We are quickly nearing the end of KoopaTV's very extensive coverage of The Wonderful 1237, best described as KoopaTV's satirical strategy simulation game of the Republican presidential primaries of 2015–2016. You really should play it, which Flash-enabled readers can do here. There's nothing else like it. Each of the candidates in those primaries — 17 in all — serve as your opponents. Each of them have their own minigame, too, as explained here.
This Wonderful Wednesday is dedicated to the man who was the governor of Louisiana, and was a rising star in the Republican Party (and still might be — he's young!): Bobby Jindal. In terms of statistics, Bobby Jindal is very similar to Ted Cruz, but marginally has more Beauty and less Cool. That means that Bobby Jindal is very lopsided, but he is one of the smartest Republicans in both the game and real life. Will he be able to put it to good use? He'll certainly test YOUR smarts!
Candidate Stats
- Base stats and growth:
- Beauty: 0 + (0–3)
- Cool: 0 + (0–4)
- Cute: 0 + (0–2)
- Smart: 3 + (1–5)
- Tough: 2 + (0–5)
- Average untouched stats after 14 rounds:
- Beauty: 21
- Cool: 28
- Cute: 14
- Smart: 45
- Tough: 37
- Average likelihood of surviving Iowa if untouched:
- Fairly likely. (Bobby Jindal will have 13 delegates on average; need 11 to clear.)
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“Versus... Bobbbbbyyyy Jindaaaaaaaaaal. Fight!” |
Basic Information
- Name:
- Math Problems.
- Objective:
- Provide the correct answers.
- Approximate Time to Play:
- Less than half a minute.
- Controls:
- Use your keyboard to input numbers.
- Detailed Description:
- Bobby Jindal will ask you three math questions. You need to get them correct to move on to the next. Bobby Jindal will first ask you to add three numbers together. After that, he will tell you about an isosceles triangle and give you the number of degrees that two of its angles are, asking you to calculate the third angle. Bobby Jindal will then ask his third and final question: If he were to give you a given percentage of his delegates, how many delegates would he be giving you?
- Scoring:
- The exact formula is 100 - ((2 * [the sum of how long it took you to get all three problems correctly]) - 35). If the score is over 100, then it rounds down to you winning 100% of Bobby Jindal's delegates. If it's below 0, it rounds up to 0%. Basically, you start losing points from 100% once you go over 17.5 seconds of combined time for answers. Any incorrect answer adds 5 seconds to the sum timer. Time in-between questions does not count against you.
- Optimal Tactics:
- If you can't figure out the addition problem, then... you need serious math help. Be sure to carry the 1.
As for the isosceles triangle problem, the chalkboard in the background helps remind you what an isosceles triangle is. Essentially, the sum of a triangle's three angles is 180, and Bobby Jindal gives you two of the angle counts that are equivalent to one another. That means you multiply the number he gives by 2, and subtract that from 180 to get your answer.
Here, you would double 70 to get 140. Then, subtract 140 from 180 (180 - 140) to get your answer: 40.
For the delegate division problem, it's important to round down (floor) to the nearest delegate. If he asks you for 10%, just take off the ones place digit. If he asks you for 20%, then just double the 10% figure. And if he asks you for 50%, then you need to find out what half his delegate count is. This will range from 25 (if it's 50) to 100 (if it's 200).
10% of 168 is 16.8, so 20% of that would be 16.8 * 2, or 33.6. Put in 33 as your answer.
Be careful not to believe that 20% of 168 would be 32 (done by chopping off the .8 before multiplying by 2).
- Variants:
- This is the only minigame where the number of delegates the candidate has makes an impact on the game, so instead of the standard 100 delegates seen in the other demos for Wonderful Wednesday, it's a random number between 50 and 200. The addition problem will have the first number be between 1 and 20, the second between 5 and 25, and the third between 10 and 40. The provided angle for the isosceles triangle will be between 20 and 70 degrees. As for the delegate division problem, Bobby Jindal will ask you to consider 10%, 20%, or 50%. Not counting the delegate count Bobby will have (in the real The Wonderful 1237, it will be the number he has actually collected, which is affected by user actions in the simulation portion along with the RNG), there are 1,800,000 variants in this game! That's 20 (possibilities of the addition problem first number) * 20 (possibilities of the addition problem second number) * 30 (possibilities of the addition problem third number) * 50 (number of possibilities the provided angle could be) * 3 (the three percentages Bobby Jindal may ask you to use).
Other Trivia
- Skill(s) Tested:
- Basic mathematical computations in a timely manner.
- Inspiration/Flavour:
- It turns out that the only reason Bobby Jindal gets the math-related minigame is because I wanted a math minigame, and Bobby Jindal was the best person to get it. Why? Because I'm stereotyping.
However, we can pretend that I was referencing his wife's charity, the Supriya Jindal Foundation for Louisiana's Children. The foundation was supposed to be for helping Louisianians learn science and MATH. However, it apparently turned into a Clinton Foundation-esque quid pro quo where special interests (like corporations) donated to the foundation while Bobby Jindal was governor, while also trying to influence legislation. Today, jindalfoundation.org no longer works, and charity watcher GuideStar states that the Supriya Jindal Foundation for Lousiana's Children no longer is in the IRS's files.
Play The Minigame Here!
There are only three more candidates left to cover for the Wonderful Wednesday strategy guide series. If there is any more information you'd like to know about Bobby Jindal or about math, Ludwig would be happy to share it. Be sure to play the entire game!
Click here for the strategy guide before this, featuring George Pataki.
The strategy guide after this stops the governor streak and goes to an insignificant loser.
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