low expectations for the Direct as a usage of my time, so we'll see by the end of the reaction log if I change my feelings.
[4:55 PM] RawkHawk2010: You don't wanna see a new Smash Fighter in action?
[4:55 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Nope.
[4:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Assuming that's in the Direct, and I don't expect it to be, there aren't characters I actually want as DLC.
[4:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: That will actually get in, anyway.
[4:56 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: If CAPCOM won't even sell Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney merchandise on their new online store (see: https://www.koopatv.org/2019/02/the-capcom-store-grand-opening.html ), he won't appear as DLC.
[4:57 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It'll be whatever the hell a Joker is.
[4:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: You're talking about Capcom like you expect them to make sense.
[4:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: They don't make sense.
[4:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: They've never made sense!
[4:57 PM] RawkHawk2010: Look at Mega Man 11's music.
[4:58 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I mentioned Mega Man 11's music in that article, too!
[4:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: btw Joker will be here and you know it.
[4:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: And he never should have been announced when/where he was.
[4:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I didn't want to admit it in the article, and perhaps I should've in the footer, but I had to do a lot of research for those CAPCOM characters.
[4:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't care for Persona at all.
[4:59 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm not buying the Fighters Pass.
[4:59 PM] RawkHawk2010: star fox grand prix ayyyyyyyyyyyy
[5:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm satisfied with the characters already in the game (I need a buff).
[5:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: oh
[5:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: RP to M
[5:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I forgot the Direct was actually gonna start and I just wanted to rant.
[5:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: EW PLUMBER
[5:00 PM] Ryu: Starting great
[5:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: YES
[5:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: DEAD
[5:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh.
[5:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's Super Mari0 Maker?
[5:00 PM] RawkHawk2010: #dontwant
[5:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: TO GOOMBA GENOCIDE
[5:00 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: TO MASS-MURDER
[5:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Super Mari0 Maker 2.
[5:01 PM] Ryu: I'm glad
[5:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: Actual sequel
[5:01 PM] Ryu: and I will buy it
[5:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Featuring new features like Ant Troopers and fursuits.
[5:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And...new music?
[5:01 PM] Ryu: Luigi builder suit
[5:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: *new remix of old music
[5:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: June 2019.
[5:01 PM] RawkHawk2010: Looks impressive, but I have no interest.
[5:01 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yoshiaki Koizumi is our guide for today's Nintendo Direcy.
[5:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: *Direct
[5:02 PM] RawkHawk2010: @Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy
[5:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's another one of those "headlines" Directs.
[5:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order.
[5:02 PM] Ryu: Nintendo is showing all the games I'm interested in
[5:02 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: hm I'm here
[5:02 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or maybe "The Black Order" isn't a sub-title.
[5:02 PM] Ryu: (only two so far)
[5:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: @Ryu Maybe Jack Frost really will be here then. :thinking:
[5:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: With new features like "zoomed-in camera".
[5:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: lol I zoned the fuck out during this.
[5:03 PM] RawkHawk2010: WTF
[5:03 PM] Ryu: It keeps giving!
[5:03 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: BOXBOY?
[5:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: MS90 this is your fault.
[5:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: This really is a damn Ryu pander-fest.
[5:04 PM] Ryu: I funded the sequel
[5:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I thought the previous game was called "Bye-Bye Box Boy!"
[5:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Or something.
[5:04 PM] Ryu: Yes, it is
[5:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I thought that means the series was over.
[5:04 PM] RawkHawk2010: Cutie?
[5:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Qudy"
[5:04 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Box Boy! + Box Girl!"
[5:05 PM] Ryu: Smash will do, still interested
[5:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "The ULTIMATE Spring Update" wait wot
[5:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Version 3.0 update.
[5:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This spring.
[5:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ..."You'll just have to wait to find out!"
[5:05 PM] Ryu: Joker shown in-game
[5:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Joker coming before the end of April.
[5:05 PM] RawkHawk2010: So more stuff than just him.
[5:05 PM] RawkHawk2010: Hmm.
[5:05 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Featuring Snake, Belmont, Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Pokémon Trainer amiibo.
[5:05 PM] Ryu: Ok, I don't care that much for Treasure Tracker
[5:05 PM] RawkHawk2010: (I assume more than just him, his stage, and music.)
[5:05 PM] Ryu: The streak ends here
[5:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: lol
[5:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Featuring blue Captain Toad in co-op.
[5:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Does blue Captain Toad have lore?
[5:06 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now there's paid DLC in Captain Toad.
[5:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: Wendy cares about...the character.
[5:06 PM] Ryu: I wouldn't mind playing the game at some point though
[5:06 PM] RawkHawk2010: Or a picture of the character?
[5:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: There's an uninspiring 3DS demo of it.
[5:07 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Here's not-Castlevania, Bloodstained.
[5:08 PM] Ryu: Well, it's made by Castlevania devs
[5:08 PM] RawkHawk2010: Slightly interested.
[5:08 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: It's really good
[5:08 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: I can stream it later if yo uwant
[5:08 PM] Ryu: Builders 2 is cool
[5:08 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: SLIME
[5:08 PM] Ryu: Even if it's Minecraft
[5:08 PM] Ryu: "Explore underwater!"
[5:08 PM] RawkHawk2010: I played the Dragon Quest Builders 1 demo.
[5:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: :mario_shrug:
[5:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "A word from Mr. Koizumi"
[5:09 PM] Ryu: DQ music
[5:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: paper mario
[5:09 PM] Ryu: :open_mouth:
[5:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: oh
[5:09 PM] Ryu: Finally on Switch
[5:09 PM] Ryu: :upside_down:
[5:09 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: THE BABY
[5:09 PM] RawkHawk2010: Krillin?
[5:09 PM] Ryu: I wonder what they added to this version
[5:10 PM] RawkHawk2010: Sorry guys but DQ music does nothing for me.
[5:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Why are they bullying King Slime?
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King Slime, don't take that abuse! |
[5:11 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: eh
[5:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oooh, Slime card Poker.
[5:11 PM] Ryu: oh, so they're adding the 16-bit version to the Switch version... damn
[5:11 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Combining my love for Slimes and strip poker.
[5:11 PM] RawkHawk2010: first version of the game with fully-orchestrated battle and field music.
[5:12 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (Note I used "love" singularly.)
[5:12 PM] RawkHawk2010: Yeah eh.
[5:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Tsum Tsum Like You've Never Seen Them Before"
[5:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I've never seen a Tsum Tsum to begin with?
[5:13 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Wot the heck is a Tsum Tsum?
[5:13 PM] RawkHawk2010: Uh oh, Nintendo's scraping.
[5:13 PM] Ryu: lol
[5:13 PM] RawkHawk2010: "PIKA!"?
[5:14 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: aaand I don't care!
[5:14 PM] Ryu: Least interesting game goes to Tsum Tsum
[5:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: PIGMA
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Ubisoft's take on Leon Powalski, Pigma Dengar, and Anthony Oikonny. |
[5:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: oh fuck
[5:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: THAT WAS IT
[5:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: LOL
[5:14 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Starlink: Battle for Atlas spring update featuring Team Star Wolf, Star Fox, and racing missions.
[5:14 PM] RawkHawk2010: LOLOLOLOL
[5:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: IT WAS ALL FAAAAAAAAKE
[5:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Eh?
[5:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Wot's fake?
[5:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: "Star Fox Grand Prix"
[5:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh, duh.
[5:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: It's a damn Starlink Star Fox mode.
[5:15 PM] Ryu: Rune Factory, meh
[5:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I've been telling you that for a year.
[5:15 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: FAKE NEWS.
[5:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: (Not that it was a Starlink mode.)
[5:15 PM] RawkHawk2010: (You just said it didn't exist * at all*.)
[5:16 PM] Ryu: More Rune Factory? oh boy...
[5:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Rune Factory 5 is in development. Doesn't mean anything to me.
[5:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Lost Souls Become Monsters"
[5:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Oninaki" from Square Enix.
[5:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Read that as Okami.
[5:16 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And hey, it has a stylistic art style.
[5:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: kinda interested
[5:17 PM] Ryu: They lost me
[5:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: most interesting thing shown
[5:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Heard something about a world of crap.
[5:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...erm, craft.
[5:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's Yoshi's Crafted World.
[5:17 PM] RawkHawk2010: ughhhhhhhhh it's Crafted World and its terrible music.
[5:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: What the heck is with this music?
[5:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: BURT THE BALL
[5:17 PM] Ryu: Yoshi's Island enemies
[5:17 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Naval Piranha.
[5:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: An Apple Juice box?
[5:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: (Note that the Good Feel composer quit and this is what we're left with.)
[5:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: SWBANJKDC FRNDNHT
[5:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: RED
[5:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: rofl
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[5:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NO BUY
[5:18 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: lol top kek lel
[5:18 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: I should buy and stream it just to spite you.
[5:18 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Speaking of no buy, here's Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
[5:18 PM] Ryu: At least, it had a good start...
[5:18 PM] RawkHawk2010: uhhh
[5:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Featuring an anime-ish woman waking up all anime-y.
[5:19 PM] RawkHawk2010: why is it so choppy?
[5:19 PM] Ryu: The Yoshi game was decent
[5:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Weird accent mark in the continent name.
[5:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Fódlan.
[5:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Tellius didn't have any dumb accent marks.
[5:19 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This is a bad sign already.
[5:20 PM] RawkHawk2010: Not-Chrom
[5:20 PM] Ryu: You can choose a girl. No green Chrom
[5:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "You are the hero the world needs."
[5:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Lucina?
[5:20 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Anime girl lives in your mind.
[5:20 PM] RawkHawk2010: Sothis doesn't look that bad.
[5:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is this a budget Begnion?
[5:21 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is this Hogwarts?
[5:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Featuring a high school?
[5:21 PM] RawkHawk2010: Dimitri is hideous.
[5:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yikes, they really are using anime tropes here.
[5:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Animes love high schools!
[5:21 PM] Ryu: This reminds me of that time when they showed Xenoblade 2 on a Direct
[5:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Non-Chrom is a professor?
[5:21 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: Hey look, it's Harry Potter!
[5:21 PM] RawkHawk2010: These character portraits look soooooooo bad.
[5:21 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Which house will you choose?"
[5:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: That bandit looks better than the main character.
[5:22 PM] RawkHawk2010: lol
[5:22 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I like Dorothea's hat.
[5:22 PM] Ryu: Fire Emblem: University Edition
[5:23 PM] RawkHawk2010: Does this even have an actual plot?
[5:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Passing exams.
[5:23 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: doubt it
[5:23 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: lol
[5:23 PM] RawkHawk2010: Or is it just a simulation?
[5:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I think it has a plot.
[5:23 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Probably a terrible plot, but a plot nonetheless.
[5:23 PM] RawkHawk2010: Okay these characters look way better as models.
[5:23 PM] Ryu: rip stream?
[5:23 PM] RawkHawk2010: It's just the portraits that are so bad.
[5:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Releasing July 26.
[5:24 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: hmm
[5:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Featuring a collector's edition.
[5:24 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: Goddamn Twitch chat
[5:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "So, how does it look?" Badly.
[5:24 PM] Ryu: Oh no, it's just my internet?
[5:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: They delayed it from Spring to July, but I didn't realise it was set for Spring.
[5:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So who cares.
[5:24 PM] Ryu: When are the 3ds headlines though?
[5:24 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: :phoenix_thinking:
[5:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "99 players"
[5:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "1 winner"
[5:24 PM] RawkHawk2010: Battle Royale?
[5:24 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "This is Tetris 99"
[5:24 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: lmao
[5:24 PM] Ryu: Tetris Battle Royale
[5:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "free-to-download game"
[5:25 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: lmao that's amazing
[5:25 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: brb I'm going to download this
[5:25 PM] Ryu: Online events!
[5:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Available today for Nintendo Switch Online members.
[5:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: I kinda want this. :pikachu_laugh:
[5:25 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I don't.
[5:25 PM] RawkHawk2010: gonna get it
[5:25 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: :pikachu_lips:
[5:26 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: This looks so bad
[5:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: wtf is this
[5:26 PM] Ryu: wow this port looks shitty
[5:26 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: And saddingly disappointing.
[5:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: yeah
[5:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Dead by Daylight"
[5:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "This Dog Will Rune Your Day"
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Not coming to MY Nintendo Switch. |
[5:26 PM] Ryu: Yes, that dog ruined my Direct
[5:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: uhhhhhhhhh
[5:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: This is loud.
[5:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Is this that backwards Undertale?
[5:26 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...yeah.
[5:26 PM] RawkHawk2010: Anagrammed Undertale.
[5:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: uggggggggggggggggggggggggggh
[5:27 PM] Ryu: Nintendo was right
[5:27 PM] Ryu: stop
[5:27 PM] RawkHawk2010: MUTE
[5:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: 8 minutes left of this Direct.
[5:27 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I forgot DaemonXMachina existed.
[5:27 PM] RawkHawk2010: Don't want lol.
[5:27 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: oooh
[5:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: What's with this guy's voiceover?
[5:28 PM] Ryu: I like this game, but it looks choppy from this trailer. 20 FPS confirmed
[5:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: He sounds like Nathan Phillips.
[5:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: "should be launching this summer"
[5:28 PM] RawkHawk2010: that uncertainty, aha
[5:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Realistic racing headed for Nintendo Switch"
[5:28 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "GRID Autosport".
[5:29 PM] Ryu: Well, at least, I got Super Mario Maker 2
[5:29 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: I thought about getting a skin for it
[5:29 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Nintendo Switch gets car porn now?
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GRID Autosport on Nintendo Switch car porn. |
[5:29 PM] Ryu: It looks bad
[5:29 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: F-Zero when
[5:29 PM] Ryu: What's with third party games port
[5:29 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: oh interesting
[5:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: Local split-screen is a feature.
[5:29 PM] Ryu: Lol Hellblade
[5:29 PM] RawkHawk2010: I dunno what this is lol.
[5:30 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: Hmm I think I'm better off getting the PS4 version
[5:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Montage time?
[5:30 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: lol MK11
[5:30 PM] Ryu: They haven't shown gore
[5:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Unravel two coming to Nintendo Switch?
[5:30 PM] RawkHawk2010: chop
[5:30 PM] Ryu: Why AC3?
[5:30 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Assassin's Creed III Remastered.
[5:30 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: I might actually get this
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Where's Kamek?
[5:31 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: Because I still want to get all the DLC
[5:31 PM] Ryu: I thought Unravel was a PS exclusive
[5:31 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: Oh sweet, Liberation
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: All the DLC comes with it.
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: FINAL FANTASY
[5:31 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: Top kek lel
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: THAT'S QUICK
[5:31 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: Oooh
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Final Fantasy VII on March 26.
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Final Fantasy IX
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: TODAY
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: HRT KOTUJJB N
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: OMG
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: OGMGG
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: RNFDDM
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: H FDVVNTDXCNGREFDCG
[5:31 PM] Ryu: FFIX before FFVII
[5:31 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: top kek lol
[5:31 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ALRIGHT THAT'S WORTH IT I GUESS.
[5:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: Do people hate Final Fantasy VIII?
[5:32 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: No.
[5:32 PM] Ryu: You thought you would see Joker's gameplay
[5:32 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: oooh
[5:32 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Wot am I watching?
[5:32 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The police?
[5:32 PM] RawkHawk2010: (and no it's not worth it lol)
[5:32 PM] Ryu: Yugioh!
[5:32 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The police with beyblades?
[5:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: Is this totally new?
[5:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "YOU'RE THE TERRORIST HERE!"
[5:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: This looks like
[5:33 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: This looks pretty sweet actually
[5:33 PM] RawkHawk2010: Whoa
[5:33 PM] Ryu: Kamiya
[5:33 PM] Ryu: oh...
[5:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Featuring Kamiya.
[5:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And NieR: Automata person.
[5:33 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Astral Chain" releasing August 30.
[5:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: That looked really good.
[5:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: By Platinum Games.
[5:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: Nintendo IP?
[5:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Brand-new action game.
[5:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Featuring bondage undertones?
[5:34 PM] Ryu: Astral Chain confirmed for Smash
[5:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Bayonetta 3 namedrop.
[5:34 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: This should be co-op
[5:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Hard at work"
[5:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The last announcement of the day.
[5:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: water
[5:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Splatoon bubbles?
[5:34 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: no
[5:34 PM] RawkHawk2010: anime water
[5:34 PM] Ryu: That's... Bayonetta 3?
[5:34 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: Not pokemon
[5:34 PM] Ryu: It turned anime
[5:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: Wind Waker 2?
[5:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: LINK
[5:35 PM] Ryu: oh Link's Awakening
[5:35 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: Oh a new Zelda? :smile:
[5:35 PM] Ryu: :open_mouth:
[5:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Link's Awakening?
[5:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: lol it really is
[5:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: Better not be a Link's Awakening remake.
[5:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The Wind Fish's egg.
[5:35 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: LOL
[5:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: ........
[5:35 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening remake.
[5:35 PM] Ryu: Well, I was game until they showed gameplay
[5:35 PM] RawkHawk2010: that's........not what I was wanting. .__.
[5:35 PM] Ryu: (I'm still getting it)
[5:36 PM] Ryu: What's with Link's face?
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[5:36 PM] RawkHawk2010: "So what did you think?"
[5:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "At long last"
[5:36 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: actually the jump was interesting
[5:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Are they gonna ignore Link's Awakening DX?
[5:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Link's Awakening DX is how I played Link's Awakening.
[5:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It was decent, except for the seashells.
[5:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Done.
[5:36 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well.
[5:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: That was uhhhh
[5:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I thought Final Fantasy IX was coming in, like, 2020.
[5:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: not good, lol.
[5:37 PM] Ryu: Best part was still Super Mario Maker 2. New Zelda was cool if you ignore its look
[5:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: I liked Astral Chain.
[5:37 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "New Zelda" *old Zelda
[5:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: Astral Chain looks cool.
[5:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: And I'm downloading Tetris Battle Royale.
[5:37 PM] RawkHawk2010: (and am always calling it that even if it takes way longer than Tetris 99 to type)
[5:38 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: I am SO getting it
[5:38 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: We must play.
[5:38 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm terrible at Tetris. :(
[5:38 PM] RawkHawk2010: I like Tetris! So yes.
[5:39 PM] Ryu: I might get NSO for Tetris Battle Royale
[5:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: And hey it might actually be fun to play portably unlike Smash.
[5:39 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Why are you guys so excited for this?
[5:39 PM] Ryu: ( I like puzzle games)
[5:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: Because a Tetris Battle Royale is a hilarious concept.
[5:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: And I've played Dr. Mario NES on Switch +5 hours.
[5:39 PM] RawkHawk2010: And I'm supposed to hate NES games.
[5:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Reminder that Fire Emblem: Three Houses was supposed to be the biggest thing of the Direct.
[5:40 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Does anyone here want that?
[5:40 PM] Sooper Sekrit Agent Wendy: eh
[5:40 PM] Ryu: Better Direct than they usually do lately. I would've liked more Smash information
[5:40 PM] RawkHawk2010: Three Houses...ehhhhhhhhh
[5:40 PM] RawkHawk2010: Here's the thing.
[5:41 PM] RawkHawk2010: I want a new "Fire Emblem".
[5:41 PM] RawkHawk2010: And badly.
[5:41 PM] RawkHawk2010: And I kinda want Three Houses in the sense of "that'll have to do."
[5:41 PM] Ryu: No, I don't like what Three Houses is focusing on
[5:42 PM] RawkHawk2010: Dude you're gonna be disappointed af with this game.
[5:43 PM] RawkHawk2010: Wait
[5:43 PM] RawkHawk2010: They're calling it "The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening"?
[5:44 PM] RawkHawk2010: They're Sonic '06ing the name?
[5:44 PM] RawkHawk2010: lol "Tetris Battle Royale" is trending and not the game's actual title.
[5:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, I was gonna end the article with a screenshot of me buying Final Fantasy IX from the eShop.
[5:44 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But my camera's battery is dead and it's not on the eShop.
[5:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Soooo I'm gonna say the Direct failed my low expectations set out at the beginning of the log.
[5:45 PM] Ludwig Von Koopa: FAKE NEWS.
As of publishing, Final Fantasy IX is now available for purchase on the Nintendo eShop for $20.99, requiring 4.9 GB of space. Ludwig will be sharing this article out to the world while it downloads. He doesn't know when he's going to, say, start playing the two new games he bought just a few weeks ago.
The Direct before this one was five months ago. Check out the reactions here.
King Slime (among many other folks) return in the September 2019 Nintendo Direct.
Still no Switch Wars. At least I still have you, Wargroove. Yoshi's Crafted World is probably going to be a huge nightmare with all the cardboard around.
ReplyDeleteTurns out releasing titles, including one that is a good fit for Nintendo Switch Online, is the battle royale Tetris.
Delete2/5, too much Dragon Quest, not enough Persona 5. And I couldn't care less about Tetris. Star Link seems interesting, which is why it's not 1/5.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason the other staffers think the Tetris is compelling. At least for now anyway. They'll probably drop it in a week! Hmph!
DeleteWasn't aware the KoopaTV readership cared about Persona.
I don't in a general sense, but I have Persona Q (still need to properly play it) and I rather wanted to play 5 and don't have the capability without it being on the Switch.
DeleteMaybe it'll be announced when Version 3.0.0 of Smash happens.
DeleteI can but hope.
DeleteIt'd be really weird for Joker to not have any games playable on Nintendo platforms, after all...!
DeleteI'm all in for Astral Chain (although I wish Bayonetta 3 got more than just a tiny mention) and I'm conflicted about Dragon Quest XI since I have a PS4 copy and was planning to start it soon...
ReplyDeletePart of Nintendo's strategy is probably casting fear, uncertainty, and doubt about buying games on other platforms because they JUST MIGHT get a Switch port if you wait a little later!
DeleteThis feels like it might be more a plan from Square Enix... Fans buy Dragon Quest XI, then a new version of DQXI comes out with more content for the Switch, so some people double dip to get the new content... and then maybe later down the line they release the new content for the other platforms to get even more people to buy it.
DeleteEspecially since DQXI was never in a "wait and see" situation for the Switch, except as far as the localization was concerned. It was one of the earliest Switch games ever announced.
Oh. Good point. I covered Dragon Quest XI for "NX" here. Back in 2015.
DeleteGonna wait and see if they re-re-release it back to PS4 then.
I am not sure why some of you were disappointed with this Direct. In my opinion, I thought it was the best Direct that we have had all year. Sure, there might have been too many RPGs shown, but at least we are getting fantastic games such as Dead by Daylight, Disney Tsum Tsum Festival, and Link's Awakening: Nendoroid edition.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing wrong with RPGs!
DeleteIn fact, they were missing an RPG, named Town!