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Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Differences Between Splatoon 2 Turf War February 2022 and Splatoon 2 North American Open March 2022

By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - Hope this helps you distinguish them.

On February 17, 2022, the Nintendo of America NintendoVS brand announced the Splatoon 2 Turf War February 2022.
Days later, on February 21, 2022, the NintendoVS brand also announced the Splatoon 2 North American Open March 2022.

Why is Nintendo announcing two Splatoon 2 tournaments at the same time? (The second one before the first one even happened!) This article will go into the details and summarise them for your understanding. Both tournaments are in collaboration with eSports platform Battlefy, which Nintendo has worked with for many other NintendoVS events.

Splatoon 2 Turf War February North American Open March 2022 NintendoVS
The following is a table comparing the two events, with registration links.

Comparison Splatoon 2 Turf War February 2022 Splatoon 2 North American Open March 2022
Dates/Times Saturday February 26, 2022 from 13:00–17:00 Eastern Friday March 11, 2022 from 19:00–22:00 Eastern for Ladder;
Saturday March 12, 2022 at 14:00 Eastern for Bracket;
Saturday March 12, 2022 at 17:00 Eastern for Top 4 (livestreamed)
Eligibility Four-player teams consisting of residents of the United States, Canada, or Mexico (may have one optional alternate player) Four-player teams consisting of residents of the United States, Canada, or Mexico (may have one optional alternate player)
Tournament Structure Exclusively a four-hour Ladder based on best-of-three Turf War mode; ladder done with matchmaking Four-hour Ladder based on best-of-three Turf War mode; ladder done with matchmaking
Then the top 16 teams go into a Bracket round based on best-of-five Ranked Battle modes. Grand finals are best-of-seven Ranked Battle modes.
  1. First Place on Ladder receives Splatoon 2 Turf War February 2022 Trophy (ARV $150), 10,000 My Nintendo Gold Points (ARV $100), Splatoon 2 Jacket (ARV $75), Backpack (ARV $50), and Nintendo Switch Carrying Case (ARV $20). Total ARV $395.

  2. Second Place on Ladder receives 7,500 My Nintendo Gold Points (ARV $75) and Nintendo Switch Carrying Case (ARV $20). Total ARV $95.

  3. Third and Fourth Place on Ladder receives 5,000 My Nintendo Gold Points (ARV $50) and Nintendo Switch Carrying Case (ARV $20). Total ARV $70.
  1. First Place of Final 4 receives Gaming Chair (ARV $359 USD), Splatoon 2 North American Open 2022 Trophy (ARV $150 USD), 10,000 My Nintendo Gold Points (ARV $100 USD), Gaming Headset (ARV $99 USD), Splatoon 2 Jacket (ARV $75 USD), Backpack (ARV $50 USD) and Nintendo Switch Carrying Case (ARV $20 USD). Total ARV $853.

  2. Second Place of Final 4 receives 7,500 My Nintendo Gold Points (ARV $75 USD) and Nintendo Switch Carrying Case (ARV $20 USD). Total ARV $95.

  3. Third and Fourth Place of Final 4 receives 5,000 My Nintendo Gold Points (ARV $50) and Nintendo Switch Carrying Case (ARV $20). Total ARV $70.
Winner Notification for Prize Email five days after the tournament. Must respond within five days. Email within two to ten days after the tournament. Must respond within two days.

Looking at the details, I can summarise the difference this way: For February 26's event, the Turf War Ladder (four hours) is the whole purpose of it. Prizes are distributed based on that. For March 11–12's event (which barely misses Marie Day), the Turf War Ladder (three hours) is merely the means to seed the bracket that comes afterward and disqualify weaker teams. That bracket is the real event, and that has Ranked Battle modes involved. As a result, the Splatoon 2 North American Open March 2022 is the more difficult event, and as a result, the grand prize is more lucrative. However, the second place and third/fourth place prizes are exactly the same between the events, which perpetuates first-place-takes-nearly-all tournament culture.

But if you think you (and your Splatoon buddies) could win the March event, you might as well enter February's this weekend. And at least for things like the NintendoVS Challenge Cup versus North American Opens for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, both of these events are considered competitive and not “casual.” (Competitive players ended up in the top spots for the NintendoVS Challenge Cup February 2021, by the way.)

Ludwig just plays nothing but Salmon Run on Splatoon 2 nowadays. He's X-ranked in all of the Ranked Modes, but only because once he got to there through dumb luck and being carried, he never touched the Ranked Modes ever again, so he can't be de-ranked from it. He's actually pretty bad at them and Turf War, so don't ask him to join your team if you want success.

Both events have concluded! And lacked Charger representation, to Marie's disappointment.
The NintendoVS North American Open April 2022 for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is closely modelled after the Splatoon 2 North American Open March 2022.
Meanwhile, the Splatoon 2 Turf War May 2022 is pretty much a May clone of the Splatoon 2 Turf War February 2022.
The Splatoon 2 Inkopolis Showdown 2022 is the North American Open March 2022... but taking place in July 2022 and with four events with the same rules.

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