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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Chatot Parting Shots “Objection!” and Other Ace Attorney Speech Bubbles

By LUDWIG VON KOOPA - A collection of speech bubbles.

There was once a trailer for Pokémon Shining Pearl and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond featuring Chatot using Parting Shot. The description for Parting Shot is, “With a parting threat, the user lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk stats. Then it switches with a party Pokémon.” That threat is why Parting Shot is also a sound-based attack. However, I didn't know the move's animation was for Parting Shot, which is a very rare move that not only has poor distribution, but high level-up requirements. (In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, Chatot is the only Pokémon that can learn Parting Shot!) Given that the trailer didn't show the effects of the move, only the animation, I thought it was Chatter... but it was not. And so I levelled up Charap (the in-game-traded Chatot) in Pokémon Shining Pearl to level 49 until it learned Parting Shot. Why did I care so much? The move's animation looks like this:

Pokémon Shining Pearl Brilliant Diamond Cleverness Contest Master Rank Star of the Show Chatot Parting Shot
A white speech bubble with a stylised black border and red text? Can it be...?

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Objection speech bubble
...Another familiar white speech bubble with a stylised black border and red text!

What if I put these concepts together? Well, behold:

Chatot Parting Shot Objection Ace Attorney speech bubble Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Objection! You've spoken contradictory testimony!

I've made these for all of the other Ace Attorney series speech bubbles that are in the mainline six Ace Attorney titles, in honour of yesterday's announced Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Take that! (That's one of many of these.)

Chatot Parting Shot Hold it Ace Attorney speech bubble Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Hold it! An attorney is pressing your testimony for more information!

Chatot Parting Shot Take that Ace Attorney speech bubble Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Take that! Here's some conclusive evidence!

Chatot Parting Shot Gotcha Apollo Justice Ace Attorney perceive speech bubble Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Gotcha! Apollo Justice has just perceived a nervous habit!

Chatot Parting Shot Got it Ace Attorney Mood Matrix speech bubble Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Got it! You feel suspiciously!

Chatot Parting Shot Silence Simon Blackquill Ace Attorney speech bubble Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
SILENCE! Simon Blackquill wants you to shut up.

Chatot Parting Shot Satorha Nahyuta Sahdmadhi Ace Attorney speech bubble Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Satorha! Nahyuta Sahdmadhi is enlightening you!

Chatot Parting Shot That's enough Rayfa Padma Khura'in Ace Attorney speech bubble Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
That's enough! Rayfa Padma Khura'in has had enough of your crap.

Chatot Parting Shot Such insolence Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in Ace Attorney speech bubble Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Such insolence! ...This one is a bit of a spoiler.
Play the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (releases early 2024) for details.

I think it's fitting that Chatot is the Pokémon that is really an Ace Attorney reference in Pokémon Shining Pearl and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond. (And it's only in those games, since Parting Shot is another positive addition to the Sinnoh remasters that weren't in the original Diamond and Pearl.) Parrots have a famous history in the Ace Attorney series, and Phoenix Wright is of course associated with... birds (see his first name, as well as ability to survive heights).

Feel free to use these as reaction images or something. Ludwig excluded speech bubbles from spin-off games for... various reasons. The background Chatot is in is the Sinnoh Elite 4 in Flint's room. Other backgrounds are more than possible (another innovation compared to the original games on the DS), though there aren't courthouses available in Sinnoh. If you have special requests, let Ludwig know in the comments section within the month of June 2023!


  1. "Phoenix Wright is of course associated with... bird"

    Apollo also based on his nickname "Polly" as in "Polly want a cracker." Polly is a stereotypical name for parrots.

    1. Apollo in particular, yes. We need AA7 to feature Apollo with a bird to put his name into practice.


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