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Friday, October 18, 2013

(Boss 1) Trayvon Tyson's Punch-Out!! Strategy Guide!

By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - It's Go. Something is wrong with him.

It's part of Punch-Out!! culture to sit around on the playground exchanging tips to progress further in the game. Because I'm the kid everyone on the playground wants to be around, I'm taking it upon myself to be the definitive source for all things Trayvon Tyson's Punch-Out!!. So there are five bosses in the game, and I'm going to tell you all how to succeed against them. I'll only detail their moves — I don't want to spoil the entire experience for you!


Round 1 HP: 40
Round 2 HP: 38
Round 3 HP: 31
"Right Hand Slap".
Cues: His right fist gains detail, and he summons a fist and an arm to Mac's right side that drops from his right fist and flies to Mac. Go says "Gro".
Damage: 3 damage to Mac.
Description: It'll take .3 seconds for the fist to connect to Mac after it has dropped down. It flies straight to Mac.
Round: 1, 2, and 3.
Evasion: Just dodge to the left at practically any point in the attack and Mac will successfully dodge.

"Left Hand Slap".
Cues: Go's left fist gains detail, and he summons a fist and an arm to Mac's left that drops relatively far from his left fist and flies to Mac. Go says "Glo".
Damage: 2 damage to Mac.
Description: It'll take .15 seconds for the fist to connect to Mac after it has dropped down. It flies straight to Mac.
Round: 1, 2, and 3.
Evasion: Just dodge to the right at practically any point in the attack and Mac will successfully dodge. Alternatively, the attack is weak enough that blocking will prevent Mac from taking any damage.

"Car Rush".
Cues: Go will make a screechy noise and will look noticeably different before transforming into a car. Then the sound of Go's car's engine will ensue.

Your cue that a car is incoming.
Damage: 14 damage to Mac! It's important to dodge this!
Description: Go backs up considerably while inside his car, and then takes 2.1 seconds to rush into Little Mac. If Go has been knocked down twice, he'll take .8 seconds. If he's been knocked down twice already, Go will have nearly no cooldown period between his attacks. Otherwise, after the car is dodged, Go will be idle for a few seconds for attacking. It's important to note that while Go is in his car, he's invincible.
Round: 1, 2, and 3.
Evasion: The hitbox is applied when the purple dot on the car is aligned with Mac. Dodging to the left is MUCH easier than dodging to the right, because the tires have the capability of clipping Mac. Dodge left as soon as right before the purple dot on the car touches Mac's sprite and you should be fine, or even as the dot makes contact with Mac's face.

Cues: Go backs up to the back edge and completely changes his sprite. Go screams "GOSHOVE!". Only after he's done, he then summons his arms crossed to his mouth and launches his arms at Mac.
Damage: 9 damage to Mac.
Description: After Go's arms are summoned to his face, they'll hover there for a second and then be launched towards Mac's location, taking .2 seconds to reach Mac.
Round: 3.
Evasion: Use the block key as soon as Go's arms start moving towards Mac. The arms are too wide to dodge — This is a common theme in the game. If it can't be dodged, you must block! And if you block, you will win.

Block NOW!

Go really isn't that tough. He's here to teach you the importance of dodging left, right, and blocking at the proper times. Those are the pivotal skills you'll need. In-between attacks, you should be punching at Go. Remember that upper-punches do more damage but have a longer end-lag than side-punches, so in the long run continuous side-punches should do more damage. He'll go down soon enough.

Jessie Go isn't a real person, but he is a reoccurring character in Ludwig's games. See the trailer for the next game in the Jessie Go Jr. series (consisting of Jessie Go Jr. Remedial Algebra and the game the trailer is for, the tentatively-titled Jessie Go Jr. Two) here.

For Boss 2, click here!

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