It is finally time for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character development to close, as mentioned in the September 2021 Nintendo Direct. The Mii costumes and final character revealed in the following presentation, as reacted to by myself and Heavy Lobster, are releasing October 18. That means it won't impact the October 15 Super Smash Bros. NintendoVS US Fall Open 2021, but it will impact the October 29 one. Follow along to see if I'm looking forward to the release or not.
Oh, nevermind, the embedded thumbnail spoils who the reveal is, so... I might as well not try to keep it a secret. Whatever!
[9:55 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-q6Gz_4Yqc
[9:55 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well I'll be right back... I'm really thirsty. >.<
[9:56 AM] HeavyLobster: I don't care who it is as long as it isn't a character I really don't want.
[9:59 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Pain avoidance is more important than potential gain, yes.
[9:59 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: SNAP
[9:59 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IT SNAPPED
[9:59 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IT'S NOT EVEN 10 AM
[10:00 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Montage of all the characters...
[10:00 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: FINAL PRESENTATION
[10:00 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: KONICHIWA
[10:00 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sakurai lookin' great.
[10:00 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: FIRST MI ICOSTUMES
[10:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: MII
[10:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: DECONFIRMS RIGHT AWAY
[10:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Mii: OCTOLING
[10:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Octoling (Wig)"
[10:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Good addition.
[10:01 AM] HeavyLobster: Yes
[10:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Judd (Hat)
[10:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Good addition.
[10:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Bowser walking...
[10:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[10:01 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: DOOM SLAYER
[10:02 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Doom Slayer (Gunner) Mii, with Doom music.
[10:02 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And that's it.
Who knew this'd be a highlight of the Sakurai Presents... because it goes downhill from here. |
[10:02 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, happy to get that out of the way.
[10:02 AM] HeavyLobster: Character's coming on the 18th.
[10:03 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: October 18 release for Miis too.
[10:03 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ......
[10:03 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: That's, uh, AFTER the first NintendoVS tournament and before the second one.
[10:03 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sakurai reflecting on the length of development... and now bringing us the final trailer.
[10:04 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's the same giant Smash logo on fire from when the game was initially announced.
[10:04 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The flames... flicker... and cease.
[10:04 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...The characters are lifeless trophies now...
[10:04 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...except that plumber.
[10:04 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (This isn't gonna be Phoenix Wright)
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The plumber walks slowly to one last flame on the ground...
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...and grabs it?
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: He throws it...
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: AHHH
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: IT TURNS INTO A KEY
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: A KEYBLADE
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: AND OUT COMES
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: SORA OF KINGDOM HEARTS
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: rip
[10:05 AM] HeavyLobster: Fuck Fuck Fuck
[10:05 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: PAIN AVOIDANCE FAILED
[10:06 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Sora Is Finally Here!"
[10:06 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sakurai: I was shocked too!
[10:06 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "His name happens to be the same as my company. Perhaps that's a coincidence."
[10:07 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Does Sora count as another generic anime swordsman?
[10:07 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "As the last fighter, I think he's perfect."
[10:07 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "I knew that Sora was the most requested fighter."
[10:08 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "We're sorry that we could not reveal the results" until now.
[10:08 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because Sora is a rights management nightmare (thanks to Disney).
[10:08 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sakurai is so happy he's putting up a Sora poster in his room.
[10:09 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sakurai is proud that Sora's controls are easy unlike previous DLC fighters.
[10:09 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: He'll probably be the next Brawl Meta Knight.
[10:09 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: He's floaty, has great recovery, good aerials...
[10:09 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...Low-weight...
[10:10 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: THOSE ALL APPLY TO META KNIGHT.
[10:10 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Will they buff Jigglypuff so she's not so obviously outclassed?
[10:11 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sakurai setting up even more posters for Sora's different costumes and forms throughout his different games.
I bet those posters still aren't there to this day. (Mr. Sakurai's fancy dress style still is, though.) |
[10:12 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Now showing off his moveset...
[10:12 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The keyblade is rather big.
[10:13 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Bigger than Meta Knight's Galaxia, though seems slower. Sora has many mid-air 3-hit combos and ground 3-hit combos.
[10:13 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Even just swinging the Keyblade is a powerful enough threat." Sakurai literally encouraging button mashing.
[10:14 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: This is degenerate.
[10:15 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: His down-tilt is a combo starter; his up-tilt an anti-air.
[10:15 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Yeah Sora actually is doing generic anime swordsman things.
[10:16 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And he's doing the King K. Rool/Incineroar/Ridley jump-dodge during his down-smash.
[10:16 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: His aerials have a massive attack range.
[10:17 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I mean, not Sephiroth big but...
[10:17 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Up-throw is a combo throw...
[10:17 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So is down-throw.
[10:17 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ......................
[10:18 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sora is Firaga, Thundaga, and Blizzaga for his B move.
[10:18 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It cycles between the three.
[10:18 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: In other words, HE HAS A HUGE PROJECTILES.
[10:18 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Not even Meta Knight had that.
[10:18 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: GENERIC ANIME SWORDSMAN WITH PROJECTILES. And unlike Hero, there's no MP mechanic.
[10:19 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Why not? Kingdom Hearts uses MP too!
[10:19 AM] HeavyLobster: How many magic using sword fighters do we need?
[10:20 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "so keep casting it without being counterattacked." - Sakurai encouraging mashing the B button after having encouraged mashing the A button
[10:21 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sora casts Curaga as an Up-Taunt but it doesn't heal.
[10:21 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: As opposed to two.
[10:21 AM] HeavyLobster: Maybe Nick All-Stars Brawl isn't such a bad idea...
[10:21 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: As mentioned, huge recovery range. And it locks onto opponents.
[10:22 AM] HeavyLobster: Bayo flashbacks...
[10:22 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...Yeah his Up-B is a Spin Attack jump.
[10:22 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It doesn't seem like a great recovery, thou-...
[10:22 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: WHAT
[10:22 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: NOOOOOOOOOOOO
[10:23 AM] HeavyLobster: Fucking hell, not again...
[10:23 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: PAY-TO-WIN
[10:23 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I'M NOT EXAGGERATING
[10:24 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: His down-special is a Counter.
[10:24 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because he's a generic anime swordsman and that's what they do...
[10:24 AM] HeavyLobster: Also Bayo had a counter.
[10:25 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: It's not a reflector but it will counter a projectile.
[10:25 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...and the projectile will keep going and hit wotever is behind Sora, counting as Sora's attack.
[10:25 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Sealing the Keyhole" is the name of Sakurai's Final Smash.
[10:25 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sakurai won't show it to us.
[10:26 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: His stage is another "the background scrolls through things" again, going near Hollow Bastian. The stage itself is a big platform with a centre platform.
[10:27 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Which is surprisingly... simple.
[10:27 AM] HeavyLobster: How the fuck do you make Bayonetta again?
[10:27 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And various Kingdom Hearts characters will also appear in the background.
[10:28 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Because that's also a very common thing for these DLC stages...
[10:28 AM] HeavyLobster: It's just anime ones, not Disney ones.
[10:28 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh, and not Final Fantasy ones, to the extent that this matters to the franchise anymore.
[10:29 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Although... Sakurai's CPU battle is with Cloud and Sephiroth.
[10:29 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sakurai made a broken character and is still losing to the CPUs.
[10:30 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: He's now showing off the Final Smash.
[10:30 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Which locks the characters behind a door and the Keyblade shoots a beam at them.
[10:31 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sora's side-b will go through an opponent's shield and cross it.
[10:31 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: So you can't punish it.
I suppose I did support this, in a way, by buying Cloud's DLC in Super Smash Bros. For Wii U and Sephiroth's DLC in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I won't buy Sora's DLC, though! |
[10:31 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Only nine songs with no remixes.
[10:32 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: But if you have Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory save data, you'll get "Dearly Beloved Swing Version" as an extra song.
[10:32 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (Which I think is unprecedented.)
[10:33 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Kairi, Ventus, Aqua, Terra, Riku, Xion, Axel, Roxas Spirits.
[10:33 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Once again, October 18 for $5.99. Buy it and you'll win.
[10:33 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Steve amiibo to be released Spring 2022.
[10:33 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Alex is also getting an amiibo.
[10:34 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sephiroth, Pyra, Mythra, and Kazuya are also getting amiibo at unknown times.
[10:34 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "The KINGDOM HEARTS games are coming to Nintendo Switch!" "With the cloud gaming feature"
[10:34 AM] HeavyLobster: So do we have to buy separate Amiibo for Pyra and Mythra?
[10:34 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Apparently.
[10:35 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: There's a specific asterisk of PlayStation 4 footage.
[10:35 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "I guess that's really it..."
[10:36 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sakurai advertising his Twitter account.
[10:36 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: I hope Twitter shuts down like Facebook did. >_>
[10:36 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...although Facebook got back up, so nevermind.
[10:37 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sakurai doing a retrospective saying the game has collectively been played for billions of hours.
[10:37 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Please let me say goodbye."
[10:37 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And now we're left with the full version of Sora's reveal trailer.
[10:38 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: We gotta watch this again? Ugh.
[10:40 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Sora is dancing and jumping around the rest of the Smash cast like he's BALAN from BALAN WONDERWORLD.
[10:40 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And the rest of the Smash cast is apparently amazed and reverent.
[10:40 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: What a loser.
[10:40 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: (A loser that's gonna be broken, though.)
[10:41 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: The trailer ends with Sora shaking the hand of the red-hatted plumber.
[10:41 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: As if he's some kind of equal.
[10:42 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: "Disney" is now added to the copyright statement.
[10:42 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: And that's it.
[10:44 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[10:44 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Any last thoughts?
[10:44 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: ...I wonder who the heck voted for Sora in the Smash Ballot.
[10:45 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Must've been Japan.
[10:45 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: 'cause it wasn't Europe.
[10:45 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Losers.
[10:46 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: Although I guess quantity-wise the sheer numbers would have to come from America.
[10:46 AM] Ludwig Von Koopa: If only people voted for Phoenix Wright like I told 'em to. This all could've been avoided!
A post-production note: Doomguy's Mii costume isn't including a song. Feel free to share your thoughts, positive, neutral, or negative, about this final presentation. Ludwig has obviously made his thoughts clear in the log!
The previous Sakurai Presents log, with Kazuya, is located here.
Find out what Ludwig thinks of Sora after his release.
Kingdom Hearts director Tetsuya Nomura denies the conventional wisdom that Disney was the difficult one in getting Sora into Super Smash Bros.
The overall Fighters Pass was disappointing to me as I was either unfamiliar with the characters or not interested in their games aside from a few. As much as it is a meme, I'd rather have Waluigi than Sora. If it was my say, I would include Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton so they would have a true versus battle we didn't get in the crossover.
ReplyDeleteOh, hey, you're alive. You're not gonna keep your NSO membership at this rate, though. >.>
DeleteWaluigi > Sora for sure.
On the subject of the NSO membership, you planning to update it to the one that includes the N64 collection that's coming out late this month? I might genuinely try for it if you do.
DeleteAs I've written repeatedly on this, it depends on the details Nintendo reveals sometime this month.
DeleteIf, say, they have it so the Expansion Pack is only available for individual subscriptions and not Family Groups, then obviously I can't plan to update it to that. If it bumps the price from $35 a year to something like $70 a year, I also wouldn't want to do that.
"If it bumps the price from $35 a year to something like $70 a year, I also wouldn't want to do that."
I want them all in actually