After suddenly remembering Mii can be made on the Switch (no joke, for months I thought Mii Maker was retired and that the Mii in people's Switch avatars had either come across on amiibo or were just already affiliated with the Nintendo Accounts in question. Don't ask me how I expected Switch-only owners to acquire one.), I recently began drafting a Mii Fighter army for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I've had a pretty good time, and with only three days 'til release I figured I'd show some of them off.
Now then, less words and more pictures!
Kasandra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Shuckle from Pokémon Gold and Silver
KOS-MOS from Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Wille zur Macht
Cammy Meele from Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

Captain Vul from Kirby Super Star
Me from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (...Improvement?)
Lynne from Ghost Trick
Qbby from BOXBOY!
YoRHA No.2 Type B from NieR:Automata
Wendy's Warframe from Warframe
That's a wrap!
...Oh yeah, and I should mention something: Earlier this year I bid farewell to my Mii forever because even if I was aware Mii Maker still existed at the time, it would surely be the end of that exact Mii as I knew it:
His only method of survival, according to Nintendo Switch system settings, is to hitch a ride on a $13 hunk of plastic that I'm supposed to go out and buy specifically for this. That's the definition of corporate abuse and I'm pretty sure he would rather go ahead and be buried.
Well, uh...it turns out I actually did end up eventually buying one of those things. Last week as a matter of fact. So my Mii successfully rode from my Wii U to my Switch upon a Shulk amiibo nicknamed "Monadocado" (HE'S REALLY SEALING IT!) and said Mii presumably lives on for at least another console generation. Yay for him, I guess? Dude's got a long line to get in before becoming a Mii Fighter though...
Rawk hopes you liked seeing these Mii. Worth mentioning that Ludwig requested Captain Vul, friendly neighborhood non-staffer Ryudragon requested Qbby, and Wendy requested Wendy's Warframe. If you yourself have any requests, he'll gladly
Ludwig rejected any use case for the Switch's expanded Mii creation features earlier.
The Miis that Rawk uploaded to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's Shared Content service got deleted, so he doesn't want to share Miis anymore.
can you teach me how to make a qbby mii please?
DeleteDo you squirt or cream?
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