Once upon a time—on Monday, September 12—Nintendo announced that there would be a Nintendo Direct the next day in 24 hours. That was an obnoxiously inconvenient timing and we all had things locked into our schedules a long time ago. They really should announce these in advance.
Instead, I—by myself—reacted to the Nintendo Direct as early as I could, since it's dangerous to venture to the Internet without watching it first. 'cause that's all anyone's going to talk about, and spoilers (and leakers!) are bad for society and must be cautiously avoided. So if you're on KoopaTV, you either feel the same way and have already watched this embedded Nintendo Direct and want to know how I thought of it (very touching of you, thank you for your interest), or you just don't care the same way I do:
I must note that in the United Kingdom, “[a]s a mark of respect during this period of national mourning” (this refers to the passing of Queen Elizabeth II), Nintendo in the United Kingdom published the video on their social channels one hour after the rest of the world. It's unclear what makes this one hour extra wait period especially respectful, but as a result, British people just went and watched the American stream and no one's really looking at Nintendo UK's. To help their view count, I've embedded the UK video above despite actually reacting to America's version. (It actually has chapters and omits a half hour of nothing going on.) I'm quite sure they're the same content.
[12:57 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ9Iz7HhU-I
[12:57 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm not sure when this transitions from the "tune in for" message to the--... okay, at 29:37.
[12:58 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: RP-M.
[12:58 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I'll wait for the clock to get to an even number and then I can pretend I watched this from a goofy timezone.
[12:58 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm not allowed on the Internet until I watch this Direct.
[1:00 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Starting...
[1:00 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Four realms with a holy land at the centre?
[1:00 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: With a fell dragon.
[1:00 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...Fire Emblem?
[1:00 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...yes, it is.
[1:00 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: (I knew from Fell Dragon)
[1:01 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: (But there's literal glass paintings of Micaiah and Lyn and such)
[1:01 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: And, y'know, glowing Marth.
[1:01 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: FIRE EMBLEM ENGAGE
[1:02 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Featuring a weirdo with weird blue and red hair.
[1:02 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Alear" is a divine dragon.
[1:02 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Marth, Sigurd... pair-up...
[1:02 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "EMBLEM ENGAGE!"
[1:02 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: This looks like something from Xenoblade than Fire Emblem.
[1:02 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: (And that's not a compliment.)
[1:03 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Literal Mythr-... Celica and Céline.
[1:03 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "gather all of the Rings" okay so it's Lord of the Rings? Because Embracer Group acquired that.
[1:03 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: January 20, 2023.
[1:03 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...is this a mainline FE or some kind of FE Heroes-esque get-together gimmick?
[1:04 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Divine Edition" with collectible items will also be available. More info in the future. Well, there's four months of future.
[1:04 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: It Takes Two is coming to the Switch.
[1:05 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Featuring online and local play.
[1:05 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Coming Nov. 4.
[1:06 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: It's that depressed emo chick from SSBU Assist Trophy.
[1:06 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Fatal Frame Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, I mean.
[1:06 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "A new mechanical hero" featuring goofy Xenoblade Chronicles 3 proportions.
[1:06 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Ino" a new hero.
[1:06 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Nintendo really wants me to know she's mechanical.
[1:07 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Wave 2 of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 expanssion on October 13.
[1:07 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm still thinking about how that Fire Emblem game doesn't look like a real Fire Emblem game but some awful Fire Emblem Warriors or Heroes-esque fan-fiction of nonsense.
[1:08 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Meanwhile, a Spongebob SquarePants game that transitions into Fitness Boxing... Fist of the North Star??
[1:08 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: You can defeat enemies in battle mode.
[1:08 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Which, um, I guess is superior to regular Fitness Boxing.
[1:09 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: They're talking about TUNIC, which I've heard is something I'd like as a 2D Zelda fan.
[1:10 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: They're remaking Front Missioons 1, 2, and 3... never heard.
[1:10 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: YOOO
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Or, as some would say, “MOOO”. |
[1:11 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life (as opposed to Harvest Moon)
[1:11 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: This is the only Harvest Moon game I've played.
[1:11 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: On the GameCube.
[1:11 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I tried to be with Cecilia.
[1:12 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: This Direct is supposed to be about winter, but it's releasing summer 2023.
[1:12 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: SPLATOON 3 UPDATE
[1:12 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: SPLATFEST FAX MACHINE
[1:12 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: First post-launch Splatfest will be...
[1:12 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: GEAR, GRUB, FUN to bring to a deserted island.
[1:12 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Happening Sept 23 to Sept 25.
[1:12 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I...uh...
[1:12 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...I need to think about that.
[1:13 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Stay tuned for KoopaTV's article on that.
[1:13 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: So if you haven't gotten Splatoon 3 yet, that's your deadline, I suppose.
[1:13 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: SQUARE ENIX PRESENTS Octopath Traveler... II! In HD-2D.
[1:14 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: (Are...they working on the Dragon Quest III HD-2D remake?)
[1:14 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: omg I need to play through Triangle Strategy before 2022 ends or else I won't know who to nominate from Triangle Strategy for Best New Character of 2022 for KoopaTV's Game of THAT Year 2022 awards.
[1:15 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm also probably a bad RPG player for not getting Octopath Traveler one, but people had some... negative reviews.
[1:15 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: This releases February 24, 2023, which does count as winter.
[1:16 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Another farm simulator RPG (to compete with HARVESTELLA) called Fae Farm.
[1:16 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: From "Phoenix Lab"
[1:16 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Does feature local or online multiplayer.
[1:16 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: *Labs
[1:16 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Spring 2023" as a Switch exclusive
[1:17 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Back to SQUARE ENIX with Theatrhythm.
[1:17 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Featuring iconic songs like One-Winged Angel" (and 384 other songs).
[1:17 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, they know I like One-Winged Angel.
[1:17 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: The sub-title is "Final Bar Line" which I...think is clever?
[1:18 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: SaGa, NieR, Octopath Traveler, LIVE A LIVE will also be paid DLC. (90 additional songs between those)
AND a "Premium" version of the song with a season pass will be available with more songs.
[1:18 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Gosh, this is a fast-paced Deluxe.
[1:18 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Maybe it can slow down because you can't expect me to take Plumber + Rabbids legitimately.
[1:18 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Though King Dad is in it.
[1:18 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: But Rabbids are also in it.
[1:18 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...so...
[1:19 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Can Mari0 and the Rabbids put an end to the darkness?"
[1:19 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I dunno, I think if the darkness will eliminate both the plumber AND the Rabbids, that makes the darkness the protagonist.
[1:20 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: They want me to know Rune Factory is an active franchise, as well as the Nintendo 64 section of Nintendo Switch Online.
[1:21 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: This includes the first two Mari0 Party games...
[1:21 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: AND THREE
[1:21 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: WHAT
[1:21 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: AND POKéMON STADIUM 1 AND 2
[1:21 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Okay, so Mari0 Party 3 never released on the Wii or Wii U Virtual Consoles.
[1:21 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: And it's my favourite.
[1:21 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: AND ONE MORE GAME??
[1:21 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...????
[1:21 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: GOLDENEYE
[1:22 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Coming soon with online play" (well I'd hope with online play or else why would it be on Nintendo Switch Online?)
[1:22 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: SQUARE ENIX is working on yet another daily task RPG game.
[1:22 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Various Daylife" available later today.
[1:22 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...so I guess they're not working on it but worked on it.
[1:23 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: SQUARE ENIX seems oddly more prolific ever since they sold off their western development groups to the Embracer Group.
[1:23 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Seems like it was an excellent sale.
[1:23 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Mari0 Strikers: Battle League is getting a second free upgrade, featuring Pauline.
[1:23 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: And Diddy Kong.
[1:24 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Still not a recommendable game!
[1:25 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Atelier Ryza 3 will be a thing... Feb 24, 2023.
(Looks like Xenoblade, but that observation might upset some?)
[1:25 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Wave 3 of Mari0 Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass.
[1:26 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: With Merry Mountain from the mobile trash game, DS Peach Gardens, and, um, they stopped narrating.
[1:26 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Nintendo Switch Sports" news, featuring Golf to be added as a free update, with 21 holes from the Wii Sports series.
[1:26 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: 8 players online can play at the same time with Survival Golf.
[1:27 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Sounds like that new Mari0 Golf Switch multiplayer.
[1:27 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...does anyone still play that?
[1:27 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: He has A FEW THINGS to share.
[1:27 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Ew, he's talking about the movie.
[1:27 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: And Super Nintendo World to open in Hollywood.
[1:27 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Today, he'd like to talk about PIKMIN.
[1:28 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: (So he didn't really talk about the movie other than saying they're working on finishing it)
[1:28 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Miyamoto has a "quick run-down" of Pikmin Bloom, which is notably not a game and not fun.
[1:29 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I assume Pikmin Bloom isn't doing as well as Miyamoto has hoped or else they wouldn't dedicate several minutes now to it.
[1:29 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Miyamoto says there's a "main event" now.
[1:30 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Looks like Pikmin...
[1:30 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Environmental Noises...
[1:30 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: PIKMIN... 4
[1:30 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: 2023.
[1:30 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...Is that the whole thing?
[1:30 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Just a logo?
[1:30 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "We won't be showing any gameplay today"
[1:30 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: So... we know about as much about it as Metroid Prime 4.
[1:31 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Let's move on to some more headlines." Please do.
[1:31 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...nevermind more headlines is Just Dance.
[1:31 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Just Dance 2023 Edition" with "new online multiplayer mode"... and "a new fresh look and feel".
[1:32 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I suppose that's more effort than Ubisoft has put into the series for, I dunno, a decade?
[1:32 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: It'll have "seasons".
[1:32 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Speaking of seasons, we're asked "Can you survive the Season of Death?" to promote Harvestella.
[1:32 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Which I've thought about a bit in this but here it actually is.
[1:33 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Demo available later today...
[1:33 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: With transferable save data.
[1:33 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Hmmm...
[1:33 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Moving from seasons of death, we get to Bayonetta.
[1:34 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: In Bayonetta 3, she'll protect the world from manmade bioweapons.
[1:34 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Fighting for herself to fighting for others to fighting for THE WORLD"
[1:34 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Yeah I don't want to look at Viola's character design.
[1:35 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: There's a gameplay trailer heading to YouTube (so probably up already). Buuuut let's move on to a city of perpetual rain in a corporate-controlled metropolis.
[1:35 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Investigated by master detectives.
[1:35 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: One of the detectives has a waifu spirit haunting him.
[1:36 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: You get to fight phantoms' falsehoods.
[1:36 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Master Detective Archives Raincode" seems like something I'd be interested in!
![]() |
Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE is releasing 2023 and brought to us by the creators of Danganronpa, which I hear I'd like if I played it. |
[1:36 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Meanwhile, Resident Evil VILLAGE is coming to Nintendo Switch!!! ...As a cloud version. :(
[1:37 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: More Resident Evil cloud versions of other games to be available, with highly ominous music.
[1:38 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I suppose whomever did that production, be it Nintendo or CAPCOM, knows that the proliferation of this cloud content is an ominous thing and not a celebratory one!
[1:38 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh yeah, I forgot CRISIS CORE is coming to Nintendo Switch.
[1:38 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Launches December 13. (...My birthday?!)
[1:40 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: YO WHAT
[1:40 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Tales of Symphonia being remastered on Nintendo Switch.
[1:40 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: (The only popular Tales of game)
[1:41 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Oops I'm missing out of this music medley of games.
[1:41 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...I don't think that's a loss though.
[1:41 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: We're at 40 minutes in but the Direct isn't over.
[1:41 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: KIRBY
[1:41 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ON A STAR?
[1:41 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: oh
[1:42 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe.
[1:42 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...I wanted Kirby Air Ride. ;_;
[1:42 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Wait, wot? There's new Copy Abilities to this?
[1:42 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "Mecha"
[1:43 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: With four-player sub-games.
[1:43 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Another February 24, 2023 game.
[1:43 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, I guess "Deluxe" means "remake" which actually means "new stuff."
[1:43 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Koizumi bows and says last announcement.
[1:44 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: This must be the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
[1:44 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Based on the music.
[1:44 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ....and now based on Link being on-screen.
[1:44 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Casually jumping off a sky fortress.
[1:45 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Oh, he didn't splat to the ground.
[1:45 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom"
[1:45 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Seems... like a fitting name, given current events.
[1:45 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: May 12, 2023.
[1:45 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Or could be 5, December, 2023 if it goes by the tearing kingdom's dd/mm/yyyy format.
[1:45 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, that's it.
[1:47 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...
[1:47 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I'm actually really upset that I got trolled with Kirby air-riding the Warp Star.
[1:49 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, there's nothing I'm, like, freaking out over, BUT THAT'S FINE I HAVE A BACKLOG AND I NEED TO PLAY THROUGH IT and I figure all the farming fans and those open worlders will be happy.
[1:49 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I still think the weirdest thing is that Fire Emblem Engage.
[1:50 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: I might have to go back to being an anti-Fire Emblem person?
[1:54 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: ...oh, and I might have to reconsider the Expansion Pack value.
[1:55 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: So that's good for KoopaTV readers, since this KoopaTV Loyalty Rewards Program round gives you a one-year membership into our Family Group for Nintendo Switch Online.
[1:57 PM]Ludwig Von Koopa: Well, I'm off to the store to buy some milk. (I promise I'll be back. I'll even watch Sony's event.)
Well, what did you think of the Nintendo Direct? Did you wish other KoopaTV staffers were around to react with Ludwig? The Sony State of Play, despite happening on the same day, will have its reaction log published on Wednesday.
The last first-party Nintendo Direct was February 2022's.
That doesn't take away from how good the Partner Showcase of June 2022 was, though.
The Nintendo Direct of September 2022 was on the 23rd (Thursday) at 18:00 Eastern. Better time. This one showed the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack for the first time.
Here was Sony's event afterward.
Ludwig reconsidered the Expansion Pack value here.
The Nintendo Switch Sports golf update went live on November 29, 2022.
The next Nintendo Direct in February 2023 had substantially less farming.
Fatal Frame woooooooooo!
ReplyDeleteThis was an excellent Direct. There's so many games I want. My backlog can't handle this.
While it was a muted Nintendo Direct for me, I'm totally fine with that for backlog reasons.
DeleteMy poor backlog is being crushed.
DeleteExactly. More on that tonight?
DeleteHow so?
DeleteMy eShop sales article. >.>
Delete(I realized that was probably it after I posted the comment.)
DeleteNice to know your reconsidering that expansion pass, aheh. Is that just because of Mario Party 3? I really like Pikmin so this direct was worth it to me, probably because it's been a decade since the last game. If I didn't like Pikmin, I think I'd be pretty bummed. Return to Dreamland Deluxe is cool, but i don't know if I like the more outlined design of Kirby and friends. Just something I latched onto in the trailer, not my favorite. Glad they can remake games other than superstar, but I hope this remaster is as good as Ultra was.
ReplyDeleteParty 3, yeah, and the Pokémon Stadium minigames are even better.
DeleteI've heard many people say they don't like the art style of Return to Dream Land Deluxe so I ought to look into it more.
ReplyDeleteOkay, in all seriousness, there's actually quite a bit here that I'm genuinely interested in even besides Tears of the Kingdom. Raincode and the ToS remaster for a start, not even mentioning the MAJOR fleshing out of N64 Switch VC.
And like...Harvestella and Various Daylife...I might be willing to try the Harvest Moon and/or Animal Crossing genre. You don't even know how freaking unlikely (I would say impossible, but you prefer truth over hyperbole) me typing that sentence just now had previously been. This is a flying pigs moment for me, but they're hinting at enough twists to the base formula that I'm genuinely intrigued.
So yeah, as far as I'm concerned, between all that AND finally getting the Zelda release date, this is a landslide Nintendo Direct of the Year for me. And a strong contender for the current decade.
Sounds like you should try the HARVESTELLA demo and let us know your thoughts.
DeleteLike apparently all the rest of us, I too have backlog issues preventing such a thing.
DeleteI haven't played it, but GameFAQs seems pretty down on the demo: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/189706-nintendo-switch/80164590